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Simple GUI
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Hinweis: Dieser Quelltext ist Bestandteil des Projekts Simple GUI, zu dem es auf FreeBASIC-Portal.de eine Projektseite gibt.
Warnung: Es steht bereits eine neuere Version des Quelltexts zur Verfügung. Die hier vorliegende alte Version könnte Fehler enthalten, die in der neuen Version vielleicht ausgebessert wurden.
' GUI.bas
' Simple GUI for the FB graphics window, color depth 32 bit, char size 8x16
' First release Jan 17, 2015
'Color constants:
Const black = &H000000, blue = &H0000FF, green = &H00FF00, cyan = &H00FFFF, _
red = &HFF0000, magenta = &HFF00FF, yellow = &HFFFF00, grey = &HAAAAAA, _
white = &HFFFFFF
Type Button
x As Integer 'Position left top
y As Integer
w As Integer 'Height
h As Integer 'Width
text As String 'label
End Type
Type Label
x As Integer 'Position left top
y As Integer
w As Integer 'Height
h As Integer 'Width
text As String 'label
End Type
Type TextBox
x As Integer 'Position left top
y As Integer
w As Integer 'Height
h As Integer 'Width
text As String 'label
End Type
Type ListBox
x As Integer 'Position left top
y As Integer
w As Integer 'Height
h As Integer 'Width
buffer(1e4) As String 'Buffer for items
imax As Integer 'Maximum index of items stored in the buffer
offset As Integer 'Index of first item in the listbox when items are scrolled
nmax as Integer 'maximum number of items visible in the listbox
index As Integer 'Selected index
End Type
Type DataGrid
x As Integer 'Position left top
y As Integer
w As Integer 'Height
h As Integer 'Width
m As Integer 'Row number 0 to m
n As Integer 'Column Number 0 To n
colwidth(100) As Integer 'Buffer for columnwidths
colpos(100) As Integer 'Left position of each column
buffer(100, 100) As String 'Buffer for items
index_row As Integer 'Index of selected row
index_col As Integer 'Index of selected column
End Type
Sub OpenWindow(w As Integer, h As Integer, title As String)
'Window, textcolor black, backcolor white, 2 pages, char size 8x16
Screenres w, h, 32, 2
Windowtitle title
Width w \ 8, h \ 16
Color black, white
Cls 0
End Sub
Function Window_Event_Close() As Integer
'Returns 1 if the "Close" button ("x") of the window was clicked
If Inkey = Chr(255, 107) Then Return 1 Else Return 0
End Function
Sub Button_Draw(btn As Button, colour As UInteger)
'Draw a button - used by Subs "Button_New" and "Button_Event"
Dim As Integer TextW, TextH
Line (btn.x, btn.y) - (btn.x + btn.w, btn.y + btn.h), colour, B
TextW = 8 * Len(btn.text)
TextH = 16
Draw String (btn.x + 0.5 * (btn.w - TextW), btn.y + 0.5 * (btn.h - TextH)), _
btn.text, colour
End Sub
Function Button_New(x As Integer, y As Integer, w As Integer, h As Integer, _
Text As String) As Button
'Defines and draws a new button
Dim As Button btn
btn.x = x
btn.y = y
btn.h = h
btn.w = w
btn.text = text
Button_Draw(btn, Color)
Return btn
End Function
Function Button_Event(btn As Button) As Integer
'Returns 1 when button was clicked
Dim As Integer mx, my, mbtn
Dim As UInteger colour
Getmouse(mx, my,, mbtn)
If (mx >= btn.x) And (mx <= btn.x + btn.w) And (my >= btn.y) And (my <= btn.y + btn.h) _
And mbtn = 1 Then
'Active state of button (red):
colour = Color
Button_Draw(btn, red)
'Wait until mouse button is released:
Getmouse(mx, my,, mbtn)
Loop Until mbtn = 0
'Inactive state of button:
Button_Draw(btn, Color)
Return 1
Return 0
End if
End Function
Sub SetText(x As Integer, y As Integer, w As Integer, h As Integer, text As String, _
colour As UInteger = Color)
'Sets a text left justified into a rectangular area. If the text is too long, it
'will be truncated. This Sub is used by the following controls.
