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Speicherzugriffsfehler ??

Datum/Zeit:17.04.2008 17:05:37

'das programm ist so nicht lauffähig, weil ein haufen grafiken
'fehlen... ich werde das demnächst als zip mit grafiken

'das problem ist, dass unter linux wenn ich erst auf "4"
'drücke, dann einen "minigegner" auswähle (gegnertyp setzen)
'dann auf "5" um ihn zu positionieren, manchmal sofort,
'manchmal bei der ersten mausbewegung, manchmal garnicht
'ein speicherzugriffsfehler auftritt
'wenn ich mit -ex oder -exx compile, dann tritt der fehler
'nicht auf, allerdings springt er zu FUCK (nette bezeichnung
'gell ^^) und zeigt ein paar zeilen (unter anderem: fehler=0
'zeilennummer=-1...) und beendet sich oder hängt sich auf
'nichtmal auf SIGTERM reagiert er, er muss gekillt werden

'ich denke dieser fehler hängt mit PUT/GET zusammen, aber kA
'ich hoffe ihr könnt mir da helfen

declare sub loadlevel(datei as string)
declare sub savelevel(datei as string)
#define false 0
#define true not false
'tiles: ok
'gegner: x,y,energy: ok

'öffnen: fehlt
'speichern: in arbeit


#define DEBUG

#include "inc\pload\ploadlib.bas"
#include "fbgfx.bi"

#macro conswrite(bla)
    #ifdef DEBUG
        open CONS for output as #132
        close #132

#define marked rgb(255,0,0)
#define unmarked rgb(127,127,127)
#define solidfarbe rgb(255,255,255)
#define halffarbe rgb(127,127,127)
#define nixfarbe rgb(32,32,32)
#define markfarbe rgb(255,255,0)
#define inrect(x___,y___,x___1,x___2,y___1,y___2) (((x___>x___1) AND (x___<x___2)) OR ((y___>y___1) AND (y___<x___2)))

declare sub fully_drawbadguys
declare sub redraw (b_x as byte,b_y as byte)
declare sub fully_redraw
declare sub drawsolid (b_x as byte,b_y as byte)
declare sub fully_drawsolid

const gfxpath="gfx\gfx\"

screenres 800,600,24

dim shared Tileset (0 to 153) as fb.image ptr
dim shared MiniGegner(1 to 3) as fb.image ptr
dim shared Sprite(1 to 3) as fb.image ptr
dim shared SpriteHG(1 to 3) as fb.image ptr
dim shared as fb.image ptr HPic,SPic

dim as integer i
for i=1 to 3
bload "gfx\leveleditor\wolf.bmp",Minigegner(1)
bload "gfx\leveleditor\dragon.bmp",Minigegner(2)
bload "gfx\leveleditor\spinne.bmp",Minigegner(3)
bload gfxpath+"Wolf\r1.bmp", Sprite(1)
bload gfxpath+"Dragon\r1.bmp", Sprite(2)
bload gfxpath+"Spinne\1.bmp",Sprite(3)
'drawguyalt=imagecreate (1,1)

'for i=1 to 4
'    Tileset(i)=pload("F:\hmm\supertux-0.1.3\data\images\tilesets\block"&i &".png")
for i=1 to 131
bload "/mnt/win_e/tileset/tile"+rtrim(ltrim(str(i)))+".bmp",Tileset(i)
for i=1 to 14


bload "gfx\leveleditor\H.bmp",HPic
bload "gfx\leveleditor\S.bmp",SPic

type TBlock
    solid as byte
    half as byte
    tile as ubyte
end type
dim shared as TBlock Block (25,18),drawblock

dim as fb.image ptr alt,black,white
alt=imagecreate (32,32)
black = imagecreate (32,32,rgb(0,0,0))
for i=131+14+1 to 153

dim as integer x,y,buttons,bla,xx,yy
dim as byte action,bx,by,gegnertyp,gegnernr,gegnerenergy
dim as string ink
type TGuy
    x as integer
    y as integer
    vx as integer
    width as integer
    height as integer
    energy as integer
    typ as byte
end type

