fb:porticula NoPaste
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Datum/Zeit: | 20.09.2009 17:09:38 |
Hinweis: Dieser Quelltext ist Bestandteil des Projekts GuiPtr, zu dem es auf FreeBASIC-Portal.de eine Projektseite gibt.
Warnung: Es steht bereits eine neuere Version des Quelltexts zur Verfügung. Die hier vorliegende alte Version könnte Fehler enthalten, die in der neuen Version vielleicht ausgebessert wurden.
Type TextBox
Object as GuiObject ptr
Text as string
BackColor as uinteger = RGB(204,255,204)
Columns as integer
declare constructor(left as integer, top as integer, columns as integer)
CursorXPos as integer
TextXScroll as integer
BlinkTimer as double
end type
Sub TextBoxTyping(GO as any ptr, e as EventParameter)
dim t as TextBox ptr = GO
if e.key <> "" and e.key <> CHR(13) then
with *t
.BlinkTimer = Timer
if len(e.key) > 1 then
if e.key = CHR(255,71) then .CursorXPos = 0: .TextXScroll = 0
if e.key = CHR(255,79) then .CursorXPos = len(.text): if len(.text) > .Columns then .TextXScroll = len(.text) - .Columns
if e.key = CHR(255,75) and .CursorXPos > 0 then .CursorXPos -= 1: if .CursorXPos < .TextXScroll then .TextXScroll -= 1
if e.key = CHR(255,77) and .CursorXPos < len(.text) then .CursorXPos += 1: if .CursorXPos > .Columns + .TextXScroll then .TextXScroll += 1'.CursorXPos - .Columns
if e.key = CHR(255,83) and Len(.text) - .CursorXPos > 0 then .Text = left(.Text, .CursorXPos) & right(.Text,len(.Text) - .CursorXPos -1)
if asc(e.key) = 8 then
.Text = left(.Text, .CursorXPos-1) & right(.Text,len(.Text) - .CursorXPos)
if .CursorXPos > 0 then .CursorXPos -=1
if len(.text) <= .Columns then .TextXScroll = 0
if .CursorXPos < .TextXScroll then .TextXScroll -= 1
.Text = left(.Text, .CursorXPos) & e.key & right(.Text,len(.Text) - .CursorXPos)
.CursorXPos += 1
if .CursorXPos > .Columns + .TextXScroll then .TextXScroll += 1
'end if
end if
end if
end with
end if
end sub
Sub TextBoxDrawing(GO as any ptr)
dim t as TextBox ptr = GO
dim ShowString as string
with *t->Object
Line .buffer, (.left,.top)-(.left+.width,.top+.height),t->BackColor,BF
Line .buffer, (.left,.top)-(.left+.width,.top+.height),RGB(0,0,0),B
if len(t->text) > t->Columns then
ShowString = mid(t->text,t->TextXScroll+1,t->Columns)
ShowString = t->text
end if
Draw string .buffer, (.left +4, .top +3),ShowString, RGB(0,0,0)
if t->Object = .root->Selection then
if t->BlinkTimer = 0 then t->BlinkTimer = Timer
if timer < t->BlinkTimer + 0.5 then
line .buffer, (.left+ 4 + ((t->CursorXPos - t->TextXScroll)* 8),.top +3)-(.left +4 + ((t->CursorXPos - t->TextXScroll)* 8),.top + 17),RGB(0,0,0)
if timer > t->BlinkTimer +1 then t->BlinkTimer = timer
end if
end if
end with
end sub
Constructor TextBox(left as integer, top as integer, ColumnsCount as integer)
Object = new GuiObject(@This)
With *Object
.ClassName = "TextBox"
.left = left
.top = top
.width = ColumnsCount * 8 +7
.height = 20
.PrivateEvents = new Events
.PrivateEvents->OnKeyPress = @TextBoxTyping
.PrivateEvents->OnDraw = @TextBoxDrawing
end with
Columns = ColumnsCount
end constructor