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Datum/Zeit:09.03.2010 09:48:37

Type SelectionX
    goR As Integer 'goRight
    goL As Integer 'goLeft

    atL As Integer '@Line
End Type

Type SelectionY
    goD As Integer 'goDown
    goU As Integer 'goUp

    atL As Integer '@Line
End Type

Type SelectionP
    SizeX As Integer     'Breite des Buffers
    SizeY As Integer     'Hoehe des Buffers
    LRInf As Integer     'Menge der Horizontal Informationen
    UDInf As Integer     'Menge der Vertikal Informationen
    LR As SelectionX Ptr
    UD As SelectionY Ptr
End Type

Declare Function SelectByColorRange (Byref Buffer      As Any Ptr, _
                                     Byval SelectColor As Integer, _
                                     Byval Invert      As Integer=0, _
                                     Byval Percent     As Integer=0) _
                                                       As SelectionP Ptr
Declare Sub      ExpandSelection    (Byref Selection   As SelectionP Ptr, _
                                     Byval Expand      As Integer=1)
Declare Sub      ContractSelection  (Byref Selection   As SelectionP Ptr, _
                                     Byval Contract    As Integer=1)
Declare Sub      InvertSelection    (Byref Selection   As SelectionP Ptr)
Declare Sub      DelSelection       (Byref Selection   As SelectionP Ptr)

Function SelectByColorRange (Byref Buffer As Any Ptr, Byval SelectColor As Integer, _
                             Byval Invert As Integer=0, _
                             Byval Percent As Integer=0) As SelectionP Ptr

    Dim GetInteger    As Integer Ptr

    Dim BufferVersion As Integer

    Dim BufferSizeX As Integer
    Dim BufferSizeY As Integer

    If Buffer>0 And Buffer<>Screenptr Then
        'Breite, Hoehe und Version des ImageBuffers ermitteln...
        GetInteger    = Buffer

        BufferVersion = GetInteger[0]

        If BufferVersion <> &h7 Then Return 0

        BufferSizeX   = GetInteger[2]
        BufferSizeY   = GetInteger[3]

    Elseif Buffer=0 Or Buffer=Screenptr Then
        'Breite, Hoehe und Farbtiefe vom Screen ermitteln
        Screeninfo BufferSizeX, BufferSizeY, BufferVersion

        'Wenn Farbtiefe < "kleiner als" 24bit, Funktion verlassen...
        If Bufferversion<24 Then Return 0

    End If

    Dim P     As Single = (1.275*Percent)
    If  P = 0 Then P=0.001

    Dim red   As Ubyte = (SelectColor And &h00FF0000) Shr 16
    Dim green As Ubyte = (SelectColor And &h0000FF00) Shr  8
    Dim blue  As Ubyte = (SelectColor And &h000000FF)

    Dim Selection As SelectionP Ptr=Allocate(Len(SelectionP))
    Dim Temp      As Any Ptr

    Dim RC      As Integer
    Dim RCRed   As Ubyte
    Dim RCGreen As Ubyte
    Dim RCBlue  As Ubyte

    Dim X As Integer
    Dim Y As Integer


    Dim LRInf As Integer=0  'Menge der 'Horizontal' Information

    Dim goR As Integer=-1   'Go Right (Linke Grenze)  -> Start
    Dim goL As Integer=-1   'Go Left  (Rechte Grenze) -> Ende
    Dim atY As Integer=-1   'In Reihe Y


    Dim UDInf As Integer=0  'Menge der 'Vertikal' Information

    Dim goD As Integer=-1   'Go Down (Obere Grenze)  -> Start
    Dim goU As Integer=-1   'Go Up   (Untere Grenze) -> Ende
    Dim atX As Integer=-1   'in Reihe X

    "LRInf - Menge der Horizontalen Informationen"
    "UDInf - Menge der Vertikalen Informationen"




    ' XR und XL '


    While Y<BufferSizeY 'solange wiederholen bis Vertikales Ende erreicht

        'bei jeder neuen Reihe zaehler zuruecksetzen
        X=0 : goR=-1 : goL=-1 : atY=-1

