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Datum/Zeit:20.10.2008 22:18:40

'Begin SimpleGUI.bi

dim shared as integer maxgad=64

type Gadget
  gadtype       as integer  ' Gadget Typ
  mode          as integer  ' Gadget Modus
  reply             as integer  ' Antwort
  posx          as integer  ' PositionX
  posy          as integer  ' PositionY
  gadw          as integer  ' Gadget Breite (Containerbreite)
  gadh          as integer  ' Gadget Höhe (Containerhöhe)
  gadtext       as string   ' Gadget Text
  strbuff       as string   ' String Text Puffer
  slpos             as integer  ' Knob Position in px (ergibt sich aus slval) Interval: 5 bis gadw-5  !!! gadw =Resolution(px)+9
  slpot             as ushort       ' Potentiometer (ermittelt aus slpos)   Interval: immer &H0 bis &HFFFF
end type
dim shared as Gadget GadgetList(1 to maxgad)

const SimpleGadget=1            'StandardGadget   (p+r)
const TextOptionGadget=2    'TextOptionGadget (r)
const HTrackbar=10              'HTrackbar        (p)

'GadgetModus  1= visible unselect
'             2= visible select
'             3= locked visible
'             0= locked invisible

'reply              1= Antwort von GadgetControl bei Press
'                           2= Antwort von GadgetControl bei Release
'                           3= Antwort von GadgetControl bei beiden
'                                                                                                           (ansonsten liefert sie -1)

'main sub
declare function GadgetControl (mevent as integer,mx as integer,my as integer) as integer
declare sub ModifyPress(gadnum as integer,mx as integer,my as integer)
declare sub ModifyRelease(gadnum as integer,mx as integer,my as integer)

declare sub DrawGadget (gadnum as integer)

'Hilfsfunktionen für alle Gadgets
declare function GetGadgetNumber(mx as integer,my as integer) as integer
declare function GetGadgetMode (gadnum as integer) as integer
declare sub SetGadgetMode (gadnum as integer,mode as integer)
declare sub ChangeGadgetMode (gadnum as integer,mode as integer)
declare function GetGadgetReply (gadnum as integer) as integer

declare function GetFontHeight as integer

'Simple und TextOption
declare sub AddSimpleGadget (gadnum as integer,x as integer,y as integer,w as integer,h as integer,txt as string)
declare sub AddTextOptionGadget (gadnum as integer,x as integer,y as integer,w as integer,h as integer,txt as string)
declare sub gfxSimpleGadget (gadnum as integer)

declare sub AddHTrackbar (gadnum as integer,x as integer,y as integer,res as integer)
declare sub gfxHTrackbar (gadnum as integer)
declare sub SetPos(gadnum as integer,p as integer)
declare sub SetPot (gadnum as integer,p as ushort)
declare function GetPot (gadnum as integer) as ushort

'Farb Schema - global
dim shared as uinteger cblack,cwhite,cbackground,ccursor,colora,colorb,colorc,colord,colore,colorf
cbackground =&HF0F0F0  'Hintergrund

cblack      =&H000000
cwhite      =&HFFFFFF
ccursor     =&HDD8833

colora    =&HEAEAEB  'unselect  body oben
colorb    =&HDCDCDC  'unselect  body unten
colorc    =&HDCF0FF  'select    body oben
colord    =&HB4D2FA  'select    body unten
colore    =&H959595  'border    slider knob
colorf      =&HE1E1E1  'border    slider container

'Haupt Subs und Functions

function GadgetControl (mevent as integer,mx as integer,my as integer) as integer
    dim as integer gadnum
    static as integer remember,fallbackmode

    if mevent=1 or mevent=2 then
        if gadnum=-1 and remember=0 then remember=gadnum
        if gadnum>0 and remember=0 then
        end if
        if remember>0 and gadnum=remember then
            ModifyPress (gadnum,mx,my)
      if GetGadgetReply(gadnum)=2 then gadnum=0 ' bei 2 nur Relase als Antwort zugelassen
        end if
    end if

    if mevent=3 and remember<>0 then
    if remember>0 and gadnum<>remember then
        end if
        if remember>0 and gadnum=remember then
            ModifyRelease (gadnum,mx,my)
      if GetGadgetReply(gadnum)=1 then gadnum=0 ' bei 1 nur Press als Antwort zugelassen
        end if
        if remember=-1 then gadnum=-1
    end if
end function

