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Hinweis: Dieser Quelltext ist Bestandteil des Projekts GuiPtr, zu dem es auf FreeBASIC-Portal.de eine Projektseite gibt.
#INCLUDE once "fbgfx.bi"
'Ich danke den Urhebern von Rotozoom und Multiput! Diese Routinen stammen nicht aus meiner Feder und ich beanspruche keine eigenen Kopierrechte auf diese Quelltexte in dieser Datei!
'Thanks to the authors of Rotozoom and Multiput! These routines were not made by me and I do NOT claim a copyright on my own of any code in this file!
function ScaleImage (FromImg as any ptr, ToImg as any ptr) as any ptr
dim as integer w1, h1, w2, h2
dim as double xf, yf
dim c as uinteger
imageinfo FromImg, w1,h1
imageinfo ToImg, w2,h2
xf = w2 / w1
yf = h2 / h1
if xf <> 1 or yf <> 1 then
for x as integer = 0 to w2 -1
for y as integer = 0 to h2 -1
c = point (x / xf,y / yf, FromImg)
pset ToImg,(x,y),c
return ToImg
'put ToImg,(0,0),FromImg
return FromImg
end if
end function
const pi = 3.1415926, pi_180 = pi / 180
type sse_t field = 1
s(0 to 3) as single
end type
type mmx_t field = 1
i(0 to 1) as integer
end type
sub rotozoom_alpha2( byref dst as FB.IMAGE ptr = 0, byref src as const FB.IMAGE ptr, byval positx as integer, byval posity as integer, byref angle as integer, byref zoomx as single, byref zoomy as single = 0, byval transcol as uinteger = &h00ff00ff, byval alphalvl as integer = 255, byref offsetx as integer = 0, byref offsety as integer = 0 )
'Rotozoom for 32-bit FB.Image by Dr_D(Dave Stanley), yetifoot(Simon Nash) and Mysoft(Gregori Macario Harbs)
'No warranty implied... use at your own risk ;)
dim as sse_t sse0, sse1, sse2, sse3, sse4, sse5
dim as integer nx = any, ny = any
dim as single tcdzx = any, tcdzy = any, tsdzx = any, tsdzy = any
dim as integer sw2 = any, sh2 = any, dw = any, dh = any
dim as single tc = any, ts = any
dim as uinteger ptr dstptr = any, srcptr = any
dim as integer startx = any, endx = any, starty = any, endy = any
dim as integer x(3), y(3)
dim as integer xa = any, xb = any, ya = any, yb = any
dim as integer dstpitch = any
dim as integer srcpitch = any, srcwidth = any, srcheight = any
Dim As Ulongint mask1 = &H00FF00FF00FF00FFULL'&H000000FF00FF00FFULL mask change copies src alpha
dim as integer x_draw_len = any, y_draw_len = any
dim as short alphalevel(3) = {alphalvl,alphalvl,alphalvl,alphalvl}
if alphalvl <0 then
alphalvl = 0
elseif alphalvl>255 then
alphalvl = 255
end if
if zoomx = 0 then exit sub
if zoomy = 0 then zoomy = zoomx
If src = 0 Then Exit Sub
if dst = 0 then
dstptr = screenptr
screeninfo dw,dh,,,dstpitch
dstptr = cast( uinteger ptr, dst + 1 )
dw = dst->width
dh = dst->height
dstpitch = dst->pitch
end if
srcptr = cast( uinteger ptr, src + 1 )
sw2 = src->width\2
sh2 = src->height\2
srcpitch = src->pitch
srcwidth = src->width
