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Datum/Zeit:21.12.2008 14:49:54

'Begin WaitEvent.bi

const as integer PRESSED=1
const as integer RELEASED=0

declare sub WaitEvent

sub WaitEvent
  static as integer event,omx,omy,button,olmb,ommb,ormb
  static as string keybrd
    if button and 1 then LMB=PRESSED else LMB=RELEASED
    if button and 2 then RMB=PRESSED else RMB=RELEASED
    if button and 4 then MMB=PRESSED else MMB=RELEASED


    'Event MousePosition + MouseBewegung
    if MOUSEX<>omx or MOUSEY<>omy then
    end if

    'Event LMB
    if LMB then event=1
    if LMB=RELEASED and olmb=PRESSED then event=1

    'Event RMB
    if ormb<>RMB then
    end if

    'Event MMB
    if ommb<>MMB then
    end if

    'Event Tastatur & CloseButton
    if keybrd<>"" then
      if len(keybrd)=1 then
      end if
      if len(keybrd)=2 then
      end if
      if ASCCODE=255 and SCANCODE=107 then EXITPROG=1' chr(255,107) CloseButton oder AltGr+F4
    end if

    sleep 1
  loop until event
end sub

'End Waitevent.bi
'Begin SimpleGUI.bi

'#include "simplegui\WaitEvent.bi"

'Screen Stuff
dim shared as integer fontheight

dim shared as uinteger bgrnd,black,white,curs
dim shared as uinteger alite,anorm,adark
dim shared as uinteger blite,bnorm,bdark
dim shared as uinteger glite,gdark

'Gadget Stuff
type Gadget
  gadtype       as integer  ' Gadget Typ
  sel           as integer  ' Gadget Selektion
  act         as integer  ' Gadget Aktivierung
    posx        as integer  ' PositionX
  posy          as integer  ' PositionY
  gadw          as integer  ' Gadget Breite
  gadh          as integer  ' Gadget Höhe
  gadtext       as string   ' Gadget Text

  buffstr       as string   ' String Text Puffer
  buffval           as integer  '   Trackbar,Slider Puffer

  DoDraw      as sub      (gadnum as integer)

  DoPress     as function (pressgad as integer) as integer
  DoHold      as function (pressgad as integer,actgad as integer) as integer
  DoRelease   as function (pressgad as integer,releasegad as integer) as integer

  ctrla       as integer  ' Steuerungsvariablen, je nach Gadgettyp unterschiedlich genutzt
  ctrlb       as integer  '
  ctrlc       as integer  '
  ctrld       as integer  '
  ctrle       as integer  '
  ctrlf       as integer  '
  ctrlg       as integer  '
end type
dim shared as integer maxgad=64
dim shared as Gadget GadgetList(1 to maxgad)

declare function GadgetControl as integer

'Hilfsfunktionen und Subs für alle Gadget
declare sub DrawGadget (gadnum as integer)
declare function GetGadgetNumber as integer
declare function GetSelect (gadnum as integer) as integer
declare sub SetSelect (gadnum as integer,mode as integer)
declare sub GadgetOn (gadnum as integer)
declare sub GadgetSleep (gadnum as integer)
declare sub GadgetOff (gadnum as integer)

'Font &Vars
declare sub SetColors
declare function GetFontHeight as integer

function GadgetControl as integer

    dim as integer gadnum,SendMessage
    static as integer remembergad,rememberstringgad

  'string handle
  if rememberstringgad>0 then
    if ASCCODE>-1 or SCANCODE>-1 then
      if ASCCODE<>13 then
        '!!Achtung!!.DoHold enthält bei StringGadgets den eigentlichen StringEditor :)
        SetSelect (rememberstringgad,0)
    end if
  end if

  'press handle
    if LMB=PRESSED  then
        if gadnum=-1 and remembergad=0 then remembergad=gadnum

    'deaktiviere StringGadget wenn was anderes angeklickt wird
    if rememberstringgad>0 and gadnum<>rememberstringgad then
      SetSelect (rememberstringgad,0)
        end if

        if remembergad>0 and rememberstringgad=0 then ' und es ist kein StringGadget, da wir .DoHold für StringEditor
      SendMessage=GadgetList(remembergad).DoHold(remembergad,gadnum) 'benutzen werden. siehe oben!!
    end if

    '1st hit
        if gadnum>0 and remembergad=0 then
      if SendMessage=-1 then 'bei -1 ist es ein Stringadget
        rememberstringgad=remembergad 'aktivieren eines StringGadget
      end if
    end if
  end if

'release handle
    if LMB=RELEASED then
    if remembergad>0 then SendMessage=GadgetList(remembergad).DoRelease(remembergad,gadnum)
    end if

end function

'Hilfsfunktionen und Subs für alle Gadgets

function GetGadgetNumber as integer
  dim as integer i,gadnum
  for i=1 to maxgad
    if GadgetList(i).act=1 then   'nur Activation=1 liefert eine Antwort
      if    MOUSEX>=GadgetList(i).posx and MOUSEX<GadgetList(i).posx+GadgetList(i).gadw and _
                    MOUSEY>=GadgetList(i).posy and MOUSEY<GadgetList(i).posy+GadgetList(i).gadh then gadnum=i
    end if
  next i
end function

sub DrawGadget(gadnum as integer)
end sub

function GetSelect (gadnum as integer) as integer
end function

sub SetSelect (gadnum as integer,selection as integer)
end sub

sub GadgetOn (gadnum as integer)
end sub

sub GadgetSleep (gadnum as integer)
end sub

sub GadgetOff (gadnum as integer)
end sub

'Font & Vars
sub SetColors

    bgrnd=&he8e8e8  'hintergrund

  black=&h000000  'schwarz
    white=&hffffff  'weiss

  curs=&hdd8833  'cursor

  alite=&hf2f2f2  'Farbe a hell
    anorm=&he0e0e0  'Farbe a normal
  adark=&h909090  'Farbe a dunkel

  blite=&hd8eefa  'Farbe b hell
    bnorm=&hb7d9ed  'Farbe b normal
  bdark=&h4e8cbe  'Farbe b dunkel

  glite=&hf2f2f2  'ghost (Mode 3) hell
  gdark=&hb8b8b8  'ghost (Mode 3) dunkel
  color black,bgrnd
end sub

'Nach einer Idee von Volta :)
function GetFontHeight as integer
  dim as integer h,fheight
  screeninfo ,h
  select case  h\hiword(width)
    case is < 8
    case 8 to 13
    case 14, 15
    case is > 15
  end select
end function

'#include "simplegui\GFXAdds.bi"

'End SimpleGUI.bi
'Begin GFXAdds.bi
declare sub Frame (x as integer, y as integer, w as integer, h as integer, txt as string)

sub Frame (x as integer, y as integer, w as integer, h as integer, txt as string)
  line (x+1,y+1)-(x+w-1,y+h-1),white,b
  line (x,y)-(x+w-2,y+h-2),gdark,b
  if len(txt) then
    draw string (x+8,y-fontheight/2),txt,black
  end if
end sub
'End GFXAdds.bi
'Begin SimpleGadget.bi

declare sub AddSimpleGadget (gadnum as integer,x as integer,y as integer,w as integer,h as integer,txt as string)

declare function SGPress(pressgad as integer) as integer
declare function SGHold (pressgad as integer,actgad as integer) as integer
declare function SGRelease (pressgad as integer,releasegad as integer) as integer

declare sub DrawSimpleGadget (gadnum as integer)

sub AddSimpleGadget (gadnum as integer,x as integer,y as integer,w as integer,h as integer,txt as string)

