Mikrocomputertechnik mit Controllern der Atmel AVR-RISC-Familie
Mikrocomputertechnik mit Controllern der Atmel AVR-RISC-Familie
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PAINT Programm

Datum/Zeit:27.03.2011 22:54:39

'' Ein kleines Malprogram
'' F1 -> Quads zeichnen
'' F2 -> lines zeichnen
'' F3 -> circles zeichnen
'' F4 -> free hand line
'' F5 -> full quad
'' F6 -> full circle
'' F7 -> einen bereich mit einer farbe fuellen
'' F8 -> color auswahl
'' n -> neu
'' STRL + Z -> rueckgaengig
'' ESC -> beenden

#Define FALSE &H00                              '' FALSE als 0 setzen
#Define TRUE Not FALSE                          '' TRUE als das gegenteil von
                                                        '' von FALSE setzen
Dim shared As Integer Weite = 800           '' Fenster Weite setzen
Dim Shared As Integer Hohe = 600                '' Fenster Hohe setzen
Dim As Integer FullScreen = FALSE           '' Fullscreen setzen
Dim As Integer BACK_R = 255                 '' Start Farbe fuer Background
Dim As Integer BACK_G = 255
Dim As Integer BACK_B = 255
Dim As UByte FRONT_R = 0                        '' Start Farbe fuer Mal-Farbe
Dim As UByte FRONT_G = 0
Dim As UByte FRONT_B = 0
Dim As Integer STEPS = 10                       '' Wie oft kann man etwas
                                                        '' rueckgaengig machen kann
Dim As Integer FillColorAbweichung = 0      '' Max Color Abweichung bei der
                                                        '' Function FILL
#Define DRAW_QUADS &H01
#Define DRAW_LINES &H02
#Define DRAW_CIRCLE &H03
#Define DRAW_POINT &H04
#Define DRAW_FILL &H07

Dim As Any Ptr Vorschau, _                      '' Bild, in das das gerade
_                                                       '' bearbeitete obj. gemalt wird
ScreenP, _                                          '' Screen Bild
LASTS(0 To STEPS)                                   '' Bilder um zum rueckgaengig machen
Dim Flag As UInteger
Dim As Integer X,Y,B,XA,YA,BA
Dim As Integer SX,SY,UPDATE

Declare Function UPDATE_COLOR_CIRCLE _      '' Function um zur color
( ByRef As UByte, _                             '' auswahl ROT
ByRef As UByte, _                                   '' GRUEN
ByRef As UByte )_                                   '' BLAU
As Integer                                          '' FERTIG

Declare Function KEYPRESSED _                   '' Function un einen tastendruck
( ByVal As UInteger )_                          '' zu erkennen
As Integer

Declare Sub FILL _                              '' Function um eine Flache
_                                                       '' mit einer Farbe zu fuellen
( ByVal As Any Ptr, _                           '' Bild
ByVal As Any Ptr, _                             '' Screen
ByVal As Integer, _                             '' Position X
ByVal As Integer, _                             '' Position Y
ByVal As UByte, _                                   '' Fill Color R
ByVal As UByte, _                                   '' Fill Color G
ByVal As UByte, _                                   '' Fill Color B
ByVal As UByte )                                    '' Abweichung

ScreenRes Weite, Hohe, 32, ,_                   '' Window erstellen

WindowTitle "PAINT"                             '' Windowtitle paint

Line (0,0)-(Weite,Hohe),_                       '' Screen mit Backgroundcolor
RGB(BACK_R,BACK_G,BACK_B),bf                    '' bemalen

Vorschau = ImageCreate(Weite,Hohe,_         '' Images erstellen
LASTS(0) = ImageCreate(Weite,Hohe,_
ScreenP = ImageCreate(Weite,Hohe,_

For i As Integer = 1 To STEPS
    LASTS(i) = ImageCreate(Weite,Hohe,_

    Sleep 1, 1                              '' um den Prozessor nicht zu stark zu belasten

    If KEYPRESSED(59) Then                      '' wenn taste "F1" getrueckt wird
        If Flag = DRAW_QUADS Then           '' wenn gerade Quads aktivirt sind
            Flag = FALSE                     '' dann werden sie ausgeschaltet
            Flag = DRAW_QUADS                '' ansonnsten an