srcheight = src->height
tc = cos( angle * pi_180 )
ts = sin( angle * pi_180 )
tcdzx = tc/zoomx
tcdzy = tc/zoomy
tsdzx = ts/zoomx
tsdzy = ts/zoomy
xa = sw2 * tc * zoomx + sh2 * ts * zoomx
ya = sh2 * tc * zoomy - sw2 * ts * zoomy
xb = sh2 * ts * zoomx - sw2 * tc * zoomx
yb = sw2 * ts * zoomy + sh2 * tc * zoomy
Dim As Integer centerx = -(offsetx*(tc*zoomx) + offsety*(ts*zoomx)) + offsetx
Dim As Integer centery = -(offsety*(tc*zoomy) - offsetx*(ts*zoomy)) + offsety
x(0) = sw2-xa
x(1) = sw2+xa
x(2) = sw2-xb
x(3) = sw2+xb
y(0) = sh2-ya
y(1) = sh2+ya
y(2) = sh2-yb
y(3) = sh2+yb
for i as integer = 0 to 3
for j as integer = i to 3
if x(i)>=x(j) then
swap x(i), x(j)
end if
startx = x(0)
endx = x(3)
for i as integer = 0 to 3
for j as integer = i to 3
if y(i)>=y(j) then
swap y(i), y(j)
end if
starty = y(0)
endy = y(3)
if posity+starty<0 then starty = -posity
if positx+startx<0 then startx = -positx
if posity+endy<0 then endy = -posity
if positx+endx<0 then endx = -positx
if positx+startx>(dw-1) then startx = (dw-1)-positx
if posity+starty>(dh-1) then starty = (dh-1)-posity
if positx+endx>(dw-1) then endx = (dw-1)-positx
if posity+endy>(dh-1) then endy = (dh-1)-posity
if startx = endx or starty = endy then exit sub
ny = starty - sh2
nx = startx - sw2
dstptr += dstpitch * (starty + posity) \ 4
x_draw_len = (endx - startx)' + 1
y_draw_len = (endy - starty)' + 1
sse1.s(0) = tcdzx
sse1.s(1) = tsdzx
sse2.s(0) = -(ny * tsdzy)
sse2.s(1) = (ny * tcdzy)
sse3.s(0) = -tsdzy
sse3.s(1) = tcdzy
sse4.s(0) = (nx * tcdzx) + sw2
sse4.s(1) = (nx * tsdzx) + sh2
if x_draw_len = 0 then exit sub
if y_draw_len = 0 then exit sub
cptr( any ptr, dstptr ) += (startx + positx) * 4
dim as any ptr ptr row_table = callocate( srcheight * sizeof( any ptr ) )
dim as any ptr p = srcptr
for i as integer = 0 to srcheight - 1
row_table[i] = p
p += srcpitch
next i
.balign 4
movups xmm1, [sse1]
movups xmm2, [sse2]
movups xmm3, [sse3]
movups xmm4, [sse4]
.balign 4
' _mx = nxtc + sw2
' _my = nxts + sh2
movaps xmm0, xmm4
' _dstptr = cptr( any ptr, dstptr )
mov edi, dword ptr [dstptr]
' _x_draw_len = x_draw_len
mov ecx, dword ptr [x_draw_len]
' _mx += -nyts
' _my += nytc
addps xmm0, xmm2
.balign 4
' get _mx and _my out of sse reg
cvtps2pi mm0, xmm0
' mx = mmx0.i(0)
movd esi, mm0
' shift mm0 so my is ready
psrlq mm0, 32
' if (mx >= srcwidth) or (mx < 0) then goto no_draw3
cmp esi, dword ptr [srcwidth]
jae no_draw4
' my = mmx0.i(1)
movd edx, mm0
' if (my >= srcheight) or (my < 0) then goto no_draw3
cmp edx, dword ptr [srcheight]
jae no_draw4
' _srcptr = srcbyteptr + (my * srcpitch) + (mx shl 2)
shl esi, 2
mov eax, dword ptr [row_table]
add esi, dword ptr [eax+edx*4]
'_srccol = *cptr( uinteger ptr, _srcptr )
mov eax, dword ptr [esi]
' ' if (_srccol and &HFF000000) = 0 then goto no_draw3