  GadgetList(gadnum).DoDraw     =@DrawSimpleGadget
  GadgetList(gadnum).DoPress    =@SGPress
  GadgetList(gadnum).DoHold     =@SGHold
  GadgetList(gadnum).DoRelease  =@SGRelease
end sub

function SGPress(pressgad as integer) as integer
  SetSelect (pressgad,1)
end function

function SGHold (pressgad as integer,actgad as integer) as integer
end function

function SGRelease (pressgad as integer,releasegad as integer) as integer
  SetSelect (pressgad,0)
  if pressgad=releasegad then function=pressgad else function=0
end function

sub DrawSimpleGadget (gadnum as integer)
    dim as integer x,y,w,h
  x   =GadgetList(gadnum).posx
    y   =GadgetList(gadnum).posy
    w       =GadgetList(gadnum).gadw
    h       =GadgetList(gadnum).gadh

  'inactive invisible
  if GadgetList(gadnum).act=0 then
    line (x,y)-(x+w-1,y+h-1),bgrnd,bf
  end if
  if GadgetList(gadnum).act=1 then
    if GadgetList(gadnum).sel=0 then
      line (x,y+h-2)-(x,y+1),adark
      line (x+1,y)-(x+w-2,y),adark
      line (x+w-1,y+1)-(x+w-1,y+h-2),adark
      line (x+w-2,y+h-1)-(x+1,y+h-1),adark
      pset (x+1,y+1),adark
      pset (x+w-2,y+1),adark
      pset (x+w-2,y+h-2),adark
      pset (x+1,y+h-2),adark

      line (x+1,y+h-3)-(x+1,y+2),white
      line (x+2,y+1)-(x+w-3,y+1),white
      line (x+w-2,y+2)-(x+w-2,y+h-3),anorm
      line (x+w-3,y+h-2)-(x+2,y+h-2),anorm

      line (x+2,y+2)-(x+w-3,y+h\2-1),alite,bf
      line (x+2,y+h\2)-(x+w-3,y+h-3),anorm,bf
      draw string ( x+(w-len(GadgetList(gadnum).gadtext)*8)/2 , y+(h-fontheight)/2 ),GadgetList(gadnum).gadtext,black
    end if
    if GadgetList(gadnum).sel=1 then
      line (x,y+h-2)-(x,y+1),bdark
      line (x+1,y)-(x+w-2,y),bdark
      line (x+w-1,y+1)-(x+w-1,y+h-2),bdark
      line (x+w-2,y+h-1)-(x+1,y+h-1),bdark
      pset (x+1,y+1),bdark
      pset (x+w-2,y+1),bdark
      pset (x+w-2,y+h-2),bdark
      pset (x+1,y+h-2),bdark

      line (x+1,y+h-3)-(x+1,y+2),bnorm
      line (x+2,y+1)-(x+w-3,y+1),bnorm
      line (x+w-2,y+2)-(x+w-2,y+h-3),blite
      line (x+w-3,y+h-2)-(x+2,y+h-2),blite

      line (x+2,y+2)-(x+w-3,y+h\2),blite,bf
      line (x+2,y+h\2+1)-(x+w-3,y+h-3),bnorm,bf
      draw string ( x+1+(w-len(GadgetList(gadnum).gadtext)*8)/2 , y+1+(h-fontheight)/2 ),GadgetList(gadnum).gadtext,black
    end if
  end if
  'inactive visible(ghosted)
  if GadgetList(gadnum).act=2 then
    line (x,y+h-2)-(x,y+1),gdark
    line (x+1,y)-(x+w-2,y),gdark
    line (x+w-1,y+1)-(x+w-1,y+h-2),gdark
    line (x+w-2,y+h-1)-(x+1,y+h-1),gdark
    pset (x+1,y+1),gdark
    pset (x+w-2,y+1),gdark
    pset (x+w-2,y+h-2),gdark
    pset (x+1,y+h-2),gdark

    line (x+2,y+2)-(x+w-3,y+h-3),bgrnd,bf
    draw string ( x+(w-len(GadgetList(gadnum).gadtext)*8)/2 , y+(h-fontheight)/2 ),GadgetList(gadnum).gadtext,gdark
  end if
end sub

'End SimpleGadget.bi
'Begin StringGadget.bi

declare sub AddStringGadget (gadnum as integer,x as integer,y as integer,glen as integer,slen as integer,txt as string)

declare function StrGPress(pressgad as integer) as integer
declare function EditString (gadnum as integer,dummy as integer) as integer
declare function StrGRelease (pressgad as integer,releasegad as integer) as integer

declare sub PutString (gadnum as integer,txt as string)
declare function GetString (gadnum as integer) as string

declare sub DrawStringGadget (gadnum as integer)

sub AddStringGadget (gadnum as integer,x as integer,y as integer,glen as integer,slen as integer,txt as string)
  if len(txt)>slen then txt=left(txt,slen)

  GadgetList(gadnum).DoDraw     =@DrawStringGadget
  GadgetList(gadnum).DoPress    =@StrGPress
  GadgetList(gadnum).DoHold     =@EditString
  GadgetList(gadnum).DoRelease  =@StrGRelease

end sub

function StrGPress(pressgad as integer) as integer
  if GadgetList(pressgad).ctrlc >GadgetList(pressgad).ctrld+GadgetList(pressgad).ctrla then _
  if GadgetList(pressgad).ctrlc > len(GadgetList(pressgad).buffstr)+1 then _
  SetSelect (pressgad,1)
  function=-1  'statt 0 liefern wir -1 GadgetControl erkennt daran ein StringGadget!!
end function

'die wichtigste Funktion - den Stringeditor - verpacken
'wir in .DoHold
function EditString (gadnum as integer,dummy as integer) as integer
  dim as string lpart,rpart
  'Move Cursor
  if SCANCODE=75 and GadgetList(gadnum).ctrlc > 1                                 then GadgetList(gadnum).ctrlc -=1
  if SCANCODE=77 and GadgetList(gadnum).ctrlc < len(GadgetList(gadnum).buffstr)+1 then GadgetList(gadnum).ctrlc +=1

  if GadgetList(gadnum).ctrlc>1 then                                                      'wenn Cursor grösser 1
    if SCANCODE=14 or ASCCODE=8 then
      if GadgetList(gadnum).ctrlc=len(GadgetList(gadnum).buffstr)+1 then                  'wenn Cursor hinter Text
      elseif GadgetList(gadnum).ctrlc=2 then                                              'wenn Cursor an 2.Stelle
      else                                                                                'wenn Cursor mittendrin
      end if
      if GadgetList(gadnum).ctrld>0 then GadgetList(gadnum).ctrld -=1                     'ScrollOffset verändern
      GadgetList(gadnum).ctrlc -=1                                                        'Cusorposition verringern
    end if
  end if

  if GadgetList(gadnum).ctrlc<=len(GadgetList(gadnum).buffstr) then                       'wenn Cursor im Text
    if SCANCODE=83  or ASCCODE=127 then
      if GadgetList(gadnum).ctrlc=len(GadgetList(gadnum).buffstr) then                    'wenn Cursor auf letzem Zeichen
      elseif GadgetList(gadnum).ctrlc=1 then                                              'wenn Cursor auf erstem Zeichen
      else                                                                                'ansonsten (wenn) Cursor mittendrin
      end if
    end if
  end if

