Visual Basic 6 Kochbuch
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YAKK Yet Another Kniffel Klon -->bitte mal beta testen

Datum/Zeit:31.08.2008 13:42:43

'Beta Tester für YAKK gesucht !!!!
'mal ein wenig mitrechnen, ob die Auswertung funzt
'Ich kanns erstmal nicht mehr sehen.... ;)

'tatsächlich mein erstes (so hoffe ich) abgeschlossene Projekt
'in FreeBasic

#Include once "fbgfx.bi"

'declare functions and subs

declare sub InitPlayer
declare sub InitGame
declare sub InitNewTrial
declare function RollADie (pipnum as integer) as integer
declare sub RollDice
declare sub PreEvaluation
declare sub PostEvaluation
declare sub stats

declare sub PreShowScore
declare sub PostShowScore
declare sub ShowDice
declare sub DieGFX (x as integer,y as integer,pipnum as integer)
declare sub Button (gx as integer,gy as integer,gw as integer,gh as integer,_
                                gtxt as string,mode as integer)
'dim variables

dim shared as integer ScreenWidth,ScreenHeight,ScreenDepth
dim shared as uinteger fgcolor,bgcolor,black,white,lgray,gray,dgray,lblue,blue,dblue,green,red,yellow


black   =&H0
white   =&Hffffff
lgray   =&HF0F0F0
gray    =&HDCDCDC
dgray   =&h808080
lblue   =&HDCF0FF
blue    =&HB4D2FA
dblue   =&H000080
green =&H00A000
red   =&HFF00000


dim as integer i,k,l

'gfx positions
const as integer plx1=130,plx2=230,plx3=330,pl4x=430,ply=240
const as integer buttonx=220,buttony=445,buttonw=200,buttonh=25
const as integer dx1=180,dx2=dx1+55,dx3=dx2+55,dx4=dx3+55,dx5=dx4+55,dy=390
const as integer scbx=180,scby=25,scbw=90,scbh=20
'ingame vars
dim shared as integer mode,maxplayer,player,maxround,round,board(4,17),scbpos
'mode 1 SpielerAnzahl
'mode 2 1.Wurf
'mode 3 Auswahl,2.Wurf, ins ScoreBoard
'mode 4 Auswahl,3.Wurf, ins ScoreBoard
'mode 5 Wert im ScoreBoard Wählen

dim shared as integer dice(5,1),dstats(6),dienum,rollable
'(x,0) enthält Augenzahl jedes der 5 Würfel 1-5 (0 unbenutzt)
'(x,1) Flag ob mit diesem Würfel nochmal gewürfelt werden soll
'       0=halten
'       1=nochmal in den Knobelbecher

'rollable 0 = WürfelBecher leer

'event handle
event = ALLOCATE(20)
dim as integer mousex,mousey
windowtitle "YAKK  -  Yet Another Kniffel Klon Version 0.001(beta) (2008)  muttonhead@hotmail.de"
screenres ScreenWidth,ScreenHeight,ScreenDepth,,&H04
width ScreenWidth/8,ScreenHeight/16 '<----- wiedermal nen Gruss an Volta fürs Font Tutorial

color fgcolor,bgcolor

'main loop


  IF (SCREENEVENT(event)) Then

    SELECT CASE event->type
        mousex=event-> x
        mousey=event-> y
      CASE FB.EVENT_MOUSE_Button_RELEASE and event->Button = FB.Button_LEFT
      select case mode
        case 6
          if mousex>=buttonx and mousex<buttonx+buttonw and mousey>=buttony and mousey<buttony+buttonh then InitPlayer
        case 5
          if mousex>=scbx and mousex<scbx+4*scbw and mousey>=scby and mousey<scby+6*scbh then
          end if
          if mousex>=scbx and mousex<scbx+4*scbw and mousey>=scby+9*scbh and mousey<scby+16*scbh then
          end if