' test eax, &HFF000000
' jz no_draw4
' if _srccol = transcol then goto no_draw3
cmp eax, dword ptr [transcol]
je no_draw4
' blend
' load src pixel and dst pixel mmx, with unpacking
punpcklbw mm0, dword ptr [esi]
punpcklbw mm1, dword ptr [edi]
' shift them to the right place
psrlw mm0, 8 ' mm0 = 00sa00sr00sg00sb
psrlw mm1, 8 ' mm1 = 00da00dr00dg00db
' Prepare alpha
'changed by mysoft
movq mm2, [alphalevel] ' mm2 = 00sa00xx00xx00xx
'punpckhwd mm2, mm2 ' mm2 = 00sa00sa00xx00xx
'punpckhdq mm2, mm2 ' mm2 = 00sa00sa00sa00sa
' Perform blend
psubw mm0, mm1 ' (sX - dX)
pmullw mm0, mm2 ' (sX - dX) * sa
psrlq mm0, 8 ' mm0 = 00aa00rr00gg00bb
paddw mm0, mm1 ' ((sX - dX) * sa) + dX
pand mm0, qword ptr [mask1] ' mask off alpha and high parts
' repack to 32 bit
packuswb mm0, mm0
' store in destination
movd dword ptr [edi], mm0
.balign 4
' _mx += tcdzx
' _my += tsdzx
addps xmm0, xmm1
' _dstptr += 4
add edi, 4
' _x_draw_len -= 1
sub ecx, 1
jnz x_inner4
' nyts += tsdzy
' nytc += tcdzy
addps xmm2, xmm3
' cptr( any ptr, dstptr ) += dstpitch
mov eax, dword ptr [dstpitch]
add dword ptr [dstptr], eax
' y_draw_len -= 1
sub dword ptr [y_draw_len], 1
jnz y_inner4
end asm
deallocate( row_table )
end sub
Sub MultiPut(Byval lpTarget As Any Ptr= 0, _
Byval xMidPos As Integer= 0, _
Byval yMidPos As Integer= 0, _
Byval lpSource As Any Ptr , _
Byval xScale As Single = 1, _
Byval yScale As Single = 1, _
Byval Rotate As Single = 0, _
Byval Mirror As Integer = 0, _
Byval Flipp As Integer = 0, _
Byval Trans As Integer= 0, _
Byval alphavalue As Integer = 255, _
Byval Custom As Function(Byval Src As Uinteger, Byval Dest As Uinteger, Byval Param As Any Ptr = 0) As Uinteger = 0, _
Byval Param As Any Ptr = 0)
If (screenptr=0) Or (lpSource=0) Then Exit Sub
If xScale < 0.001 Then xScale=0.001
If yScale < 0.001 Then yScale=0.001
Dim As Integer MustLock,MustRotate
'variables for the alpha blending
Dim As Uinteger srb = Any
Dim As Uinteger drb = Any
Dim As Uinteger rb = Any
Dim As Uinteger sr = Any, sg = Any, sb = Any, sa = Any, sa2 = Any
Dim As Uinteger dr = Any, dg = Any, db = Any, da = Any, da2 = Any
Dim As Uinteger r = Any, g = Any, b = Any, a = Any
If lpTarget= 0 Then MustLock =1
If Rotate <>0 Then MustRotate=1
Dim As Integer TargetWidth,TargetHeight,TargetBytes,TargetPitch
If MustLock Then
screeninfo _
TargetWidth , _
TargetHeight, _
TargetBytes ,,_
TargetBytes Shr=3
TargetBytes = cptr(Uinteger Ptr,lpTarget)[1]
TargetWidth = cptr(Uinteger Ptr,lpTarget)[2]
TargetHeight = cptr(Uinteger Ptr,lpTarget)[3]
TargetPitch = cptr(Uinteger Ptr,lpTarget)[4]
lpTarget += 32
End If
If (TargetWidth<4) Or (TargetHeight<4) Then Exit Sub
Dim As Integer SourceWidth,SourceHeight,SourceBytes,SourcePitch
If cptr(Integer Ptr,lpSource)[0] = 7 Then
SourceBytes = cptr(Uinteger Ptr,lpSource)[1]