  'Add Char
  if len(GadgetList(gadnum).buffstr)<GadgetList(gadnum).ctrlb then                        'wenn Textlänge kleiner ma. Textlänge
    if ASCCODE>=32 and ASCCODE<>127 and ASCCODE<>257 and ASCCODE<>258 and ASCCODE<>259 and ASCCODE<>260 and ASCCODE<255 then
    'Ausschluss folgender Zeichen: alle ASC codes unter 32 sowie ESC,BACKSPACE,DEL,UP,DOWN,LEFT,RIGHT sowie ASC(255)
      if len(GadgetList(gadnum).buffstr)>0 then                                           'wenn kein Leerstring
        if GadgetList(gadnum).ctrlc=1 then                                                'wenn Curor an erster Stelle
        elseif GadgetList(gadnum).ctrlc=len(GadgetList(gadnum).buffstr)+1 then            'wenn Cursor hinter Text
        else                                                                              'ansonsten (wenn) Cursor mittendrin
        end if
        GadgetList(gadnum).ctrlc +=1
      end if
      if len(GadgetList(gadnum).buffstr)=0 then                                           'wenn Leerstring dann
        GadgetList(gadnum).ctrlc +=1
      end if
    end if
  end if

  if GadgetList(gadnum).ctrlc<GadgetList(gadnum).ctrld+1 then
  end if
  if GadgetList(gadnum).ctrlc>GadgetList(gadnum).ctrld+GadgetList(gadnum).ctrla then
  end if


end function

function StrGRelease (pressgad as integer,releasegad as integer) as integer
end function

function GetString (gadnum as integer) as string
end function

sub PutString (gadnum as integer,txt as string)
  if len(txt)>GadgetList(gadnum).ctrlb then txt=left(txt,GadgetList(gadnum).ctrlb)
  DrawGadget (gadnum)
end sub

sub DrawStringGadget (gadnum as integer)
    dim as integer x,y,w,h,i,c,o,os
  x   =GadgetList(gadnum).posx
    y   =GadgetList(gadnum).posy
    w       =GadgetList(gadnum).gadw
    h       =GadgetList(gadnum).gadh
  c   =GadgetList(gadnum).ctrlc
  o   =GadgetList(gadnum).ctrld
  os  =3

  if GadgetList(gadnum).act=0 then
    line (x,y)-(x+w-1,y+h-1),bgrnd,bf
  end if

  if GadgetList(gadnum).act=1 then
    if GadgetList(gadnum).sel=0 then
      for i=1 to GadgetList(gadnum).ctrla
        line( x+os+8*(i-1),y+os)-(x+os+8*(i)-1,y+os+fontheight-1),white,bf
        if i+o<=len(GadgetList(gadnum).buffstr) then
          draw string ( x+os+8*(i-1), y+os ),mid(GadgetList(gadnum).buffstr,i+o,1),black
        end if
      next i
    end if

    if GadgetList(gadnum).sel=1 then
      for i=1 to GadgetList(gadnum).ctrla
        if i+o=c then
          line( x+os+8*(i-1),y+os)-(x+os+8*(i)-1,y+os+fontheight-1),curs,bf
          draw string ( x+os+8*(i-1), y+os ),mid(GadgetList(gadnum).buffstr,i+o,1),white
          line( x+os+8*(i-1),y+os)-(x+os+8*(i)-1,y+os+fontheight-1),white,bf
          draw string ( x+os+8*(i-1), y+os ),mid(GadgetList(gadnum).buffstr,i+o,1),black
        end if
      next i
    end if
  end if

  if GadgetList(gadnum).act=2 then
    for i=1 to GadgetList(gadnum).ctrla
      line( x+os+8*(i-1),y+os)-(x+os+8*(i)-1,y+os+fontheight-1),bgrnd,bf
      if i+o<=len(GadgetList(gadnum).buffstr) then
        draw string ( x+os+8*(i-1), y+os ),mid(GadgetList(gadnum).buffstr,i+o,1),gdark
      end if
    next i
  end if
end sub

'End StringGadget.bi
'Begin ToggleGadget.bi

declare sub AddToggleGadget (gadnum as integer,x as integer,y as integer,w as integer,h as integer,s as integer,txt as string)

declare function ToGPress(pressgad as integer) as integer
declare function ToGHold (pressgad as integer,actgad as integer) as integer
declare function ToGRelease (pressgad as integer,releasegad as integer) as integer

declare sub DrawToggleGadget (gadnum as integer)

declare sub ToTick (x as integer, y as integer)
declare sub ToTickGhost (x as integer, y as integer)

sub AddToggleGadget (gadnum as integer,x as integer,y as integer,w as integer,h as integer,s as integer,txt as string)

  GadgetList(gadnum).DoDraw     =@DrawToggleGadget
  GadgetList(gadnum).DoPress    =@ToGPress
  GadgetList(gadnum).DoHold     =@ToGHold
  GadgetList(gadnum).DoRelease  =@ToGRelease
end sub

function ToGPress(pressgad as integer) as integer
end function

function ToGHold (pressgad as integer,actgad as integer) as integer
end function

function ToGRelease (pressgad as integer,releasegad as integer) as integer
  if pressgad=releasegad then
    if GetSelect(pressgad)=1 then SetSelect(pressgad,0) else SetSelect(pressgad,1)
  end if
end function

sub DrawToggleGadget (gadnum as integer)
    dim as integer x,y,w,h
  x   =GadgetList(gadnum).posx
    y   =GadgetList(gadnum).posy
    w       =GadgetList(gadnum).gadw
    h       =GadgetList(gadnum).gadh

  if GadgetList(gadnum).act=0 then
    line (x,y)-(x+w-1,y+h-1),bgrnd,bf
  end if
  if GadgetList(gadnum).act=1 then
    if GadgetList(gadnum).sel=0 then
      line (x,y+h-2)-(x,y+1),adark
      line (x+1,y)-(x+w-2,y),adark
      line (x+w-1,y+1)-(x+w-1,y+h-2),adark
      line (x+w-2,y+h-1)-(x+1,y+h-1),adark
      pset (x+1,y+1),adark
      pset (x+w-2,y+1),adark
      pset (x+w-2,y+h-2),adark
      pset (x+1,y+h-2),adark

      line (x+1,y+h-3)-(x+1,y+2),white
      line (x+2,y+1)-(x+w-3,y+1),white
      line (x+w-2,y+2)-(x+w-2,y+h-3),anorm
      line (x+w-3,y+h-2)-(x+2,y+h-2),anorm

      line (x+2,y+2)-(x+w-3,y+h\2-1),alite,bf
      line (x+2,y+h\2)-(x+w-3,y+h-3),anorm,bf
      draw string ( x-1+(w-len(GadgetList(gadnum).gadtext)*8)/2 , y-1+(h-fontheight)/2 ),GadgetList(gadnum).gadtext,white
      draw string ( x+(w-len(GadgetList(gadnum).gadtext)*8)/2 , y+(h-fontheight)/2 ),GadgetList(gadnum).gadtext,black
    end if
    if GadgetList(gadnum).sel=1 then
      line (x,y+h-2)-(x,y+1),bdark
      line (x+1,y)-(x+w-2,y),bdark
      line (x+w-1,y+1)-(x+w-1,y+h-2),bdark
      line (x+w-2,y+h-1)-(x+1,y+h-1),bdark
      pset (x+1,y+1),bdark
      pset (x+w-2,y+1),bdark
      pset (x+w-2,y+h-2),bdark
      pset (x+1,y+h-2),bdark

      line (x+1,y+h-3)-(x+1,y+2),bnorm
      line (x+2,y+1)-(x+w-3,y+1),bnorm
      line (x+w-2,y+2)-(x+w-2,y+h-3),blite
      line (x+w-3,y+h-2)-(x+2,y+h-2),blite

