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Datum/Zeit:26.01.2009 03:37:20

' TSNEX_V3 - Extension Modul für TSNE_V3
' 2009 By.: /_\ DeltaLab's - Deutschland
' Autor: Martin Wiemann


#include once "TSNE_V3.bi"

    Const TSNEX_Seperator = "/"
    Const TSNEX_Seperator = "\"
    #error "Unsupported platform"

Private Const TSNEX_Const_NoError                       as Integer = 1
Private Const TSNEX_Const_UnknowError                   as Integer = 0
Private Const TSNEX_Const_URLorHostDataMissing          as Integer = -1000
Private Const TSNEX_Const_DisconnectedBeforSuccess      as Integer = -1001
Private Const TSNEX_Const_TimeOutBeforSuccess           as Integer = -1002
Private Const TSNEX_Const_TransmissionError             as Integer = -1003
Private Const TSNEX_Const_PathFileError                 as Integer = -1004
Private Const TSNEX_Const_TargetAlreadyExist            as Integer = -1005
Private Const TSNEX_Const_TargetPathNotFound            as Integer = -1006

Private Const TSNEX_Base64_String = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"

Dim Shared TSNEX_Base64_Rev64() As UByte

    Type URL_Type
        V_Protocol  as String
        V_Host      as String
        V_Port      as UShort
        V_Path      as String
        V_File      as String
        V_FileType  as String
        V_Username  as String
        V_Password  as String
    End Type

Enum TSNEX_ConType_Enum
    TSNEX_CE_Unknown        = 0
    TSNEX_CE_HTTP           = 1
    TSNEX_CE_FTP            = 2
    TSNEX_CE_FTP_Data       = 3
End Enum

Enum TSNEX_CMDType_Enum
    TSNEX_ME_FTP_List       = 0
    TSNEX_ME_FTP_Download   = 1
    TSNEX_ME_FTP_UpLoad     = 2
    TSNEX_ME_FTP_Delete     = 3
End Enum

Enum TSNEX_State_Enum
    TSNEX_SE_Init           = 0
    TSNEX_SE_Connected      = 1
    TSNEX_SE_Login          = 2
    TSNEX_SE_Ready          = 3
    TSNEX_SE_Info           = 4
End Enum

Type TSNEX_Mem_Type
    V_Next          as TSNEX_Mem_Type Ptr
    V_Data          as String
End Type
Type TSNEX_Con_Type
    V_InUse         as UByte
    V_TSNEID        as UInteger
    V_State         as TSNEX_State_Enum

    V_URLType       as URL_Type

    V_Type          as TSNEX_ConType_Enum
    V_CMD           as TSNEX_CMDType_Enum
    V_Target        as String

    T_TimeOut       as Double
    T_Data          as String

    T_FID           as Integer
    T_MemF          as TSNEX_Mem_Type Ptr
    T_MemL          as TSNEX_Mem_Type Ptr
    T_FileSize      as UInteger

    T_SubTID        as UInteger
    T_PreTID        as UInteger
    T_HolTID        as UInteger

    T_CallBack      as Sub (V_Max as UInteger, V_Value as UInteger)
End Type

Dim Shared G_TSNEX_CD()     as TSNEX_Con_Type
Dim Shared G_TSNEX_CC       as UInteger
Dim Shared G_TSNEX_Mutex    as Any Ptr

Sub TSNEX_Construct () Constructor
G_TSNEX_Mutex = MutexCreate()
End Sub

Sub TSNEX_Destruct () Destructor
End Sub

Function TSNEX_GetGURUCode(V_GuruCode as Integer) as String
Select Case V_GuruCode
    Case TSNEX_Const_URLorHostDataMissing:              Return "URL corrupt or Host / Port / Username / Passwort missing / corrupt!"
    Case TSNEX_Const_DisconnectedBeforSuccess:          Return "Dissconnected befor operation was successfully! or error while operation like access denied / not exist / or so one!"
    Case TSNEX_Const_TimeOutBeforSuccess:               Return "Operation Timeout befor operation successfully!"
    Case TSNEX_Const_TransmissionError:                 Return "Error while communication!"
    Case TSNEX_Const_PathFileError:                     Return "Path or / and File error!"
    Case TSNEX_Const_TargetAlreadyExist:                Return "Target / Source path / file already exist!"
    Case TSNEX_Const_TargetPathNotFound:                Return "Target / Source path / file not found!"
    Case Else:                                          Return TSNE_GetGURUCode(V_GuruCode)
End Select
End Function