Line (x + 1, y + 1) - (x + w - 2, y + h - 2), white, BF
Draw String (x + 4, y + 0.5 * (h - 16)), Left(text, w / 8 - 1), colour
End Sub
Sub EditText(x As Integer, y As Integer, w As Integer, h As Integer, _
ByRef text As String, ReadOnly As Integer = 0)
'Edits the text within a rectangular aerea.
'ReadOnly = 1: Text cannot be edited, can only be scrolled.
'The Sub is used by the following controls.
Dim As String strKey
Dim As Integer ascKey, CPos, Offset, MaxLen, mx, my, mb
CPos = 0
Offset = 0
MaxLen = w \ 8 - 1
'Display text with cursor:
SetText(x, y, w, h, Mid(text, Offset + 1, MaxLen))
Draw String (x + 4 + 8 * (CPos - Offset), y + 0.5 * (h - 16)), "_", red
'Return key:
strKey = Inkey
ascKey = Asc(strKey)
If strKey <> "" Then
ascKey = Asc(strKey)
If ascKey = 255 Then
ascKey = Asc(Right(strKey, 1))
Select Case ascKey
Case 75
'Move cursor left:
If CPos > 0 Then
CPos = CPos - 1
If CPos < Offset Then Offset = Offset - 1
End If
Case 77
'Move cursor right:
If CPos < Len(text) Then
CPos = CPos + 1
If CPos > MaxLen - 1 + Offset Then Offset = Offset + 1
End If
Case 83
If ReadOnly = 0 Then
If (Len(text) > 0) And (CPos < Len(text)) Then _
text = Left(text, CPos) + Right(text, Len(text) - CPos - 1)
End If
End Select
Select Case ascKey
Case 8
If ReadOnly = 0 Then
If (Len(text) > 0) And (CPos > 0) Then
text = Left(text, CPos - 1) + Right(text, (Len(text) - CPos))
CPos = CPos - 1
If Offset > 0 Then Offset = Offset - 1
End If
End If
Case 32 To 255
If ReadOnly = 0 Then
'Printable characters:
text = Left(text, CPos) + Chr(asckey) + Right(text, Len(text) - CPos)
CPos = CPos + 1
If CPos > MaxLen - 1 + Offset Then Offset = Offset + 1
End If
End Select
End If
End If
GetMouse mx,my,,mb
Loop Until ascKey = 13 or ascKey = 9 or ascKey = 27 or mb= 1
SetText(x, y, w, h, text)
End Sub
Function Label_New(x As Integer, y As Integer, w As Integer, h As Integer, _
text As String) As Label
'Define and draw a new label
Dim As Label lbl
SetText(x, y, w, h, text)
lbl.x = x
lbl.y = y
lbl.h = h
lbl.w = w
lbl.text = text
Return lbl
End Function
Function TextBox_New(x As Integer, y As Integer, w As Integer, h As Integer, _
text As String) As TextBox
'Define and draw a new textbox:
Dim As TextBox tb
Line (x, y) - (x + w, y + h),, B
SetText(x, y, w, h, text)
tb.x = x
tb.y = y
tb.h = h
tb.w = w
tb.text = text
Return tb
End Function
Sub TextBox_SetText(ByRef tb As TextBox, text As String)
'Set a text into a textbox
SetText(tb.x, tb.y, tb.w, tb.h, text)
tb.text = text
End Sub
Function TextBox_GetText(tb As Textbox) As String
'Get text from textbox
Return tb.text
End Function
Sub TextBox_Edit(ByRef tb As Textbox, ReadOnly As Integer = 0)
'Edit text in textbox
EditText(tb.x, tb.y, tb.w, tb.h, tb.text, ReadOnly)
End Sub
Function TextBox_Event(tb As TextBox) As Integer
'Returns 1 when textbox was clicked
Dim As Integer mx, my, mbtn
Getmouse(mx, my,, mbtn)
