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Datum/Zeit:16.05.2011 23:47:35

#Include "Tabelle.bi"

Type SIVariant
    Declare Destructor ()
    Declare Operator Let ( ByRef As SIVariant )
    Declare Operator Let ( ByVal As String )
    Declare Operator Let ( ByVal As Double )
    Declare Operator Cast () As String
    Declare Operator Cast () As Double
    Declare Function WitchType () As Integer
    Declare Function GetPtr () As Any ptr

    PType As Integer
        PAny As Any Ptr
        PInt As Double Ptr
        PStri As ZString Ptr
    End Union
End Type

Destructor SIVariant ()
    If This.PAny Then DeAllocate( This.PAny )
End Destructor
Operator SIVariant.Let ( ByRef In As SIVariant )
    If In.GetPtr = 0 Then
        This.PType = In.WitchType
        This.PAny = 0
        Exit Operator
    Select Case In.WitchType
        Case 0
            This = *Cast(Double Ptr,In.GetPtr)
        Case Else
            This = *Cast(ZString Ptr,In.GetPtr)
    End Select
End Operator
Operator SIVariant.Let ( ByVal S As String )
    If This.PAny Then DeAllocate(This.PAny)
    This.PType = 1
    This.PStri = Allocate(Len(S)+1)
    *This.PStri = S
End Operator
Operator SIVariant.Let ( ByVal I As Double )
    If This.PAny Then DeAllocate(This.PAny)
    This.PType = 0
    This.PInt = Allocate(SizeOf(Double))
    *This.PInt = I
End Operator
Operator SIVariant.Cast () As String
    If This.PAny = 0 Then Return ""
    Select Case This.PType
        Case 0
            Return Str(*This.PInt)
        Case 1
            Return *This.PStri
        Case Else
            Return ""
    End Select
End Operator
Operator SIVariant.Cast () As Double
    If This.PAny = 0 Then Return 0
    Select Case This.PType
        Case 0
            Return *This.PInt
        Case 1
            Return Val(*This.PStri)
        Case Else
            Return 0
    End Select
End Operator
Function SIVariant.WitchType () As Integer
    Return This.PType
End Function
Function SIVariant.GetPtr () As Any Ptr
    Return This.PAny
End Function

Operator + ( ByVal V1 As SIVariant, ByVal V2 As SIVariant ) As SIVariant
    Select Case V1.WitchType()
        Case 0
            Dim I As Double
            I = V1
            Return I + V2
        Case 1
            Dim S As String
            S = V1
            Return S + V2
        Case Else
            Return ""
    End Select
End Operator
Operator - ( ByVal V1 As SIVariant, ByVal V2 As SIVariant ) As SIVariant
    Dim I As Double
    I = V1
    Return I - V2
End Operator
Operator - ( ByVal V1 As SIVariant ) As SIVariant
    Dim I As Double
    I = V1
    Return -I
End Operator
Operator * ( ByVal V1 As SIVariant, ByVal V2 As SIVariant ) As SIVariant
    Dim I As Double
    I = V1
    Return I * V2
End Operator
Operator / ( ByVal V1 As SIVariant, ByVal V2 As SIVariant ) As SIVariant
    Dim I As Double
    I = V1
    Return I / V2
End Operator

Type Sctipt_Block
    Text As ZString Ptr
    Next As Sctipt_Block Ptr
    Oder As Sctipt_Block Ptr
End Type

Dim Shared __script_defines__ As TABELLE

Declare Function Register ( ByVal As String, ByVal As Integer, ByVal As Integer, ByVal As Any Ptr ) As Integer
Declare Sub SetVar ( ByVal As String, ByVal As SIVariant )
Declare Function GetVar ( ByVal As String ) As SIVariant
Declare Function GetNextBlock ( ByVal As String, ByVal As Integer Ptr ) As String
Declare Function Compile ( ByVal As String ) As Integer
Declare Function CallFunc Cdecl ( ByVal As String, ByVal As String, ... ) As SIVariant
Declare Function CallFunction ( ByVal As String, ByVal As SIVariant Ptr ) As SIVariant
Declare Function RunScript ( ByVal As String, ByVal As SIVariant Ptr ) As SIVariant
Declare Function Calc ( ByVal S As String, ByVal T As TABELLE ) As SIVariant

