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OpenGL Car Show [Cartuning]

Datum/Zeit:11.02.2008 19:45:41

' Car Show OpenGL Demo! v1.0
' (C) 2008 Innova and Kristopher Windsor
' http://www.freebasic.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=91830#91830

'Cartuning by Volta :))

#include "GL/gl.bi"
#include "GL/glu.bi"

Const screenx = 800, screeny = 600
Const true = -1, false = 0, pihalf = Atn(1) * 2

Type camera_type
  As Double eye(1 To 3)
  As Double see(1 To 3)
  As Double up(1 To 3)
End Type

Type coord_type
  As Double x, y
End Type

Dim Shared LightDiffuse(0 To 3) As Single => {3, 3, 3, 1}
Dim Shared LightPosition(0 To 3) As Single => {0, 0, 0, 1}
Dim Shared As String Key
Dim Shared As camera_type camera

Sub start
  Screenres screenx, screeny, 32,, 2

  glMatrixMode GL_PROJECTION
  gluPerspective 35.0, screenx / screeny, .01, 8
  glMatrixMode GL_MODELVIEW

  glClearColor 0, 0, 0, 1
  'properly handles overlapping polygons (draw order for layering)
  glEnable GL_DEPTH_TEST

  glEnable GL_LIGHT1
  glLightfv GL_LIGHT1, GL_DIFFUSE, @LightDiffuse(0)
  glEnable GL_LIGHTING

  Randomize Timer
End Sub

Sub show_car (x As Double, y As Double, spin As Double)
  Const w = .4, h = .6

  #define c1 glColor3d (1, 0, 0)
  #define c2 glColor3d (.2,.2,.2)
  #define c3 glColor3d (.25, .25, .9)
  #define c4 glColor3d (.1, .15, .15)

  #macro v(px, py, pz)
      Dim As Double a, d, px2
      px2 = px * w
      a = Atan2(py, px2) + spin
      d = Sqr(px2 * px2 + py * py)
      glVertex3d x + Cos(a) * d, y + Sin(a) * d, pz * h
    End Scope

  glNormal3f 0, -1, 0
  v(1,  -.98,  .6)
  v(-1, -.98,  .6)
  v(-1, -1,  .3)
  v(1,  -1,  .3)
  glColor3d (1, .2, .2)
  glNormal3f 0, 1, 0
  v(-.95, -.99, .57)
  v(-.8 , -.99, .57)
  v(-.8 , -1, .49)
  v(-.95, -1, .49)
  glNormal3f 0, -1, 0
  v(.95, -.99, .57)
  v(.8 , -.99, .57)
  v(.8 , -1, .49)
  v(.95, -1, .49)

  'Nummernschild hinten
  glColor3d (1, 1, 1)
  glNormal3f 0, -1, 0
  v(.3,  -1.01, .4)
  v(-.3, -1.01, .4)
  v(-.3, -1.01, .3)
  v(.3,  -1.01, .3)
  glNormal3f 0, -1, 0
  v(1, -.98, .6)
  v(-1, -.98, .6)
  v(-1, -1.04, .7)
  v(1, -1.04, .7)
  glNormal3f 0, 0, 1
  v(-1, -.7, .6)
  v(1,  -.7, .6)
  v(1,  -.98,  .6)
  v(-1, -.98,  .6)
  glNormal3f 0, -1, 0
  v(.72,  -.5, 1)
  v(-.72, -.5, 1)
  v(-1, -.7,  .6)
  v(1,  -.7,  .6)
  glNormal3f 0, 0, 1
  v(-.72, -.5, 1)
  v(.72,  -.5, 1)
  v(.72,  0,  1)
  v(-.72, 0,  1)
  glNormal3f 0, 1, 0
  v(.72,  0, 1)
  v(-.72, 0, 1)
  v(-1, .4,  .6)
  v(1,  .4,  .6)
  glNormal3f 0, 0, 1
  v(-1, .4, .6)
  v(1,  .4, .6)
  v(1,  .95,  .6)
  v(-1, .95,  .6)
  glNormal3f 0, 1, 0
  v(1,  .95,  .6)
  v(-1, .95,  .6)
  v(-1, 1,  .3)
  v(1,  1,  .3)