    Private Function URL_Split(V_URL as String, ByRef B_Cut as URL_Type) as Integer
    Dim TCut as URL_Type
    With TCut
        Dim XPos as UInteger
        Dim D as String = V_URL
        XPos = InStr(1, D, "://")
        If XPos <= 0 Then Return 1
        .V_Protocol = lcase(mid(D, 1, XPos - 1))
        If InStr(1, .V_Protocol, " ") > 0 Then Return 1
        If InStr(1, .V_Protocol, Chr(9)) > 0 Then Return 1
        D = Mid(D, XPos + 3)
        XPos = InStr(1, D, "/")
        If XPos > 0 Then
            .V_Host = Mid(D, 1, XPos - 1): .V_Path = Mid(D, XPos)
        Else: .V_Host = D
        End If
        XPos = InStr(1, .V_Host, "@")
        If XPos > 0 Then .V_Username = Mid(.V_Host, 1, XPos - 1): .V_Host = Mid(.V_Host, XPos + 1)
        XPos = InStr(1, .V_Host, ":")
        If XPos > 0 Then .V_Port = Val(Mid(.V_Host, XPos + 1)): .V_Host = Mid(.V_Host, 1, XPos - 1)
        XPos = InStr(1, .V_Username, ":")
        If XPos > 0 Then .V_Password = Mid(.V_Username, XPos + 1): .V_Username = Mid(.V_Username, 1, XPos - 1)
        XPos = InStrRev(.V_Path, "/")
        If XPos > 0 Then
            .V_File = Mid(.V_Path, XPos + 1): .V_Path = Mid(.V_Path, 1, XPos)
        Else: .V_File = .V_Path: .V_Path = ""
        End If
        XPos = InStr(1, .V_File, ".")
        If XPos > 0 Then .V_FileType = Mid(.V_File, XPos + 1): .V_File = Mid(.V_File, 1, XPos - 1)
    End With
    B_Cut = TCut
    Return 0
    End Function

Private Sub TSNEX_Base64_ReverseCode(V_Code() As UByte, B_Rev() As UByte)
Dim X As UInteger
ReDim B_Rev(255) as UByte
For X = 0 To UBound(V_Code)-1
    B_Rev(V_Code(X)) = X
End Sub

Private Function TSNEX_Base64_Encode(V_Source As String) As String
Dim X as ULong
Dim B64() As Byte
ReDim B64(63) As Byte
For X = 1 to Len(TSNEX_Base64_String)
    B64(X-1) = Asc(Mid(TSNEX_Base64_String, X, 1))
TSNEX_Base64_ReverseCode(B64(), TSNEX_Base64_Rev64())
Dim XL As ULong
Dim SourceB() As UByte
Dim XRest As ULong
Dim XN As ULong
Dim Result() As UByte
Dim XCNT as ULong
Dim Y As ULong
Dim c1 As Integer
Dim c2 As Integer
Dim c3 As Integer
Dim w(4) As Integer
XL = Len(V_Source)
If XL = 0 Then Return ""
Redim SourceB(XL) as UByte
For X = 1 to XL
    SourceB(X-1) = Asc(Mid(V_Source, X, 1))
XRest = XL Mod 3
If XRest > 0 Then
    XN = ((XL \ 3) + 1) * 3
    ReDim Preserve V_SourceB(XL - 1) as UByte
Else: XN = XL
End If
ReDim Result(4 * XN / 3 - 1)
XCNT = 0
For X = 0 To XN / 3 - 1
    Y = 3 * X
    c1 = SourceB(Y)
    c2 = SourceB(Y + 1)
    c3 = SourceB(Y + 2)
    w(1) = Int(c1 / 4)
    w(2) = (c1 And 3) * 16 + Int(c2 / 16)
    w(3) = (c2 And 15) * 4 + Int(c3 / 64)
    w(4) = c3 And 63
    Y = 4 * X
    Result(Y) = B64(w(1))
    Result(Y + 1) = B64(w(2))
    Result(Y + 2) = B64(w(3))
    Result(Y + 3) = B64(w(4))
Select Case XRest
    Case 0
    Case 1
        Result(UBound(Result)) = 61
        Result(UBound(Result) - 1) = 61
    Case 2: Result(UBound(Result)) = 61
End Select
Dim D as String
For X = 0 to UBound(Result)
    D += Chr(Result(X))
Return D
End Function

Function TSNEX_WaitState(V_TID as UInteger, V_State as UInteger) as Integer
G_TSNEX_CD(V_TID).T_TimeOut = Timer() + 60
    If G_TSNEX_CD(V_TID).V_State = V_State Then MutexUnLock(G_TSNEX_Mutex): Return TSNEX_Const_NoError
    If TSNE_IsClosed(G_TSNEX_CD(V_TID).V_TSNEID) = 1 Then MutexUnLock(G_TSNEX_Mutex): Return TSNEX_Const_DisconnectedBeforSuccess
    If G_TSNEX_CD(V_TID).T_TimeOut < Timer() Then MutexUnLock(G_TSNEX_Mutex): Return TSNEX_Const_TimeOutBeforSuccess
    Sleep 1, 1
End Function

Sub TSNEX_Disconnected(ByVal V_TSNEID as UInteger)
'Print "DIS:"; V_TSNEID
'if V_TSNEID = 1 then
'   Dim X as uinteger ptr
'   Print *X
'End If
For X as UInteger = 1 to G_TSNEX_CC
    If G_TSNEX_CD(X).V_InUse = 1 Then
            G_TSNEX_CD(X).V_InUse = 0
            MutexUnLock(G_TSNEX_Mutex): Exit Sub
        End If
End Sub

