Windows System Programming
Windows System Programming
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fb:porticula NoPaste

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Datum/Zeit:12.07.2008 11:19:14

#ifdef __FB_WIN32__
#include once "win/winsock2.bi"
#include once "crt/netdb.bi"
#include once "crt/sys/socket.bi"
#include once "crt/netinet/in.bi"
#include once "crt/arpa/inet.bi"
#include once "crt/unistd.bi"

#ifndef recvbufflen
#define RECVBUFFLEN 16384
#ifndef newline
#define newline chr(13,10)

Declare Function httpget(server As String, path As String, hadd as string = "") As String ' httpget in sub von fb:porticula
Declare Sub downloadfile(sURL as String, sFile as String) '
Declare Sub printmenu()
Declare Sub youtubevideodownload()
Declare Sub myspace()

Sub InitWinsock Constructor
    #ifdef __FB_WIN32__
    '' init winsock
    Dim wsaData As WSAData
    If( WSAStartup( MAKEWORD( 1, 1 ), @wsaData ) <> 0 ) Then 'winsock vorbereiten
        Print "Error: WSAStartup failed"
        End 1
    End If
End Sub

Sub ExitWinsock Destructor
    #ifdef __FB_WIN32__
End Sub

Function httpget(server As String, path As String, hadd as string = "") As String
    Dim IP As Integer
    Dim ia As in_addr
    Dim s As SOCKET
    Dim hostentry As hostent Ptr
    Dim sendbuffer As String
    Dim recvbuffer As Zstring * RECVBUFFLEN+1
    Dim bytes As Integer
    Dim sa As sockaddr_in
    Dim in as string
    ia.S_addr = inet_addr( server )
    If ( ia.S_addr = INADDR_NONE ) Then
        hostentry = gethostbyname( server )
        If ( hostentry = 0 ) Then
            return "IP couldn't be resolved!"
        End If
        IP = *cast( Integer Ptr, *hostentry->h_addr_list )
        IP = ia.S_addr
    End If
    s = opensocket( AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP )
    If( s = 0 ) Then
        return "Socket couldn't be opened."
    End If
    sa.sin_port            = htons( 80 )
    sa.sin_family        = AF_INET
    sa.sin_addr.S_addr    = ip
    If ( connect( s, cast( PSOCKADDR, @sa ), Len( sa )) = SOCKET_ERROR ) Then
        closesocket( s )
        return "Couldn't connect to host"
    End If
    sendBuffer = "GET /" + path + " HTTP/1.0" + NEWLINE + _
    "Host: " + server + NEWLINE + _
    "Connection: close" + NEWLINE + _
    hadd + _
    If( send( s, sendBuffer, Len( sendBuffer ), 0 ) = SOCKET_ERROR ) Then
        closesocket( s )
        return "Couldn't send request"
    End If
        bytes = recv( s, recvBuffer, RECVBUFFLEN, 0 )
        If( bytes <= 0 ) Then
            exit do
        End If
        recvbuffer[bytes] = 0
        in += recvbuffer
    shutdown( s, 2 )
    closesocket( s )
    return in
End Function


Sub downloadfile(sURL as String, sFile as String)' bloß URLdownloadtofile in einen Sub gepackt | code von fb code-beispiele
Dim URLDownloadToFile as function ( _
  ByVal pCaller As Long, _
  ByVal szURL As zString ptr, _
  ByVal szFileName As zString ptr, _
  ByVal dwReserved As Long, _
  ByVal lpfnCB As Long) As Long

Dim lR As Long
Dim library As Any Ptr

library=dylibload( "urlmon.dll" )
URLDownloadToFile=dylibsymbol(library, "URLDownloadToFileA" )

lR = URLDownloadToFile(0, sURL, sFile, 0, 0)

If lR = 0 Then
  Print "Download erfolgreich!"
  Print "Fehler beim Download!"
End If

End SUb


Sub printmenu() ' notmenü
    Print "|---------------------------------------------|"
    Print "|                 Titel                            |"
    Print "|---------------------------------------------|"
    Print ""
    Print " 1: Youtube-Video downloaden"
    Print " 2: Myspace-Musik downloaden"
    Print " 3: Exit"
End Sub


Sub myspace()
Dim url as String
Dim code as String
Dim htmlcode as String
Dim lenhtml as Integer
Dim durl as string
Dim i AS Integer
Dim itext as String
Dim title as String
Dim j as Integer
Input "ID der Band: ", code

'code = MID(url,76,9)
itext = "/services/media/musicplayerxml.ashx?b=" + code
'Print itext
htmlcode= httpget("mediaservices.myspace.com",itext)
'Print htmlcode    'http://mediaservices.myspace.com/services/media/musicplayerxml.ashx?b=209429278
lenhtml= len(htmlcode)

For i=1 to lenhtml
    durl= ""
    'If Mid(htmlcode,i,6)= "title=" then
     '   For j= i+8 to lenhtml
      '      If Mid(htmlcode,i,1) ="" then
       '         Exit For
        '    Else
   ' Next
If Mid(htmlcode,i,5)= "durl=" then
For j= i+6 to lenhtml
    If not Mid(htmlcode,j,1)= CHR(34) then
    durl= durl + MID(htmlcode,j,1)
    Exit For

    Print durl
    Input "Name des Liedes: ", title
    downloadfile(durl,"C:\" + title + ".mp3")

Print "Fertig...Eniki"

end Sub


Sub youtubevideodownload()
    Dim url as String
    Dim finurl as String
    Dim url2 as String
    Dim htmlcode as String
    Dim lenhtml as Integer
    Dim i as Integer
    Dim tcode as String
    Dim itext as String
    Dim filetitle as String

    'Input "URL des Videos: ", url
    Input "VideoID: ", url2
    Input "Name der Datei: ", filetitle
    'url2= MID(url,31,11)

    'Print url2
    itext="/watch?v=" & url2 & "&feature=related"
    'Print itext
    htmlcode= httpget("de.youtube.com",itext)

   'Open "test.txt" for Binary as #1
   'Print #1,htmlcode
   'Close #1

    lenhtml= len(htmlcode)

    'For i=1 to lenhtml
     'If MID(htmlcode,i,7)="<title>" then
      '  For i= i+8 to lenhtml
       '     If not MID(htmlcode,i,1)= "<" then
        '    filetitle= filetitle + MID(htmlcode,i,1)
         '   EndIF
    For i= 1 to lenhtml
        If MID(htmlcode,i,4)= "OEgs" then
        tcode= Mid(htmlcode,i,32)
        Exit For

    'Print tcode


    finurl="http://de.youtube.com/get_video?video_id=" + url2 + "&t=" + tcode
'Print finurl
Print "Bitte warten"
    downloadfile(finurl,"C:\" & filetitle  & ".flv")
Print "Fertig...Eniki"
End SUb

Dim k as String 'hauptprogramm mit menüaufruf

Loop until k <>""

If k="1" then
ElseIf k="2" then
ElseIF k="3" then

