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'Aus http://www.freebasic.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=41268#41268
'Leider lässt sich das Beispiel so nicht mehr fehlerfrei kompilieren,
'daher ist es geändert und etwas optimiert.
'fbc -s console "SHA256.bas"
'' SHA 256 C code taken from wikiPedia article
'' private structure for SHA
Type SHA256
As UByte buff(64 - 1) '' buffer, digest when full
As UInteger h(8 - 1) '' state variable of digest
As ULongInt length '' number of bytes in digest
As Short next_ '' next buffer available
End Type
''2^32 times the cube root of the first 64 primes 2..311
Dim Shared As UInteger k(64 - 1) = { _
&h428a2f98, &h71374491, &hb5c0fbcf, &he9b5dba5, &h3956c25b, &h59f111f1, _
&h923f82a4, &hab1c5ed5, &hd807aa98, &h12835b01, &h243185be, &h550c7dc3, _
&h72be5d74, &h80deb1fe, &h9bdc06a7, &hc19bf174, &he49b69c1, &hefbe4786, _
&h0fc19dc6, &h240ca1cc, &h2de92c6f, &h4a7484aa, &h5cb0a9dc, &h76f988da, _
&h983e5152, &ha831c66d, &hb00327c8, &hbf597fc7, &hc6e00bf3, &hd5a79147, _
&h06ca6351, &h14292967, &h27b70a85, &h2e1b2138, &h4d2c6dfc, &h53380d13, _
&h650a7354, &h766a0abb, &h81c2c92e, &h92722c85, &ha2bfe8a1, &ha81a664b, _
&hc24b8b70, &hc76c51a3, &hd192e819, &hd6990624, &hf40e3585, &h106aa070, _
&h19a4c116, &h1e376c08, &h2748774c, &h34b0bcb5, &h391c0cb3, &h4ed8aa4a, _
&h5b9cca4f, &h682e6ff3, &h748f82ee, &h78a5636f, &h84c87814, &h8cc70208, _
&h90befffa, &ha4506ceb, &hbef9a3f7, &hc67178f2 }
'' store 64 bit integer
Sub putlonglong (ByVal what As ULongInt, ByVal where As UByte Ptr)
'*where = what Shr 56 : where += 1
'*where = what Shr 48 : where += 1
'*where = what Shr 40 : where += 1
'*where = what Shr 32 : where += 1
'*where = what Shr 24 : where += 1
'*where = what Shr 16 : where += 1
'*where = what Shr 8 : where += 1
'*where = what : where += 1
mov eax, [what]
bswap eax
mov ebx, [where]
mov [ebx+4], eax
mov eax, [what+4]
bswap eax
mov [ebx], eax
End Asm
End Sub
'' store 32 bit integer
Sub putlong (ByVal what As UInteger, ByVal where As UByte Ptr)
'*where = what Shr 24 : where += 1
'*where = what Shr 16 : where += 1
'*where = what Shr 8 : where += 1
'*where = what : where += 1
mov eax, [what]
bswap eax
mov ebx, [where]
mov [ebx], eax
End Asm
End Sub
'' retrieve 32 bit integer
Function getlong (ByVal where As UByte Ptr) As UInteger
'Dim As Uinteger ans
'ans = *where Shl 24 : where += 1
'ans Or= *where Shl 16 : where += 1
'ans Or= *where Shl 8 : where += 1
'ans Or= *where : where += 1
'Return ans
mov ebx, [where]
mov eax, [ebx]
bswap eax
mov [Function], eax
End Asm
End Function
'' right rotate bits
Function rotate (ByVal what As UInteger, ByVal bits As Integer) As UInteger
'Return (what Shr bits) Or (what Shl (32 - bits))
mov ecx, [bits]
mov eax, [what]
Ror eax, cl
mov [Function], eax
End Asm
End Function
'' start new SHA run
Sub sha256_begin (ByVal sha As SHA256 Ptr)
sha->length = 0
sha->next_ = 0
'' 2^32 times the square root of the first 8 primes 2..19
sha->h(0) = &h6a09e667
sha->h(1) = &hbb67ae85
sha->h(2) = &h3c6ef372
sha->h(3) = &ha54ff53a
sha->h(4) = &h510e527f
sha->h(5) = &h9b05688c
sha->h(6) = &h1f83d9ab
sha->h(7) = &h5be0cd19
End Sub
'' digest SHA buffer contents