          if scbpos>0 and board(player,scbpos)=-1 then
            if player=maxplayer and  round=maxround then
              line (0,scby+8*scbh)-(ScreenWidth,scby+9*scbh),green,bf
              draw string (scbx-85,scby+8*scbh+2),"Wer auch immer gewonnen hat, Herzlichen Glueckwunsch!!!",yellow
              Button buttonx,buttony,buttonw,buttonh,"Neues Spiel ???" ,6
              if player<=maxplayer then
              end if
              if player>maxplayer then
              end if
            end if

          end if
        case 3,4
          if mousex>=dx1 and mousex<dx1+50 and mousey>=dy and mousey<dy+50 then dienum=1
          if mousex>=dx2 and mousex<dx2+50 and mousey>=dy and mousey<dy+50 then dienum=2
          if mousex>=dx3 and mousex<dx3+50 and mousey>=dy and mousey<dy+50 then dienum=3
          if mousex>=dx4 and mousex<dx4+50 and mousey>=dy and mousey<dy+50 then dienum=4
          if mousex>=dx5 and mousex<dx5+50 and mousey>=dy and mousey<dy+50 then dienum=5
          if dienum>-1 then
            if dice(dienum,1)=0 then dice(dienum,1)=1 else dice(dienum,1)=0
          end if

          if rollable=0 then
            Button buttonx,buttony,buttonw,buttonh,"! ins ScoreBord damit !",0
            Button buttonx,buttony,buttonw,buttonh,str(mode-1)+". Wurf Spieler "+str(player) ,0
          end if


          if mousex>=buttonx and mousex<buttonx+buttonw and mousey>=buttony and mousey<buttony+buttonh then
            if rollable=0 then
              Button buttonx,buttony,buttonw,buttonh,"",10
              if mode<4 then
                Button buttonx,buttony,buttonw,buttonh,"! ins ScoreBord damit !",0
                Button buttonx,buttony,buttonw,buttonh,"",10
             end if
            end if
          end if
          if mode=5 then
          end if
        case 2
          if mousex>=buttonx and mousex<buttonx+buttonw and mousey>=buttony and mousey<buttony+buttonh then
            Button buttonx,buttony,buttonw,buttonh,"! ins ScoreBord damit !",0
          end if

        case 1
          if mousex>=plx1 and mousex<plx1+50 and mousey>=ply and mousey<ply+50 then maxplayer=1
          if mousex>=plx2 and mousex<plx2+50 and mousey>=ply and mousey<ply+50 then maxplayer=2
          if mousex>=plx3 and mousex<plx3+50 and mousey>=ply and mousey<ply+50 then maxplayer=3
          if mousex>=pl4x and mousex<pl4x+50 and mousey>=ply and mousey<ply+50 then maxplayer=4

          if maxplayer>0 then
          end if

      end select



sub InitPlayer:
  randomize timer
  locate (10,20)
  print, "Anzahl der Spieler?"
end sub

sub InitGame
  dim as integer i,k,buttonmode
  for i=1 to 4
    for k=0 to 17
      if k<>7 and k<>8 and k<>16 and k<>17 then
      end if
    next k
  next i

  Button scbx-scbw,scby+0,scbw,scbh,"1er",0
  Button scbx-scbw,scby+20,scbw,scbh,"2er",0
  Button scbx-scbw,scby+40,scbw,scbh,"3er",0
  Button scbx-scbw,scby+60,scbw,scbh,"4er",0
  Button scbx-scbw,scby+80,scbw,scbh,"5er",0
  Button scbx-scbw,scby+100,scbw,scbh,"6er",0
  Button scbx-scbw,scby+120,scbw,scbh,"oben",3
  Button scbx-scbw,scby+140,scbw,scbh,"Bonus",3