Function Register ( ByVal N As String, ByVal P As Integer, ByVal R As Integer, ByVal Z As Any Ptr ) As Integer
    If __script_defines__.ExistItem(N) Then Return 0
    __script_defines__.ItemS(N+".type") = "out_function"
    __script_defines__.ItemI(N+".Param") = P
    __script_defines__.ItemI(N+".Ret") = R
    __script_defines__.ItemP(N+".func") = Z
End Function
Sub SetVar ( ByVal N As String, ByVal A As SIVariant )
    If __script_defines__.ExistItem(N) Then
        If __script_defines__.ItemS(N+".type") <> "var" Then Exit Sub
    __script_defines__.ItemS(N+".type") = "var"
    Select Case A.WitchType
        Case 0
            __script_defines__.ItemD(N+".val") = A
        Case 1
            __script_defines__.ItemS(N+".val") = A
    End Select
End Sub
Function GetVar ( ByVal N As String ) As SIVariant
    If __script_defines__.ExistItem(N) Then
        If __script_defines__.ItemS(N+".type") = "var" Then
            Select Case __script_defines__.ItemType(N+".val")
                Case ITEM_STRING
                    Return __script_defines__.ItemS(N+".val")
                Case Else
                    Return __script_defines__.ItemD(N+".val")
            End Select
    Return ""
End Function
Function GetNextBlock ( ByVal S As String, ByVal P As Integer Ptr ) As String
    Dim R As String
    Dim L As Integer
    Dim InS As Integer
    Dim H As Integer
    For i As Integer = *P+1 To Len(S)
        Select Case Mid(S,i,1)
            Case "A" To "Z","a" To "z","0" To "9","_"
                R += Mid(S,i,1)
                L = 1
            Case " ","  "
                If InS Then
                    R += Mid(S,i,1)
                    Select Case Mid(S,i+1,1)
                        Case "A" To "Z","a" To "z","0" To "9","_"
                            If L = 1 Then
                                R += " "
                    End Select
            Case ";"
                If InS Then
                    R += Mid(S,i,1)
                    *P = i
                    Return R
                L = 2
            Case "{"
                H += 1
                If L = 0 Then
                    *P = i
                    Return "{"
                If InS Then
                    R += Mid(S,i,1)
                    *P = i-1
                    Return R
                L = 2
            Case "}"
                If L = 0 Then
                    *P = i
                    Return "}"
                If InS Then
                    R += Mid(S,i,1)
                    *P = i-1
                    Return R
                L = 2
            Case Chr(34)
                R += Mid(S,i,1)
                InS Xor= -1
            Case Else
                R += Mid(S,i,1)
                L = 2
        End Select
    *P = 0
    Return ""
End Function
Function RegisterStringFunction ( ByVal N As String, ByVal P As String, ByVal T As Sctipt_Block Ptr  ) As Integer
    If __script_defines__.ExistItem(N) Then Return 0
    __script_defines__.ItemS(N+".type") = "in_function"
    Dim num As Integer
    If P = "" Then
        num = 0
        Dim Posi As Integer
            Posi = InStr(Posi+1,P,",")
            If Posi = 0 Then Exit Do
            num += 1
        num += 1
    __script_defines__.ItemI(N+".Param") = num
    __script_defines__.ItemS(N+".ParamName") = P
    __script_defines__.ItemP(N+".func") = T
End Function
Function Compile_Block ( ByVal S As String, ByVal P As Integer Ptr ) As Sctipt_Block Ptr
    Dim B As String
    Dim H As Integer
    Dim C As Sctipt_Block Ptr
    Dim L As Sctipt_Block Ptr
    C = Allocate(SizeOf(Sctipt_Block))
    Function = C
        B = GetNextBlock ( S, P )
        Select Case B
            Case "{"
                C->Oder = Compile_Block ( S, P )
            Case "}"
                L->Next = 0
                Exit Function
            Case Else
                C->Text = Allocate(Len(B)+1)
                *C->Text = B
        End Select
        C->Next = Allocate(SizeOf(Sctipt_Block))
        L = C
        C = C->Next
        C->Next = 0
        C->Oder = 0
        C->Text = 0
End Function
Function Compile ( ByVal S As String ) As Integer
    Dim Posi As Integer
    Dim H As Integer
    Dim Block As String
    Dim B As String
    Dim BB As String
    Dim P As Integer
        B = GetNextBlock ( S , @Posi )
        If Posi = 0 Then Exit Do
        P = InStr(B,"=")
        If P = 0 Then
            P = Posi
            BB = GetNextBlock ( S , @Posi )
            If BB = "{" Then
                P = InStr(B,"(")
                If P = 0 Then
                    RegisterStringFunction ( B,"",Compile_Block ( S, @Posi ))
                    RegisterStringFunction ( Mid(B,1,P-1),Mid(B,P+1,InStr(B,")")-P-1),Compile_Block ( S, @Posi ))
                P = InStr(B,"(")
                If P = 0 Then
                    RegisterStringFunction ( B,"",Compile_Block ( BB+";}", @Posi ))
                    RegisterStringFunction ( Mid(B,1,P-1),Mid(B,P+1,InStr(B,")")-P-1),Compile_Block ( BB+";}", @Posi ))
