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Scrolling text area
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Datum/Zeit: | 20.01.2011 15:54:44 |
' Scrolling text field (2011/01/20)
' Works with FreeBASIC 0.21.1 (Win32)
' Get example text file: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt
Declare Function LimitLen (ByVal Text As String, ByVal Length As Integer) As String
Const MaxLine = 100
#define ShowLineNo
Dim As String MyLines(1 To MaxLine), KeyPressed
Dim As Integer FirstLine = 1, Rows = 20, RedrawTextfield = 1
Dim As Integer i
Open "gpl-3.0.txt" For Input As #1
For i = 1 to MaxLine
If Eof(1) Then Exit For
Line Input #1, MyLines(i)
Next i
Close #1
Print "Static line No 1"
Print "Static line No 2"
Print "Static line No 3"
Locate 24,1: Print "Static footer line"
Sleep 1
KeyPressed = Inkey
If (KeyPressed = Chr(255, 80)) Then 'ARROW-DOWN?
If (FirstLine >= (MaxLine-Rows+1)) Then 'Reached bottom
Beep 'Can't scroll down
RedrawTextfield = 1
FirstLine += 1
End If
ElseIf (KeyPressed = Chr(255, 72)) Then 'ARROW-UP?
If (FirstLine = 1) Then 'Reached top
Beep 'Can't scroll up
RedrawTextfield = 1
FirstLine -= 1
End If
ElseIf ((KeyPressed = Chr(27)) OrElse (Lcase(KeyPressed) = "q")) Then 'ESC or q terminate the program
End If
'Do we have to redraw the text area? We only have to do so, if the user scrolled successfully.
If RedrawTextfield = 1 Then
For i = 0 To Rows-1
Locate 4+i,1: Print String(80," ");
#ifdef ShowLineNo
Locate 4+i,1: Print Using "### "; (FirstLine+i)
Locate 4+i,5: Print LimitLen(MyLines(FirstLine+i),76);
Locate 4+i,1: Print LimitLen(MyLines(FirstLine+i),80);
Next i
RedrawTextfield = 0 'Reset flag
End if
'Function to limit line length
Function LimitLen (ByVal Text As String, ByVal Length As Integer) As String
If Len(Text) > Length Then
Return Left(Text,Length)
Return Text
End If
End Function