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myMaze (Pathfind)

Datum/Zeit:23.03.2013 10:57:19

#Define Distance2(X1,Y1,X2,Y2) sqr(((X1-X2)*(X1-X2))+((Y1-Y2)*(Y1-Y2)))

#Define MazeFloor     &h00
#Define MazeStart     &h01
#Define MazeGoal      &h02
#Define MazeWall      &h70

Randomize Timer

Type tListNode
    NextEntry  as tListNode ptr
    PrevEntry  as tListNode ptr

    EntryValue as Integer
End Type

Type tList
    Declare Sub AddEntry(byval Value as Integer)
    Declare Sub DelEntry(byval ListNode as tListNode ptr)
    Declare Sub DestroyList()

    FirstEntry as tListNode ptr
    LastEntry  as tListNode ptr
End Type

Sub tList.AddEntry(byval Value as Integer)
    Dim NewEntry as tListNode ptr = NEW tListNode

    NewEntry -> EntryValue = Value

    If (LastEntry = 0) Then
        FirstEntry = NewEntry
        LastEntry  = NewEntry
        Exit Sub
    End If

    NewEntry -> PrevEntry = LastEntry
    LastEntry -> NextEntry = NewEntry
    LastEntry = NewEntry
End Sub

Sub tList.DestroyList()
    while FirstEntry
        LastEntry = FirstEntry -> NextEntry
        Delete FirstEntry
        FirstEntry = LastEntry
End Sub

Sub tList.DelEntry(byval ListNode as tListNode ptr)
    If (ListNode = 0) Then Exit Sub

    If ListNode -> NextEntry Then ListNode -> NextEntry -> PrevEntry = ListNode -> PrevEntry
    If ListNode -> PrevEntry Then ListNode -> PrevEntry -> NextEntry = ListNode -> NextEntry

    If ListNode = FirstEntry Then FirstEntry = FirstEntry -> NextEntry
    If ListNode = LastEntry  Then LastEntry  = LastEntry -> PrevEntry

    Delete ListNode
End Sub

Type Vector2
    X as Integer
    Y as Integer
End Type

Function getRandom(Byval imin as Integer, Byval imax as Integer) as Integer
    Dim rndnum as Integer
    Dim as Integer min, max

    min = imin : max = imax
    If min>max then swap min,max

    rndnum = min + int( rnd*( max - (min-1) ) )

    return rndnum
End Function

Type tMaze
    'if goal reachable from start
    Declare Function fillPath(byval posX as Integer, byval posY as Integer) as Integer

    MazeP as ubyte ptr 'Map (pointer)
    MazeW as integer   'width
    MazeH as integer   'height
    MazeS as Vector2   'start position
    MazeG as Vector2   'goal position

    Declare Function genMaze(Byval sizeW as integer, byval sizeH as integer) as Integer
    Declare Function delMaze() as Integer 'destroy/memfre
    Declare Function getPath(byval fromX as Integer, byval fromY as Integer, byval targetX as Integer, byval targetY as Integer) as Integer ptr
End Type

Function tMaze.fillPath(byval posX as Integer, byval posY as Integer) as Integer
    Dim fillmap  as byte ptr = NEW byte[MazeW*MazeH]
    Dim fillList as tList
    Dim mappos as Integer = posX+(posY*MazeW)
    Dim as Integer fX, fY

    fillmap[mappos] = 1

    While fillList.FirstEntry
        mappos = fillList.FirstEntry -> EntryValue

        if (MazeP[mappos] = MazeGoal) Then Function = 1 : Exit While

        fX = mappos mod MazeW : fY = mappos \ MazeW

        If (fX > 0)         andalso ( (fillmap[mappos-1]     = 0) and (MazeP[mappos-1]     < MazeWall) ) Then fillList.AddEntry(mappos-1)     : fillmap[mappos-1]     = 1
        If (fY > 0)         andalso ( (fillmap[mappos-MazeW] = 0) and (MazeP[mappos-MazeW] < MazeWall) ) Then fillList.AddEntry(mappos-MazeW) : fillmap[mappos-MazeW] = 1
        If (fX < (MazeW-1)) andalso ( (fillmap[mappos+1]     = 0) and (MazeP[mappos+1]     < MazeWall) ) Then fillList.AddEntry(mappos+1)     : fillmap[mappos+1]     = 1
        If (fY < (MazeH-1)) andalso ( (fillmap[mappos+MazeW] = 0) and (MazeP[mappos+MazeW] < MazeWall) ) Then fillList.AddEntry(mappos+MazeW) : fillmap[mappos+MazeW] = 1