If (mx >= tb.x) And (mx <= tb.x + tb.w) And (my >= tb.y) And (my <= tb.y + tb.h) _
And mbtn = 1 Then
Getmouse(mx, my,, mbtn)
Loop Until mbtn = 0
Return 1
Return 0
End If
End Function
Function ListBox_New(x As Integer, y As Integer, w As Integer, h As Integer) As ListBox
'Draw and define new ListBox
Dim As ListBox lb
Dim As Integer i
Line (x, y) - (x + w, y + h),,B
lb.x = x
lb.y = y
lb.w = w
lb.h = h
For i = 0 To 1e4
lb.buffer(i) = ""
lb.imax = -1
lb.offset = 0
lb.nmax = h \ 16
lb.index = -1
Return lb
End Function
Sub DisplayItems(lb As ListBox)
'Display items in the listbox (used for vertical scrolling)
'This Sub is used by the ListBox.
Dim As Integer i
For i = 0 To lb.nmax - 1
SetText(lb.x, lb.y + 16 * i, lb.w, 16, lb.buffer(i + lb.offset))
End Sub
Sub ListBox_Add(ByRef lb As ListBox, item As String)
'Add an item
If lb.imax < 1e4 Then
lb.imax = lb.imax + 1
If lb.imax - lb.offset > lb.nmax - 1 Then lb.offset = lb.offset + 1
lb.buffer(lb.imax) = item
End If
End Sub
Function ListBox_GetMaxIndex(lb As ListBox) As Integer
'Returns the maximum index of items in the listbox
Return lb.imax
End Function
Sub ListBox_SetItem(ByRef lb As Listbox, index As Integer, item As String)
'Set text of an existing item
If index <= lb.imax Then
lb.buffer(index) = item
End If
End Sub
Sub ListBox_Clear(ByRef lb As ListBox)
'Delete all items in a textbox
Dim As Integer i
For i = 0 To lb.imax
lb.buffer(i) = ""
lb.imax = -1
lb.offset = 0
End Sub
Function ListBox_GetIndex(lb As ListBox) As Integer
'Returns the selected index
Return lb.index
End Function
Function ListBox_GetItem(lb As ListBox, index As Integer) As String
'Returns item text at index
If index >= 0 Then Return lb.buffer(index) Else Return ""
End Function
Function ListBox_Event(ByRef lb As ListBox) As Integer
'Returns 1 when listbox was clicked or the mousewheel was moved with mouse position
'within the listbox. If listbox was clicked, the selected index is stored. If mousewheel
'was moved, the items in the listbox are scrolled vertical.
Dim As Integer i, index, mx, my, mb, event, mw0
Static As Integer mw
mw0 = mw
Getmouse(mx, my, mw, mb)
If (mx >= lb.x) And (mx <= lb.x + lb.w) And (my >= lb.y) And (my <= lb.y + lb.h) Then
If mb = 1 Then
'Left mousebutton:
i = (my - lb.y) \ 16 + lb.offset
'Active state of item (red):
SetText(lb.x, lb.y + 16 * (i - lb.offset), lb.w, 16, lb.buffer(i), red)
'Wait until mouse button is released:
Getmouse(mx, my,, mb)
Loop Until mb = 0
'Inactive state of item:
SetText(lb.x, lb.y + 16 * (i - lb.offset), lb.w, 16, lb.buffer(i))
lb.index = i
event = 1
End If
IF (mw - mw0 > 0) And lb.offset > 0 Then
lb.offset = lb.offset - 1
event = 1
ElseIF (mw - mw0) < 0 And (lb.imax - lb.offset) >= lb.nmax Then
lb.offset = lb.offset + 1
event = 1
End If
event = 0
End If
Return event
End Function
Function DataGrid_New(x As Integer, y As Integer, m As Integer, n As Integer, _
cw() As Integer) As DataGrid
'Draw and define new datagrid.