'' to state variable
Sub sha256_digest (ByVal sha As SHA256 Ptr)
Dim As UInteger nxt, s0, s1, maj, t0, t1, ch
Dim As UInteger a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h
Dim As UInteger w(64)
Dim As Short i
sha->next_ = 0
For i = 0 To 16 - 1
w(i) = getlong (@sha->buff(0) + i * SizeOf(UInteger))
For i = 16 To 64 - 1
s0 = rotate(w(i-15), 7) Xor rotate(w(i-15), 18) Xor (w(i-15) shr 3)
s1 = rotate(w(i-2), 17) Xor rotate(w(i-2), 19) Xor (w(i-2) shr 10)
w(i) = w(i-16) + s0 + w(i-7) + s1
a = sha->h(0)
b = sha->h(1)
c = sha->h(2)
d = sha->h(3)
e = sha->h(4)
f = sha->h(5)
g = sha->h(6)
h = sha->h(7)
For i = 0 To 64 - 1
s0 = rotate (a, 2) Xor rotate (a, 13) Xor rotate (a, 22)
maj = (a And b) Xor (b And c) Xor (c And a)
t0 = s0 + maj
s1 = rotate (e, 6) Xor rotate (e, 11) Xor rotate (e, 25)
ch = (e And f) Xor (Not e And g)
t1 = h + s1 + ch + k(i) + w(i)
h = g
g = f
f = e
e = d + t1
d = c
c = b
b = a
a = t0 + t1
sha->h(0) += a
sha->h(1) += b
sha->h(2) += c
sha->h(3) += d
sha->h(4) += e
sha->h(5) += f
sha->h(6) += g
sha->h(7) += h
End Sub
'' add to current SHA buffer
'' digest when full
Sub sha256_next (ByVal sha As SHA256 Ptr, ByVal what As UByte Ptr, ByVal len_ As Short)
Do While len_
len_ -= 1
sha->length += 1
sha->buff(sha->next_) = *what : what += 1
sha->next_ += 1
If (sha->next_ = 64) Then
sha256_digest (sha)
End If
End Sub
'' finish SHA run, output 256 bit result
Sub sha256_finish (ByVal sha As SHA256 Ptr, ByVal out_ As UByte Ptr)
Dim As Short idx
'' trailing bit pad
sha->buff(sha->next_) = &h80
sha->next_ += 1
If (sha->next_ = 64) Then
sha256_digest (sha)
End If
'' pad with zeroes until almost full
'' leaving room for length, below
Do While (sha->next_ <> 448/8)
sha->buff(sha->next_) = 0
sha->next_ += 1
If (sha->next_ = 64) Then
sha256_digest (sha)
End If
'' n.b. length doesn't include padding from above
putlonglong (sha->length * 8, @sha->buff(0) + 56)'448/8)
sha->next_ += SizeOf(ULongInt) '' must be full now
sha256_digest (sha)
'' output the result, big endian
For idx = 0 To 8 - 1
putlong (sha->h(idx), out_ + idx * SizeOf(UInteger))
End Sub
' these are the standard FIPS-180-3 test vectors
Dim Shared As ZString Ptr msg(2) = { @"abc", _
@"abcdbcdecdefdefgefghfghighijhijkijkljklmklmnlmnomnopnopq", _
Dim Shared As ZString Ptr val_(2) = { _
@"ba7816bf8f01cfea414140de5dae2223b00361a396177a9cb410ff61f20015ad", _
@"248d6a61d20638b8e5c026930c3e6039a33ce45964ff2167f6ecedd419db06c1", _
#Include "crt.bi"
Function main( ) As Short
Dim As UByte sha256sum(32 - 1)
Dim As UByte buf(1000 - 1)
Dim As Byte output_(65 - 1)
Dim As SHA256 sha
Dim As integer i, j
Print Chr(10) & " SHA-256 Validation Tests:" & Chr(10, 10);
memset (@buf(0), Asc("a"), 1000)
For i = 0 To 3 - 1
Print " Test " & i + 1 & " ";
sha256_begin (@sha)
If (i < 2) Then
sha256_next (@sha, msg(i), Len(*msg(i)))
For j = 0 To 1000 - 1
sha256_next (@sha, @buf(0), 1000)
End If
sha256_finish (@sha, @sha256sum(0))
For j = 0 To 32 - 1
Dim As String*3 temp = LCase(Hex(sha256sum(j), 2))
memcpy (@output_(0) + j * 2, @temp, 2)
If (memcmp(@output_(0), val_(i), 64)) Then
Print "failed!" & Chr(10);
Return 1
End If
Print "passed." & Chr(10);
Print Chr(10);
Return 0
End Function