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Windows TrueType experiment

Datum/Zeit:03.03.2014 06:33:26

#include once "windows.bi"
#include once "fbgfx.bi"

#Define Regular     &h00
#Define Italic      &h01
#Define Bold        &h02
#Define Underline   &h04
#Define StrikeOut   &h08

Type TTFTextMap
    Width  as Integer
    Height as Integer
    Map    as UByte ptr
End Type

Type pTTFTextMap as TTFTextMap ptr

Function CreateTTFTextMap(Byval Text as String, Byval Font as String, Byval Size as Integer, Byval Style as Integer) as pTTFTextMap
    Dim as Integer      minx    , miny     , maxx , maxy
    Dim as Integer      ScrWidth, ScrHeight
    Dim as Integer      Yv      , R        , G , B , C
    Dim as Integer ptr  rgbMap
    Dim as HDC          hdc     , vhdc
    Dim as HWND         hWnd
    Dim as HBITMAP      hbmp
    Dim as BITMAPINFO   bmpi
    Dim as HFONT        hFont
    Dim as LOGFONT      LogFont
    Dim as pTTFTextMap  TextMap

    Screeninfo ScrWidth, ScrHeight
    Screencontrol fb.GET_WINDOW_HANDLE, cast(integer,hWnd)

    hdc    = GetWindowDC(hWnd)
    vhdc   = CreateCompatibleDC(hdc)
    hbmp   = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdc, ScrWidth, ScrHeight)
    bmpi   = type(type<BITMAPINFOHEADER>(sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER),ScrWidth,-ScrHeight,1,32,BI_RGB,0,0,0,0,0),{0,0,0,0})
    rgbMap = NEW Integer[ScrWidth*ScrHeight]

    With LogFont
        .lfHeight    = Size
        .lfFaceName  = Font
        .lfItalic    = IIF(Bit(Style,0),TRUE,FALSE)
        .lfWeight    = IIF(Bit(Style,1),FW_BOLD,FW_REGULAR)
        .lfUnderline = IIF(Bit(Style,2),TRUE,FALSE)
        .lfStrikeOut = IIF(Bit(Style,3),TRUE,FALSE)
    End With

    hFont = CreateFontIndirect(@LogFont)

    SelectObject(vhdc, hFont)
    SelectObject(vhdc, hbmp)

    SetBkMode(vhdc, &h000000)
    SetTextColor(vhdc, &hFFFFFF)

    TextOut(vhdc, 0, 0, Text, Len(Text))

    rgbMap = NEW Integer[ScrWidth * ScrHeight]
    GetDIBits(vhdc, hbmp, 0, ScrHeight, rgbMap, cast(any ptr,@bmpi), DIB_RGB_COLORS)

    ReleaseDC(hWnd, hdc)

    minx = ScrWidth : miny = ScrHeight

    rgbMap[0]=1 ''test

    For y as Integer = 0 to ScrHeight-1
    For x as Integer = 0 to ScrWidth-1
        If (C = 0) Then Continue For

        R = lobyte(hiword(C))
        G = hibyte(loword(C))
        B = lobyte(loword(C))

        Yv = 0.30 * R + 0.59 * G + 0.11 * B

        rgbMap[x+(y*ScrWidth)] = Yv

        If x<minx Then minx = x
        If x>maxx Then maxx = x
        If y<miny Then miny = y
        If y>maxy Then maxy = y
    next x
    next y

    TextMap = NEW TTFTextMap
    TextMap -> Width  = (maxx-minx)+1
    TextMap -> Height = (maxy-miny)+1
    TextMap -> Map    = NEW ubyte[TextMap -> Width * TextMap -> Height]

    For y as Integer = miny to maxy
    For x as Integer = minx to maxx
        If (C = 0) Then Continue For
        TextMap -> Map[(x-minx) + ((y-miny)*TextMap -> Width)] = C
    Next x
    Next y

    Delete[] rgbMap
    Return TextMap
End Function

Sub DrawTTFText(byval posx as Integer, byval posy as Integer, byval text as String, byval font as String, byval size as Integer, byval style as Integer)
    Dim as pTTFTextMap   Map
    Dim as Integer       c

    Map = CreateTTFTextMap(text,font,size,style)

    For y as Integer = 0 to Map->Height-1
    For x as Integer = 0 to Map->Width-1
        c = Map->Map[x+(y*Map->Width)]
        If c Then pset(posx+x,posy+y),rgb(c,c,c)
    Next x
    Next y

    Delete[] Map->Map
End Sub

screenres 640,480,32

DrawTTFText 100,100,"test 123","Arial",60,Regular