'x, y: position left top
'm, n: maximum indexes of rows and columns
'cw(): columnwidths
Dim As DataGrid dg
Dim As Integer i, j, k = Ubound(cw)
'Define all parameters:
dg.x = x
dg.y = y
dg.m = m
dg.n = n
dg.colwidth(0) = cw(0)
dg.colpos(0) = dg.x
For j = 1 To k
dg.colwidth(j) = cw(j)
dg.colpos(j) = dg.colpos(j - 1) + dg.colwidth(j - 1)
For i = 0 To 100
For j = 0 To 100
dg.buffer(i, j) = ""
dg.index_row = -1
dg.index_col = - 1
dg.w = dg.colpos(k) + dg.colwidth(k) - dg.x
dg.h = 20 * (m + 1)
'Draw Data grid:
Line (dg.x, dg.y) - (dg.x + dg.w, dg.y + dg.h), black, B
For i = 1 To m
Line (dg.x, dg.y + i * 20) - (dg.x + dg.w, dg.y + i * 20), cyan
For j = 1 To n
Line (dg.colpos(j), dg.y) - (dg.colpos(j), dg.y + dg.h), cyan
Return dg
End Function
Sub DataGrid_SetItem(ByRef dg As DataGrid, i As Integer, j As Integer, _
item As String)
'Set an item into the data grid, row i, column j
If i <= dg.m And j <= dg.n Then
SetText(dg.colpos(j), dg.y + 20 * i, dg.colwidth(j), 20, item)
dg.buffer(i, j) = item
End If
End Sub
Sub DataGrid_Clear(ByRef dg As DataGrid)
'Delete all items of data grid
Dim As Integer i, j
For i = 0 To 100
For j = 0 To 100
DataGrid_SetItem(dg, i, j, "")
End Sub
Sub DataGrid_GetIndexes(dg As DataGrid, ByRef i As Integer, ByRef j As Integer)
'Returns selected indexes of data grid
i = dg.index_row
j = dg.index_col
End Sub
Function DataGrid_GetItem(dg As DataGrid, i As Integer, j As Integer) As String
'Returns item at row i, column j
Return dg.buffer(i, j)
End Function
Sub DataGrid_EditItem(ByRef dg As DataGrid, i As Integer, j As Integer, _
ReadOnly As Integer = 0)
'Edit item at row i, column j
If i <= dg.m And j <= dg.n Then _
EditText(dg.colpos(j), dg.y + 20 * i, dg.colwidth(j), 20, dg.buffer(i, j),_
End Sub
Function DataGrid_Event(ByRef dg As DataGrid) As Integer
'Returns 1 if data grid is clicked and stores indexes of selected item
Dim As Integer i, j, mx, my, mb, event
Dim As String text
Getmouse(mx, my,, mb)
If (mx >= dg.x) And (mx <= dg.x + dg.w) And (my >= dg.y) And (my <= dg.y + dg.h) _
And mb = 1 Then
i = (my - dg.y) \ 20
For j = 0 To dg.n
If dg.colpos(j) > mx Then Exit For
j = j - 1
'Active state of item (red):
SetText(dg.colpos(j), dg.y + 20 * i, dg.colwidth(j), 20, dg.buffer(i, j), red)
'Wait until mouse button is released:
Getmouse(mx, my,, mb)
Loop Until mb = 0
'Active state of item :
SetText(dg.colpos(j), dg.y + 20 * i, dg.colwidth(j), 20, dg.buffer(i, j))
dg.index_row = i
dg.index_col = j
event = 1
event = 0
End if
Return event
End Function