fb:porticula NoPaste
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Datum/Zeit: | 20.09.2009 17:20:11 |
Hinweis: Dieser Quelltext ist Bestandteil des Projekts GuiPtr, zu dem es auf FreeBASIC-Portal.de eine Projektseite gibt.
Warnung: Es steht bereits eine neuere Version des Quelltexts zur Verfügung. Die hier vorliegende alte Version könnte Fehler enthalten, die in der neuen Version vielleicht ausgebessert wurden.
#include once "GuiPtr.bi"
Type TextBox
Object as GuiObject ptr
Text as string
BackColor as uinteger = RGB(204,255,204)
Columns as integer
declare constructor(left as integer, top as integer, columns as integer)
CursorXPos as integer
TextXScroll as integer
BlinkTimer as double
end type
Sub TextBoxTyping(GO as any ptr, e as EventParameter)
dim t as TextBox ptr = GO
if e.key <> "" and e.key <> CHR(13) then
with *t
.BlinkTimer = Timer
if len(e.key) > 1 then
if e.key = CHR(255,71) then .CursorXPos = 0: .TextXScroll = 0
if e.key = CHR(255,79) then .CursorXPos = len(.text): if len(.text) > .Columns then .TextXScroll = len(.text) - .Columns
if e.key = CHR(255,75) and .CursorXPos > 0 then .CursorXPos -= 1: if .CursorXPos < .TextXScroll then .TextXScroll -= 1
if e.key = CHR(255,77) and .CursorXPos < len(.text) then .CursorXPos += 1: if .CursorXPos > .Columns + .TextXScroll then .TextXScroll += 1'.CursorXPos - .Columns
if e.key = CHR(255,83) and Len(.text) - .CursorXPos > 0 then .Text = left(.Text, .CursorXPos) & right(.Text,len(.Text) - .CursorXPos -1)
if asc(e.key) = 8 then
.Text = left(.Text, .CursorXPos-1) & right(.Text,len(.Text) - .CursorXPos)
if .CursorXPos > 0 then .CursorXPos -=1
if len(.text) <= .Columns then .TextXScroll = 0
if .CursorXPos < .TextXScroll then .TextXScroll -= 1
.Text = left(.Text, .CursorXPos) & e.key & right(.Text,len(.Text) - .CursorXPos)
.CursorXPos += 1
if .CursorXPos > .Columns + .TextXScroll then .TextXScroll += 1
'end if
end if
end if
end with
end if
end sub
Sub TextBoxDrawing(GO as any ptr)
dim t as TextBox ptr = GO
dim ShowString as string
with *t->Object
Line .buffer, (.left,.top)-(.left+.width,.top+.height),t->BackColor,BF
Line .buffer, (.left,.top)-(.left+.width,.top+.height),RGB(0,0,0),B
if len(t->text) > t->Columns then
ShowString = mid(t->text,t->TextXScroll+1,t->Columns)
ShowString = t->text
end if
Draw string .buffer, (.left +4, .top +3),ShowString, RGB(0,0,0)
if t->Object = .root->Selection then
if t->BlinkTimer = 0 then t->BlinkTimer = Timer
if timer < t->BlinkTimer + 0.5 then
line .buffer, (.left+ 4 + ((t->CursorXPos - t->TextXScroll)* 8),.top +3)-(.left +4 + ((t->CursorXPos - t->TextXScroll)* 8),.top + 17),RGB(0,0,0)
if timer > t->BlinkTimer +1 then t->BlinkTimer = timer
end if
end if
end with
end sub
Constructor TextBox(left as integer, top as integer, ColumnsCount as integer)
Object = new GuiObject(@This)
With *Object
.ClassName = "TextBox"
.left = left
.top = top
.width = ColumnsCount * 8 +7
.height = 20
.PrivateEvents = new Events
.PrivateEvents->OnKeyPress = @TextBoxTyping
.PrivateEvents->OnDraw = @TextBoxDrawing
end with
Columns = ColumnsCount
end constructor