Sub TSNEX_Connected(ByVal V_TSNEID as UInteger)
'Print "CON:"; V_TSNEID
For X as UInteger = 1 to G_TSNEX_CC
    If G_TSNEX_CD(X).V_InUse <> 0 Then
            G_TSNEX_CD(X).V_State = TSNEX_SE_Connected
            If G_TSNEX_CD(X).T_FID <> 0 Then Close G_TSNEX_CD(X).T_FID
            MutexUnLock(G_TSNEX_Mutex): Exit Sub
        End If
End Sub

Sub TSNEX_NewData(ByVal V_TSNEID as UInteger, ByRef V_Data as String)
Dim XID as UInteger
For X as UInteger = 1 to G_TSNEX_CC
    If G_TSNEX_CD(X).V_InUse <> 0 Then
        If G_TSNEX_CD(X).V_TSNEID = V_TSNEID Then XID = X: Exit For
If XID = 0 Then MutexUnLock(G_TSNEX_Mutex): Exit Sub
Dim XFBCRLF as String = Chr(13, 10)
Dim T as String
Dim T1 as String
Dim T2 as UShort
Dim XCMD as UInteger
Dim XPos as UInteger
Dim RV as Integer
Dim XLCMD as UByte
Dim TData as String = G_TSNEX_CD(XID).T_Data & V_Data
Dim XTSNEID as UInteger
Dim TXID as UInteger
Dim TCC as TSNEX_Con_Type
Dim TFID as Integer = G_TSNEX_CD(XID).T_FID
If G_TSNEX_CD(XID).T_PreTID <> 0 Then G_TSNEX_CD(G_TSNEX_CD(XID).T_PreTID).T_TimeOut = Timer() + 30
G_TSNEX_CD(XID).T_Data = ""
Dim TMX as UInteger
Dim TMV as UInteger
Dim TCallBack as Sub (V_Max as UInteger, V_Value as UInteger)
Select Case G_TSNEX_CD(XID).V_Type
    Case TSNEX_CE_FTP_Data
'       Print "NDA:"; V_TSNEID; " >"; V_Data; "<"
        If TFID = 0 Then
            With G_TSNEX_CD(XID)
                If .T_MemL <> 0 Then
                    .T_MemL->V_Next = CAllocate(SizeOf(TSNEX_Mem_Type))
                    .T_MemL = .T_MemL->V_Next
                    .T_MemL = CAllocate(SizeOf(TSNEX_Mem_Type))
                    .T_MemF = .T_MemL
                .T_MemL->V_Data = TData
            End With
            Print #TFID, TData;
            G_TSNEX_CD(XID).T_FileSize += Len(TData)
            TMV = G_TSNEX_CD(XID).T_FileSize
            If G_TSNEX_CD(XID).T_PreTID <> 0 Then
                TMX = G_TSNEX_CD(G_TSNEX_CD(XID).T_PreTID).T_FileSize
                TCallBack = G_TSNEX_CD(G_TSNEX_CD(XID).T_PreTID).T_CallBack
            End If
            If TCallBack <> 0 Then TCallBack(TMX, TMV)

'       Print "NDA:"; V_TSNEID; " >"; V_Data; "<"
        If Len(TData) > 100000 Then TSNE_Disconnect(V_TSNEID): Exit Sub
            XPos = InStr(1, TData, XFBCRLF)
            If XPos = 0 Then
                G_TSNEX_CD(XID).T_Data = TData
                Exit Sub
            End If
            T = Mid(TData, 1, XPos - 1): TData = Mid(TData, XPos + 2)
            If Mid(T, 4, 1) = "-" Then XLCMD = 0 Else XLCMD = 1
            XCMD = Val(Left(T, 3)): T = Mid(T, 5)
'           Print "     >"; V_TSNEID; "<___>"; XCMD; "<___>"; T; "<"
            If XLCMD = 1 Then
'               Print "CMD: >"; V_TSNEID; "<___>"; XCMD; "<___>"; T; "<"
                Select Case XCMD
                    case 150
                        Select case TCMDE
                            case TSNEX_ME_FTP_UpLoad
                                If G_TSNEX_CD(XID).V_State = TSNEX_SE_Info Then
                                    XTSNEID = G_TSNEX_CD(XID).T_HolTID
                                    TFID = FreeFile
                                    If Open(G_TSNEX_CD(XID).V_Target for Binary as #TFID) <> 0 Then
                                        Exit Sub
                                    End If
                                    TCallBack = G_TSNEX_CD(XID).T_CallBack
                                    TMX = Lof(TFID)
                                    T = Space(TSNE_INT_BufferSize)
                                    If TCallBack <> 0 Then TCallBack(TMX, 0)
                                    For X as UInteger = 1 to TMX Step TSNE_INT_BufferSize
                                        If TMX - X < TSNE_INT_BufferSize Then T = Space(TMX - X + 1)
                                        Get #TFID, X, T
                                        RV = TSNE_Data_Send(XTSNEID, T)
                                        If RV <> TSNE_Const_NoError Then
                                            Close TFID
                                            Exit Sub
                                        End If
                                        If TCallBack <> 0 Then TCallBack(TMX, X)
                                    If TCallBack <> 0 Then TCallBack(TMX, TMX)
                                Else: MutexUnLock(G_TSNEX_Mutex)
                                End If