  Button scbx-scbw,scby+180,scbw,scbh,"3er Pasch",0
  Button scbx-scbw,scby+200,scbw,scbh,"4er Pasch",0
  Button scbx-scbw,scby+220,scbw,scbh,"Full House",0
  Button scbx-scbw,scby+240,scbw,scbh,"kl. Strasse",0
  Button scbx-scbw,scby+260,scbw,scbh,"gr. Strasse",0
  Button scbx-scbw,scby+280,scbw,scbh,"YAKK ;)",0
  Button scbx-scbw,scby+300,scbw,scbh,"Chance",0
  Button scbx-scbw,scby+320,scbw,scbh,"unten",3
  Button scbx-scbw,scby+340,scbw,scbh,"Gesamt",4

  for i=0 to 3
    Button scbx+scbw*i,scby-20,scbw,scbh,"Spieler "+str(i+1),3
    for k=1 to 8
      if k>=7 then buttonmode=3
      Button scbx+scbw*i,scby+(k-1)*scbh,scbw,scbh,"",buttonmode
    next k
    for k=9 to 17
      if k=16 then buttonmode=3
      if k=17 then buttonmode=4
      Button scbx+scbw*i,scby+k*scbh,scbw,scbh,"",buttonmode
    next k
  next i
end sub

sub InitNewTrial
  dim as integer i
  for i=1 to 5
  next i
  Button buttonx,buttony,buttonw,buttonh,"1. Wurf Spieler "+str(player) ,0
end sub

function RollADie (pipnum as integer) as integer
  function=int(rnd * (pipnum))+1
end function

sub RollDice
  dim as integer i
  for i=1 to 5
    if dice(i,1)=1 then
    end if
  next i
end sub

' Auswertungen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sub PreEvaluation
  dim as integer i,founda,foundb,stra,strb,strc
  for i=1 to 17
  next i







'3er Pasch
  for i=1 to 6
    if dstats(i)>=3 then founda=1
  next i
  if founda=1 then
  end if

'4er Pasch
  for i=1 to 6
    if dstats(i)>=4 then founda=1
  next i
  if founda=1 then
  end if

'Full House
  for i=1 to 6
    if dstats(i)=3 then founda=1
    if dstats(i)=2 then foundb=1
  next i
  if founda=1 and foundb=1 then board(0,11)=25

  if dstats(1)>=1 and dstats(2)>=1 and dstats(3)>=1 and dstats(4)>=1 then stra=1
  if dstats(2)>=1 and dstats(3)>=1 and dstats(4)>=1 and dstats(5)>=1 then strb=1
  if dstats(3)>=1 and dstats(4)>=1 and dstats(5)>=1 and dstats(6)>=1 then strc=1
  if stra=1 or strb=1 or strc=1 then board(0,12)=30

'gr strasse
  if dstats(1)=1 and dstats(2)=1 and dstats(3)=1 and dstats(4)=1 and dstats(5)=1 then stra=1
  if dstats(2)=1 and dstats(3)=1 and dstats(4)=1 and dstats(5)=1 and dstats(6)=1 then strb=1
  if stra=1 or strb=1 then board(0,13)=40

'YAKK (Kniffel) ;)
  for i=1 to 6
    if dstats(i)=5 then founda=1
  next i
  if founda=1 then board(0,14)=50

end sub

sub PostEvaluation
dim as integer i
  for i=1 to 6
    if board(player,i)>-1 then
  next i

  if board(player,7)>=63 then board(player,8)=35 else board(player,8)=0

  for i=9 to 15
    if board(player,i)>-1 then
  next i

end sub

sub stats
dim as integer i
  For i=1 to 6
  next i
  for i=1 to 5
  next i
end sub

'gfx subs
sub PreShowScore
dim as integer i,k,buttonmode

  for k=1 to 6
    if board(player,k)=-1 then Button scbx+scbw*(player-1),scby+(k-1)*scbh,scbw,scbh,str(board(0,k)),buttonmode
  next k
  for k=9 to 15
    if board(player,k)=-1 then Button scbx+scbw*(player-1),scby+k*scbh,scbw,scbh,str(board(0,k)),buttonmode
  next k
end sub

sub PostShowScore
dim as integer i,k,buttonmode

    for k=1 to 8
      if k>=7 then buttonmode=3
      if board(player,k)>-1 then
        Button scbx+scbw*(player-1),scby+(k-1)*scbh,scbw,scbh,str(board(player,k)),buttonmode
        Button scbx+scbw*(player-1),scby+(k-1)*scbh,scbw,scbh,"",buttonmode
      end if
    next k
    for k=9 to 17
      if k=16 then buttonmode=3
      if k=17 then buttonmode=4
      if board(player,k)>-1 then
        Button scbx+scbw*(player-1),scby+k*scbh,scbw,scbh,str(board(player,k)),buttonmode
        Button scbx+scbw*(player-1),scby+k*scbh,scbw,scbh,"",buttonmode
      end if
    next k
end sub

