Windows System Programming
Windows System Programming
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tekkno synq!

Datum/Zeit:29.06.2007 20:19:28

'(c) 2007 by Saga-Games

declare sub initfmod()
declare sub endprog()
declare sub randomizeColor()
#include "fmod.bi"

const full = 0 'Vollbildschirm? (0|1)
const bitsperpixel = 32 '15, 16, 24 oder 32... 16 = beste performance, 32 = sieht am besten aus

const screenX = 800 '1024
const screenY = 600 '768

const speed = 4

screenres screenX,screenY,bitsperpixel,2,full
windowtitle "tekkno 1.0 -- Saga-Games"
setmouse ,,0

Dim Shared MusicHandle As long ptr
MusicHandle = FMUSIC_LoadSongEx("midnight.it",0,0,FSOUND_LOOP_NORMAL,0,0)
if Musichandle then
    FMUSIC_SetOrder (MusicHandle,3)
end if

dim ik as string

type hue
    r as integer
    g as integer
    b as integer
end type

type pnt
    x as integer
    y as integer
end type

dim shared col as hue, points(1 to 4) as pnt
dim abnahme as integer
dim as integer row, oldrow
dim i as integer
    row = FMUSIC_GetRow(MusicHandle)
    if (row mod 4 = 0 or row = 30 or row = 62 or row >= 60 or row = 56 or row = 58) and oldrow <> row then
        abnahme = 0
    end if
    col.r -= speed
    col.g -= speed
    col.b -= speed

    if col.r < 0 then col.r = 0
    if col.g < 0 then col.g = 0
    if col.b < 0 then col.b = 0

    'line(0+abnahme,0+abnahme) - (screenX - 1 - abnahme, screenY - 1 - abnahme), rgb(col.r, col.g, col.b), bf
    color rgb(col.r, col.g, col.b)
    line(points(1).x + abnahme, points(1).y + abnahme) - (points(2).x - abnahme, points(2).y + abnahme)
    line-(points(4).x - abnahme, points(4).y - abnahme)
    line-(points(3).x + abnahme, points(3).y - abnahme)
    line-(points(1).x + abnahme, points(1).y + abnahme)
    paint(screenX \ 2, screenY \ 2)
    'circle(screenX \ 2, screenY \ 2), screenY / 1.2 - abnahme, rgb(col.r, col.g, col.b),,,,f
    abnahme += 4

    sleep 20
    ik = inkey
    oldrow = row
loop until ik = chr(27) or ik = chr(255)+"k"


Sub InitFMOD()
    Print Chr(26); " Starte FMOD sound system... ";
    If FSOUND_GetVersion < FMOD_VERSION Then
        Print "FMOD Version " + Str(FMOD_VERSION) + " oder höher wird ben”tigt - Sound wurde deaktiviert"
    End If

    If FSOUND_Init(44100, 64, 0) = 0 Then
        Print "FMOD kann nicht gestartet werden - Sound wurde deaktiviert"
    End If

   Print "OK"

End Sub

Sub EndProg
End Sub

sub randomizeColor()
    col.r = 50 + int(206 * rnd)
    col.g = 50 + int(206 * rnd)
    col.b = 50 + int(206 * rnd)

    points(1).x = (100 * rnd - 50)
    points(1).y = (100 * rnd - 50)

    points(2).x = ScreenX - (100 * rnd - 50)
    points(2).y = (100 * rnd - 50)

    points(3).x = (100 * rnd - 50)
    points(3).y = ScreenY - (100 * rnd - 50)

    points(4).x = ScreenX - (100 * rnd - 50)
    points(4).y = ScreenY - (100 * rnd - 50)
end sub