                        End select

                    case 200
                        Select case TCMDE
                            case TSNEX_ME_FTP_List, TSNEX_ME_FTP_Download, TSNEX_ME_FTP_UpLoad
                                TSNE_Data_Send(V_TSNEID, "PASV" & XFBCRLF)
                        End select

                    case 220: TSNE_Data_Send(V_TSNEID, "USER " & XURL.V_Username & XFBCRLF)

                    case 221'Quit
                    case 226
                        Select case TCMDE
                            Case TSNEX_ME_FTP_List, TSNEX_ME_FTP_DownLoad
                            case TSNEX_ME_FTP_UpLoad
                                If G_TSNEX_CD(XID).V_State = TSNEX_SE_Info Then
                                    MutexLock(G_TSNEX_Mutex): G_TSNEX_CD(XID).V_State = TSNEX_SE_Ready: MutexUnLock(G_TSNEX_Mutex)
                                    TSNE_Disconnect(V_TSNEID): Exit Sub
                                    G_TSNEX_CD(XID).V_State = TSNEX_SE_Info
                                    TSNE_Data_Send(V_TSNEID, "PASV" & XFBCRLF)
                                End If
                            Case Else
                                MutexLock(G_TSNEX_Mutex): G_TSNEX_CD(XID).V_State = TSNEX_SE_Ready: MutexUnLock(G_TSNEX_Mutex)
                                TSNE_Disconnect(V_TSNEID): Exit Sub
                        End Select

                    case 227
                        XPos = InStr(1, T, "("): If XPos <= 0 Then TSNE_Disconnect(V_TSNEID): Exit Sub
                        T = Mid(T, XPos + 1)
                        XPos = InStr(1, T, ")"): If XPos <= 0 Then TSNE_Disconnect(V_TSNEID): Exit Sub
                        T = Mid(T, 1, XPos - 1)
                        For Y as UInteger = 1 to Len(T)
                            XPos = InStr(1, T, ",")
                            If XPos > 0 Then
                                Select Case Y
                                    Case 1 To 4: T1 += Left(T, XPos - 1) & ".": T = Mid(T, XPos + 1)
                                    Case Else: T2 = (256 * Val(Left(T, XPos - 1))) + Val(Mid(T, XPos + 1)): Exit For
                                End Select
                            End If
                        If (T1 = "") or (T2 <= 0) Then TSNE_Disconnect(V_TSNEID): Exit Sub
                        T1 = Left(T1, Len(T1) - 1)
                        RV = TSNE_Create_Client(XTSNEID, T1, T2, @TSNEX_Disconnected, @TSNEX_Connected, @TSNEX_NewData)
                        If RV <> TSNE_Const_NoError Then MutexUnLock(G_TSNEX_Mutex): TSNE_Disconnect(V_TSNEID): Exit Sub
                        For X as UInteger = 1 to G_TSNEX_CC
                            If G_TSNEX_CD(X).V_InUse = 0 Then TXID = X: Exit For
                        If TXID = 0 Then
                            G_TSNEX_CC += 1
                            TXID = G_TSNEX_CC
                            Redim Preserve G_TSNEX_CD(G_TSNEX_CC) as TSNEX_Con_Type
                        End If
                        G_TSNEX_CD(TXID) = TCC
                        With G_TSNEX_CD(TXID)
                            .V_InUse    = 2
                            .V_TSNEID   = XTSNEID
                            .V_State    = TSNEX_SE_Init
                            .V_URLType  = XURL
                            .T_PreTID   = XID
                            .V_Type     = TSNEX_CE_FTP_Data
                        End With
                        RV = TSNEX_WaitState(TXID, TSNEX_SE_Connected)
                        If RV <> TSNEX_Const_NoError Then TSNE_Disconnect(V_TSNEID): TSNE_Disconnect(XTSNEID): Exit Sub
                        Select case TCMDE
                            case TSNEX_ME_FTP_List:         TSNE_Data_Send(V_TSNEID, "LIST" & XFBCRLF)
                            case TSNEX_ME_FTP_Download, TSNEX_ME_FTP_UpLoad
                                If G_TSNEX_CD(XID).V_State <> TSNEX_SE_Info Then
                                    If XURL.V_FileType <> "" Then
                                        TSNE_Data_Send(V_TSNEID, "LIST " & XURL.V_File & "." & XURL.V_FileType & XFBCRLF)
                                    Else: TSNE_Data_Send(V_TSNEID, "LIST " & XURL.V_File & XFBCRLF)
                                    End If
                                    Select case TCMDE
                                        case TSNEX_ME_FTP_Download
                                            G_TSNEX_CD(TXID).T_FID = FreeFile
                                            If Open(G_TSNEX_CD(XID).V_Target for Binary as #G_TSNEX_CD(TXID).T_FID) <> 0 Then
                                                G_TSNEX_CD(TXID).T_FID = 0
                                                Exit Sub
                                            End If
                                            If XURL.V_FileType <> "" Then
                                                TSNE_Data_Send(V_TSNEID, "RETR " & XURL.V_File & "." & XURL.V_FileType & XFBCRLF)
                                            Else: TSNE_Data_Send(V_TSNEID, "RETR " & XURL.V_File & XFBCRLF)
                                            End If