            Dim V As SIVariant
            V = Calc(Mid(B,P+1),TABELLE)
    Return -1
End Function
Function CallFunc Cdecl ( ByVal N As String, ByVal I As String , ... ) As SIVariant
    If __script_defines__.ItemS(N+".type") <> "in_function" and __script_defines__.ItemS(N+".type") <> "out_function" Then
        Return 0
    Dim P As String
    Dim Posi As Integer
    Dim num As Integer
    Dim ANum As Integer
    Dim arg As Any Ptr = va_first
    Num = __script_defines__.ItemI(N+".Param")
    Dim V As SIVariant Ptr
    If Num = 0 Then
        Return CallFunction ( N , 0 )
    V = Allocate(SizeOf(SIVariant)*Num)
    For i As Integer = 0 To SizeOf(SIVariant)*Num-1
        Cast(UByte Ptr,V)[i] = 0
        Posi = InStr(I,"%")
        If Posi = 0 Then Exit Do
        If ANum = num Then Exit Do
        P = Mid(I,Posi+1,1)
        Select Case LCase(P)
            Case "i"
                V[ANum] = va_arg(arg,Integer)
                arg = va_next(arg,Integer)
            Case "d"
                V[ANum] = va_arg(arg,Double)
                arg = va_next(arg,Double)
            Case "s"
                V[ANum] = *Cast(ZString Ptr,va_arg(arg,ZString Ptr))
                arg = va_next(arg,ZString Ptr)
        End Select
        ANum += 1
    Function = CallFunction ( N , V )
    For i As Integer = 0 To Num-1
End Function
Function CallFunctionWithStringParam ( ByVal N As String, ByVal P As String, ByVal T As TABELLE ) As SIVariant
    Dim As Integer H,Num,Nu,InS,Posi
    Dim As SIVariant Ptr V
    If __script_defines__.ItemS(N+".type") <> "in_function" and __script_defines__.ItemS(N+".type") <> "out_function" Then
        Return 0
    Num = __script_defines__.ItemI(N+".Param")
    If Num = 0 Then
        Return CallFunction ( N , 0 )
    V = Allocate(SizeOf(SIVariant)*Num)
    For i As Integer = 0 To SizeOf(SIVariant)*Num-1
        Cast(UByte Ptr,V)[i] = 0
    Nu = 0
    For i As Integer = 1 To Len(P)
        Select Case Mid(P,i,1)
            Case ","
                If InS = 0 And H = 0 Then
                    V[nu] = Calc(Mid(P,Posi+1,i-Posi-1),T)
                    Posi = i
                    Nu += 1
                    If Nu = Num Then
                        Exit For
            Case "("
                If InS = 0 Then H += 1
                If i = 1 Then
                    H = 0
                    Posi = 1
            Case ")"
                If InS = 0 Then H -= 1
                If H <= 0 Then
                    V[nu] = Calc(Mid(P,Posi+1,i-Posi-1),T)
                    Exit For
            Case Chr(34)
                InS Xor = -1
        End Select
        If i = Len(P) Then
            V[nu] = Calc(Mid(P,Posi+1),T)
    Function = CallFunction ( N , V )
    For i As Integer = 0 To Num-1
End Function
Function CallFunction ( ByVal N As String, ByVal P As SIVariant Ptr ) As SIVariant
    Dim num As Integer
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim Inte As Integer
    Num = __script_defines__.ItemI(N+".Param")
    Select Case __script_defines__.ItemS(N+".type")
        Case "in_function"
            Return RunScript ( N , P )
        Case "out_function"
            Dim F As Any Ptr
            Dim R As SIVariant
            Dim RP As SIVariant Ptr
            F = __script_defines__.ItemP(N+".Func")
            For i = Num-1 To 0 Step -1
                RP = @P[i]
                    push [RP]
                End Asm
            RP = @R
            If __script_defines__.ItemI(N+".Ret") Then
                    push [RP]
                End Asm
                Call [F]
            End Asm
            Return R
    End Select
    Return ""
End Function
Function FirstName ( ByVal S As String ) As String
    Dim Ret As String
    For i As Integer = 1 To Len(S)
        Select Case Mid(S,i,1)
            Case "A" To "Z","a" To "z","0" To "9","_"
                Ret += Mid(S,i,1)
            Case Else
                Return Ret
        End Select
    Return Ret
End Function
Function Calc ( ByVal S As String, ByVal T As TABELLE ) As SIVariant
    Dim H As Integer
    Dim InS As Integer
    For i As Integer = 1 To Len(S)
        Select Case Mid(S,i,1)
            Case "0" To "9","."
            Case "-"
                If i <> 1 Then Exit For
            Case Else
                Exit For
        End Select
        If i = Len(S) Then
            Return Val(S)
    If Mid(S,1,1) = Chr(34) Then
        For i As Integer = 2 To Len(S)
            Select Case Mid(S,i,1)
                Case Chr(34)
                    If i = Len(S) Then
                        Return Mid(S,2,Len(S)-2)
                        Exit For
            End Select
            If i = Len(S) Then
                Return Mid(S,2)
    H = 0
    InS = 0
    If Mid(S,1,1) = "(" Then
        For i As Integer = 1 To Len(S)
            Select Case Mid(S,i,1)
                Case Chr(34)
                    InS Xor = -1
                Case "("
                    If Ins = 0 Then H += 1