dim as TGuy Guy(1 to 3)
with Guy(1)
end with
with Guy(2)
end with
with Guy(3)
end with

dim shared BadGuy (1 to 10) as TGuy

on error goto fuck
    sleep 20
    if action <> 5 then put (bx*32-32,by*32-32),alt,pset else put (x,y),SpriteHG(gegnertyp),pset

    getmouse x,y,,buttons
    if x<0 then do:sleep 20:getmouse x,y,,buttons:loop while x<0
    'locate 1,1:?x,y:sleep
    if action <> 5 then
        get (bx*32-32,by*32-32)-(bx*32-1,by*32-1),alt
        line (bx*32-32,by*32-32)-(bx*32-1,by*32-1),markfarbe,B
        get (x,y)-step(guy(gegnertyp).width,guy(gegnertyp).height),SpriteHG(gegnertyp)
    end if
    select case action
    case 1: if buttons then
                put (bx*32-32,by*32-32),alt,pset
                redraw (bx,by)
                get (bx*32-32,by*32-32)-(bx*32-1,by*32-1),alt
            end if
    case 2: if buttons then
                put (bx*32-32,by*32-32),alt,pset
                redraw (bx,by)
                drawsolid (bx,by)
                get (bx*32-32,by*32-32)-(bx*32-1,by*32-1),alt
            end if
    case 3: if buttons then
                put (bx*32-32,by*32-32),alt,pset
                if bx=2 and by=4+14 then
                    if drawblock.solid then drawblock.half=0

                    put (32,96+14*32),SPic,pset
                    if drawblock.solid = 0 then put (32,96+14*32),black,alpha,127
                    put (96,96+14*32),HPic,pset
                    if drawblock.half = 0 then put (96,96+14*32),black,alpha,127

                    'draw string (44,108),"S",iif(drawblock.solid,marked,unmarked)
                    get (bx*32-32,by*32-32)-(bx*32-1,by*32-1),alt
                elseif bx=4 and by=4+14 then
                    if drawblock.half then drawblock.solid=0

                    put (32,96+14*32),SPic,pset
                    if drawblock.solid = 0 then put (32,96+14*32),black,alpha,127
                    put (96,96+14*32),HPic,pset
                    if drawblock.half = 0 then put (96,96+14*32),black,alpha,127
                    'draw string (108,108),"H",iif(drawblock.half,marked,unmarked)
                    get (bx*32-32,by*32-32)-(bx*32-1,by*32-1),alt
                elseif by>=2 and by<=8 then
                    if bx>=1 and bx<=24 then drawblock.tile= bx-1  + (by-2)*23-1
                    conswrite ("Mode 3: Selected Tile:";drawblock.tile)
                    for yy=2 to 8
                        for xx=1 to 23
                            put (xx*32,yy*32-32),Tileset(i),pset
                            if i>145 then exit for
                    for yy=2 to 8
                        for xx=1 to 23
                            if i= drawblock.tile then line (xx*32,yy*32-32)-step(31,31),rgb(255,0,0),B'put (xx*32,yy*32-32),white,alpha,127
                            if i>145 then exit for

                    'for j=1 to
                    'for i= 1 to 6
                    '    if i <> drawblock.tile then put (i*32,32),black,alpha,127
                    get (bx*32-32,by*32-32)-(bx*32-1,by*32-1),alt
                end if
                do:sleep 10:getmouse bla,bla,,buttons:loop until buttons=0
            end if
        case 4: if buttons then
                    put (bx*32-32,by*32-32),alt,pset
                    if by=2 then
                        if bx>=2 and bx<=4 then
                            for i=1 to 3
                                put (i*32,32),MiniGegner(i),pset
                            for i=1 to 3
                                if i <> gegnertyp then put (i*32,32),black,alpha,127