                                        case TSNEX_ME_FTP_UpLoad
                                            G_TSNEX_CD(XID).T_HolTID = XTSNEID
                                            If XURL.V_FileType <> "" Then
                                                TSNE_Data_Send(V_TSNEID, "STOR " & XURL.V_File & "." & XURL.V_FileType & XFBCRLF)
                                            Else: TSNE_Data_Send(V_TSNEID, "STOR " & XURL.V_File & XFBCRLF)
                                            End If

                                        Case Else: MutexUnLock(G_TSNEX_Mutex)
                                    End Select
                                End If
                        End select
                        Select Case TCMDE
                            case TSNEX_ME_FTP_List, TSNEX_ME_FTP_Download, TSNEX_ME_FTP_UpLoad
                                Select case TCMDE
                                    case TSNEX_ME_FTP_List
                                        G_TSNEX_CD(XID).T_SubTID = TXID
                                        G_TSNEX_CD(XID).V_State = TSNEX_SE_Ready
                                    case TSNEX_ME_FTP_DownLoad
                                        G_TSNEX_CD(XID).T_SubTID = TXID
                                        If G_TSNEX_CD(XID).V_State <> TSNEX_SE_Info Then
                                            If G_TSNEX_CD(TXID).T_MemF = 0 Then MutexUnLock(G_TSNEX_Mutex): TSNE_Disconnect(V_TSNEID): Exit Sub
                                            T1 = G_TSNEX_CD(TXID).T_MemF->V_Data
                                            G_TSNEX_CD(TXID).V_InUse = 0
                                            T1 = Trim(Mid(T1, 11))
                                            XPos = InStr(1, T1, " "): If XPos = 0 Then TSNE_Disconnect(V_TSNEID): Exit Sub
                                            T1 = Trim(Mid(T1, XPos + 1))
                                            XPos = InStr(1, T1, " "): If XPos = 0 Then TSNE_Disconnect(V_TSNEID): Exit Sub
                                            T1 = Trim(Mid(T1, XPos + 1))
                                            XPos = InStr(1, T1, " "): If XPos = 0 Then TSNE_Disconnect(V_TSNEID): Exit Sub
                                            T1 = Trim(Mid(T1, XPos + 1))
                                            XPos = InStr(1, T1, " "): If XPos = 0 Then TSNE_Disconnect(V_TSNEID): Exit Sub
                                            T1 = Trim(Left(T1, XPos - 1))
                                            G_TSNEX_CD(XID).T_FileSize = ValUInt(T1)
                                            G_TSNEX_CD(XID).V_State = TSNEX_SE_Info
                                            TSNE_Data_Send(V_TSNEID, "PASV" & XFBCRLF)
                                            G_TSNEX_CD(XID).V_State = TSNEX_SE_Ready
                                        End If
                                    Case TSNEX_ME_FTP_UpLoad
                                        If G_TSNEX_CD(XID).V_State <> TSNEX_SE_Info Then
                                            G_TSNEX_CD(XID).T_SubTID = TXID
                                            If G_TSNEX_CD(TXID).T_MemF <> 0 Then
                                                MutexUnLock(G_TSNEX_Mutex): TSNE_Disconnect(V_TSNEID)
                                                Exit Sub
                                            End If
                                        Else: MutexUnLock(G_TSNEX_Mutex)
                                        End If
                                    Case Else: MutexUnLock(G_TSNEX_Mutex)
                                End Select
                        End Select

                    case 230: TSNE_Data_Send(V_TSNEID, "CWD " & XURL.V_Path & XFBCRLF)
                    case 250
                        Select case TCMDE
                            case TSNEX_ME_FTP_List, TSNEX_ME_FTP_DownLoad, TSNEX_ME_FTP_Upload
                                TSNE_Data_Send(V_TSNEID, "TYPE A" & XFBCRLF)

                            Case TSNEX_ME_FTP_Delete
                                If G_TSNEX_CD(XID).V_State <> TSNEX_SE_Info Then
                                    G_TSNEX_CD(XID).V_State = TSNEX_SE_Info
                                    If XURL.V_FileType <> "" Then
                                        TSNE_Data_Send(V_TSNEID, "DELE " & XURL.V_File & "." & XURL.V_FileType & XFBCRLF)
                                    Else: TSNE_Data_Send(V_TSNEID, "DELE " & XURL.V_File & XFBCRLF)
                                    End If
                                    G_TSNEX_CD(XID).V_State = TSNEX_SE_Ready
                                End If
                        End Select

                    case 226

                    case 331: TSNE_Data_Send(V_TSNEID, "PASS " & XURL.V_Password & XFBCRLF)