SourceWidth = cptr(Uinteger Ptr,lpSource)[2]
SourceHeight = cptr(Uinteger Ptr,lpSource)[3]
SourcePitch = cptr(Uinteger Ptr,lpSource)[4]
lpSource += 32
SourceBytes = cptr(Ushort Ptr,lpSource)[0] And 7
SourceWidth = cptr(Ushort Ptr,lpSource)[0] Shr 3
SourceHeight = cptr(Ushort Ptr,lpSource)[1]
SourcePitch = SourceWidth * SourceBytes
lpSource += 4
End If
#if 0
? TargetWidth & "x" & TargetHeight & "x" & TargetBytes,TargetPitch
? SourceWidth & "x" & SourceHeight & "x" & SourceBytes,SourcePitch
? MustLock,Trans
If (SourceWidth<2) Or (SourceHeight<2) Then Exit Sub
If (TargetBytes<>SourceBytes) Then Exit Sub
#define xs 0 'screen
#define ys 1
#define xt 2 'texture
#define yt 3
Dim As Single Points(3,3)
points(0,xs)=-SourceWidth/2 * xScale
points(1,xs)= SourceWidth/2 * xScale
points(2,xs)= points(1,xs)
points(3,xs)= points(0,xs)
points(0,ys)=-SourceHeight/2 * yScale
points(1,ys)= points(0,ys)
points(2,ys)= SourceHeight/2 * yScale
points(3,ys)= points(2,ys)
points(1,xt)= SourceWidth-1
points(2,xt)= points(1,xt)
points(2,yt)= SourceHeight-1
points(3,yt)= points(2,yt)
If Mirror Then Swap points(0,xt),points(1,xt) :Swap points(2,xt),points(3,xt)
If Flipp Then Swap points(0,yt),points(3,yt) :Swap points(2,yt),points(1,yt)
'if Mirror then swap points(1,xt),points(2,xt)
'if Flipp then swap points(2,yt),points(3,yt)
Dim As Uinteger i
Dim As Single x,y
If MustRotate Then
#ifndef UseRad
Rotate*=Atn(1)/45 'degree 2 rad
While Rotate< 0 :rotate+=8*Atn(1):Wend
While Rotate>=8*Atn(1):rotate-=8*Atn(1):Wend
For i=0 To 3
x=points(i,xs)*Cos(Rotate) - points(i,ys)*Sin(Rotate)
y=points(i,xs)*Sin(Rotate) + points(i,ys)*Cos(Rotate)
End If
Dim As Integer yStart,yEnd,xStart,xEnd
#define LI 0 'LeftIndex
#define RI 1 'RightIndex
#define IND 0 'Index
#define NIND 1 'NextIndex
Dim As Integer CNS(1,1) 'Counters
For i=0 To 3
If points(i,ys)<yStart Then yStart=points(i,ys):CNS(LI,IND)=i
If points(i,ys)>yEnd Then yEnd =points(i,ys)
If points(i,xs)<xStart Then xStart=points(i,xs)
If points(i,xs)>xEnd Then xEnd =points(i,xs)
If yStart =yEnd Then Exit Sub
If yStart>=TargetHeight Then Exit Sub
If yEnd <0 Then Exit Sub
If xStart = xEnd Then Exit Sub
If xStart>=TargetWidth Then Exit Sub
If xEnd <0 Then Exit Sub
Dim As Ubyte Ptr t1,s1
Dim As Ushort Ptr t2,s2
Dim As Uinteger t2c, s2c
Dim As Uinteger Ptr t4,s4
#define ADD 0
#define CMP 1
#define SET 2
Dim As Integer ACS(1,2) 'add compare and set
#define EX 0
#define EU 1
#define EV 2
#define EXS 3
#define EUS 4
#define EVS 5
Dim As Single E(2,6),S(6),Length,uSlope,vSlope
Dim As Integer U,UV,UA,UN,V,VV,VA,VN
' share the same highest point
If MustLock Then screenlock
' loop from Top to Bottom
While yStart<yEnd
'Scan Left and Right sides together
For i=LI To RI
' bad to read but fast and short ;-)
If yStart=points(CNS(i,IND),ys) Then