      line (x+2,y+2)-(x+w-3,y+h\2),blite,bf
      line (x+2,y+h\2+1)-(x+w-3,y+h-3),bnorm,bf
      draw string ( x+(w-len(GadgetList(gadnum).gadtext)*8)/2 , y+(h-fontheight)/2 ),GadgetList(gadnum).gadtext,white
      draw string ( x+1+(w-len(GadgetList(gadnum).gadtext)*8)/2 , y+1+(h-fontheight)/2 ),GadgetList(gadnum).gadtext,black
    end if
  end if
  if GadgetList(gadnum).act=2 then
    line (x,y+h-2)-(x,y+1),gdark
    line (x+1,y)-(x+w-2,y),gdark
    line (x+w-1,y+1)-(x+w-1,y+h-2),gdark
    line (x+w-2,y+h-1)-(x+1,y+h-1),gdark
    pset (x+1,y+1),gdark
    pset (x+w-2,y+1),gdark
    pset (x+w-2,y+h-2),gdark
    pset (x+1,y+h-2),gdark

    line (x+2,y+2)-(x+w-3,y+h-3),bgrnd,bf
    draw string ( x+(w-len(GadgetList(gadnum).gadtext)*8)/2 , y+(h-fontheight)/2 ),GadgetList(gadnum).gadtext,white
    draw string ( x+1+(w-len(GadgetList(gadnum).gadtext)*8)/2 , y+1+(h-fontheight)/2 ),GadgetList(gadnum).gadtext,gdark
    if GadgetList(gadnum).sel=1 then ToTickGhost(x+w-8,y+2)
  end if
end sub

sub ToTick (x as integer,y as integer)
end sub

sub ToTickGhost (x as integer,y as integer)
end sub

'End ToggleGadget.bi
'Begin CheckmarkGadget.bi

declare sub AddCheckmarkGadget (gadnum as integer,x as integer,y as integer,s as integer)

declare function CmGPress(pressgad as integer) as integer
declare function CmGHold (pressgad as integer,actgad as integer) as integer
declare function CmGRelease (pressgad as integer,releasegad as integer) as integer

declare sub DrawCheckmarkGadget (gadnum as integer)

declare Sub CTick (x as integer,y as integer)
declare Sub CTickGhost (x as integer,y as integer)

sub AddCheckmarkGadget (gadnum as integer,x as integer,y as integer,s as integer)

  GadgetList(gadnum).DoDraw     =@DrawCheckmarkGadget
  GadgetList(gadnum).DoPress    =@CmGPress
  GadgetList(gadnum).DoHold     =@CmGHold
  GadgetList(gadnum).DoRelease  =@CmGRelease
end sub

function CmGPress(pressgad as integer) as integer
end function

function CmGHold (pressgad as integer,actgad as integer) as integer
end function

function CmGRelease (pressgad as integer,releasegad as integer) as integer
  if pressgad=releasegad then
    if GetSelect(pressgad)=1 then SetSelect(pressgad,0) else SetSelect(pressgad,1)
  end if
end function

sub DrawCheckmarkGadget (gadnum as integer)
    dim as uinteger ca,cb,cc,cd
    dim as integer x,y
  x   =GadgetList(gadnum).posx
    y   =GadgetList(gadnum).posy

  if GadgetList(gadnum).act=0 then
    line (x,y)-(x+12,y+12),bgrnd,bf
  end if

  if GadgetList(gadnum).act=1 then
    line (x,y)-(x+12,y+12),adark,b
    line (x+1,y+1)-(x+11,y+11),alite,b

    line (x+2,y+9)-(x+2,y+2),anorm
    line (x+2,y+2)-(x+10,y+2),anorm
    line (x+10,y+3)-(x+10,y+10),white
    line (x+10,y+10)-(x+2,y+10),white

    line (x+3,y+3)-(x+9,y+5),anorm,bf
    line (x+3,y+6)-(x+9,y+9),alite,bf
    if GadgetList(gadnum).sel=1 then CTick (x+2,y+2)
  end if

  if GadgetList(gadnum).act=2 then
    line (x,y)-(x+12,y+12),gdark,b
    line (x+1,y+1)-(x+11,y+11),bgrnd,bf
    if GadgetList(gadnum).sel=1 then CTickGhost (x+2,y+2)
  end if
end sub

sub CTick (x as integer,y as integer)
end sub

sub CTickGhost (x as integer,y as integer)
end sub

'End CheckmarkGadget.bi
'Begin RadioButton.bi
declare sub AddRadioButton (gadnum as integer,x as integer,y as integer,s as integer,pgad as integer)

declare function RBPress(pressgad as integer) as integer
declare function RBHold (pressgad as integer,actgad as integer) as integer
declare function RBRelease (pressgad as integer,releasegad as integer) as integer

declare sub DrawRadioButton (gadnum as integer)

declare sub RDot (x as integer,y as integer)
declare sub RDotGhost (x as integer,y as integer)

sub AddRadiobutton (gadnum as integer,x as integer,y as integer,s as integer,pgad as integer)

  GadgetList(gadnum).DoDraw     =@DrawRadioButton
  GadgetList(gadnum).DoPress    =@RBPress
  GadgetList(gadnum).DoHold     =@RBHold
  GadgetList(gadnum).DoRelease  =@RBRelease

  if pgad>0 then
    GadgetList(gadnum).ctrla=GadgetList(pgad).ctrla' erstes Element aus vorhergehenden holen
    GadgetList(pgad).ctrlb=gadnum 'ins vorhergehende Element dieses hier eintragen ---> Verkettung
  end if
  if pgad=0 then
    GadgetList(gadnum).ctrla=gadnum  'sich selbst als erstes Element definieren
  end if
end sub

function RBPress(pressgad as integer) as integer
end function

function RBHold (pressgad as integer,actgad as integer) as integer
end function

function RBRelease (pressgad as integer,releasegad as integer) as integer
  if pressgad=releasegad then
    dim as integer element=GadgetList(pressgad).ctrla' erstes Element holen (in jedem RadioButton hinterlegt)
      if element=pressgad then
      end if
      if GadgetList(element).ctrlb=0 then exit do
      element=GadgetList(element).ctrlb 'Nachfolger holen
  end if
end function

sub DrawRadioButton (gadnum as integer)
    dim as uinteger ca,cb,cc,cd
    dim as integer x,y
  x   =GadgetList(gadnum).posx
    y   =GadgetList(gadnum).posy

  if GadgetList(gadnum).act=0 then
    line (x,y)-(x+11,y+11),bgrnd,bf
  end if

  if GadgetList(gadnum).act=1 then
    line       -(x+3,y),adark
    line       -(x+8,y),adark
    line       -(x+11,y+3),adark
    line       -(x+11,y+8),adark
    line       -(x+8,y+11),adark
    line       -(x+3,y+11),adark
    line       -(x,y+8),adark

    line       -(x+3,y+1),alite
    line       -(x+8,y+1),alite
    line       -(x+10,y+3),alite
    line       -(x+10,y+8),alite
    line       -(x+8,y+10),alite
    line       -(x+3,y+10),alite
    line       -(x+1,y+8),alite

    line       -(x+3,y+2),anorm
    line       -(x+8,y+2),anorm
    line       -(x+9,y+3),anorm
    line       -(x+9,y+8),anorm
    line       -(x+8,y+9),anorm
    line       -(x+3,y+9),anorm
    line       -(x+2,y+8),anorm

