Windows-Programmierung. Das Entwicklerhandbuch zur WIN32-API
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Rechenknecht v1a5

Datum/Zeit:10.10.2008 01:16:38

'Copyright by Christian H. alias OneCypher
'Diesen Quelltext stelle ich ausschließlich für nichtkommerzielle Zweckezur Verfügung.
'Änderungen und Erweiterungen müssen mit Hinweis auf den Urheber und einschränkungen des Verwendungszwecks veröffentlich werden!
'Der Programmname "Rechenknecht" ist vorläufig und stellt keinen markenrechtlichen Besitzanspruch seitens des Urhebers dar!

'ENTER : Einfache Ergebnisanzeige (nur 1. Eingang wird dargestellt)
'0 : Wert-Eingabefeld (Ein Baustein das am ehesten einer Konstanten gleichkommt)
'+ : + (Alle Eingänge werden addiert)
'- : - (Alle Eingänge ab dem 2. werden vom 1. Eingang subtrahirt)
'* : * (Alle Eingänge werden miteinander multipliziert)
'/ : / (1. Eingang wird durch 2. dividiert, das ergebnis daraus wird durch den 3. dividiert, usw...)
'1 : SQR (Alle Eingänge werden addiert und dann die Wurzel aus dem Ergebnis gezogen)
'2 : 1/x (1 wird durch die addition aller Eingänge dividiert)
'3 : UND
'4 : ODER

'andere Tastenfunktionen:

'a : Erstellt einen neuen Baustein (default = Werteingabefeld)
's : Stop/Start (Anfangszustand des Programms ist gestoppt, soll das Programm anfangen zu rechnen, dann bitte die "s" Taste drücken!)
'PgDown : Einen Schritt weiter Rechnen (nur im gestoptten Zustand sinnvoll)
'd : Löscht einen Baustein
'v : Weisst einem Baustein einen Wert zu. (Sinnvoll eigentlich nur bei Werteingabefelder (Taste 0))
'f : dreht den Baustein von links auf rechts
'linke Maustaste : Verbindung ziehen. (Beim anklicken wird der Ausgang des Bausteins gewählt, beim loslassen wird der eingang eines anderen Bausteines gewählt)
'Zieht man zwischen 2 Bausteinen eine Verbindung obwohl dort bereits eine besteht, wird die bestehnde gelöscht!
'rechte Maustaste : Verschieben eines Bausteines
dim shared pi as double =3.1415926535897932384626433832795
dim shared rsizex as integer = 160
dim shared rsizey as integer = 50
dim shared scrw as integer = 300
dim shared scrh as integer = 300

dim shared aside as ubyte = 1
dim shared oside as ubyte = 2
open cons for output as #1

type _in
    in as any ptr    'eigentlich _rk
    nx_in as _in ptr
end type

type _display
    scr as any ptr
    w as integer
    h as integer
    lpx as integer
    lpy as integer
end type
type _rk
    i as _in ptr
    li as _in ptr
    icount as integer
    o(1 to 2) as double
    rtype as integer
    nx_rk as _rk ptr
    x as integer
    y as integer
    display as _display
    flipped as ubyte            '0 = Eingänge links, Ausgänge rechts. 1 = umgekehrt
    declare sub show()          'Rechenknecht zeichnen
    declare sub calc()          'Rechnen!
end type

sub _rk.show()
    dim ic as integer
    dim c as string
    dim oc as string
    dim target as _rk ptr
    dim inputs as _in ptr
    oc = "" & o(oside)
    select case rtype
    case -1
        c = "="
    case 0
        c = "#"
    case 1
        c = "+"
    case 2
        c = "-"
    case 3
        c = "*"
    case 4
        c = "/"
    case 5
        c = "SQR"
    case 6
        c = "1/x"
    case 7
        c = "UND"
    case 8
        c = "ODER"
    case 9
        c = "INVERT"
    case 10
        c = "SIN"
    case 11
        c = "COS"
    case 12
    case 13

    end select
    'Einheit zeichnen
   'Einheit zeichnen

    if rtype <> 13 then
        if rtype <> 0 then
            if flipped = 0 then
                line(x,y)-(x+8,y+rsizey),RGB(0,255,0),BF                'Eingang zeichnen
                line(x+rsizex-8,y)-(x+rsizex,y+rsizey),RGB(0,255,0),BF  'Eingang zeichnen
            end if
        end if

        if flipped = 0 then
            line(x+rsizex-8,y)-(x+rsizex,y+rsizey),RGB(255,255,0),BF    'Ausgang zeichnen
            line(x,y)-(x+8,y+rsizey),RGB(255,255,0),BF                  'Ausgang zeichnen
        end if