    If KEYPRESSED(60) Then                  '' das gleiche fuer "F2" und Lines
        If Flag = DRAW_LINES Then
            Flag = FALSE
            Flag = DRAW_LINES

    If KEYPRESSED(61) Then                      '' "F3" und Circles
        If Flag = DRAW_CIRCLE Then
            Flag = FALSE
            Flag = DRAW_CIRCLE

    If KEYPRESSED(62) Then                      '' "F4" und Hand Lines
        If Flag = DRAW_POINT Then
            Flag = FALSE
            Flag = DRAW_POINT

    If KEYPRESSED(63) Then                      '' "F5" und Full Quads
        If Flag = DRAW_QUADS_FULL Then
            Flag = FALSE
            Flag = DRAW_QUADS_FULL

    If KEYPRESSED(64) Then                      '' "F6" und Full Circles
        If Flag = DRAW_CIRCLE_FULL Then
            Flag = FALSE
            Flag = DRAW_CIRCLE_FULL

    If KEYPRESSED(65) Then                      '' "F7" unf Fill
        If Flag = DRAW_FILL Then
            Flag = FALSE
            Flag = DRAW_FILL

    If KEYPRESSED(66) Then                      '' wenn "F8" gedruecktwird
            Sleep 1, 1                              '' Fasbe aendern
        Loop Until MultiKey(1) Or InKey = Chr(255)+"k" _
        Put (0,0),ScreenP,PSet                  '' Und screen neu zeichnen
        Put (0,0),Vorschau,Trans

    If KEYPRESSED(49) Then                      '' wenn "n" gedrueckt wird alles zuruecksetzen
        Line LASTS(0),(0,0)-(Weite,Hohe),RGB(BACK_R,BACK_G,BACK_B),bf
        Line Vorschau,(0,0)-(Weite,Hohe),RGB(255,0,255),bf
        Line ScreenP,(0,0)-(Weite,Hohe),RGB(BACK_R,BACK_G,BACK_B),bf
        For i As Integer = 1 To STEPS
            LASTS(i) = ImageCreate(Weite,Hohe,RGB(255,0,255),32)
        Flag = 0

    If KEYPRESSED(44) And MultiKey(29) Then'' mit CTRL + "z" zureuck
        If STEPS > 0 then
            Line Vorschau,(0,0)-(Weite,Hohe),RGB(255,0,255),bf
            For i As Integer = STEPS To 2 Step -1
                Put LASTS(i),(0,0),LASTS(i-1),PSet
            Line LASTS(1),(0,0)-(Weite,Hohe),RGB(255,0,255),bf

            Put ScreenP,(0,0),LASTS(0),PSet

            For i As Integer = 0 To STEPS
                Put ScreenP,(0,0),LASTS(i),Trans
            Put (0,0),ScreenP,PSet

    XA = X
    YA = Y
    BA = B
    GetMouse X,Y,,B                         '' MausPosition

    If B = 1 And BA = 0 Then                '' Wenn Maus von nichtgedrueckt auf gedrueckt springt
        SX = X                                  '' startposition festlegen
        SY = Y