  glColor3d (1, 1, 0)
  glNormal3f 0, 1, 0
  v(.95, .97, .55)
  v(.6 , .97, .55)
  v(.6 , .982, .45)
  v(.95, .982, .45)
  glNormal3f 0, 1, 0
  v(-.95, .97, .55)
  v(-.6 , .97, .55)
  v(-.6 , .982, .45)
  v(-.95, .982, .45)

  'Nummernschild vorne
  glColor3d (1, 1, 1)
  glNormal3f 0, 1, 0
  v(.3,  1.01, .35)
  v(-.3, 1.01, .35)
  v(-.3, 1.01, .25)
  v(.3,  1.01, .25)

  'linke Seite
  glNormal3f -1, 0, 0
  v(-1, -.98, .6)
  v(-1, -1, .3)
  v(-1, 1,  .3)
  v(-1, .95,  .6)
  glNormal3f -1, 0, 0
  v(-.72, -.5, 1)
  v(-1, -.7, .6)
  v(-1, .4,  .6)
  v(-.72, 0,  1)

  'rechte Seite
  glNormal3f 1, 0, 0
  v(1, -.98, .6)
  v(1, -1, .3)
  v(1, 1,  .3)
  v(1, .95,  .6)
  glNormal3f 1, 0, 0
  v(.72, -.5, 1)
  v(1, -.7, .6)
  v(1, .4,  .6)
  v(.72, 0,  1)

  'Reifen vorn links
  glNormal3f -1, 0, 0
  v(-1, .59, .1)
  v(-1, .65, 0)
  v(-1, .7, 0)
  v(-1, .76, .1)
'  c2
  glNormal3f -1, 0, 0
  v(-1, .55, .3)
  v(-1, .59, .1)
  v(-1, .76, .1)
  v(-1, .8, .3)

  glNormal3f -1, 0,0
  v(-1, .55, .3)
  v(-.8, .55, .3)
  v(-.8, .59, .1)
  v(-1, .59, .1)
  glNormal3f -1, 0,0
  v(-1, .59, .1)
  v(-.8, .59, .1)
  v(-.8, .65, 0)
  v(-1, .65, 0)
  glNormal3f -1, 0,0
  v(-1, .65, .01)
  v(-.8, .65, .01)
  v(-.8, .7, .01)
  v(-1, .7, .01)
  glNormal3f -1, 0,0
  v(-1, .7, 0)
  v(-.8, .7, 0)
  v(-.8, .76, .1)
  v(-1, .76, .1)
  glNormal3f -1, 0,0
  v(-1, .76, .1)
  v(-.8, .76, .1)
  v(-.8, .8, .3)
  v(-1, .8, .3)

  'Reifen vorn rechts
  glNormal3f 1, 0, 0
  v(1, .59, .1)
  v(1, .65, 0)
  v(1, .7, 0)
  v(1, .76, .1)
'  c2
  glNormal3f 1, 0, 0
  v(1, .55, .3)
  v(1, .59, .1)
  v(1, .76, .1)
  v(1, .8, .3)

  glNormal3f 1, 0,0
  v(1, .55, .3)
  v(.8, .55, .3)
  v(.8, .59, .1)
  v(1, .59, .1)
  glNormal3f 1, 0,0
  v(1, .59, .1)
  v(.8, .59, .1)
  v(.8, .65, 0)
  v(1, .65, 0)
  glNormal3f 1, 0,0
  v(1, .65, .01)
  v(.8, .65, .01)
  v(.8, .7, .01)
  v(1, .7, .01)
  glNormal3f 1, 0,0
  v(1, .7, 0)
  v(.8, .7, 0)
  v(.8, .76, .1)
  v(1, .76, .1)
  glNormal3f 1, 0,0
  v(1, .76, .1)
  v(.8, .76, .1)
  v(.8, .8, .3)
  v(1, .8, .3)