        DRAW STRING (x+(rsizex /2) - ((len(c)*8) /2) ,y+(rsizey /2) -7), c
        DRAW STRING (x+(rsizex /2) - ((len(oc) * 8) /2) ,y+(rsizey /2)+7 ), oc
    end if

        if i <> 0 then
            inputs = i
            ic = 0
            while inputs <> 0
                target = inputs->in
                ic += 1
                if flipped = 0 then
                    if target->flipped = 0 then
                        line(target->x + rsizex - 4,target->y + (rsizey/2))-(x+4,y+(ic * (rsizey /(icount+1)))),RGB(0,255,255)
                        line(target->x+4,target->y+(rsizey/2))-(x+4,y+(ic *(rsizey /(icount+1)))),RGB(0,255,255)
                    end if
                    if target->flipped = 0 then
                        line(target->x + rsizex - 4,target->y + (rsizey/2))-(x+rsizex -4,y+(ic *(rsizey /(icount+1)))),RGB(0,255,255)
                        line(target->x+4,target->y+(rsizey/2))-(x+rsizex -4,y+(ic *(rsizey /(icount+1)))),RGB(0,255,255)
                    end if
                end if
                inputs = inputs->nx_in
            icount = ic
        end if
    if rtype = 13 then
        line (x-1,y-1)-(x+scrw,y+scrh),RGB(255,0,0),B
        'put (x,y),display.scr(oside),PSET
        put (x,y),display.scr,PSET
    end if

end sub

sub _rk.calc()
    dim ark as _in ptr
    dim target as _rk ptr
    dim nin as _in ptr
    dim inited as ubyte = 0
    dim ic as integer 'Input Zähler
    dim px as integer, py as integer
    'icount =0
    if i <> 0 then
        ark = i
        if rtype <> 0 then o(oside) = 0
        while ark <> 0
            ic +=1
            target = ark->in
            nin = ark->nx_in
            if inited = 0 and rtype <> 0 and rtype <> 5 and rtype <> 6 and rtype <> 7 and rtype <> 8 and rtype <> 9 and rtype <> 10 and rtype <> 11 and rtype <> 13 and rtype <> 14 then
                o(oside) = target->o(aside)
                inited = 1
                select case rtype
                case -1
                    'Nur anzeige
                case 0
                    'Speicher / nix tun
                case 1
                    o(oside) += target->o(aside)
                case 2
                    o(oside) -= target->o(aside)
                case 3
                    o(oside) *= target->o(aside)
               case 4
                    o(oside) /= target->o(aside)

               case 5
                    o(oside) += target->o(aside)
                    if nin = 0 then o(oside) = sqr(o(oside))

               case 6
                    o(oside) += target->o(aside)
                    if nin = 0 then o(oside) = 1 / o(oside)
               case 7
                    if target->o(aside) > 0 then o(oside) += 1
                    'ic += 1
                    if nin = 0 then
                        if ic = o(oside) then
                            o(oside) = 1
                            o(oside) = 0
                        end if
                    end if
               case 8
                    o(oside) += target->o(aside)
                    if nin = 0 then
                        if o(oside)<> 0 then
                            o(oside) = 1
                            o(oside) = 0
                        end if
                    end if
               case 9
                    o(oside) += target->o(aside)
                    if nin = 0 then
                        if o(oside) = 0 then
                            o(oside) = 1
                            o(oside) = 0
                        end if
                    end if
                case 10
                    o(oside) += target->o(aside)
                    if nin = 0 then o(oside) = sin(o(oside))
                case 11
                    o(oside) += target->o(aside)
                    if nin = 0 then o(oside) = cos(o(oside))
                case 13
                    if ic = 1 then px = target->o(aside)
                    if ic = 2 then
                        py = target->o(aside)
                        pset display.scr,(display.lpx,display.lpy),RGB(255,255,255)
                        display.lpx = px:display.lpy = py
                        'print px,py
                        pset display.scr,(px,py),RGB(0,255,0)
                    end if
               end select
            end if
            ark = ark->nx_in
        if rtype <> 0 then o(oside) = 0
    end if
end sub