                    Case 425: TSNE_Disconnect(V_TSNEID): Exit Sub
                    case 530: TSNE_Disconnect(V_TSNEID): Exit Sub
                    case 550: TSNE_Disconnect(V_TSNEID): Exit Sub
                    case else: TSNE_Disconnect(V_TSNEID): Exit Sub
                End Select
            End If


End Select
End Sub

Function TSNEX_FTP_List(V_HostOrURL as String, V_Port as UShort = 0, V_Username as String = "anonymous", V_Password as String = "anynomous@ano.nym", V_Path as String = "", R_FolderD() as String, ByRef R_FolderC as UInteger, R_FileD() as String, ByRef R_FileC as UInteger) as Integer
Dim XURL as URL_Type
If URL_Split(V_HostOrURL, XURL) = 1 Then
    With XURL
        .V_Host         = V_HostOrURL
        .V_Port         = V_Port
        .V_Username     = V_Username
        .V_Password     = V_Password
        .V_Path         = V_Path
    End With
End If
    If .V_Port = 0 Then .V_Port = 21
    If .V_Path = "" Then .V_Path = "/"
    If (.V_Host = "") or (.V_Port = 0) or (.V_Username = "") or (.V_Password = "") Then Return TSNEX_Const_URLorHostDataMissing
    Dim XTSNEID as UInteger
    Dim RV as Integer = TSNE_Create_Client(XTSNEID, .V_Host, .V_Port, @TSNEX_Disconnected, @TSNEX_Connected, @TSNEX_NewData)
    If RV <> TSNE_Const_NoError Then MutexUnLock(G_TSNEX_Mutex): Return RV
End With
Dim XID as UInteger
For X as UInteger = 1 to G_TSNEX_CC
    If G_TSNEX_CD(X).V_InUse = 0 Then XID = X: Exit For
If XID = 0 Then
    G_TSNEX_CC += 1
    Redim Preserve G_TSNEX_CD(G_TSNEX_CC) as TSNEX_Con_Type
End If
Dim TCC as TSNEX_Con_Type
    .V_InUse    = 1
    .V_State    = TSNEX_SE_Init
    .V_URLType  = XURL
    .V_Type     = TSNEX_CE_FTP
    .V_CMD      = TSNEX_ME_FTP_List
End With
R_FolderC = 0
R_FileC = 0
RV = TSNEX_WaitState(XID, TSNEX_SE_Ready): If RV <> TSNEX_Const_NoError Then MutexLock(G_TSNEX_Mutex): If G_TSNEX_CD(XID).V_TSNEID = XTSNEID Then G_TSNEX_CD(XID) = TCC: MutexUnLock(G_TSNEX_Mutex): Return RV
If G_TSNEX_CD(XID).T_SubTID = 0 Then MutexUnLock(G_TSNEX_Mutex): Return TSNEX_Const_TransmissionError
Dim D as String
Dim T as String
Dim TPtr as TSNEX_Mem_Type Ptr = G_TSNEX_CD(G_TSNEX_CD(XID).T_SubTID).T_MemF
Dim NPtr as TSNEX_Mem_Type Ptr
Dim XPos as UInteger
Do Until TPtr = 0
    D += TPtr->V_Data
        XPos = InStr(1, D, Chr(10))
        If XPos = 0 Then Exit Do
        T = Left(D, XPos - 1)
        D = Mid(D, XPos + 1)
        If Right(T, 1) = Chr(13) Then T = Left(T, Len(T) - 1)
        If T <> "" Then
            If Left(T, 1) = "-" Then
                R_FileC += 1
                Redim Preserve R_FileD(R_FileC) as String
                R_FileD(R_FileC) = Mid(T, 56)
                R_FolderC += 1
                Redim Preserve R_FolderD(R_FolderC) as String
                R_FolderD(R_FolderC) = Mid(T, 56)
            End If
        End If
    NPtr = TPtr->V_Next
    TPtr = NPtr
Return TSNEX_Const_NoError
End Function