    Delete[] fillmap
End Function

Function tMaze.genMaze(Byval sizeW as integer, byval sizeH as integer) as Integer
    Dim granularity  as Integer
    Dim randomLength as Integer
    Dim minLength    as Integer
    Dim maxLength    as Integer
    Dim numWalls     as Integer
    Dim rndWallPosX  as Integer
    Dim rndWallPosY  as Integer
    Dim rndDest      as Integer
    Dim dX           as Integer
    Dim dY           as Integer
    Dim mappos       as Integer
    Dim minDist      as Integer

        If MazeP Then delMaze()
        MazeW = sizeW : MazeH = sizeH

        If (MazeW mod 2) = 0 Then MazeW -= 1
        If (MazeH mod 2) = 0 Then MazeH -= 1

        If (MazeW < 9) Then MazeW = 9
        If (MazeH < 9) Then MazeH = 9

        MazeP = NEW ubyte[MazeW*MazeH]

        'gen outwalls
        For WallW as Integer = 0 to MazeW-1
            MazeP[WallW] = MazeWall
            MazeP[((MazeH-1)*MazeW)+WallW] = MazeWall
        Next WallW

        For WallH as Integer = 0 to MazeH-1
            MazeP[WallH*MazeW] = MazeWall
            MazeP[(MazeW-1)+(WallH*MazeW)] = MazeWall
        Next WallH

        minDist = sqr(sqr(MazeW*MazeH))

        'gen random start position
        Do : MazeS.X = getRandom(1,MazeW-2) : Loop while ((MazeS.X mod 2) = 0)
        Do : MazeS.Y = getRandom(1,MazeH-2) : Loop while ((MazeS.Y mod 2) = 0)

        'gen random goal position (with minimal distance)
            Do : MazeG.X = getRandom(1,MazeW-2) : Loop while ((MazeG.X mod 2) = 0)
            Do : MazeG.Y = getRandom(1,MazeH-2) : Loop while ((MazeG.Y mod 2) = 0)
        Loop while (Distance2(MazeS.X,MazeS.Y,MazeG.X,MazeG.Y) < minDist)


        For G as Integer = 4 to 1 step -1
            granularity = 2 ^ G '...16,8,4,2
            numWalls = (MazeW*MazeH)/G

            For W as Integer = 1 to numWalls '1 to...
                rndWallPosX = granularity * (getRandom(1,MazeW-1) \ granularity)
                rndWallPosY = granularity * (getRandom(1,MazeH-1) \ granularity)

                minLength   = getRandom(1,4)
                maxLength   = getRandom(2,10)

                rndDest     = getRandom(0,3)

                Select Case rndDest
                    Case 0 'North/Up
                        dX =  0 : dY = -1
                    Case 1 'East/Right
                        dX =  1 : dY =  0
                    Case 2 'South/Down
                        dX =  0 : dY =  1
                    Case 3 'West/Left
                        dX = -1 : dY =  0
                End Select

                randomLength = granularity * (getRandom(minLength,maxLength)+1)

                For L as Integer = 1 to randomLength
                    mappos = (rndWallPosX + (rndWallPosY*MazeW))
                    If MazeP[mappos] <> MazeFloor Then Exit For
                    MazeP[mappos] = MazeWall
                    rndWallPosX += dX : rndWallPosY += dY
                Next L

            Next W

        Next G

    Loop until fillPath(MazeS.X,MazeS.Y) 'if goal not reachable, then repeat
    'replace Start to Floor

    Return -1'TRUE
End Function

Function tMaze.delMaze() as Integer
    If MazeP Then Delete[] MazeP
    MazeP       = 0
    MazeW       = 0
    MazeH       = 0

    return -1'TRUE
End Function

Function tMaze.getPath(byval fromX as Integer, byval fromY as Integer, byval targetX as Integer, byval targetY as Integer) as Integer ptr
    Dim PathMap    as Integer ptr
    Dim PathList   as Integer ptr
    Dim PathLength as Integer
    Dim frompos    as Integer     = fromX+(fromY*MazeW)
    Dim targetpos  as Integer     = targetX+(targetY*MazeW)
    Dim mappos     as Integer
    Dim nearestpos as Integer
    Dim distance   as Single
    Dim distanceL  as Single      = MazeW*MazeH
    Dim fillList   as tList

    Dim as integer tX,tY

    If (frompos < 0) or (frompos > ((MazeW*MazeH)-1)) Then return 0

    PathMap = NEW Integer[MazeW*MazeH]

    While fillList.FirstEntry
        mappos = fillList.FirstEntry -> EntryValue

        PathMap[mappos] += 1 'Set PathCost

        tX = mappos mod MazeW : tY = mappos \ MazeW

        distance = Distance2(tX,tY,targetX,targetY)
        If (distance < distanceL) Then
            distanceL  = distance
            nearestpos = mappos
        End If

