Mikrocomputertechnik mit Controllern der Atmel AVR-RISC-Familie
Mikrocomputertechnik mit Controllern der Atmel AVR-RISC-Familie
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Datum/Zeit:19.03.2013 14:01:31

Randomize Timer

#Define MazeFloor     &h00
#Define MazeStart     &h01
#Define MazeGoal      &h02
#Define MazeReachPath &h19
#Define MazeWall      &h20

Type Vector2
    X as Integer
    Y as Integer
End Type

Function Distance2i (byval XY1 as Vector2, Byval XY2 as Vector2) as Integer

    Dim PX as Integer = abs(XY1.X-XY2.X)*abs(XY1.X-XY2.X)
    Dim PY as Integer = abs(XY1.Y-XY2.Y)*abs(XY1.Y-XY2.Y)

    Function = SQR(PX+PY)
End Function

Function getRandom(Byval imin as Integer, Byval imax as Integer) as Integer
    Dim rndnum as Integer
    Dim as Integer min, max

    min = imin : max = imax
    If min>max then swap min,max

    rndnum = min + int( rnd*( max - (min-1) ) )

    return rndnum
End Function

Type tMaze
    MazeP as ubyte ptr
    MazeW as ushort
    MazeH as ushort

    Declare Function genMaze(Byval sizeW as ushort, byval sizeH as ushort) as Integer
    Declare Function delMaze() as Integer

    Declare Sub drawMaze(byval Wallsize as Integer = 10) 'for tests only
    Declare Sub fillPath(byval posX as Integer, byval posY as Integer)

    MazeControl as Integer
    MazeStack   as UInteger
End Type

Sub tMaze.fillPath(byval posX as Integer, byval posY as Integer)
    MazeStack += 1

    locate 1,1:?MazeStack

    Dim mappos as Integer
    mappos = posX+(posY*MazeW)

    If MazeP[mappos] = MazeFloor Then MazeP[mappos] = MazeReachPath

    If MazeP[mappos] = MazeGoal Then MazeControl = 1

    If (MazeStack < 1024) Then
        If (posX > 0)         and MazeP[mappos-1]     < MazeReachPath Then fillPath(posX-1,posY)
        If (posY > 0)         and MazeP[mappos-MazeW] < MazeReachPath Then fillPath(posX,posY-1)
        If (posX < (MazeW-1)) and MazeP[mappos+1]     < MazeReachPath Then fillPath(posX+1,posY)
        If (posY < (MazeH-1)) and MazeP[mappos+MazeW] < MazeReachPath Then fillPath(posX,posY+1)
    End If

    mazeStack -= 1
End Sub

Sub tMaze.drawMaze(byval Wallsize as Integer = 10)
    If (MazeP = 0) or (MazeW = 0) or (MazeH = 0) Then Exit Sub

    Dim mappos as Integer
    Dim C      as UInteger

    For Y as Integer = 0 to MazeH-1
        For X as Integer = 0 to MazeW-1
            mappos = X+(Y*MazeW)
            Select Case mazeP[mappos]
                Case MazeFloor
                    C = &h222222
                Case MazeStart
                    C = &h00FF00
                Case MazeGoal
                    C = &hFF0000
                Case MazeWall
                    C = &hFFFFFF
                Case MazeReachPath
                    C = &h8888FF
                Case Else
                    C = &hFF8800
            End Select

            line (X*Wallsize,Y*Wallsize)-((Wallsize-1)+(X*Wallsize),(Wallsize-1)+(Y*Wallsize)),C,bf
        Next X
    Next Y

End Sub

Function tMaze.genMaze(Byval sizeW as ushort, byval sizeH as ushort) as Integer

    Dim MazeS as Vector2 'start position
    Dim MazeG as Vector2 'goal position
    Dim granularity  as Integer
    Dim randomLength as Integer
    Dim minLength    as Integer
    Dim maxLength    as Integer
    Dim numWalls     as Integer
    Dim rndWallPosX  as Integer
    Dim rndWallPosY  as Integer
    Dim rndDest      as Integer
    Dim dX           as Integer
    Dim dY           as Integer
    Dim mappos       as Integer

    dim dd as integer'test

        If MazeP Then delMaze()

        MazeW = 2 * (sizeW\2) : MazeH = 2 * (sizeH\2) 'resize rect down to (mod 2)
        If (MazeW < 8) Then MazeW = 8
        If (MazeH < 8) Then MazeH = 8
        'MazeW = sizeW:MazeH=sizeH

        MazeP = callocate(MazeW*MazeH)'NEW ubyte[MazeW*MazeH]

        'gen outwalls
        For WallW as Integer = 0 to MazeW-1
            MazeP[WallW] = MazeWall
            MazeP[((MazeH-1)*MazeW)+WallW] = MazeWall
        Next WallW

        For WallH as Integer = 0 to MazeH-1
            MazeP[WallH*MazeW] = MazeWall
            MazeP[(MazeW-1)+(WallH*MazeW)] = MazeWall
        Next WallH

        'gen random start position
        MazeS = type(getRandom(1,MazeW-2),getRandom(1,MazeH-2))

        'gen random goals position (with minimal distance)
            MazeG = type(getRandom(1,MazeW-2),getRandom(1,MazeH-2))
        Loop while Distance2i(MazeS,MazeG) < 2


        For G as Integer = 3 to 1 step -1
            granularity = 2 ^ G '...16,8,4,2
            numWalls = 1'(MazeW*MazeH)/G

            For W as Integer = 0 to numWalls '1 to...
                rndWallPosX = granularity * (getRandom(1,MazeW-1) \ granularity)
                rndWallPosY = granularity * (getRandom(1,MazeH-1) \ granularity)

                minLength   = getRandom(1,4)
                maxLength   = getRandom(2,10)

                rndDest     = getRandom(0,3)

                Select Case rndDest
                    Case 0 'North/Up
                        dX =  0 : dY = -1
                    Case 1 'East/Right
                        dX =  1 : dY =  0
                    Case 2 'South/Down
                        dX =  0 : dY =  1
                    Case 3 'West/Left
                        dX = -1 : dY =  0
                End Select

                randomLength = granularity * (getRandom(minLength,maxLength)+1)

                For L as Integer = 0 to randomLength
                    mappos = (rndWallPosX + (rndWallPosY*MazeW))
                    If MazeP[mappos] <> MazeFloor Then Exit For
                    MazeP[mappos] = MazeWall
                    rndWallPosX += dX : rndWallPosY += dY
                Next L

            Next W

        Next G

        MazeControl = 1
        locate 2,1:?dd
    Loop until MazeControl

    Return -1'TRUE
End Function

Function tMaze.delMaze() as Integer
    'If MazeP Then Delete[] MazeP
    If MazeP Then deallocate(MazeP)

    MazeStack   = 0
    MazeControl = 0
    MazeW = 0
    MazeH = 0

    return -1'TRUE
End Function

screenres 800,600,32

Dim myMaze as tMaze

loop until multikey(&h01)