While points(CNS(i,IND),ys) = points(CNS(i,NIND),ys)
CNS(i,NIND)=CNS(i, IND)+ACS(i,Add)
E(i,EX) = points(CNS(i, IND),xs)
E(i,EU) = points(CNS(i, IND),xt)
E(i,EV) = points(CNS(i, IND),yt)
Length = points(CNS(i,NIND),ys)
Length -= points(CNS(i, IND),ys)
If Length <> 0.0 Then
E(i,EXS) = points(CNS(i, NIND),xs)-E(i,EX):E(i,EXS)/=Length
E(i,EUS) = points(CNS(i, NIND),xt)-E(i,EU):E(i,EUS)/=Length
E(i,EVS) = points(CNS(i, NIND),yt)-E(i,EV):E(i,EVS)/=Length
End If
End If
If (yStart<0) Then Goto SkipScanLine
xStart=E(LI,EX)+0.5:If xStart>=TargetWidth Then Goto SkipScanLine
xEnd =E(RI,EX)-0.5:If xEnd < 0 Then Goto SkipScanLine
If (xStart=xEnd) Then Goto SkipScanLine
'if xEnd <xStart then goto SkipScanLine
If xstart<0 Then
xStart = 0
End If
If xEnd>=TargetWidth Then xEnd=TargetWidth-1
Select Case TargetBytes
Case 1
t1=cptr(Ubyte Ptr,lpTarget)
If Custom Then
While xStart<xEnd
U+=UV:UN+=UA:If UN>=100000 Then U+=1:UN-=100000
V+=VV:VN+=VA:If VN>=100000 Then V+=1:VN-=100000
If u<0 Then u=0
If v<0 Then v=0
Elseif Trans=0 Then
While xStart<xEnd
U+=UV:UN+=UA:If UN>=100000 Then U+=1:UN-=100000
V+=VV:VN+=VA:If VN>=100000 Then V+=1:VN-=100000
If u<0 Then u=0
If v<0 Then v=0
While xStart<xEnd
If *s1 Then *t1=*s1
U+=UV:UN+=UA:If UN>=100000 Then U+=1:UN-=100000
V+=VV:VN+=VA:If VN>=100000 Then V+=1:VN-=100000
If u<0 Then u=0
If v<0 Then v=0
End If
Case 2
t2=cptr(Short Ptr,lpTarget)
t2+=yStart*(TargetPitch Shr 1)+xStart:xStart=0
If Custom Then
While xStart<xEnd
s2=cptr(Short Ptr,lpSource)+V*(SourcePitch Shr 1)+U
s2c=(s2c And &H001F) Shl 3 Or (s2c Shr 2 And &H000007) Or _
(s2c And &H07E0) Shl 5 Or (s2c Shr 1 And &H000300) Or _
(s2c And &HF800) Shl 8 Or (s2c Shl 3 And &H070000) Or &HFF000000
t2c=(t2c And &H001F) Shl 3 Or (s2c Shr 2 And &H000007) Or _
(t2c And &H07E0) Shl 5 Or (s2c Shr 1 And &H000300) Or _
(t2c And &HF800) Shl 8 Or (s2c Shl 3 And &H070000) Or &HFF000000
*t2=(t2c Shr 3 And &H001F) Or _
(t2c Shr 5 And &H07E0) Or _
(t2c Shr 8 And &HF800)
U+=UV:UN+=UA:If UN>=100000 Then U+=1:UN-=100000
V+=VV:VN+=VA:If VN>=100000 Then V+=1:VN-=100000
If u<0 Then u=0
If v<0 Then v=0
Elseif Trans=0 Then
While xStart<xEnd
s2=cptr(Short Ptr,lpSource)+V*(SourcePitch Shr 1)+U
U+=UV:UN+=UA:If UN>=100000 Then U+=1:UN-=100000
V+=VV:VN+=VA:If VN>=100000 Then V+=1:VN-=100000
If u<0 Then u=0
If v<0 Then v=0
While xStart<xEnd
s2=cptr(Short Ptr,lpSource)+V*(SourcePitch Shr 1)+U
If *s2<>&HF81F Then *t2=*s2
U+=UV:UN+=UA:If UN>=100000 Then U+=1:UN-=100000
V+=VV:VN+=VA:If VN>=100000 Then V+=1:VN-=100000
If u<0 Then u=0
If v<0 Then v=0
End If
Case 4
t4=cptr(Integer Ptr,lpTarget)+yStart*(TargetPitch Shr 2)+xStart:xStart=0
If Custom Then
While xStart<xEnd
s4=cptr(Integer Ptr,lpSource)+V*(SourcePitch Shr 2)+U
'***** start alpha blending
'this set of if...elseif...end if conditions applies alpha blending