                Case ")"
                    If Ins = 0 Then H -= 1
                    If H = 0 Then
                        If i = Len(S) Then
                            Return Calc ( Mid(S,2,Len(S)-2),T)
            End Select
            If H > 0 And i = Len(S) Then
                Return Calc ( Mid(S,2),T)
    H = 0
    InS = 0
    For i As Integer = Len(S) To 1 Step -1
        Select Case Mid(S,i,1)
            Case Chr(34)
                InS Xor = -1
            Case "("
                If Ins = 0 Then H += 1
            Case ")"
                If Ins = 0 Then H -= 1
            Case "="
                If H = 0 And Ins = 0 Then
                    Select Case Mid(S,i-1,1)
                        Case "<"
                            Return Calc (Mid(S,1,i-2),T)<=Calc (Mid(S,i+1),T)
                        Case ">"
                            Return Calc (Mid(S,1,i-2),T)>=Calc (Mid(S,i+1),T)
                        Case "!"
                            Return Calc (Mid(S,1,i-2),T)<>Calc (Mid(S,i+1),T)
                        Case Else
                            Return Calc (Mid(S,1,i-1),T)=Calc (Mid(S,i+1),T)
                    End Select
            Case "<"
                If H = 0 And Ins = 0 Then
                    Return Calc (Mid(S,1,i-1),T)<Calc (Mid(S,i+1),T)
            Case ">"
                If H = 0 And Ins = 0 Then
                    Return Calc (Mid(S,1,i-1),T)>Calc (Mid(S,i+1),T)
        End Select
    H = 0
    InS = 0
    For i As Integer = Len(S) To 1 Step -1
        Select Case Mid(S,i,1)
            Case Chr(34)
                InS Xor = -1
            Case "("
                If Ins = 0 Then H += 1
            Case ")"
                If Ins = 0 Then H -= 1
            Case "+"
                If H = 0 And Ins = 0 Then
                    Return Calc (Mid(S,1,i-1),T)+Calc (Mid(S,i+1),T)
            Case "-"
                If H = 0 And Ins = 0 Then
                    Select Case Mid(S,i-1,1)
                        Case "A" To "Z","a" To "z","0" To "9",".","_"
                            Return Calc (Mid(S,1,i-1),T)-Calc (Mid(S,i+1),T)
                    End Select
        End Select
    H = 0
    InS = 0
    For i As Integer = Len(S) To 1 Step -1
        Select Case Mid(S,i,1)
            Case Chr(34)
                InS Xor = -1
            Case "("
                If Ins = 0 Then H += 1
            Case ")"
                If Ins = 0 Then H -= 1
            Case "*"
                If H = 0 And Ins = 0 Then
                    Return Calc (Mid(S,1,i-1),T)*Calc (Mid(S,i+1),T)
            Case "/"
                If H = 0 And Ins = 0 Then
                    Return Calc (Mid(S,1,i-1),T)/Calc (Mid(S,i+1),T)
        End Select
    H = 0
    InS = 0
    For i As Integer = Len(S) To 1 Step -1
        Select Case Mid(S,i,1)
            Case Chr(34)
                InS Xor = -1
            Case "("
                If Ins = 0 Then H += 1
            Case ")"
                If Ins = 0 Then H -= 1
            Case "^"
                If H = 0 And Ins = 0 Then
                    Return Calc (Mid(S,1,i-1),T)^Calc (Mid(S,i+1),T)
        End Select
    Select Case __script_defines__.ItemS(FirstName(S)+".type")
        Case "var"
            Select Case __script_defines__.ItemType(FirstName(S)+".val")
                Case ITEM_STRING
                    Return __script_defines__.ItemS(FirstName(S)+".val")
                Case Else
                    Return __script_defines__.ItemD(FirstName(S)+".val")
            End Select
        Case "out_function","in_function"
            Return CallFunctionWithStringParam ( FirstName(S) , Mid(S,Len(FirstName(S))+1), T)
        Case Else
            Select Case T.ItemType(FirstName(S))
                Case ITEM_STRING
                    Return T.ItemS(FirstName(S))
                Case Else
                    Return T.ItemD(FirstName(S))
            End Select
    End Select
End Function
Sub RunBlock ( byval Vars as TABELLE ptr, byval S As Sctipt_Block Ptr )
    Dim A As Sctipt_Block Ptr
    Dim L As String
    Dim V As SIVariant
    A = S
    Do Until A = 0
        If A->Text = 0 Then
            If V <> 0 Then
                Dim D As Sctipt_Block Ptr
                D = A
                RunBlock ( Vars, D->Oder )
        V = 0
        If A->Text <> 0 Then
            L = *A->Text
            Select Case LCase(FirstName (l))
                Case "do"
                        V = CallFunctionWithStringParam ( "do" , Mid(l,Len(FirstName (l))+1),*Vars)
                        If V Then
                            RunBlock ( Vars, A->Next->Oder )
                            Exit Do
                    V = 0
                Case "while"
                        V = CallFunctionWithStringParam ( "while" , Mid(l,Len(FirstName (l))+1),*Vars)
                        If V Then
                            RunBlock ( Vars, A->Next->Oder )
                            Exit Do
                    V = 0
                Case "for"