                        end if
                    elseif by=4 and bx=2 then
                        locate 15,6
                        ?"   "
                        locate 15,6
                        input "",gegnernr
                    elseif by=4 and bx=5 then
                        locate 15,18
                        ?"    "
                        locate 15,18
                        input "",gegnerenergy
                    end if
                    get (bx*32-32,by*32-32)-(bx*32-1,by*32-1),alt
                end if
        case 5: put (x,y),Sprite (gegnertyp),alpha,127
                if buttons then
                end if

    end select
    select case lcase(ink)
    case "1" to "5":   cls
                'if action=1 then action=0 else action=1
                select case action
                case 1: fully_redraw
                case 2: fully_redraw:fully_drawsolid
                case 3: i=0
                        for yy=2 to 8
                            for xx=1 to 23
                                put (xx*32,yy*32-32),Tileset(i),pset
                                if i>145 then exit for
                        for yy=2 to 8
                            for xx=1 to 23
                                if i= drawblock.tile then line (xx*32,yy*32-32)-step(31,31),rgb(255,0,0),B'put (xx*32,yy*32-32),white,alpha,127
                                if i>145 then exit for

                        'line (32,96)-step(63,127),rgb(255,255,255),B
                        'line (96,96)-step(127,127),rgb(255,255,255),B
                        put (32,96+14*32),SPic,pset
                        if drawblock.solid = 0 then put (32,96+14*32),black,alpha,127
                        put (96,96+14*32),HPic,pset
                        if drawblock.half = 0 then put (96,96+14*32),black,alpha,127
                case 4: for i=1 to 3
                            put (i*32,32),MiniGegner(i),pset
                        for i=1 to 3
                            if i <> gegnertyp then put (i*32,32),black,alpha,127
                        locate 14,2
                        locate 14,15
                        locate 15,6
                        locate 15,18
                case 5: fully_redraw:fully_drawsolid:fully_drawbadguys
                        'imagedestroy drawguyalt
                        get (x,y)-step(guy(gegnertyp).width,guy(gegnertyp).height),SpriteHG(gegnertyp)
                end select
                get (bx*32-32,by*32-32)-(bx*32-1,by*32-1),alt
    case "S","S": savelevel "tempdatei.lvl"
    case "l","l": loadlevel "tempdatei.lvl"
    case chr(27):end
    end select

sub redraw (b_x as byte,b_y as byte)
    put (b_x*32-32,b_y*32-32),tileset(block(b_x,b_y).tile),pset
end sub

sub fully_redraw
    dim as byte b_x,b_y
    for b_x=1 to 25
        for b_y=1 to 18
            put (b_x*32-32,b_y*32-32),tileset(block(b_x,b_y).tile),pset
end sub

sub drawsolid (b_x as byte,b_y as byte)
    line (b_x*32-32,b_y*32-32)-(b_x*32-1,b_y*32-1),nixfarbe,B
    if block (b_x,b_y).half then line (b_x*32-32,b_y*32-32)-(b_x*32-1,b_y*32-1),halffarbe,B
    if block (b_x,b_y).solid then line (b_x*32-32,b_y*32-32)-(b_x*32-1,b_y*32-1),solidfarbe,B
end sub

sub fully_drawsolid
    dim as byte b_x,b_y
    for b_x=1 to 25
        for b_y=1 to 18
end sub

sub fully_drawbadguys
    dim as ubyte i
    for i=1 to 10
        if badguy(i).energy<>0 then put (badguy(i).x,badguy(i).y),Sprite(badguy(i).typ),trans
end sub

sub savelevel (datei as string)
    dim as integer FF,xt,yt,i
    open datei for output as #FF
    for yt=1 to 18
        for xt= 1 to 25
    for i=1 to 10
        with badguy(i)
        end with
    close #FF
end sub

sub loadlevel(datei as string)
    dim as integer FF,xt,yt,i,maxx,maxy
    open datei for input as #FF
    maxx=asc(input (1,FF))
    maxy=asc(input (1,FF))
    for yt=1 to maxy
        for xt=1 to maxx
            with block(xt,yt)
                if i=2 then .solid=true:.half=true else if i=1 then .solid= false : .half=true else .solid=false:.half=false
            end with
    for i=1 to 10
        with badguy(i)
        end with
    close #FF
end sub

conswrite (err)
conswrite (erl)