    if GadgetList(gadnum).sel=1 then RDot (x+3,y+3)
  end if

  if GadgetList(gadnum).act=2 then
    line       -(x+3,y),gdark
    line       -(x+8,y),gdark
    line       -(x+11,y+3),gdark
    line       -(x+11,y+8),gdark
    line       -(x+8,y+11),gdark
    line       -(x+3,y+11),gdark
    line       -(x,y+8),gdark

    if GadgetList(gadnum).sel=1 then RDotGhost (x+3,y+3)
  end if
end sub

sub RDot (x as integer,y as integer)

end sub

sub RDotGhost (x as integer,y as integer)

  paint (x+1,y+1),gdark,gdark
end sub

'End RadioButton.bi
'Begin Trackbars.bi

declare sub AddHTrackbar (gadnum as integer,x as integer,y as integer,l as integer,mi as integer,ma as integer,va as integer,sc as integer)
declare sub AddVTrackbar (gadnum as integer,x as integer,y as integer,l as integer,mi as integer,ma as integer,va as integer,sc as integer)

declare function TbPress(pressgad as integer) as integer
declare function TbHold (pressgad as integer,actgad as integer) as integer
declare function TbRelease (pressgad as integer,releasegad as integer) as integer

declare sub SetPos(gadnum as integer,p as integer)
declare function GetPos(gadnum as integer)as integer
declare sub SetVal (gadnum as integer,va as integer)
declare function GetVal (gadnum as integer) as integer
declare function GetTargetVal(gadnum as integer,p as integer) as integer

declare sub DrawHTrackbar (gadnum as integer)

declare sub DrawVTrackbar (gadnum as integer)

declare sub Slot (gadnum as integer,x as integer,y as integer,w as integer,h as integer,p as integer)
declare sub SlotGhost (gadnum as integer,x as integer,y as integer,w as integer,h as integer,p as integer)
declare sub Scale (gadnum as integer,col as uinteger)

sub AddHTrackbar (gadnum as integer,x as integer,y as integer,l as integer,mi as integer,ma as integer,va as integer,sc as integer)
dim as integer range

  GadgetList(gadnum).DoDraw     =@DrawHTrackbar
  GadgetList(gadnum).DoPress    =@TbPress
  GadgetList(gadnum).DoHold     =@TbHold
  GadgetList(gadnum).DoRelease  =@TbRelease

  range=GadgetList(gadnum).ctrlb - GadgetList(gadnum).ctrla

end sub

sub AddVTrackbar (gadnum as integer,x as integer,y as integer,l as integer,mi as integer,ma as integer,va as integer,sc as integer)
dim as integer range

  GadgetList(gadnum).DoDraw     =@DrawVTrackbar
  GadgetList(gadnum).DoPress    =@TbPress
  GadgetList(gadnum).DoHold     =@TbHold
  GadgetList(gadnum).DoRelease  =@TbRelease

  range=GadgetList(gadnum).ctrlb - GadgetList(gadnum).ctrla

end sub

function TbPress(pressgad as integer) as integer
  if GadgetList(pressgad).ctrlg=0 then
    if MOUSEX-GadgetList(pressgad).posx>GadgetList(pressgad).ctrlc-6 and _           'Knob Treffer
       MOUSEX-GadgetList(pressgad).posx<GadgetList(pressgad).ctrlc+6 then
      GadgetList(pressgad).ctrle=(MOUSEX-GadgetList(pressgad).posx)-GadgetList(pressgad).ctrlc 'Speichern des MouseOffsets überm Knob
      GadgetList(pressgad).ctrlf=1 'SliderModus bei Hold aktivieren
      SetSelect (pressgad,1)
    else  'anderenfalls Knob jeweils eine Position in Richtung Wunschposition verschieben, kein HOLD
      if GetTargetVal(pressgad,MOUSEX- GadgetList(pressgad).posx) < GetVal(pressgad) then
      end if
      if GetTargetVal(pressgad,MOUSEX- GadgetList(pressgad).posx)>GetVal(pressgad) then
      end if
    end if
  end if
  if GadgetList(pressgad).ctrlg=1 then
    if MOUSEY-GadgetList(pressgad).posy>GadgetList(pressgad).ctrlc-6 and _
       MOUSEY-GadgetList(pressgad).posy<GadgetList(pressgad).ctrlc+6 then
      GadgetList(pressgad).ctrle=(MOUSEY-GadgetList(pressgad).posy)-GadgetList(pressgad).ctrlc 'Speichern des MouseOffsets überm Knob
      GadgetList(pressgad).ctrlf=1 'SliderModus bei Hold aktivieren
      SetSelect (pressgad,1)
    else 'anderenfalls Knob jeweils eine Position in Richtung Wunschposition verschieben, kein HOLD
      if GetTargetVal(pressgad,MOUSEY- GadgetList(pressgad).posy) < GetVal(pressgad) then
      end if
      if GetTargetVal(pressgad,MOUSEY- GadgetList(pressgad).posy)>GetVal(pressgad) then
      end if
    end if
  end if
end function

function TbHold (pressgad as integer,actgad as integer) as integer
  static as integer oldval
  if GadgetList(pressgad).ctrlg=0 then
    if GadgetList(pressgad).ctrlf=1 then
      SetVal(pressgad,GetTargetVal(pressgad,MOUSEX- GadgetList(pressgad).posx-GadgetList(pressgad).ctrle))
      if oldval<>GetVal(pressgad) then function=pressgad else function=0
    end if
  end if
  if GadgetList(pressgad).ctrlg=1 then
    if GadgetList(pressgad).ctrlf=1 then
      SetVal(pressgad,GetTargetVal(pressgad,MOUSEY- GadgetList(pressgad).posy-GadgetList(pressgad).ctrle))
      if oldval<>GetVal(pressgad) then function=pressgad else function=0
    end if
  end if
end function

function TbRelease (pressgad as integer,releasegad as integer) as integer
end function

sub SetPos(gadnum as integer,p as integer)
end sub

sub SetVal (gadnum as integer,va as integer)
    dim range as uinteger
    range=GadgetList(gadnum).ctrlb - GadgetList(gadnum).ctrla
    if GadgetList(gadnum).ctrlg=0 then
  end if
  if GadgetList(gadnum).ctrlg=1 then
  end if
end sub

function GetVal (gadnum as integer) as integer
end function

function GetTargetVal(gadnum as integer,p as integer) as integer
    dim as uinteger range
    dim as integer targetval
  range=GadgetList(gadnum).ctrlb - GadgetList(gadnum).ctrla
  if p<5 then p=5
    if GadgetList(gadnum).ctrlg=0 then
      if p>GadgetList(gadnum).gadw-6 then p=GadgetList(gadnum).gadw-6
    targetval=GadgetList(gadnum).ctrla  +  range*(p-5)/(GadgetList(gadnum).gadw-11)
  end if
  if GadgetList(gadnum).ctrlg=1 then
      if p>GadgetList(gadnum).gadh-6 then p=GadgetList(gadnum).gadh-6
      targetval=GadgetList(gadnum).ctrla  +  range*(p-5)/(GadgetList(gadnum).gadh-11)
  end if
end function

sub DrawHTrackbar (gadnum as integer)
    dim as integer i,x,y,w,h,p,s,sc,range
  x   =GadgetList(gadnum).posx
    y   =GadgetList(gadnum).posy
    w       =GadgetList(gadnum).gadw
    h       =GadgetList(gadnum).gadh
    p       =GadgetList(gadnum).ctrlc
  sc  =GadgetList(gadnum).ctrld
    range=GadgetList(gadnum).ctrlb - GadgetList(gadnum).ctrla