'these 43 lines can be replaced with '*t4 = *s4' to remove blending
If alphavalue = 0 Then
'no change needed *t4 = *t4
Elseif alphavalue = 255 Then
*t4 = *s4
Elseif *t4 Shr 24 = 0 Then
*t4 = *s4
Elseif *t4 Shr 24 = 255 Then
srb = *s4 And &h00ff00ff
sg = *s4 Xor srb
sa = alphavalue
drb = *t4 And &h00ff00ff
dg = *t4 Xor drb
da = 256 - sa
rb = (drb * da + srb * sa) And &hff00ff00
g = (dg * da + sg * sa) And &h00ff0000
*t4 = (rb Or g) Shr 8 Or &hff000000
sr = (*s4 Shr 16) And 255
sg = (*s4 Shr 8) And 255
sb = (*s4 ) And 255
sa = (alphavalue)
dr = (*t4 Shr 16) And 255
dg = (*t4 Shr 8) And 255
db = (*t4 ) And 255
da = (*t4 Shr 24)
sa2 = sa Shl 8
da2 = da Shl 8 - da * sa
a = (sa2 + da2)
r = (dr * da2 + sr * sa2) \ a
g = (dg * da2 + sg * sa2) \ a
b = (db * da2 + sb * sa2) \ a
*t4 = Rgba(r, g, b, a Shr 8)
End If
U+=UV:UN+=UA:If UN>=100000 Then U+=1:UN-=100000
V+=VV:VN+=VA:If VN>=100000 Then V+=1:VN-=100000
If u<0 Then u=0
If v<0 Then v=0
Elseif Trans=0 Then
While xStart<xEnd
s4=cptr(Integer Ptr,lpSource)+V*(SourcePitch Shr 2)+U
U+=UV:UN+=UA:If UN>=100000 Then U+=1:UN-=100000
V+=VV:VN+=VA:If VN>=100000 Then V+=1:VN-=100000
If u<0 Then u=0
If v<0 Then v=0
While xStart<xEnd
's4=cptr(Integer Ptr,lpSource):s4+=V*(SourcePitch shr 2):s4+=U
s4=cptr(Integer Ptr,lpSource)+V*(SourcePitch Shr 2)+U
If (*s4 And &HFFFFFF)<>&HFF00FF Then
'***** start alpha blending
'this set of if...elseif...end if conditions applies alpha blending
'these 43 lines can be replaced with '*t4 = *s4' to remove blending
If alphavalue = 0 Then
'no change needed *t4 = *t4
Elseif alphavalue = 255 Then
*t4 = *s4
Elseif *t4 Shr 24 = 0 Then
*t4 = *s4
Elseif *t4 Shr 24 = 255 Then
srb = *s4 And &h00ff00ff
sg = *s4 Xor srb
sa = alphavalue
drb = *t4 And &h00ff00ff
dg = *t4 Xor drb
da = 256 - sa
rb = (drb * da + srb * sa) And &hff00ff00
g = (dg * da + sg * sa) And &h00ff0000
*t4 = (rb Or g) Shr 8 Or &hff000000
sr = (*s4 Shr 16) And 255
sg = (*s4 Shr 8) And 255
sb = (*s4 ) And 255
sa = (alphavalue)
dr = (*t4 Shr 16) And 255
dg = (*t4 Shr 8) And 255
db = (*t4 ) And 255
da = (*t4 Shr 24)
sa2 = sa Shl 8
da2 = da Shl 8 - da * sa
a = (sa2 + da2)
r = (dr * da2 + sr * sa2) \ a
g = (dg * da2 + sg * sa2) \ a
b = (db * da2 + sb * sa2) \ a
*t4 = Rgba(r, g, b, a Shr 8)
End If
'***** end alpha blending
End If
U+=UV:UN+=UA:If UN>=100000 Then U+=1:UN-=100000
V+=VV:VN+=VA:If VN>=100000 Then V+=1:VN-=100000
If u<0 Then u=0
If v<0 Then v=0
End If
End Select
yStart+=1:If yStart=TargetHeight Then yStart=yEnd 'exit loop
If MustLock Then screenunlock
End Sub
Dim Shared As Ushort PRemULDIV(16*4)
Sub ResamplePut(TGT As Any Ptr=0,CENX As Short,CENY As Short, SRC As Any Ptr,SIZX As Short,SIZY As Short,MYALPHA As Integer=-256)
Static As Integer TX,TY,OBX,TDX
Static As Integer BX,BY,USY,SSA,SSB
