fb:porticula NoPaste
Textmodus - noch schneller ;)
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Datum/Zeit: | 02.12.2007 17:12:46 |
Dim SCRW As Integer = Width And &hffff
Dim SCRH As Integer = (Width Shr 16) And &hffff
Locate ,, 0
'' fill page 1
Screen , 1
Color 15, 1
Locate 1, 1
Print String(SCRW * SCRH, Asc("1"));
'' fill page 2
Screen , 2
Color 14, 2
Locate 1, 1
Print String(SCRW * SCRH, Asc("2"));
'' fill page 3
Screen , 3
Color 13, 3
Locate 1, 1
Print String(SCRW * SCRH, Asc("3"));
'' copy to page 0
Dim As Integer pg = 0, fpscnt = 0, fps = 0
Dim As Double tini = Timer
Pcopy 1 + pg
pg = (pg + 1) Mod 3
fps += 1
If Timer - tini >= 1 Then
fpscnt = fps
fps = 0
tini = Timer
End If
Loop Until Len(Inkey) > 0
Screen , 0
Print "fps:"; fpscnt