    If xa = -1 Then xa = x
    If ya = -1 Then ya = y

    If B = 1 And x <> -1 And y <> -1 Then  '' Wenn maus gedruekt wurde und maus im fenster ist
        UPDATE = FALSE
        Select Case Flag                        '' Flag auswaehlen
            Case DRAW_QUADS
                If x <> xa And y <> ya then
                    Line Vorschau,(0,0)-(Weite,Hohe),RGB(255,0,255),bf
                    Line Vorschau,(SX,SY)-(X,Y),RGB(FRONT_R,FRONT_G,FRONT_B),b
                    UPDATE = TRUE
            Case DRAW_LINES
                If x <> xa And y <> ya Then
                    Line Vorschau,(0,0)-(Weite,Hohe),RGB(255,0,255),bf
                    Line Vorschau,(SX,SY)-(X,Y),RGB(FRONT_R,FRONT_G,FRONT_B)
                    UPDATE = TRUE
            Case DRAW_CIRCLE
                If x <> xa And y <> ya Then
                    Line Vorschau,(0,0)-(Weite,Hohe),RGB(255,0,255),bf
                    Circle Vorschau,(SX,SY),((SX-X)^2+(SY-Y)^2)^0.5,RGB(FRONT_R,FRONT_G,FRONT_B) ''<- um den richtigen radius zu haben, wird der Pytagoras benutzt
                    UPDATE = TRUE
            Case DRAW_POINT
                Line Vorschau,(XA,YA)-(X,Y),RGB(FRONT_R,FRONT_G,FRONT_B)
                Line (XA,YA)-(X,Y),RGB(FRONT_R,FRONT_G,FRONT_B)
            Case DRAW_QUADS_FULL
                If x <> xa And y <> ya Then
                    Line Vorschau,(0,0)-(Weite,Hohe),RGB(255,0,255),bf
                    Line Vorschau,(SX,SY)-(X,Y),RGB(FRONT_R,FRONT_G,FRONT_B),bf
                    UPDATE = TRUE
            Case DRAW_CIRCLE_FULL
                If x <> xa And y <> ya Then
                    Line Vorschau,(0,0)-(Weite,Hohe),RGB(255,0,255),bf
                    Circle Vorschau,(SX,SY),((SX-X)^2+(SY-Y)^2)^0.5,RGB(FRONT_R,FRONT_G,FRONT_B),,,,f
                    UPDATE = TRUE
            Case DRAW_FILL
                Line Vorschau,(0,0)-(Weite,Hohe),RGB(255,0,255),bf
                FILL ( Vorschau , ScreenP , x , y , FRONT_R , FRONT_G , FRONT_B , FillColorAbweichung)
                UPDATE = TRUE
        End Select
        If UPDATE Then                              '' und screen eventuel neu zeichnen
            Put (0,0),ScreenP,PSet
            Put (0,0),Vorschau,Trans

    If B = 0 And BA = 1 Then                    '' wenn maustaste losgelassen wird
        Put LASTS(0),(0,0),LASTS(1),Trans   '' bilder verschieben und screen neu zeichnen
        Put ScreenP,(0,0),LASTS(0),PSet
        For i As Integer = 1 To STEPS - 1
            Put LASTS(i),(0,0),LASTS(i+1),PSet
            Put ScreenP,(0,0),LASTS(i),Trans
        Put LASTS(STEPS),(0,0),Vorschau,PSet
        Put ScreenP,(0,0),LASTS(STEPS),Trans
        Put (0,0),ScreenP,PSet
        Line Vorschau,(0,0)-(Weite,Hohe),RGB(255,0,255),bf

Loop Until MultiKey(1) Or InKey = Chr(255)+"k"'' beenden mit ESC oder X-Button

For i As Integer = 0 To STEPS

Sub DRAW_COLOR_CIRCLE ( ByVal light As UByte ,ByVal colo As UInteger )
    Dim col As UInteger
    Dim ent As Integer
    Dim rad As Integer
    Dim As UByte rr,gg,bb
    For i As Integer = 0 To 255
        For j As Integer = 0 To 255
            ent = ((i-127)^2+(j-127)^2)^0.5
            rad = ATan2(i-127,j-127)/3.141*180
            If rad > -120 And rad < 120 Then
                rr = 255-Abs(rad)/120*255
                rr = 0
            If rad+120 < 120 Or rad+120 > 240 Then
                If rad+120 > 240 Then
                    gg = Abs(rad+120)/120*255
                    gg = 255-Abs(rad+120)/120*255
                gg = 0
            If rad-120 > -120 Or rad-120 < -240 Then
                If rad-120 < -240 Then
                    bb = Abs(rad-120)/120*255
                    bb = 255-Abs(rad-120)/120*255
                bb = 0