Static As Double DTMP
' ***** Check parameters to see if they are ok ********
If SRC = 0 Then Exit Sub
TX = cptr(fb.image Ptr, SRC)->width
TY = cptr(fb.image Ptr, SRC)->height
If TX<1 Or TY<1 Or SIZX<1 Or SIZY<1 Then Exit Sub
If (BX*BY) > OBX Then
BX *= 1.5: BY *= 1.5
If IMGB Then Imagedestroy(IMGB)
IMGB = ImageCreate(BX,BY,0)
If (cast(Uinteger,IMGB) Mod 16) Then
mov ESI,[IMGB]
And EDI,(Not 15)
add EDI,16
mov [IMGB],EDI
mov ecx, sizeof(fb.image)
rep movsb
End asm
End If
End If
If TGT = screenptr Then TGT=0
' ***** pointer data / header ******
PTA = (SRC+sizeof(fb.image))
PTB = (IMGB+sizeof(fb.image))
cptr(fb.image Ptr, IMGB)->width = SIZX
cptr(fb.image Ptr, IMGB)->height = SIZY
cptr(fb.image Ptr, IMGB)->pitch = SIZX*4
' ***** check if special pointer is needed ****
If SIZY >= TY Then
PTBB=PTB+((SIZY-TY)*cptr(fb.image Ptr, IMGB)->pitch)
mov ESI,[PTBB]
And EDI,(Not 15)
add EDI,16
mov [PTBB],EDI
End asm
End If
' ==================================================================================
' ********************************* reduced width **********************************
' ==================================================================================
If SIZX < TX Then
While DTMP > 16
DTMP /= 2
TDX = DTMP*65536
' ************************************************************
' ************************* HORIZONTAL ***********************
' ************************************************************
mov esi,[PTA] ' Load ESI with the pointer of source
mov edi,[PTBB] ' Load EDI with the pointer of the destiny
mov eax,[TDX] ' EDX will temporary hold the "fixed point" number
movd MM1,[SIZX] ' MM1 is receiving the WIDTH of the destiny image
mov edx,[TY] ' MM2 is receiving the HEIGHT of the source image
mov ebx,[RESSKPCNT] ' Skip Pixels Value
Shl edx,16 ' Adjusting for use high bits
push ebp ' saving base pointer
movd MM0,esp ' saving stack pointer in one MMX register
mov ebp,eax ' EBP is receiving a fixed point number from EDX
mov esp,-1 ' ESP starts with -1
pxor MM7,MM7 ' Clear MM7 that will be used as zero
_NEXTLINE_: ' Here start the next line of the image
movd eax,MM1 ' Getting WIDTH from mmx register
mov dx,ax ' Setting WIDTH in DX
.align 16
_NEXTGROUP_: ' Here Start the next group from one average
add esp,ebp ' Adding a new pixel group counter
Xor ecx,ecx ' Clearing Pixel Counter
cmp esp,65536 ' Verify For optimization (no division)
jb _ISONEPIXELA_ ' Go optimize
pxor MM4,MM4 ' Clear MM4 that will be used as SUM holder
cmp esp,65536*2 ' Verify For optimization (no division)
jb _ISTWOPIXELA_ ' Go optimize
cmp esp,65536*4 ' Verify For optimization (no division)
jb _ISFOURPIXELA_ ' Go optimize
.align 16
_NEXTPIXEL_: ' Here it will get a new pixel
mov eax, [esi] ' Read next Pixel
cmp eax, 0xFFFF00FF ' Is Transparent?