                Case Else
                    Select Case __script_defines__.ItemS(FirstName (l)+".type")
                    Case "var"
                        V = Calc ( Mid(l,InStr(l,"=")+1),*Vars )
                        Select Case V.WitchType
                            Case 0
                            Case Else
                        End Select
                    Case "out_function","in_function"
                        V = CallFunctionWithStringParam ( FirstName (l) , Mid(l,Len(FirstName (l))+1),*Vars)
                    Case Else
                        V = Calc ( Mid(l,InStr(l,"=")+1),*Vars )
                        Select Case V.WitchType
                            Case 0
                                Vars->ItemD(FirstName(l)) = V
                            Case Else
                                Vars->ItemS(FirstName(l)) = V
                        End Select
                End Select
            End Select
        A = A->Next
End Sub
Function RunScript ( ByVal N As String, ByVal P As SIVariant Ptr ) As SIVariant
    Dim Vars As TABELLE
    Dim Na As String
    Dim Posi As Integer
    Dim Posialt As Integer
    For i As Integer = 0 To __script_defines__.ItemI(N+".Param")-1
        Posialt = Posi
        Posi = InStr(Posi+1,__script_defines__.ItemS(N+".ParamName"),",")
        Na = Mid(__script_defines__.ItemS(N+".ParamName"),Posialt+1,Posi-Posialt-1)
        Select Case P[i].WitchType
            Case 0
                Vars.ItemD(Na) = P[i]
            Case Else
                Vars.ItemS(Na) = P[i]
        End Select
    RunBlock ( @Vars, __script_defines__.ItemP(N+".Func"))
    Select Case Vars.ItemType("return")
        Case ITEM_STRING
            Function = Vars.ItemS("return")
        Case Else
            Function = Vars.ItemD("return")
    End Select
End Function
Sub Delete_Function ( ByVal B As Sctipt_Block Ptr )
    Dim As Sctipt_Block Ptr N,T
    T = B
    Do Until T = 0
        N = T->Next
        If T->Text Then DeAllocate(T->Text)
        If T->Oder Then Delete_Function ( T->Oder )
        T = N
End Sub
Sub Close_Script ()
    Dim i As Integer
        i += 1
        Dim Item As _TABELLENITEM Ptr
        Item = __script_defines__.GetItem(i)
        If Item = 0 Then Exit Do
        Select Case Item->GetValTP->ItemS("type")
            Case "in_function"
                Delete_Function ( Item->GetValTP->ItemP("func"))
        End Select
End Sub

