Windows System Programming
Windows System Programming
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Particles ;)

Datum/Zeit:31.12.2011 14:28:06

#Define Speed 2
#Define Versatz 250
#Define ScreenWidth 640
#Define ScreenHeight 480

Type Particle
    X as Double
    Y as Double
    XL as Double
    YL as Double
    XV as Double
    YV as Double
    Col as Integer
End Type

Type ParticleSystem
    PPTR as Particle PTR

    Declare Constructor()
    Declare Sub G()
    Declare Sub GClear()
    Declare Sub Control()
End Type

Constructor ParticleSystem()
    Dim X as Integer
    Dim Y as Integer
    Dim a as Integer
    Dim Col as Integer

    PPTR = Allocate(SizeOf(Particle) * 10000)
    If PPTR = 0 then
        Print "[ERROR] Zero pointer exception in: Constructor ParticleSystem()"

    For a = 0 to 9999
        PPTR[a].X = X + Versatz
        PPTR[a].Y = Y
        PPTR[a].XL = X
        PPTR[a].YL = Y
        PPTR[a].YV = Speed
        PPTR[a].Col = RGB(Col, 0, 255)
        X += 1
        If X = 99 then X = 0 : Y += 1 : Col += 1
    Next a
End Constructor

Sub ParticleSystem.G()
    Dim as Integer a

    For a = 0 to 9999
        PSET(PPTR[a].X, PPTR[a].Y), PPTR[a].Col
    Next a
End Sub

Sub ParticleSystem.GClear()
    Dim as Integer a

    For a = 0 to 9999
        PSET(PPTR[a].XL, PPTR[a].YL), &h000000
    Next a
End Sub

Sub ParticleSystem.Control()
    Dim as Integer a

    For a = 0 to 9999
        PPTR[a].XL = PPTR[a].X
        PPTR[a].YL = PPTR[a].Y
        PPTR[a].X += PPTR[a].XV
        PPTR[a].Y += PPTR[a].YV
        If PPTR[a].Y < 0 then PPTR[a].YV = ABS(PPTR[a].YV) : PPTR[a].XV += (RND * 0.4) - 0.2
        If PPTR[a].Y > ScreenHeight then PPTR[a].YV = -ABS(PPTR[a].YV) : PPTR[a].XV += (RND * 0.4) - 0.2
        If PPTR[a].X < 0 then PPTR[a].XV = ABS(PPTR[a].XV) : PPTR[a].YV += (RND * 0.4) - 0.2
        If PPTR[a].X > ScreenWidth then PPTR[a].XV = -ABS(PPTR[a].XV) : PPTR[a].YV += (RND * 0.4) - 0.2
    Next a
End Sub

Screenres ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight, 32

Dim as ParticleSystem PS = ParticleSystem()

While(NOT Multikey(&h01))
    Sleep 10