  if GadgetList(gadnum).act=0 then
    line (x,y)-(x+w-1,y+h-1),bgrnd,bf
    if sc then Scale (gadnum,bgrnd)
  end if

  if GadgetList(gadnum).act=1 then
    'clear l+r knob
    if p>5 then
      line (x,y)   -(x+p-6,y+8),bgrnd,bf
      line (x,y+13)-(x+p-6,y+h-1),bgrnd,bf
    end if
    if p<w-6 then
      line (x+p+6,y)   -(x+w-1,y+8),bgrnd,bf
      line (x+p+6,y+13)-(x+w-1,y+h-1),bgrnd,bf
       end if
    if GadgetList(gadnum).sel=0 then
      'knob unselect
         'line (x+p-5,y)        -(x+p+5,y+h-1),adark,b

       line (x+p-4,y)-(x+p+4,y),adark
       line (x+p+5,y+1)-(x+p+5,y+h-2),adark
       line (x+p-4,y+h-1)-(x+p+4,y+h-1),adark
       line (x+p-5,y+1)-(x+p-5,y+h-2),adark

         line (x+p-4,y+1)   -(x+p+4,y+h/2-1),alite,bf
         line (x+p-4,y+h/2)-(x+p+4,y+h-2),anorm,bf
    end if
    if GadgetList(gadnum).sel=1 then
      'knob select
       line (x+p-4,y)-(x+p+4,y),bdark
       line (x+p+5,y+1)-(x+p+5,y+h-2),bdark
       line (x+p-4,y+h-1)-(x+p+4,y+h-1),bdark
       line (x+p-5,y+1)-(x+p-5,y+h-2),bdark

      line (x+p-4,y+1)  -(x+p+4,y+h/2),blite,bf
      line (x+p-4,y+h/2)-(x+p+4,y+h-2),bnorm,bf
    end if
    if sc then Scale (gadnum,adark)
  end if

  if GadgetList(gadnum).act=2 then
    'knob ghosted
    line (x+p-4,y)-(x+p+4,y),gdark
    line (x+p+5,y+1)-(x+p+5,y+h-2),gdark
    line (x+p-4,y+h-1)-(x+p+4,y+h-1),gdark
    line (x+p-5,y+1)-(x+p-5,y+h-2),gdark

    line (x+p-4,y+1)    -(x+p+4,y+h-2),bgrnd,bf

    if sc then Scale (gadnum,gdark)
  end if
end sub

sub DrawVTrackbar (gadnum as integer)
    dim as integer i,x,y,w,h,p,s,sc,range
  x   =GadgetList(gadnum).posx
    y   =GadgetList(gadnum).posy
    w       =GadgetList(gadnum).gadw
    h       =GadgetList(gadnum).gadh
    p       =GadgetList(gadnum).ctrlc
  sc  =GadgetList(gadnum).ctrld
    range=GadgetList(gadnum).ctrlb - GadgetList(gadnum).ctrla

  if GadgetList(gadnum).act=0 then
    line (x,y)-(x+w-1,y+h-1),bgrnd,bf
    if sc then Scale (gadnum,bgrnd)
  end if

  if GadgetList(gadnum).act=1 then
    'clear knob
    if p>5 then
      line (x,y)   -(x+8,y+p-6),bgrnd,bf
      line (x+13,y)-(x+w-1,y+p-6),bgrnd,bf
    end if
    if p<h-6 then
      line (x,y+p+6)   -(x+8,y+h-1),bgrnd,bf
      line (x+13,y+p+6)-(x+w-1,y+h-1),bgrnd,bf
    end if
    if GadgetList(gadnum).sel=0 then
         line (x+1,y+p-5)       -(x+w-2,y+p-5),adark
       line (x+w-1,y+p-4)   -(x+w-1,y+p+4),adark
       line (x+1,y+p+5)     -(x+w-2,y+p+5),adark
       line (x,y+p-4)       -(x,y+p+4),adark
       pset (x,y+p-5),anorm
       pset (x+w-1,y+p-5),anorm
       pset (x+w-1,y+p+5),anorm
       pset (x,y+p+5),anorm

       line (x+1,y+p-4) -(x+w/2-1,y+p+4),alite,bf
         line (x+w/2,y+p-4)-(x+w-2,y+p+4),anorm,bf
    end if
    if GadgetList(gadnum).sel=1 then
         line (x+1,y+p-5)       -(x+w-2,y+p-5),bdark
       line (x+w-1,y+p-4)   -(x+w-1,y+p+4),bdark
       line (x+1,y+p+5)     -(x+w-2,y+p+5),bdark
       line (x,y+p-4)       -(x,y+p+4),bdark
       pset (x,y+p-5),bnorm
       pset (x+w-1,y+p-5),bnorm
       pset (x+w-1,y+p+5),bnorm
       pset (x,y+p+5),bnorm

       line (x+1,y+p-4) -(x+w/2-1,y+p+4),blite,bf
         line (x+w/2,y+p-4)-(x+w-2,y+p+4),bnorm,bf
    end if
    if sc then Scale (gadnum,adark)
  end if

  if GadgetList(gadnum).act=2 then
    'knob ghosted
    line (x+1,y+p-5)        -(x+w-2,y+p-5),gdark
    line (x+w-1,y+p-4)  -(x+w-1,y+p+4),gdark
    line (x+1,y+p+5)        -(x+w-2,y+p+5),gdark
    line (x,y+p-4)      -(x,y+p+4),gdark
    pset (x,y+p-5),bgrnd
    pset (x+w-1,y+p-5),bgrnd
    pset (x+w-1,y+p+5),bgrnd
    pset (x,y+p+5),bgrnd

    line (x+1,y+p-4)    -(x+w-2,y+p+4),bgrnd,bf

    if sc then Scale (gadnum,gdark)
  end if
end sub

sub Slot (gadnum as integer,x as integer,y as integer,w as integer,h as integer,p as integer)
  if GadgetList(gadnum).ctrlg=0 then
    if p>5 then
          line (x,y+9)-(x+p-6,y+9),adark
      line (x,y+10)-(x,y+11),adark
      line (x+1,y+10)-(x+p-6,y+11),bgrnd,bf
      line (x,y+12)-(x+p-6,y+12),alite
    end if
    if p<w-6 then
      line (x+p+6,y+9)-(x+w-1,y+9),adark
      line (x+p+6,y+10)-(x+w-1,y+11),bgrnd,bf
      line (x+p+6,y+12)-(x+w-1,y+12),alite
      line (x+w-1,y+10)-(x+w-1,y+12),alite
    end if
  end if
  if GadgetList(gadnum).ctrlg=1 then
    if p>5 then
      line (x+9,y)-(x+9,y+p-6),adark
      line (x+10,y)-(x+11,y),adark
      line (x+10,y+1)-(x+11,y+p-6),bgrnd,bf
      line (x+12,y)-(x+12,y+p-6),alite
    end if
    if p<h-6 then
          line (x+9,y+p+6)-(x+9,y+h-1),adark
      line (x+10,y+p+6)-(x+11,y+h-1),bgrnd,bf
      line (x+12,y+p+6)-(x+12,y+h-1),alite
      line (x+10,y+h-1)-(x+12,y+h-1),alite
    end if
  end if
end sub

