Windows-Programmierung. Das Entwicklerhandbuch zur WIN32-API
Windows-Programmierung. Das Entwicklerhandbuch zur WIN32-API
"Der" Petzold, das über 1000 Seiten starke Standardwerk zum Win32-API - besonders nützlich u. a. bei der GUI-Programmierung in FreeBASIC! [Mehr Infos...]
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Programm beenden (SDL Eventfilter, FB-Beispiel)

Datum/Zeit:18.10.2007 02:47:17

' SDL_events example adapted to freeBasic from:
' http://www.libsdl.org/cgi/docwiki.cgi/Event_20Examples
' Demonstrates the filtering and handling of events.

#include  "SDL\SDL.bi"

' This function may run in a separate event thread
' note the use of SDLCALL (or cdecl) for this callback function
function FilterEvents SDLCALL (byval event as SDL_Event ptr) as integer
    static boycott as integer

    ' This quit event signals the closing of the window
    if ((event->type = SDL_QUIT_) and boycott = 0) then
        print "Quit event filtered out -- try again."
        boycott = 1
        FilterEvents = 0
        exit function
    end if
    if (event->type = SDL_MOUSEMOTION) then
        print "Mouse moved to ("; event->motion.x; ","; event->motion.y; ")"
        FilterEvents = 0
        exit function
    end if
    FilterEvents = 1
end function

    dim event as SDL_Event

    ' Initialize the SDL library (starts the event loop)
    if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) < 0) then
        print "Couldn't initialize SDL: "; *SDL_GetError()
        end 1
    end if

    ' Ignore key events

    ' Filter quit and mouse motion events
    ' note the function pointer pointing to the function FilterEvents

    ' The mouse isn't much use unless we have a display for reference
    if (SDL_SetVideoMode(320, 240, 8, 0) = NULL) then
        print "Couldn't set 320x240x8 video mode: "; *SDL_GetError()
        end 1
    end if

    ' Loop waiting for ESC+Mouse_Button
    do while (SDL_WaitEvent(@event) >= 0)
        select case (event.type)
        case SDL_ACTIVEEVENT:
            if (event.active.state and SDL_APPACTIVE) then
                if (event.active.gain) then
                    print "App activated"
                    print "App iconified"
                end if
            end if

            dim keys as Uint8 ptr

            keys = SDL_GetKeyState(NULL) + SDLK_ESCAPE
            if (keys = SDL_PRESSED) then
                print "Bye bye..."
                end 0
            end if
            print "Mouse button pressed"

        case SDL_QUIT_:
            print "Quit requested, quitting."
            end 0
        end select

    ' This should never happen
    print "SDL_WaitEvent error: "; *SDL_GetError()