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CSED_FB multi-language Windows IDE for FreeBasic

Projekt-Maintainer:Mitgliedmarpon Projektseite angelegt:23.01.2013
Lizenzierung:Freeware (proprietär) Letzte Bearbeitung:09.03.2015
Projektkategorie:Windows IDE for FreeBasic      [Zurück zur Übersicht]

CSED_FB is a free program editor for FreeBasic compilers
it works only under Windows platforms
Key Features
New : incorporate Project Management Tool ; Lynx

· Tabbed MDI interface
· Multiple instances
· Drag and drop files to the editor
· Syntax highlighting
· Block indent/unindent
· Block comment/uncomment
· Unlimited undo and redo
· Bookmarks
· Codefinder
· Keyboard macros
· Folding
· Zoom
· Indentation guides
· Codetips and autocompletion
· Context help
· Customizable colors and fonts
· Conversion to Html for easy web publishing
· Ability to compile untitled files
· Execute without compiling
· Color printing and print preview
· Support : FreeBASIC templates
· Find in files
· MRU (Most recent used files)
· Optional reloading of previous file set at start
· Unicode support (UTF-8 encoding)
· Backups database
· External tools support
. Direct Dll Compilation
And much more...

It uses Scintilla as the editing component.


prototyped german language see here :Externer Link!http://www.freebasic.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=20731#p184704
hope somebody can complete !

Split text to array very fast23.01.13 09:564 kB
Function Text File to Array very fast23.01.13 10:374 kB
String Replace very fast in ASM23.01.13 10:203 kB
Text File to string very fast23.01.13 10:05797 Bytes
New Windows IDE for FreeBasic (updated)25.01.13 19:11339 Bytes