sub SlotGhost (gadnum as integer,x as integer,y as integer,w as integer,h as integer,p as integer)
  if GadgetList(gadnum).ctrlg=0 then
    if GadgetList(gadnum).buffval>GadgetList(gadnum).ctrla then
          line (x,y+9)-(x+p-5,y+9),gdark
      line (x,y+10)-(x,y+11),gdark
      line (x+1,y+10)-(x+p-5,y+11),bgrnd,bf
      line (x,y+12)-(x+p-5,y+12),glite
    end if
    if GadgetList(gadnum).buffval<GadgetList(gadnum).ctrlb then
      line (x+p+4,y+9)-(x+w-1,y+9),gdark
      line (x+p+4,y+10)-(x+w-1,y+11),bgrnd,bf
      line (x+p+4,y+12)-(x+w-1,y+12),glite
      line (x+w-1,y+11)-(x+w-1,y+12),glite
    end if
  end if
  if GadgetList(gadnum).ctrlg=1 then
    if GadgetList(gadnum).buffval>GadgetList(gadnum).ctrla then
      line (x+9,y)-(x+9,y+p-6),gdark
      line (x+10,y)-(x+11,y),gdark
      line (x+10,y+1)-(x+11,y+p-6),bgrnd,bf
      line (x+12,y)-(x+12,y+p-6),glite
    end if
    if GadgetList(gadnum).buffval<GadgetList(gadnum).ctrlb then
          line (x+9,y+p+5)-(x+9,y+h-1),gdark
      line (x+10,y+p+5)-(x+11,y+h-1),bgrnd,bf
      line (x+12,y+p+5)-(x+12,y+h-1),glite
      line (x+11,y+h-1)-(x+12,y+h-1),glite
    end if
  end if
end sub

sub Scale (gadnum as integer,col as uinteger)
  dim as integer i,x,y,w,h,range,s
  x   =GadgetList(gadnum).posx
    y   =GadgetList(gadnum).posy
    range=GadgetList(gadnum).ctrlb - GadgetList(gadnum).ctrla
    for i=GadgetList(gadnum).ctrla to GadgetList(gadnum).ctrlb
        if GadgetList(gadnum).ctrlg=0 then
      line (x+s,y+GadgetList(gadnum).gadh+1)-(x+s,y+GadgetList(gadnum).gadh+3),col
      line (x+GadgetList(gadnum).gadw+1,y+s)-(x+GadgetList(gadnum).gadw+3,y+s),col
    end if
  next i
end sub

'End Trackbars.bi
'Begin arrows.bi

declare sub AddArrow (gadnum as integer,x as integer,y as integer,d as integer)
declare sub AddSmallArrow (gadnum as integer,x as integer,y as integer,d as integer)

declare sub DrawArrow (gadnum as integer)
declare sub DrawSmallArrow (gadnum as integer)

declare function APress(pressgad as integer) as integer
declare function AHold (pressgad as integer,actgad as integer) as integer
declare function ARelease (pressgad as integer,releasegad as integer) as integer

sub AddArrow (gadnum as integer,x as integer,y as integer,d as integer)
  if d=0 or d=1 then
  end if
  if d=2 or d=3 then
  end if
  GadgetList(gadnum).DoDraw     =@DrawArrow
  GadgetList(gadnum).DoPress    =@APress
  GadgetList(gadnum).DoHold     =@AHold
  GadgetList(gadnum).DoRelease  =@ARelease

end sub

sub AddSmallArrow (gadnum as integer,x as integer,y as integer,d as integer)
  if d=0 or d=1 then
  end if
  if d=2 or d=3 then
  end if
  GadgetList(gadnum).DoDraw     =@DrawSmallArrow
  GadgetList(gadnum).DoPress    =@APress
  GadgetList(gadnum).DoHold     =@AHold
  GadgetList(gadnum).DoRelease  =@ARelease

end sub

function APress(pressgad as integer) as integer
  SetSelect (pressgad,1)
end function

function AHold (pressgad as integer,actgad as integer) as integer
  static as double tt
  if pressgad=actgad then

    if GadgetList(pressgad).ctrla=1 and timer >= tt+.8 then
    elseif GadgetList(pressgad).ctrla=2 and timer >= tt+.1 then
    end if

    if GadgetList(pressgad).ctrla=0 then
    end if
  end if
end function

function ARelease (pressgad as integer,releasegad as integer) as integer
  SetSelect (pressgad,0)
end function

sub DrawArrow (gadnum as integer)
    dim as integer i,x,y,w,h
  x   =GadgetList(gadnum).posx
    y   =GadgetList(gadnum).posy
    w       =GadgetList(gadnum).gadw
    h       =GadgetList(gadnum).gadh

  if GadgetList(gadnum).act=0 then
    line (x,y)-(x+w-1,y+h-1),bgrnd,bf
  end if

  if GadgetList(gadnum).act=1 then
    if GadgetList(gadnum).sel=0 then
      line (x,y+h-2)-(x,y+1),adark
      line (x+1,y)-(x+w-2,y),adark
      line (x+w-1,y+1)-(x+w-1,y+h-2),adark
      line (x+w-2,y+h-1)-(x+1,y+h-1),adark
      pset (x,y),anorm
      pset (x+w-1,y),anorm
      pset (x+w-1,y+h-1),anorm
      pset (x,y+h-1),anorm

      line (x+1,y+h-3)-(x+1,y+1),white
      line (x+1,y+1)-(x+w-2,y+1),white
      line (x+w-2,y+2)-(x+w-2,y+h-2),anorm
      line (x+w-2,y+h-2)-(x+1,y+h-2),anorm

      select case GadgetList(gadnum).ctrlg
        case 0
          line (x+2,y+2)-(x+w-3,y+7),alite,bf
          line (x+2,y+8)-(x+w-3,y+h-3),anorm,bf
          for i=0 to 3
            line (x+6+i,y+7-i)-(x+6+i,y+7+i),black
          next i
        case 1
          line (x+2,y+2)-(x+w-3,y+7),alite,bf
          line (x+2,y+8)-(x+w-3,y+h-3),anorm,bf
          for i=0 to 3
            line (x+9-i,y+7-i)-(x+9-i,y+7+i),black
          next i
        case 2
          line (x+2,y+2)-(x+7,y+h-3),alite,bf
          line (x+8,y+2)-(x+w-3,y+h-3),anorm,bf
          for i=0 to 3
            line (x+7-i,y+6+i)-(x+7+i,y+6+i),black
          next i
        case 3
          line (x+2,y+2)-(x+7,y+h-3),alite,bf
          line (x+8,y+2)-(x+w-3,y+h-3),anorm,bf
          for i=0 to 3
            line (x+7-i,y+9-i)-(x+7+i,y+9-i),black
          next i
      end select
    end if
    if GadgetList(gadnum).sel=1 then
      line (x,y+h-2)-(x,y+1),bdark
      line (x+1,y)-(x+w-2,y),bdark
      line (x+w-1,y+1)-(x+w-1,y+h-2),bdark
      line (x+w-2,y+h-1)-(x+1,y+h-1),bdark
      pset (x+1,y+1),bdark
      pset (x+w-2,y+1),bdark
      pset (x+w-2,y+h-2),bdark
      pset (x+1,y+h-2),bdark

      line (x+1,y+h-3)-(x+1,y+1),bnorm
      line (x+1,y+1)-(x+w-2,y+1),bnorm
      line (x+w-2,y+2)-(x+w-2,y+h-2),blite
      line (x+w-2,y+h-2)-(x+1,y+h-2),blite