dim shared rlist as _rk ptr

function getlength(x1 as integer,y1 as integer,x2 as integer,y2 as integer) as double
    return sqr((x2-x1)*(x2-x1) + (y2-y1)*(y2-y1))
end function

function getnearest(x as integer,y as integer) as _rk ptr
    dim alist as _rk ptr
    dim tlist as _rk ptr
    dim l as double
    dim ll as double
    alist = rlist
    ll = 10000
    while alist <> 0
        l = getlength(alist->x+(rsizex /2),alist->y+(rsizey /2),x,y)
        if l < ll then
            ll = l
            tlist = alist
        end if
        alist = alist->nx_rk
    return tlist
end function

sub changetype(x as integer,y as integer,rtype as integer)
    dim tlist as _rk ptr = getnearest(x,y)
    if tlist <> 0 then
        tlist->rtype = rtype
        if rtype = 13 then
            tlist->display.scr = imagecreate(scrw,scrh,RGB(0,0,0))
            'tlist->display.scr(2) = imagecreate(scrw,scrh,RGB(0,0,0))
        end if
    end if
end sub

sub changevalue(x as integer,y as integer,v as double)
    dim tlist as _rk ptr = getnearest(x,y)
    if tlist <> 0 then
        tlist->o(1) = v
        tlist->o(2) = v
    end if
end sub

sub changeside
    if aside = 1 then
        aside = 2
        oside = 1
        aside = 1
        oside = 2
    end if
end sub

function DelConnection(srk as _rk ptr, crk as _rk ptr) as ubyte
    dim di as _in ptr
    dim ldi as _in ptr
    DelConnection = 0
    if srk->i > 0 then
        if srk->i = srk->li then
            if srk->i->in = crk then
                delete srk->i
                srk->i = 0
                srk->li = 0
                DelConnection = 1
            end if
            di = srk->i
            ldi = 0
            while di <> 0
                if di->in = crk then
                    DelConnection = 1
                    if ldi > 0 then
                        if srk->li = di then srk->li = ldi
                        ldi->nx_in = di->nx_in
                        if srk->i = srk->li then srk->li = 0
                        srk->i = srk->i->nx_in
                    end if
                        delete di
                end if
                ldi = di
                di = di->nx_in
        end if
    end if
end function

screen 20,32,2,0
dim sx as integer, sy as integer
screeninfo sx,sy
dim in as string
dim alist as _rk ptr
dim llist as _rk ptr

dim mx as integer, my as integer, btn as integer
dim tx as integer, ty as integer
dim tx1 as integer, ty1 as integer
dim s as ubyte = 1
dim v as double
dim connect1 as _rk ptr
dim connect2 as _rk ptr
dim connect3 as _rk ptr
dim stp as integer
dim i_found as ubyte
    in = inkey
    getmouse mx,my,,btn
    if alist > 0 then
        if s = 0 then
            if stp > 0 then alist->calc()
        end if
        alist = alist->nx_rk
        if alist = 0 then
            if stp > 0 then stp -= 1
            pcopy 0,1
            if s = 0 or stp > 0 then changeside
            alist = rlist
        end if
    end if
    select case in
    case "a"
        if rlist = 0 then
            rlist = new _rk
            alist = rlist
            llist = rlist
            llist->x = mx
            llist->y = my
            llist->rtype = 0
            llist->nx_rk = new _rk
            llist = llist->nx_rk
            llist->x = mx
            llist->y = my
            llist->rtype = 0
        end if
    case "s"
        if s = 1 then
            s = 0
            s = 1
        end if

    case "f"
        connect1 = getnearest(mx,my)
        if connect1 <> 0 then
            if connect1->flipped = 1 then
                connect1->flipped = 0
                connect1->flipped = 1
            end if
        end if