        While X<BufferSizeX 'solange wiederholen bis horizontales Ende erreicht

            RC=Point (X,Y,Buffer) 'Farbe auslesen

            RCRed   = (RC And &h00FF0000) Shr 16
            RCGreen = (RC And &h0000FF00) Shr  8
            RCBlue  = (RC And &h000000FF)

            If (RCRed   > (red   - P) And RCRed   < (red   + P)) And _
               (RCGreen > (green - P) And RCGreen < (green + P)) And _
               (RCBlue  > (blue  - P) And RCBlue  < (blue  + P)) Then

               RC=Iif (Invert=0,1,0)
               RC=Iif (Invert=0,0,1)
           End If

                'Wenn ausgelesene Farbe 'SelectColor' entspricht...
                'und 'Go Right->Start' nicht gesetzt, Start setzen
                'und hoehe speichern
                If RC=1 And goR=-1 Then
                End If

                'Wenn ausgelesene Farbe NICHT 'SelectColor' entspricht...
                'oder das ende der Reihe erreicht und 'Start' bereits gesetzt,
                ''Ende' und Reihe speichern
                If (RC=0 And goR<>-1) Or (X=BufferSizeX-1 And goR<>-1) Then
                    If X=BufferSizeX-1 Then
                    End If
                End If

            'Wenn 'Ende' gesetzt wuerde
            'Informationszaehler raufsetzen und 'Start'-und-'Ende' zurueck setzen.
            If goL<>-1 Then
                goR=-1 : goL=-1



            End If

            X=X+1 'solange hochzaehlen bis das Ende der Reihe erreicht...

        Y=Y+1 'Naechste Reihe' 'solange hochzaehlen bis das Ende erreicht...

    ' YU und YD


    While X<BufferSizeX 'solange wiederholen bis Horizontales Ende erreicht

        'bei jeder neuen Reihe zaehler zuruecksetzen
        Y=0 : goD=-1 : goU=-1

        While Y<BufferSizeY 'solange wiederholen bis Vertikales Ende erreicht

            RC=Point (X,Y,Buffer) 'Farbe auslesen

            'Farbe in R G B werte splitten
            RCRed   = (RC And &h00FF0000) Shr 16
            RCGreen = (RC And &h0000FF00) Shr  8
            RCBlue  = (RC And &h000000FF)

            'Abfragen ob Werte innerhalb der Toleranz sind...
            If (RCRed   > (red   - P) And RCRed   < (red   + P)) And _
               (RCGreen > (green - P) And RCGreen < (green + P)) And _
               (RCBlue  > (blue  - P) And RCBlue  < (blue  + P)) Then

               RC=Iif (Invert=0,1,0)
               RC=Iif (Invert=0,0,1)
           End If

                'Wenn ausgelesene Farbe 'SelectColor' entspricht...
                'und 'Go Down->Start' nicht gesetzt, 'Start' setzen
                'und vertikale position speichern
                If RC=1 And goD=-1 Then
                End If

                'Wenn ausgelesene Farbe NICHT 'SelectColor' entspricht...
                'oder das ende der Reihe erreicht und 'Start' bereits gesetzt,
                ''Ende' speichern
                If (RC=0 And goD=1) Or (Y=BufferSizeY-1 And goD=1) Then
                    If Y=BufferSizeY-1 Then
                    End If
                End If

            'Wenn 'Ende' gesetzt wuerde
            'Informationszaehler raufsetzen und 'Start'-und-'Ende' zurueck setzen.
            If goU=1 Then
                goD=-1 : goU=-1


                Temp=Reallocate (Selection->UD,(UDInf+1)*Len(SelectionY))
            End If

            Y=Y+1 'solange hochzaehlen bis das Ende der Reihe erreicht...

        X=X+1   'Naechste Reihe' 'solange hochzaehlen bis das Ende erreicht...