      select case GadgetList(gadnum).ctrlg
        case 0
          line (x+2,y+2)-(x+w-3,y+7),blite,bf
          line (x+2,y+8)-(x+w-3,y+h-3),bnorm,bf
          for i=0 to 3
            line (x+5+i,y+7-i)-(x+5+i,y+7+i),black
          next i
        case 1
          line (x+2,y+2)-(x+w-3,y+7),blite,bf
          line (x+2,y+8)-(x+w-3,y+h-3),bnorm,bf
          for i=0 to 3
            line (x+10-i,y+7-i)-(x+10-i,y+7+i),black
          next i
        case 2
          line (x+2,y+2)-(x+7,y+h-3),blite,bf
          line (x+8,y+2)-(x+w-3,y+h-3),bnorm,bf
          for i=0 to 3
            line (x+7-i,y+5+i)-(x+7+i,y+5+i),black
          next i
        case 3
          line (x+2,y+2)-(x+7,y+h-3),blite,bf
          line (x+8,y+2)-(x+w-3,y+h-3),bnorm,bf
          for i=0 to 3
            line (x+7-i,y+10-i)-(x+7+i,y+10-i),black
          next i
      end select
    end if
  end if

  if GadgetList(gadnum).act=2 then
    line (x,y+h-2)-(x,y+1),gdark
    line (x+1,y)-(x+w-2,y),gdark
    line (x+w-1,y+1)-(x+w-1,y+h-2),gdark
    line (x+w-2,y+h-1)-(x+1,y+h-1),gdark
    pset (x+1,y+1),gdark
    pset (x+w-2,y+1),gdark
    pset (x+w-2,y+h-2),gdark
    pset (x+1,y+h-2),gdark

    line (x+1,y+1)-(x+w-2,y+h-2),bgrnd,bf
      select case GadgetList(gadnum).ctrlg
        case 0
          for i=0 to 3
            line (x+5+i,y+7-i)-(x+5+i,y+7+i),gdark
          next i
        case 1
          for i=0 to 3
            line (x+10-i,y+7-i)-(x+10-i,y+7+i),gdark
          next i
        case 2
          for i=0 to 3
            line (x+7-i,y+5+i)-(x+7+i,y+5+i),gdark
          next i
        case 3
          for i=0 to 3
            line (x+7-i,y+10-i)-(x+7+i,y+10-i),gdark
          next i
      end select
  end if
end sub

sub DrawSmallArrow (gadnum as integer)
    dim as integer i,x,y,w,h
  x   =GadgetList(gadnum).posx
    y   =GadgetList(gadnum).posy
    w       =GadgetList(gadnum).gadw
    h       =GadgetList(gadnum).gadh

  if GadgetList(gadnum).act=0 then
    line (x,y)-(x+w-1,y+h-1),bgrnd,bf
  end if

  if GadgetList(gadnum).act=1 then
    if GadgetList(gadnum).sel=0 then
      line (x,y+h-2)-(x,y+1),adark
      line (x+1,y)-(x+w-2,y),adark
      line (x+w-1,y+1)-(x+w-1,y+h-2),adark
      line (x+w-2,y+h-1)-(x+1,y+h-1),adark
      pset (x,y),anorm
      pset (x+w-1,y),anorm
      pset (x+w-1,y+h-1),anorm
      pset (x,y+h-1),anorm

      line (x+1,y+h-3)-(x+1,y+1),white
      line (x+1,y+1)-(x+w-2,y+1),white
      line (x+w-2,y+2)-(x+w-2,y+h-2),anorm
      line (x+w-2,y+h-2)-(x+1,y+h-2),anorm

      select case GadgetList(gadnum).ctrlg
        case 0
          line (x+2,y+2)-(x+w-3,y+3),alite,bf
          line (x+2,y+4)-(x+w-3,y+h-3),anorm,bf
          for i=0 to 2
            line (x+3+i,y+4-i)-(x+3+i,y+4+i),black
          next i
        case 1
          line (x+2,y+2)-(x+w-3,y+3),alite,bf
          line (x+2,y+4)-(x+w-3,y+h-3),anorm,bf
          for i=0 to 2
            line (x+6-i,y+4-i)-(x+6-i,y+4+i),black
          next i
        case 2
          line (x+2,y+2)-(x+3,y+h-3),alite,bf
          line (x+4,y+2)-(x+w-3,y+h-3),anorm,bf
          for i=0 to 2
            line (x+4-i,y+3+i)-(x+4+i,y+3+i),black
          next i
        case 3
          line (x+2,y+2)-(x+3,y+h-3),alite,bf
          line (x+4,y+2)-(x+w-3,y+h-3),anorm,bf
          for i=0 to 2
            line (x+4-i,y+6-i)-(x+4+i,y+6-i),black
          next i
      end select
    end if
    if GadgetList(gadnum).sel=1 then
      line (x,y+h-2)-(x,y+1),bdark
      line (x+1,y)-(x+w-2,y),bdark
      line (x+w-1,y+1)-(x+w-1,y+h-2),bdark
      line (x+w-2,y+h-1)-(x+1,y+h-1),bdark
      pset (x+1,y+1),bdark
      pset (x+w-2,y+1),bdark
      pset (x+w-2,y+h-2),bdark
      pset (x+1,y+h-2),bdark

      line (x+1,y+h-3)-(x+1,y+1),bnorm
      line (x+1,y+1)-(x+w-2,y+1),bnorm
      line (x+w-2,y+2)-(x+w-2,y+h-2),blite
      line (x+w-2,y+h-2)-(x+1,y+h-2),blite

      select case GadgetList(gadnum).ctrlg
        case 0
          line (x+2,y+2)-(x+w-3,y+3),blite,bf
          line (x+2,y+4)-(x+w-3,y+h-3),bnorm,bf
          for i=0 to 2
            line (x+2+i,y+4-i)-(x+2+i,y+4+i),black
          next i
        case 1
          line (x+2,y+2)-(x+w-3,y+3),blite,bf
          line (x+2,y+4)-(x+w-3,y+h-3),bnorm,bf
          for i=0 to 2
            line (x+7-i,y+4-i)-(x+7-i,y+4+i),black
          next i
        case 2
          line (x+2,y+2)-(x+3,y+h-3),blite,bf
          line (x+4,y+2)-(x+w-3,y+h-3),bnorm,bf
          for i=0 to 2
            line (x+4-i,y+2+i)-(x+4+i,y+2+i),black
          next i
        case 3
          line (x+2,y+2)-(x+3,y+h-3),blite,bf
          line (x+4,y+2)-(x+w-3,y+h-3),bnorm,bf
          for i=0 to 2
            line (x+4-i,y+7-i)-(x+4+i,y+7-i),black
          next i
      end select
    end if
  end if

  if GadgetList(gadnum).act=2 then
    line (x,y+h-2)-(x,y+1),gdark
    line (x+1,y)-(x+w-2,y),gdark
    line (x+w-1,y+1)-(x+w-1,y+h-2),gdark
    line (x+w-2,y+h-1)-(x+1,y+h-1),gdark
    pset (x+1,y+1),gdark
    pset (x+w-2,y+1),gdark
    pset (x+w-2,y+h-2),gdark
    pset (x+1,y+h-2),gdark

    line (x+1,y+1)-(x+w-2,y+h-2),bgrnd,bf
      select case GadgetList(gadnum).ctrlg
        case 0
          for i=0 to 2
            line (x+3+i,y+4-i)-(x+3+i,y+4+i),gdark
          next i
        case 1
          for i=0 to 2
            line (x+6-i,y+4-i)-(x+6-i,y+4+i),gdark
          next i
        case 2
          for i=0 to 2
            line (x+4-i,y+3+i)-(x+4+i,y+3+i),gdark
          next i
        case 3
          for i=0 to 2
            line (x+4-i,y+6-i)-(x+4+i,y+6-i),gdark
          next i
      end select
  end if
end sub

'End Arrows.bi