Mikrocomputertechnik mit Controllern der Atmel AVR-RISC-Familie
Mikrocomputertechnik mit Controllern der Atmel AVR-RISC-Familie
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Problem mit Labels in selbstgeschriebener GUI

Datum/Zeit:04.07.2011 00:28:06

#DEFINE Quit Inkey=Chr(255,107)

Dim Shared As Integer mx,my,mb,mxa,mya,mba,move_win,move_lab
Dim Shared As Integer anz_win,anz_lab

Type WizWindow
    As Integer id
    As Integer typ
    As String title
    As Integer active
    As Integer x
    As Integer y
    As Integer w
    As Integer h
    As Byte move
End Type

Type Label
    As String title
    As Integer win
    As Integer x
    As Integer y
    As Integer realx,realy
End Type

Dim Shared As WizWindow win(5000)
Dim Shared As UInteger winZ(5000)
Dim Shared As Label lab(5000)
Dim Shared As UInteger labZ(5000)

Declare Sub InitGUI()
Declare Sub DrawGadgets()
Declare Sub DrawWindow(id As Integer)
Declare Sub WinAdd()
Declare Sub WindowToTop(id As Integer)
Declare Sub DrawLabel(id As Integer)
Declare Sub LabADD()
Declare Sub LabelToTop(id As Integer)

Screenres 640,480,32

Dim Shared anz_alloc As UInteger

Sub WinAdd()
   If anz_win > anz_alloc Then
      anz_alloc += 25
      'ReDim Preserve win(anz_alloc) As WizWindow
      'ReDim Preserve winZ(anz_alloc) As UInteger
   End If
   With win(anz_win)
      .title="Testwindow-" & Str(anz_win)
       .x=anz_win * 25
       .y=anz_win * 25
   End With
   winZ(anz_win) = anz_win
End Sub

With win(1)
End With

With lab(1)
    .title="Ahoi :D"
End With

With win(2)
    .title="Testwindow 2"
End With

   mxa = mx
    mya = my
    mba = mb
    Getmouse mx,my,,mb
    If mb = 0 Then'wenn die maus losgelassen wird ist wird kein fenster verschoben
        move_win = 0
    End If
    If mb = 1 And mba = 0 Then'wenn maus down dann schauen welches fenster angecklickt wurde
        For i As Integer= anz_win To 1 Step -1
        If (mx>win(winZ(i)).x And mx<win(winZ(i)).w+win(winZ(i)).x) And (my>win(winZ(i)).y And my<win(winZ(i)).h+win(winZ(i)).y) Then
            If i < anz_win Then 'ist ganz sinvoll, um nicht jedes mal die liste zu durchlaufen, wenn das fenster sowieso schon am ende is.
                WindowToTop (i)
            End If
            'einfach noch eine prüfung hinzu fügen (kann man natürlich optimieren)
            'welche prüft, ob man auf das ""bar klickt.
            If my<24+win(winZ(anz_win)).y Then
               'wen dem so ist, dann:
                 move_win = winZ(anz_win)
            End If
            Exit For 'exit danach
         End If
   End If
   'wenn move gesetzt, dann move es
   If move_win <> 0 Then
        'move variante ist SEHR unschön!!!
        win(move_win).x += mx - mxa
        win(move_win).y += my - mya
   End If
   If move_lab <> 0 Then
        For i As Integer=1 To anz_lab
            If lab(winZ(i)).win=win(winZ(i)).id Then lab(move_lab).realx+=mx-mxa
            If lab(winZ(i)).win=win(winZ(i)).id Then lab(move_lab).realy+=my-mya
   End If
   Sleep 10,1
      Line (0,0)-(640,480),&h376ea5,BF
Loop Until Quit

Sub InitGUI()

End Sub

Sub DrawGadgets()
   For i As Integer=1 To anz_win
        If win(winZ(i)).typ=1 Then DrawWindow(winZ(i))
    For i2 As Integer=1 To anz_lab
End Sub

Sub DrawWindow(id As Integer)
   If id=winZ(anz_win) Then
      Line (win(id).x,win(id).y+24)-(win(id).w+win(id).x,win(id).h+win(id).y),&hFFFFFF,BF
      Line (win(id).x,win(id).y)-(win(id).w+win(id).x,win(id).y+23),&hDDDDDD,BF
      Line (win(id).x,win(id).y)-(win(id).w+win(id).x,win(id).h+win(id).y),&h000000,B
      Line (win(id).x,win(id).y+24)-(win(id).w+win(id).x,win(id).h+win(id).y),&hC0C0C0,BF
      Line (win(id).x,win(id).y)-(win(id).w+win(id).x,win(id).y+23),&hA0A0A0,BF
      Line (win(id).x,win(id).y)-(win(id).w+win(id).x,win(id).h+win(id).y),&h000000,B
   End If
End Sub

Sub WindowToTop(id As Integer)
if id > anz_win then exit sub
   Dim TWinID As Uinteger = winZ(id)
   For X As Uinteger = id To anz_win -1
      winZ(x) = winZ(x + 1)
   winZ(anz_win) = TWinID
End Sub

Sub DrawLabel(id As Integer)
    If id=labZ(anz_lab) Then
        Color &h000000
        Draw String(lab(id).realx,lab(id).realy),lab(id).title
    End If
End Sub

Sub LabADD()
    labZ(anz_lab) = anz_lab
    With lab(anz_lab)
    End With
End Sub

Sub LabelToTop(id As Integer)
    If id > anz_lab Then Exit Sub
    Dim TLabID As Uinteger = labZ(id)
    For X As Uinteger = id To anz_lab -1
        labZ(x) = labZ(x + 1)
    labZ(anz_lab) = TLabID
End Sub