Mikrocomputertechnik mit Controllern der Atmel AVR-RISC-Familie
Mikrocomputertechnik mit Controllern der Atmel AVR-RISC-Familie
Umfassend, aber leicht verständlich führt dieses Buch in die Programmierung von ATMEL AVR Mikrocontrollern ein. [Mehr Infos...]
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Datum/Zeit:02.11.2009 21:06:50

#include "SDL\SDL.bi"
#include "SDL\SDL_image.bi"
#include "crt.bi"

const pi = 3.1415926

sub dump(msg as string)
    open cons for output as #1
        print #1, msg
    close #1
end sub

Sub GetSDLMouse(byref mx as integer=0,byref my as integer=0,byref ms as integer=0,byref mb as integer=0)
    dim tmpx1 as integer
    dim tmpy1 as integer
    dim SDLMButton as ubyte
    SDL_GetMouseState(@tmpx1, @tmpy1)
    mx = tmpx1: my = tmpy1: mb = 0
    SDLMButton = SDL_GetMouseState(NULL, NULL)
    if (SDLMButton and SDL_BUTTON(SDL_BUTTON_LEFT)) then mb = 1
    if (SDLMButton and SDL_BUTTON(SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT)) then mb = 2
end sub

function SDLInkey(SEvent as any ptr) as string
    DIM SDLEvent as SDL_Event ptr = SEvent
    Dim Tmp as string
    if SDL_PollEvent ( SDLEvent ) then
        if SDLEvent->type = SDL_KEYDOWN then
            with *SDLEvent
                if .Key.KeySym.sym > 126 then
                    return CHR(255, .key.keysym.scancode)
                    TMP = CHR(.key.keysym.sym)
                end if
                if .key.keysym.mod_ = 4097 then Tmp = ucase(Tmp)
                if ( .key.keysym.mod_ = 4160 or .key.keysym.mod_ = 4224) and CHR(.key.keysym.sym) = "v" then tmp = CHR(22)
                if ( .key.keysym.mod_ = 4160 or .key.keysym.mod_ = 4224) and CHR(.key.keysym.sym) = "c" then tmp = CHR(3)
            end with
            return TMP
            return ""
        end if
    end if
end function

sub Buffer2Surface(MyBuffer as any ptr, Srfc as SDL_Surface ptr)
    dim MyPixData as any ptr
    Dim ImgSize as uinteger
    DIm as integer iw, ih
    dim as uinteger p
    imageinfo MyBuffer,iw,ih,,p,MyPixdata, ImgSize
    SDL_LockSurface( Srfc )

    if Srfc->pitch > p then
        if Srfc->h > ih then
            for y as integer = 0 to ih -1
                memcpy Srfc->pixels + (y * Srfc->pitch), MyPixData + (y*p), p
            for y as integer = 0 to Srfc->h -1
                memcpy Srfc->pixels + (y * Srfc->pitch), MyPixData + (y*p), p
        end if
    end if

    if Srfc->pitch < p then
        if Srfc->h > ih then
            for y as integer = 0 to ih -1
                memcpy Srfc->pixels + (y * Srfc->pitch),MyPixData + (y*p) , Srfc->pitch
            for y as integer = 0 to Srfc->h -1
                memcpy Srfc->pixels + (y * Srfc->pitch),MyPixData + (y*p) , Srfc->pitch
        end if
    end if

    if Srfc->pitch = p then
        if Srfc->h > ih then
            'dump "Partcopy"
            memcpy Srfc->pixels, MyPixData, Srfc->pitch * ih
            'dump "Fullcopy"
            memcpy Srfc->pixels, MyPixData, Srfc->pitch * Srfc->h 'ImgSize - 32
        end if
    end if
    SDL_Flip Srfc
    SDL_UnlockSurface( Srfc )
end sub

Sub Surface2FBuffer(Srfc as SDL_Surface ptr, Buffer as any ptr)
    dim MyPixData as any ptr
    Dim ImgSize as uinteger
    DIm as integer iw, ih
    dim as uinteger p
    imageinfo Buffer,iw,ih,,p,MyPixdata, ImgSize
    SDL_LockSurface( Srfc )
    if Srfc->pitch > p then
        if Srfc->h > ih then
            for y as integer = 0 to ih -1
                memcpy MyPixData + (y*p),Srfc->pixels + (y * Srfc->pitch) , p
            for y as integer = 0 to Srfc->h -1
                memcpy MyPixData + (y*p),Srfc->pixels + (y * Srfc->pitch) , p
        end if
    end if

    if Srfc->pitch < p then
        if Srfc->h > ih then
            for y as integer = 0 to ih -1
                memcpy MyPixData + (y*p),Srfc->pixels + (y * Srfc->pitch) , Srfc->pitch
            for y as integer = 0 to Srfc->h -1
                memcpy MyPixData + (y*p),Srfc->pixels + (y * Srfc->pitch) , Srfc->pitch
        end if
    end if

    if Srfc->pitch = p then
        if Srfc->h > ih then
            memcpy MyPixData, Srfc->pixels, Srfc->pitch * ih
            memcpy MyPixData, Srfc->pixels, Srfc->pitch * Srfc->h 'ImgSize - 32
        end if
    end if
    SDL_UnlockSurface( Srfc )
end sub

    screenres 320,200,32
    Width 320 / 8, 200 /16

    dim Video as SDL_Surface ptr

    Dim Buffer as any ptr = ImageCreate(640,480,RGB(255,255,255))
    Dim SDLBuffer as any ptr = ImageCreate(640,480,RGB(255,255,255))
    Dim GFXBuffer as any ptr = ImageCreate(640,480,RGB(255,255,255))

    Video = SDL_SetVideoMode( 640, 600, 32, SDL_Resizable)

    if video = 0 then
        end 1
    end if

    line Buffer,(0,0)-(639,479),RGB(255,0,0),B
    line Buffer,(0,0)-(639,479),RGB(255,0,0)
    line Buffer,(639,0)-(0,479),RGB(255,0,0)
    draw string Buffer,(0,0),"Hallo Welt!",RGB(0,0,255)


    Dim as integer x, y, r, FPS
    Dim T as double = timer

        FPS += 1
        if t + 1 <= timer then
            Print "F/s = " & FPS
            'Dump "F/s =" & FPS
            FPS = 0
            t = timer
        end if
        r += 1
        if r = 360 then r = 0
        x = 100 * sin(r / 360 * 2 * pi)
        y = 100 * cos(r / 360 * 2 * pi)
        put SDLBuffer,(x,y),Buffer,PSET
        Buffer2Surface SDLBuffer,Video