'Wie soll das Gadget bei Press verändert werden
'verändert werden nur bestimmte GadgetList()records des Gadgets!
'jede Typennummer kann dabei seine eigene Routine haben
'diese Sub muss entsprechend neuer Gadgets erweitert werden
sub ModifyPress (gadnum as integer,mx as integer,my as integer)
  select case GadgetList(gadnum).gadtype
    case SimpleGadget
        SetGadgetMode (gadnum,2)
        case TextOptionGadget
        'there's nothing to do
    case HTrackbar
        SetPos(gadnum,mx- GadgetList(gadnum).posx)
      SetGadgetMode (gadnum,2)
    end select
end sub

'Wie soll das Gadget bei Release verändert werden
'verändert werden nur bestimmte GadgetList()records des Gadgets
'jede Typennummer kann dabei seine eigene Routine haben
'diese Sub muss entsprechend neuer Gadgets erweitert werden
sub ModifyRelease (gadnum as integer,mx as integer,my as integer)
    select case GadgetList(gadnum).gadtype
    case SimpleGadget
        case TextOptionGadget
        if GetGadgetMode(gadnum)=1 then SetGadgetMode(gadnum,2) else SetGadgetMode(gadnum,1)
    case HTrackbar
    end select
end sub

'Zeichnet das Gadget
'und gleichzeitig Zuordnung der gfxSubs zur entsprechenden Typnummer
'diese Sub muss entsprechend neuer Gadgets erweitert werden
sub DrawGadget(gadnum as integer)
    select case GadgetList(gadnum).gadtype
        case SimpleGadget,TextOptionGadget
    case HTrackbar
  end select
end sub

'Hilfsfunktionen und Subs für alle Gadgets

function GetGadgetNumber(mx as integer,my as integer) as integer
  dim as integer i,gadnum
  for i=1 to maxgad
    if GadgetList(i).mode=1 or GadgetList(i).mode=2 then   'nur mode 1,2 liefert etwas, ansonst 0
      if    mx>=GadgetList(i).posx and mx<GadgetList(i).posx+GadgetList(i).gadw and _
                    my>=GadgetList(i).posy and my<GadgetList(i).posy+GadgetList(i).gadh then gadnum=i
    end if
  next i
end function

function GetGadgetMode (gadnum as integer) as integer
end function

sub SetGadgetMode (gadnum as integer,mode as integer)
end sub

sub ChangeGadgetMode (gadnum as integer,mode as integer)
end sub

function GetGadgetReply (gadnum as integer) as integer
end function


function GetFontHeight as integer
    dim as integer depth,fheight,i,col
    dim as integer ptr gfx
    SCREENINFO ,,depth
    if gfx then
        select case depth
            case 16,32
                color &HFFFFFF,&H000000
                line gfx,(0,0)-(15,31),&HFFFFFF,bf
                draw string gfx,(0,0),chr(219),&H000000
            case 8
                color 1,2
                line gfx,(0,0)-(15,31),1,bf
                draw string gfx,(0,0),chr(219),2
        end select
            for i=0 to 32
                if point(0,i,gfx)=col then fheight=i
            next i
        imagedestroy (gfx)
    end if
    fheight +=1
end function