    Return Selection
End Function

Sub ExpandSelection (Byref Selection As Any Ptr, Byval Expand As Integer=1)

    If Selection=0 Then Exit Sub

    Dim Temp as SelectionP Ptr = Selection

    If Temp->LRInf=0 Or Temp->UDInf=0 Then Exit Sub
    If Expand < 1                     Then Exit Sub

    Dim ReSelection As Any Ptr
    Dim NewSelect As SelectionP Ptr

    For E As Integer=1 To Expand

        ReSelection=IMGCreate (Temp->SizeX,Temp->SizeY,0)

        For X As Integer=0 To Temp->LRInf-1
            Line ReSelection,(Temp->LR[X].goR,Temp->LR[X].atL)-(Temp->LR[X].goL,Temp->LR[X].atL),&hFFFFFFFF
        Next X

        For X As Integer=0 To Temp->LRInf-1
            If Temp->LR[X].goR-1 > -1 Then
                Pset ReSelection,(Temp->LR[X].goR-1, Temp->LR[X].atL),&hFFFFFFFF
            End If

            If Temp->LR[X].goL+1 < Temp->SizeX Then
                Pset ReSelection,(Temp->LR[X].goL+1, Temp->LR[X].atL),&hFFFFFFFF
            End If
        Next X

        For Y As Integer=0 To Temp->UDInf-1
            If Temp->UD[Y].goD-1 > -1 Then
                Pset ReSelection,(Temp->UD[Y].atL,Temp->UD[Y].goD-1),&hFFFFFFFF
            End If

            If Temp->UD[Y].goU+1 < Temp->SizeY Then
                Pset ReSelection,(Temp->UD[Y].atL,Temp->UD[Y].goU+1),&hFFFFFFFF
            End If
        Next Y

        NewSelect=SelectByColorRange (ReSelection,&hFFFFFFFF)
        Deallocate (Temp->LR)
        Deallocate (Temp->UD)
        Deallocate (Temp)


        Deallocate (ReSelection)

    Next E

End Sub

Sub ContractSelection (Byref Selection As Any Ptr, Byval Contract As Integer=1)

    If Selection = 0 Then Exit Sub

    Dim Temp as SelectionP Ptr=Selection

    If Temp->LRInf=0 Or Temp->UDInf=0 Then Exit Sub
    If Contract < 1                   Then Exit Sub

    Dim ReSelection As Any Ptr
    Dim NewSelect As SelectionP Ptr

    For C As Integer=0 To Contract-1

        For X As Integer=0 To Temp->LRInf-1
            Line ReSelection,(Temp->LR[X].goR,Temp->LR[X].atL)-(Temp->LR[X].goL,Temp->LR[X].atL),&hFFFFFFFF
        Next X

        For X As Integer=0 To Temp->LRInf-1
            Pset ReSelection,(Temp->LR[X].goR,Temp->LR[X].atL),0
            Pset ReSelection,(Temp->LR[X].goL,Temp->LR[X].atL),0
        Next X

        For Y As Integer=0 To Temp->UDInf-1
            Pset ReSelection,(Temp->UD[Y].atL,Temp->UD[Y].goD),0
            Pset ReSelection,(Temp->UD[Y].atL,Temp->UD[Y].goU),0
        Next Y

        NewSelect=SelectByColorRange (ReSelection,&hFFFFFFFF)
        Deallocate (Temp->LR)
        Deallocate (Temp->UD)
        Deallocate (Temp)


        Deallocate (ReSelection)
    Next C

End Sub

Sub InvertSelection (Byref Selection As SelectionP Ptr)
    If Selection=0 Then Exit Sub

    Dim Temp as SelectionP Ptr = Selection

    If Temp->LRInf=0 Or Temp->UDInf=0 Then Exit Sub

    Dim ReSelection As Any Ptr
    Dim NewSelect As SelectionP Ptr


    For l As Integer=0 To Temp->LRInf-1
        Line ReSelection,(Temp->LR[l].goR,Temp->LR[l].atL)-(Temp->LR[l].goL,Temp->LR[l].atL),&hFFFFFFFF
    Next l

    NewSelect = SelectByColorRange (ReSelection,0)

    Deallocate (Temp->LR)
    Deallocate (Temp->UD)
    Deallocate (Temp)

    Deallocate (ReSelection)

    Selection = NewSelect
End Sub

Sub DelSelection (Byref Selection As Any Ptr)
    If Selection=0 Then Exit Sub

    Dim Temp as SelectionP Ptr=Selection

    Deallocate (Temp->LR)
    Deallocate (Temp->UD)
    Deallocate (Temp)

End Sub


