Windows System Programming
Windows System Programming
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Datum/Zeit:17.03.2011 22:31:29

'|   Header: Bestimmen der bergabeparameter'                                               |
'|           AnzeigeCheck:|Il1 sind Alt-0124, Groes i, kleines L, Eins  ᎙=ܱ|
Const Author="WmGetIDE.Bas v1.0 2011 by ytwinky, MD"'                                      |
'|           (Tastenkombination: keine)                                                     |
'|                                                                                          |
'|   Purpose: Call WMI with different parameters(variable list)                             |
'Function to call wmi in flexible way, but only to GET results..
'Caller MUST provide Wmi-Namespace(eg. \root\cimv2) and Wmi-Class(eg. Win32_Bios)
'other args as needed, but at least one, if not the program will crash..
'if there are dates to be transformed(eg. for german users^^) do it manually
#include once "windows.bi"               'in
#define UNICODE                          'this
#include once "disphelper/disphelper.bi" 'order
Declare Function strComputer(SetNew As Integer=False, c As String=".") As String
Declare Function CallWMI Cdecl (WmiNameSpace As String, ...) As String
Var s=Author &!"\nIDE-Devices on " &strComputer &!"\nChannel Role   Type Description\n"
Print s &CallWMI("\root\cimv2", "Cim_DeviceConnection", "Antecedent", "Dependent")
Print "Eniki..";

Function strComputer(setNew As Integer=False, c As String=".") As String
    Static As String s
    If InStr(c, "\\") Then c=Mid(c, 3)
    If setNew Then s=*IIf(c="", @".", SAdd(c))
    If s="" Then s=Environ("ComputerName")
    Return s
End Function

Function CallWMI Cdecl(WmiNameSpace As String, ...) As String
    Dim hres As HRESULT
    Dim As String WmiArgs(), Role(2)={"Master", "Slave "}
    Dim devPtr As ZString Ptr
    Dim As Any Ptr Arg=va_first() 'Ptr to the first arg(it MUST be there..)
    Var s="", d="", i=0, impersonate="winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" &strComputer &WmiNameSpace
        ReDim Preserve WmiArgs(i) As String
        WmiArgs(i)=*va_arg(Arg, ZString Ptr)
        If InStr(WmiArgs(i), ".") Then WmiArgs(i)=Mid(WmiArgs(i), 2)
        Arg=va_next(Arg, ZString Ptr)
        If (*va_arg(Arg, ZString Ptr)<>"") Then i+=1
    Loop Until *va_arg(Arg, ZString Ptr)=""
'   s="WMI-Class:" &WmiArgs(0) &!"\n"
    'this reports errors whether you want to see them or not:
    hres=dhGetObject(impersonate, Null, @WmiSvc)
    hres=dhGetValue("%o", @Items, WmiSvc, ".ExecQuery(%s)", "Select * From " &WmiArgs(0))
    FOR_EACH0(Item, Items, Null)
        For i=1 To UBound(WMIArgs) 'beware:0 is the namespace (of the wmi object)
        hres=dhGetValue("%s", @devPtr, Item, "." &WMiArgs(i))
        If hres Then *devPtr="error in " &WMiArgs(i) &" " & hres
        If i=1 And InStr(*devPtr, "IDECHANNEL") Then s &="IDE" &Left(Right(*devPtr, 2), 1) &"    "
        If i=2 And InStr(*devPtr, !"ID=\34IDE") Then
            s &=Role(Val(Left(Right(*devPtr, 4), 1))) &" "
            d=Mid(*devPtr, InStr(*devPtr, "IDE")+5)
            If Left(d, 4)="DISK" Then s &="HD   ": d=Mid(d, 5, InStr(20, *devPtr, "\\")-4)
            If Left(d, 5)="CDROM" Then s &="OD   ": d=Mid(d, 6, InStr(20, *devPtr, "\\")-4)
            s &= d  &!"\n"'
    Return Left(s, Len(s)-1) 'remove last LF
End Function 'split the string As needed in your program(separator is obviously !"\n")