  'Reifen hinten links
  glNormal3f -1, 0, 0
  v(-1, -.59, .1)
  v(-1, -.65, 0)
  v(-1, -.7, 0)
  v(-1, -.76, .1)
'  c2
  glNormal3f -1, 0, 0
  v(-1, -.55, .3)
  v(-1, -.59, .1)
  v(-1, -.76, .1)
  v(-1, -.8, .3)

  glNormal3f -1, 0,0
  v(-1, -.55, .3)
  v(-.8, -.55, .3)
  v(-.8, -.59, .1)
  v(-1, -.59, .1)
  glNormal3f -1, 0,0
  v(-1, -.59, .1)
  v(-.8, -.59, .1)
  v(-.8, -.65, 0)
  v(-1, -.65, 0)
  glNormal3f -1, 0,0
  v(-1, -.65, .01)
  v(-.8, -.65, .01)
  v(-.8, -.7, .01)
  v(-1, -.7, .01)
  glNormal3f -1, 0,0
  v(-1, -.7, 0)
  v(-.8, -.7, 0)
  v(-.8, -.76, .1)
  v(-1, -.76, .1)
  glNormal3f -1, 0,0
  v(-1, -.76, .1)
  v(-.8, -.76, .1)
  v(-.8, -.8, .3)
  v(-1, -.8, .3)

  'Reifen hinten rechts
  glNormal3f 1, 0, 0
  v(1, -.59, .1)
  v(1, -.65, 0)
  v(1, -.7, 0)
  v(1, -.76, .1)
'  c2
  glNormal3f 1, 0, 0
  v(1, -.55, .3)
  v(1, -.59, .1)
  v(1, -.76, .1)
  v(1, -.8, .3)

  glNormal3f 1, 0,0
  v(1, -.55, .3)
  v(.8, -.55, .3)
  v(.8, -.59, .1)
  v(1, -.59, .1)
  glNormal3f 1, 0,0
  v(1, -.59, .1)
  v(.8, -.59, .1)
  v(.8, -.65, 0)
  v(1, -.65, 0)
  glNormal3f 1, 0,0
  v(1, -.65, .01)
  v(.8, -.65, .01)
  v(.8, -.7, .01)
  v(1, -.7, .01)
  glNormal3f 1, 0,0
  v(1, -.7, 0)
  v(.8, -.7, 0)
  v(.8, -.76, .1)
  v(1, -.76, .1)
  glNormal3f 1, 0,0
  v(1, -.76, .1)
  v(.8, -.76, .1)
  v(.8, -.8, .3)
  v(1, -.8, .3)

End Sub

Sub go
  Dim As Double angle

  'coords are set for bird's eye view
  'top left of map is at (0, 0, 0)
  'all parts of map are 1un cubed


  LightPosition(0) = 0
  LightPosition(1) = 0
  LightPosition(2) = -1
  glLightfv GL_LIGHT1, GL_POSITION, @LightPosition(0)

  angle = -Timer * .4
  With camera
    .eye(1) = Cos(angle) * 3
    .eye(2) = Sin(angle) * 3
    .eye(3) = .8
    .see(1) = 0
    .see(2) = 0
    .see(3) = .4
    .up(1) = 0
    .up(2) = 0
    .up(3) = 1

    gluLookat .eye(1), .eye(2), .eye(3), .see(1), _
              .see(2), .see(3), .up(1), .up(2), .up(3)
  End With

  glBegin GL_QUADS
    glColor3d 0, .4, .2
    glNormal3f 0, 0, 1
    glVertex3d -1, -1, 0
    glVertex3d 1,  -1, 0
    glVertex3d 1,  1,  0
    glVertex3d -1, 1,  0

    show_car 0, 0, .5

End Sub

'Sub main
    Sleep 10
    Key = Inkey
  Loop Until Key = Chr(27)
'End Sub