'GADGETS Adds und gfx

'Simple und TextOption Gadget
sub AddSimpleGadget (gadnum as integer,x as integer,y as integer,w as integer,h as integer,txt as string)
end sub

sub AddTextOptionGadget (gadnum as integer,x as integer,y as integer,w as integer,h as integer,txt as string)
end sub

sub gfxSimpleGadget (gadnum as integer)
    dim as uinteger txtcolor,bodya,bodyb,edge_tl,edge_br,border
    dim as integer x,y,w,h
  x   =GadgetList(gadnum).posx
    y   =GadgetList(gadnum).posy
    w       =GadgetList(gadnum).gadw
    h       =GadgetList(gadnum).gadh

  select case GadgetList(gadnum).mode
        case 0
    case 1
        case 2
        case 3
    end select
    line (x+2,y+2)-(x+w-3,y+h/2),bodya,bf
    line (x+2,y+h/2)-(x+w-3,y+h-3),bodyb,bf

    draw string ( x+(w-len(GadgetList(gadnum).gadtext)*8)/2 , y+(h-fontheight)/2 ),GadgetList(gadnum).gadtext,txtcolor

    line (x+2,y+1)-(x+w-3,y+1),edge_tl
    line (x+1,y+2)-(x+1,y+h-3),edge_tl
    line (x+2,y+h-2)-(x+w-3,y+h-2),edge_br
    line (x+w-2,y+2)-(x+w-2,y+h-3),edge_br
    line (x+1,y)-(x+w-2,y),border
    line                            -(x+w-2,y+1),border
    line                            -(x+w-1,y+1),border
    line                            -(x+w-1,y+h-2),border
    line                            -(x+w-2,y+h-2),border
    line                            -(x+w-2,y+h-1),border
    line                            -(x+1,y+h-1),border
    line                            -(x+1,y+h-2),border
    line                            -(x,y+h-2),border
    line                            -(x,y+1),border
    line                            -(x+1,y+1),border

end sub

sub AddHTrackbar (gadnum as integer,x as integer,y as integer,res as integer)
end sub

sub gfxHTrackbar (gadnum as integer)
    dim as uinteger border,bodya,bodyb,slota,slotb,slotc
    dim as integer x,y,w,h,p

  select case GadgetList(gadnum).mode
        case 0
    case 1
        case 2
        case 3
    end select

  x   =GadgetList(gadnum).posx
    y   =GadgetList(gadnum).posy
    w       =GadgetList(gadnum).gadw
    h       =GadgetList(gadnum).gadh
    p       =GadgetList(gadnum).slpos

    line (x,y)   -(x+p-6,y+8),cbackground,bf
    line (x,y+13)-(x+p-6,y+h-1),cbackground,bf

    line (x+p+5,y)   -(x+w-1,y+8),cbackground,bf
    line (x+p+5,y+13)-(x+w-1,y+h-1),cbackground,bf

    line (x,y+9)-(x+p-5,y+9),slota
  line (x,y+10)-(x,y+11),slota
    line (x+1,y+10)-(x+p-5,y+11),slotb,bf
  line (x,y+12)-(x+p-5,y+12),slotc

    line (x+p+4,y+9)-(x+w-1,y+9),slota
  line (x+p+4,y+10)-(x+w-1,y+11),slotb,bf
  line (x+p+4,y+12)-(x+w-1,y+12),slotc
  line (x+w-1,y+11)-(x+w-1,y+12),slotc

    'knob 11x22px Bewgung von 5 bis gadw-5
    line (x+p-5,y)      -(x+p+4,y+h-1),border,b
    line (x+p-4,y+1)    -(x+p+3,y+h/2),bodya,bf
    line (x+p-4,y+h/2)-(x+p+3,y+h-2),bodyb,bf
end sub

sub SetPos(gadnum as integer,p as integer)
    if p<5 then p=5
    if p>GadgetList(gadnum).gadw-5 then p=GadgetList(gadnum).gadw-5
    GadgetList(gadnum).slpot=cast (ushort,&HFFFF  *  (GadgetList(gadnum).slpos-5)  /  (GadgetList(gadnum).gadw-10)  )
end sub

sub SetPot (gadnum as integer,p as ushort)
end sub

function GetPot (gadnum as integer) as ushort
end function

'End SimpleGUI.bi