Dim Shared LIfFailed As Integer

Function Script_If ( ByVal In As SIVariant ) As SIVariant
    Select Case In.WitchType
        Case 0
            If In Then
                LIfFailed = 0
                Return -1
                LIfFailed = -1
                Return 0
        Case Else
            If In = "" Then
                LIfFailed = -1
                Return 0
                LIfFailed = 0
                Return -1
    End Select
End Function
Function Script_Else () As SIVariant
    If LIfFailed Then
        LIfFailed = 0
        Return -1
        LIfFailed = 0
        Return 0
End Function
Function Script_ElseIf ( ByVal In As SIVariant ) As SIVariant
    If LIfFailed Then
        Select Case In.WitchType
            Case 0
                If In Then
                    LIfFailed = 0
                    Return -1
                    LIfFailed = -1
                    Return 0
            Case Else
                If In = "" Then
                    LIfFailed = -1
                    Return 0
                    LIfFailed = 0
                    Return -1
        End Select
        LIfFailed = 0
        Return 0
End Function
Function Script_Do ( ByVal In As SIVariant ) As SIVariant
    Select Case In.WitchType
        Case 0
            If In Then
                Return -1
                Return 0
        Case Else
            If In = "" Then
                Return 0
                Return -1
    End Select
End Function

Register ( "if" , 1 , 1 , @Script_If )
Register ( "else" , 0 , 1 , @Script_Else )
Register ( "elseif" , 1 , 1 , @Script_ElseIf )
Register ( "do" , 1 , 1 , @Script_Do )