Function TSNEX_FTP_Download(V_HostOrURL as String, V_Port as UShort = 0, V_Username as String = "anonymous", V_Password as String = "anynomous@ano.nym", V_PathFile as String = "", V_TargetPathFile as String = "", V_ProgressCallback as Any Ptr = 0) as Integer
Dim XURL as URL_Type
Dim XPos as UInteger
If URL_Split(V_HostOrURL, XURL) = 1 Then
    With XURL
        .V_Host         = V_HostOrURL
        .V_Port         = V_Port
        .V_Username     = V_Username
        .V_Password     = V_Password
        XPos = InStr(1, V_PathFile, "/"): If XPos = 0 Then XPos = InStr(1, V_PathFile, "\")
        If XPos = 0 Then Return TSNEX_Const_PathFileError
        .V_Path         = Left(V_PathFile, XPos - 1)
        .V_File         = Mid(V_PathFile, XPos + 1)
        XPos = InStr(1, .V_File, ".")
        If XPos > 0 Then
            .V_FileType = Mid(.V_File, XPos + 1)
            .V_File = Left(.V_File, XPos - 1)
        End If
    End With
End If
Dim TTarget as String
    If .V_Port = 0 Then .V_Port = 21
    If (.V_Host = "") or (.V_Port = 0) or (.V_Username = "") or (.V_Password = "") Then Return TSNEX_Const_URLorHostDataMissing
    If .V_Path = "" Then Return TSNEX_Const_PathFileError
    If Right(.V_Path, 1) = "\" Then Return TSNEX_Const_PathFileError
    TTarget = V_TargetPathFile
    If (Right(TTarget, 1) = "*") Then Return TSNEX_Const_PathFileError
    If (Right(TTarget, 1) = "/") or (Right(TTarget, 1) = "\") Then
        TTarget += .V_File
        If .V_FileType <> "" Then TTarget += "." & .V_FileType
    End If
    If TTarget = "" Then
        TTarget = .V_File
        If .V_FileType <> "" Then TTarget += "." & .V_FileType
    End if
    If (Right(TTarget, 1) = "/") or (Right(TTarget, 1) = "\") or (Right(TTarget, 1) = "*") Then Return TSNEX_Const_PathFileError
    XPos = InStrRev(TTarget, "/"): If XPos = 0 Then XPos = InStrRev(TTarget, "\")
    If XPos > 0 Then If Dir(Left(TTarget, XPos) & "*", -1) = "" Then Return TSNEX_Const_TargetPathNotFound
    If Dir(TTarget, -1) <> "" Then Return TSNEX_Const_TargetAlreadyExist
    Dim XTSNEID as UInteger
    Dim RV as Integer = TSNE_Create_Client(XTSNEID, .V_Host, .V_Port, @TSNEX_Disconnected, @TSNEX_Connected, @TSNEX_NewData)
    If RV <> TSNE_Const_NoError Then MutexUnLock(G_TSNEX_Mutex): Return RV
End With
Dim XID as UInteger
For X as UInteger = 1 to G_TSNEX_CC
    If G_TSNEX_CD(X).V_InUse = 0 Then XID = X: Exit For
If XID = 0 Then
    G_TSNEX_CC += 1
    Redim Preserve G_TSNEX_CD(G_TSNEX_CC) as TSNEX_Con_Type
End If
Dim TCC as TSNEX_Con_Type
    .V_InUse    = 1
    .V_State    = TSNEX_SE_Init
    .V_URLType  = XURL
    .V_Target   = TTarget
    .V_Type     = TSNEX_CE_FTP
    .V_CMD      = TSNEX_ME_FTP_Download
    .T_CallBack = V_ProgressCallback
End With
RV = TSNEX_WaitState(XID, TSNEX_SE_Ready): If RV <> TSNEX_Const_NoError Then MutexLock(G_TSNEX_Mutex): If G_TSNEX_CD(XID).V_TSNEID = XTSNEID Then G_TSNEX_CD(XID) = TCC: MutexUnLock(G_TSNEX_Mutex): Return RV
Return TSNEX_Const_NoError
End Function