    case "p"
        changevalue mx,my,pi

    case "c"
        connect1 = getnearest(mx,my)
        if connect1 <> 0 then
            if connect1->display.scr <> 0 then line connect1->display.scr,(0,0)-(scrw,scrh),RGB(0,0,0),BF
        end if
    case "d"
        connect1 = getnearest(mx,my)
        if connect1 <> 0 then
            connect2 = rlist
            connect3 = 0
            while connect2 <> 0
                if connect2 <> connect1 then
                    i_found = DelConnection(connect2, connect1)
                    connect3 = connect2
                    connect2 = connect2->nx_rk
                    if connect3 > 0 then
                        connect3->nx_rk = connect2->nx_rk
                        delete connect2
                        connect2 = connect3->nx_rk
                        rlist = rlist->nx_rk
                        delete connect2
                        connect2 = rlist
                    end if
                end if
            alist =rlist
            llist = connect3
        end if
    case CHR(13)
        changetype mx,my,-1
    case "0"
        changetype mx,my,0
    case "+"
        changetype mx,my,1
    case "-"
        changetype mx,my,2
    case "*"
        changetype mx,my,3
    case "/"
        changetype mx,my,4
    case "1"
        changetype mx,my,5
    case "2"
        changetype mx,my,6
    case "3"
        changetype mx,my,7
    case "4"
        changetype mx,my,8
    case "5"
        changetype mx,my,9
    case "6"
        changetype mx,my,10
    case "7"
        changetype mx,my,11
    case "8"
        changetype mx,my,12
    case "9"
        changetype mx,my,13
    case "v"
        pcopy 1,0
        locate 5,1:input "value:",v
        changevalue mx,my,v
    case CHR(255) & CHR(81)
        stp = 2
        alist = rlist
    end select
    if btn = 1 then
        connect1 = getnearest(mx,my)
        if connect1 <> 0 then
            pcopy 1,0
                getmouse mx,my,,btn
                if mx <> tx or my <> ty then
                    pcopy 1,0
                    if connect1->flipped = 0 then
                        line (connect1->x+rsizex -3,connect1->y+(rsizey/2))-(mx-1,my),RGB(128,128,255)
                        line (connect1->x+rsizex -4,connect1->y+(rsizey/2))-(mx,my),RGB(128,128,255)
                        line (connect1->x+rsizex -5,connect1->y+(rsizey/2))-(mx+1,my),RGB(128,128,255)
                        line (connect1->x+3,connect1->y+(rsizey/2))-(mx-1,my),RGB(128,128,255)
                        line (connect1->x+4,connect1->y+(rsizey/2))-(mx,my),RGB(128,128,255)
                        line (connect1->x+5,connect1->y+(rsizey/2))-(mx+1,my),RGB(128,128,255)
                    end if
                    tx = mx: ty = my
                end if
            loop until btn = 0
            connect2 = getnearest(mx,my)
            if connect1 <> connect2 then
                if connect2->i = 0 then
                    'Wenn noch gar keine Eingangsverbindung dann erstelle eine
                    connect2->i = new _in
                    connect2->li = connect2->i
                    connect2->li->in = connect1
                    'Wenn schon Eingangsverbindungen vorhanden, dann prüfen ob schon existiert

                    if DelConnection(connect2, connect1) = 0 then
                        connect2->li->nx_in = new _in
                        connect2->li = connect2->li->nx_in
                        connect2->li->in = connect1
                    end if
                end if
            end if
        end if
    end if
    if btn = 2 then
        pcopy 1,0
        connect1 = getnearest(mx,my)
        if connect1 <> 0 then
            tx = mx: ty = my
            tx1 = mx - connect1->x
            ty1 = my - connect1->y
                btn = 0
                getmouse mx,my,,btn
                in = inkey
                if mx <> tx or my <> ty then
                    pcopy 1,0
                    line (mx- tx1,my-ty1)-(mx + rsizex-tx1,my+rsizey-ty1),RGB(255,255,0),BF
                    tx = mx: ty = my
                end if
            loop until btn = 0 or in = "m"
            connect1->x = (mx-tx1)
            connect1->y = (my-ty1)
        end if
    end if
loop until in = "q" or in = chr(27) or in = chr(255,107)