sub ShowDice
  if dice(1,1)=0 then DieGFX(dx1,dy,dice(1,0)) else DieGFX(dx1,dy,0)
  if dice(2,1)=0 then DieGFX(dx2,dy,dice(2,0)) else DieGFX(dx2,dy,0)
  if dice(3,1)=0 then DieGFX(dx3,dy,dice(3,0)) else DieGFX(dx3,dy,0)
  if dice(4,1)=0 then DieGFX(dx4,dy,dice(4,0)) else DieGFX(dx4,dy,0)
  if dice(5,1)=0 then DieGFX(dx5,dy,dice(5,0)) else DieGFX(dx5,dy,0)
end sub

sub DieGFX (x as integer,y as integer,pipnum as integer)
  dim as integer dicewidth,diceheight
dim as integer bodya,bodyb,innerframe,border

  if pipnum>0 then
  end if

    line (x+2,y+2)-(x+dicewidth-3,y+diceheight/2),bodya,bf

    line (x+2,y+diceheight/2)-(x+dicewidth-3,y+diceheight-3),bodyb,bf

    line (x+2,y+1)-(x+dicewidth-3,y+1),innerframe
    line (x+1,y+2)-(x+1,y+diceheight-3),innerframe

    line (x+2,y+diceheight-2)-(x+dicewidth-3,y+diceheight-2),innerframe
    line (x+dicewidth-2,y+2)-(x+dicewidth-2,y+diceheight-3),innerframe

    line (x+1,y)-(x+dicewidth-2,y),border
    line                            -(x+dicewidth-2,y+1),border
    line                            -(x+dicewidth-1,y+1),border
    line                            -(x+dicewidth-1,y+diceheight-2),border
    line                            -(x+dicewidth-2,y+diceheight-2),border
    line                            -(x+dicewidth-2,y+diceheight-1),border
    line                            -(x+1,y+diceheight-1),border
    line                            -(x+1,y+diceheight-2),border
    line                            -(x,y+diceheight-2),border
    line                            -(x,y+1),border
    line                            -(x+1,y+1),border

  select case pipnum
    case 0
    case 1

    case 2

    case 3

    case 4

    case 5

    case 6
  end select
end sub

sub Button (gx as integer,gy as integer,gw as integer,gh as integer,_
                                gtxt as string,mode as integer)

    dim as integer bodya,bodyb,innerframe,border,gtx,gty,txtcolor

  if mode=10 then
    exit sub
  end if


    select case mode
        case 0
        case 1
        case 2
    case 3
    case 4
        case 5
    case 6
    end select

        line (gx+2,gy+2)-(gx+gw-3,gy+gh/2),bodya,bf

        line (gx+2,gy+gh/2)-(gx+gw-3,gy+gh-3),bodyb,bf

        line (gx+2,gy+1)-(gx+gw-3,gy+1),innerframe
        line (gx+1,gy+2)-(gx+1,gy+gh-3),innerframe

        line (gx+2,gy+gh-2)-(gx+gw-3,gy+gh-2),innerframe
        line (gx+gw-2,gy+2)-(gx+gw-2,gy+gh-3),innerframe

        line (gx+1,gy)-(gx+gw-2,gy),border
        line                    -(gx+gw-2,gy+1),border
        line                    -(gx+gw-1,gy+1),border
        line                    -(gx+gw-1,gy+gh-2),border
        line                    -(gx+gw-2,gy+gh-2),border
        line                    -(gx+gw-2,gy+gh-1),border
        line                    -(gx+1,gy+gh-1),border
        line                    -(gx+1,gy+gh-2),border
        line                    -(gx,gy+gh-2),border
        line                    -(gx,gy+1),border
        line                    -(gx+1,gy+1),border

        draw string (gtx,gty),gtxt,txtcolor
end sub