        If (mappos = targetpos) then exit while

        If (tX > 0)         andalso ( (MazeP[mappos-1]     < MazeWall) and PathMap[mappos-1]     = 0 ) Then fillList.AddEntry(mappos-1)     : PathMap[mappos-1]     = PathMap[mappos]
        If (tY > 0)         andalso ( (MazeP[mappos-MazeW] < MazeWall) and PathMap[mappos-MazeW] = 0 ) Then fillList.AddEntry(mappos-MazeW) : PathMap[mappos-MazeW] = PathMap[mappos]
        If (tX < (MazeW-1)) andalso ( (MazeP[mappos+1]     < MazeWall) and PathMap[mappos+1]     = 0 ) Then fillList.AddEntry(mappos+1)     : PathMap[mappos+1]     = PathMap[mappos]
        If (tY < (MazeH-1)) andalso ( (MazeP[mappos+MazeW] < MazeWall) and PathMap[mappos+MazeW] = 0 ) Then fillList.AddEntry(mappos+MazeW) : PathMap[mappos+MazeW] = PathMap[mappos]


    PathLength                    = PathMap[nearestpos]
    PathList                      = New Integer[PathLength+1]
    PathList[0]                   = PathMap[nearestpos]
    PathList[PathMap[nearestpos]] = nearestpos

        mappos               = nearestpos
        PathLength           = PathMap[mappos]
        PathList[PathLength] = mappos
        If (PathLength = 1) Then Exit Do

        tX = mappos mod MazeW : tY = mappos \ MazeW

        If (tX > 0)         andalso PathMap[mappos-1]     = PathLength-1 Then nearestpos -= 1     : continue do
        If (tY > 0)         andalso PathMap[mappos-MazeW] = PathLength-1 Then nearestpos -= MazeW : continue do
        If (tX < (MazeW-1)) andalso PathMap[mappos+1]     = PathLength-1 Then nearestpos += 1     : continue do
        If (tY < (MazeW-1)) andalso PathMap[mappos+MazeW] = PathLength-1 Then nearestpos += MazeW : continue do
        exit do

    Delete[] PathMap

    return PathList
End Function

Sub DrawMaze(byref Maze as tMaze, byval size as Integer=10)
    Dim mappos as Integer
    Dim dcolor as UInteger
    For Y as Integer = 0 to Maze.MazeH-1
        For X as Integer = 0 to Maze.MazeW-1
            mappos = X + (Y*Maze.MazeW)
            Select Case Maze.MazeP[mappos]
                Case MazeFloor
                    dcolor = &h000000
                Case MazeWall
                    dcolor = &hFFFFFF
                Case MazeGoal
                    dcolor = &hFF0000
                Case Else
                    dColor = &hFF8800
            End Select

        Next X
    Next Y
End Sub

Sub PlayerMove(byref Maze as tMaze, byref Player as Vector2, byval dx as integer, byval dy as integer)
    Dim playerpos as Integer = Player.X + (Player.Y * Maze.MazeW)
    Dim destpos   as Integer = playerpos + dx + (dy * Maze.MazeW)
    If (Maze.MazeP[destpos] < MazeWall) Then Player.X += dx : Player.Y += dy
End Sub

screenres 800,600,32

Dim myMaze as tMaze


Dim Player   as Vector2 = myMaze.MazeS
Dim KeyTimer as Double = Timer
Dim size     as Integer = 10
Dim as Integer MX,MY,MB
Dim PathList as Integer ptr
Dim PathMove as Integer


        If PathList Then
            If PathMove = PathList[0]+1 Then
                Delete[] PathList : PathList = 0
                Player.X = PathList[PathMove] mod myMaze.MazeW
                Player.Y = PathList[PathMove] \ myMaze.MazeW
                PathMove += 1
            End If
        End If

        If ((Timer-KeyTimer) > 0.025) Then
            getMouse MX,MY,,MB
            If (MB > 0) Then
                If PathList Then Delete[] PathList : PathList = 0
                PathList = myMaze.getPath(Player.X,Player.Y,fix(MX/size),fix(MY/size))
                PathMove = 1
            End If

            If multikey(&h48) Then PlayerMove(myMaze, Player, 0,-1) 'UP
            If multikey(&h4B) Then PlayerMove(myMaze, Player,-1, 0) 'LEFT
            If multikey(&h4D) Then PlayerMove(myMaze, Player, 1, 0) 'RIGHT
            If multikey(&h50) Then PlayerMove(myMaze, Player, 0, 1) 'DOWN
        End if

        If multikey(&h01) Then exit do'ESC
        sleep 1

    If PathList Then Delete[] PathList