            If ent*2 < 256 Then
                col = RGB(light-ent*2*rr/255/255*light,light-ent*2*gg/255/255*light,light-ent*2*bb/255/255*light)
                Line (i,j)-(i,j),col
    For j As Integer = 0 To 255
        Line (256,j)-(300,j),RGB(j,j,j)
    Line (0,256)-(256,300),colo,bf
End Sub
Function UPDATE_COLOR_CIRCLE ( ByRef r As UByte, ByRef g As UByte, ByRef b As UByte ) As Integer
    Static OOn As Integer
    Static light As UByte
    Dim As Integer x,y,but,xa,ya
    Dim col As UInteger
    Dim ent As Integer
    Dim rad As Integer
    Static As UByte rr,gg,bb
    If OOn = 0 Then
        light = 255
        OOn = 1
        ent = ((x-127)^2+(y-127)^2)^0.5
    xa = x
    ya = y
    GetMouse x,y,,but
    If x<>xa Or Y<>Ya Then
        Line (0,256)-(256,300),RGB(r,g,b),bf
        ent = ((x-127)^2+(y-127)^2)^0.5
        If ent * 2 < 256 Then
            rad = ATan2(x-127,y-127)/3.141*180
            If rad > -120 And rad < 120 Then
                rr = 255-Abs(rad)/120*255
                rr = 0
            If rad+120 < 120 Or rad+120 > 240 Then
                If rad+120 > 240 Then
                    gg = Abs(rad+120)/120*255
                    gg = 255-Abs(rad+120)/120*255
                gg = 0
            If rad-120 > -120 Or rad-120 < -240 Then
                If rad-120 < -240 Then
                    bb = Abs(rad-120)/120*255
                    bb = 255-Abs(rad-120)/120*255
                bb = 0
            r = light-ent*2*rr/255/255*light
            g = light-ent*2*gg/255/255*light
            b = light-ent*2*bb/255/255*light
    If but <> 0 Then
        If x < 300 And x > 256 And y < 256 Then
            light = y
        If ent * 2 < 256 Then
                Sleep 1,1
                GetMouse x,y,,but
            Loop Until but = 0
            OOn = 0
            Return TRUE
    Return FALSE
End Function

Function KEYPRESSED ( ByVal num As UInteger ) As Integer
    Static ke(1 To 256) As Byte
    If MultiKey(num) And Not(ke(num)) Then
        ke(num) = TRUE
        Return TRUE
    If Not(MultiKey(num)) And ke(num) Then
        ke(num) = FALSE
    Return FALSE
End Function

Function ColAbw ( ByVal col1 As UInteger , ByVal col2 As UInteger , ByVal ab As UByte ) As Integer
    If Abs(LoByte(HiWord(col1))- LoByte(HiWord(col2)))<=AB Then
        If Abs(HiByte(LoWord(col1))- HiByte(LoWord(col2)))<=AB Then
            If Abs(LoByte(LoWord(col1))- LoByte(LoWord(col2)))<=AB Then
                Return TRUE
    Return FALSE
End Function

Sub FILL ( ByVal n As Any Ptr, ByVal b As Any Ptr, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal rr As UByte, ByVal gg As UByte, ByVal bb As UByte, ByVal a As UByte )
    Dim col As UInteger = Point(x,y,b)
    Line n,(x,y)-(x,y),RGB(rr,gg,bb)
    Dim Num As Integer = 1
    Dim Posi As Byte Ptr
    Posi = Allocate(Weite*Hohe)
    Line n,(x,y)-(x,y),RGB(rr,gg,bb)
        If ColAbw(Point(x+1,y,b), col, a) And Point(x+1,y,n) = RGB(255,0,255) And x < Weite-1 Then
            num += 1
            x += 1
            Posi[num-1] = 0
            Line n,(x,y)-(x,y),RGB(rr,gg,bb)
            Line (x,y)-(x,y),RGB(rr,gg,bb)
        ElseIf ColAbw(Point(x,y+1,b), col, a) And Point(x,y+1,n) = RGB(255,0,255) And y < Hohe-1 Then
            num += 1
            y += 1
            Posi[num-1] = 1
            Line n,(x,y)-(x,y),RGB(rr,gg,bb)
            Line (x,y)-(x,y),RGB(rr,gg,bb)
        ElseIf ColAbw(Point(x-1,y,b), col, a) And Point(x-1,y,n) = RGB(255,0,255) And x > 0 Then
            num += 1
            x -= 1
            Posi[num-1] = 2
            Line n,(x,y)-(x,y),RGB(rr,gg,bb)
            Line (x,y)-(x,y),RGB(rr,gg,bb)
        ElseIf ColAbw(Point(x,y-1,b), col, a) And Point(x,y-1,n) = RGB(255,0,255) And y > 0 Then
            num += 1
            y -= 1
            Posi[num-1] = 3
            Line n,(x,y)-(x,y),RGB(rr,gg,bb)
            Line (x,y)-(x,y),RGB(rr,gg,bb)
            num -= 1
            If num < 0 Then Exit Do
            Select Case Posi[num]
                Case 0
                    x -= 1
                Case 1
                    y -= 1
                Case 2
                    x += 1
                Case 3
                    y += 1
            End Select
End Sub