Function TSNEX_FTP_Upload(V_HostOrURL as String, V_Port as UShort = 0, V_Username as String = "anonymous", V_Password as String = "anynomous@ano.nym", V_PathFile as String = "", V_SourcePathFile as String = "", V_ProgressCallback as Any Ptr = 0) as Integer
If V_SourcePathFile = "" Then Return TSNEX_Const_TargetPathNotFound
If Right(V_SourcePathFile, 1) = "*" Then Return TSNEX_Const_TargetPathNotFound
If Right(V_SourcePathFile, 1) = "/" Then Return TSNEX_Const_TargetPathNotFound
If Right(V_SourcePathFile, 1) = "\" Then Return TSNEX_Const_TargetPathNotFound
Dim XURL as URL_Type
Dim XPos as UInteger
If URL_Split(V_HostOrURL, XURL) = 1 Then
    With XURL
        .V_Host         = V_HostOrURL
        .V_Port         = V_Port
        .V_Username     = V_Username
        .V_Password     = V_Password
        XPos = InStr(1, V_PathFile, "/"): If XPos = 0 Then XPos = InStr(1, V_PathFile, "\")
        If XPos = 0 Then Return TSNEX_Const_PathFileError
        .V_Path         = Left(V_PathFile, XPos - 1)
        .V_File         = Mid(V_PathFile, XPos + 1)
        XPos = InStr(1, .V_File, ".")
        If XPos > 0 Then
            .V_FileType = Mid(.V_File, XPos + 1)
            .V_File = Left(.V_File, XPos - 1)
        End If
    End With
End If
    If .V_Port = 0 Then .V_Port = 21
    If (.V_Host = "") or (.V_Port = 0) or (.V_Username = "") or (.V_Password = "") Then Return TSNEX_Const_URLorHostDataMissing
    If .V_Path = "" Then Return TSNEX_Const_PathFileError
    If (.V_File = "") and (.V_FileType = "") Then
        XPos = InStrRev(V_SourcePathFile, "/"): If XPos = 0 Then XPos = InStrRev(V_SourcePathFile, "\")
        If XPos > 0 Then
            .V_File = Mid(V_SourcePathFile, XPos + 1)
        Else: .V_File = V_SourcePathFile
        End If
        XPos = InStrRev(V_SourcePathFile, ".")
        If XPos > 0 Then
            .V_FileType = Mid(.V_File, XPos + 1)
            .V_File = Left(.V_File, XPos - 1)
        End If
    End If
    Dim XTSNEID as UInteger
    Dim RV as Integer = TSNE_Create_Client(XTSNEID, .V_Host, .V_Port, @TSNEX_Disconnected, @TSNEX_Connected, @TSNEX_NewData)
    If RV <> TSNE_Const_NoError Then MutexUnLock(G_TSNEX_Mutex): Return RV
End With
Dim XID as UInteger
For X as UInteger = 1 to G_TSNEX_CC
    If G_TSNEX_CD(X).V_InUse = 0 Then XID = X: Exit For
If XID = 0 Then
    G_TSNEX_CC += 1
    Redim Preserve G_TSNEX_CD(G_TSNEX_CC) as TSNEX_Con_Type
End If
Dim TCC as TSNEX_Con_Type
    .V_InUse    = 1
    .V_State    = TSNEX_SE_Init
    .V_URLType  = XURL
    .V_Target   = V_SourcePathFile
    .V_Type     = TSNEX_CE_FTP
    .V_CMD      = TSNEX_ME_FTP_UpLoad
    .T_CallBack = V_ProgressCallback
End With
RV = TSNEX_WaitState(XID, TSNEX_SE_Ready): If RV <> TSNEX_Const_NoError Then MutexLock(G_TSNEX_Mutex): If G_TSNEX_CD(XID).V_TSNEID = XTSNEID Then G_TSNEX_CD(XID) = TCC: MutexUnLock(G_TSNEX_Mutex): Return RV
Return TSNEX_Const_NoError
End Function

Function TSNEX_FTP_Delete(V_HostOrURL as String, V_Port as UShort = 0, V_Username as String = "anonymous", V_Password as String = "anynomous@ano.nym", V_PathFile as String = "") as Integer
Dim XURL as URL_Type
Dim XPos as UInteger
If URL_Split(V_HostOrURL, XURL) = 1 Then
    With XURL
        .V_Host         = V_HostOrURL
        .V_Port         = V_Port
        .V_Username     = V_Username
        .V_Password     = V_Password
        XPos = InStr(1, V_PathFile, "/"): If XPos = 0 Then XPos = InStr(1, V_PathFile, "\")
        If XPos = 0 Then Return TSNEX_Const_PathFileError
        .V_Path         = Left(V_PathFile, XPos - 1)
        .V_File         = Mid(V_PathFile, XPos + 1)
        XPos = InStr(1, .V_File, ".")
        If XPos > 0 Then
            .V_FileType = Mid(.V_File, XPos + 1)
            .V_File = Left(.V_File, XPos - 1)
        End If
    End With
End If
    If .V_Port = 0 Then .V_Port = 21
    If (.V_Host = "") or (.V_Port = 0) or (.V_Username = "") or (.V_Password = "") Then Return TSNEX_Const_URLorHostDataMissing
    If .V_Path = "" Then Return TSNEX_Const_PathFileError
    If Right(.V_Path, 1) = "\" Then Return TSNEX_Const_PathFileError
    If (.V_File = "") and (.V_FileType = "") Then Return TSNEX_Const_PathFileError
    Dim XTSNEID as UInteger
    Dim RV as Integer = TSNE_Create_Client(XTSNEID, .V_Host, .V_Port, @TSNEX_Disconnected, @TSNEX_Connected, @TSNEX_NewData)
    If RV <> TSNE_Const_NoError Then MutexUnLock(G_TSNEX_Mutex): Return RV
End With
Dim XID as UInteger
For X as UInteger = 1 to G_TSNEX_CC
    If G_TSNEX_CD(X).V_InUse = 0 Then XID = X: Exit For
If XID = 0 Then
    G_TSNEX_CC += 1
    Redim Preserve G_TSNEX_CD(G_TSNEX_CC) as TSNEX_Con_Type
End If
Dim TCC as TSNEX_Con_Type
    .V_InUse    = 1
    .V_State    = TSNEX_SE_Init
    .V_URLType  = XURL
    .V_Type     = TSNEX_CE_FTP
    .V_CMD      = TSNEX_ME_FTP_Delete
End With
RV = TSNEX_WaitState(XID, TSNEX_SE_Ready): If RV <> TSNEX_Const_NoError Then MutexLock(G_TSNEX_Mutex): If G_TSNEX_CD(XID).V_TSNEID = XTSNEID Then G_TSNEX_CD(XID) = TCC: MutexUnLock(G_TSNEX_Mutex): Return RV
Return TSNEX_Const_NoError
End Function