jne SKPTT ' no? ignore
mov eax,0x00808080 ' yes? gray with alpha 0
SKPTT: ' Skip point for trans pixel
inc ecx ' Increment Pixel Counter
add esi,ebx ' point source to the next pixel
movd MM5,eax ' Load Components in MMX register
punpcklbw MM5,MM7 ' Convert from 4 bytes to 4 words
paddw MM4,MM5 ' Add those 4 bytes to the sum register
Sub esp,65536 ' subtract one pixel (fix pt) from calc holder
jns _NEXTPIXEL_ ' go get next pixel until ESP becomes less than 0
movq MM5,[PRemULDIV+ECX*8-8] ' Get Fixed Point Pixel Divider
psrlw MM4,3 ' 5 bits only (0-31)
pmullw MM4,MM5 ' Divide Sum by pixel count (aka ECX)
psrlw MM4,4 ' From 4 Fixed to 4 short
packuswb MM4,MM4 ' Convert from 4 shorts to 4 bytes
movd [edi],MM4 ' Save Average Pixel
add edi,4 ' point to the next buffer
dec dx ' Decrease WIDTH counter
jnz _NEXTGROUP_ ' Go get next pixel =D
Sub edx,65536 ' Decrease line counter
jnz _NEXTLINE_ ' Go do the next line
jmp _HORENDA_ ' Finished
_ISONEPIXELA_: ' Here is the optimization point (no division)
mov eax, [esi] ' Read next Pixel
Sub esp,65536 ' subtract one pixel (fix pt) from calc holder
cmp eax, 0xFFFF00FF ' Is Transparent?
jne SKPTTAOA ' no? ignore
mov eax,0x00808080 ' yes? gray with alpha 0
SKPTTAOA: ' Skip point for trans pixel
inc ecx ' Increment Pixel Counter
add esi,ebx ' point source to the next pixel
stosd ' Store pixel and increment
dec dx ' Decrease WIDTH counter
jnz _NEXTGROUP_ ' Go get next pixel =D
Sub edx,65536 ' Decrease line counter
jnz _NEXTLINE_ ' Go do the next line
jmp _HORENDA_ ' Finished
_ISTWOPIXELA_: ' This is optimization (half)
mov eax, [esi] ' Read next Pixel
cmp eax, 0xFFFF00FF ' Is Transparent?
jne SKPTTOB ' no? ignore
mov eax,0x00808080 ' yes? gray with alpha 0
SKPTTOB: ' Skip point for trans pixel
movd MM5,eax ' Load Components in MMX register
punpcklbw MM5,MM7 ' Convert from 4 bytes to 4 words
add esi,ebx ' point source to the next pixel
paddw MM4,MM5 ' Add those 4 bytes to the sum register
mov eax, [esi] ' Read next Pixel
cmp eax, 0xFFFF00FF ' Is Transparent?
jne SKPTTOC ' no? ignore
mov eax,0x00808080 ' yes? gray with alpha 0
SKPTTOC: ' Skip point for trans pixel
movd MM5,eax ' Load Components in MMX register
punpcklbw MM5,MM7 ' Convert from 4 bytes to 4 words
add esi,ebx ' point source to the next pixel
paddw MM4,MM5 ' Add those 4 bytes to the sum register
Sub esp,65536*2 ' subtract one pixel (fix pt) from calc holder
psrlw MM4,1 ' Divide Sum by 2
packuswb MM4,MM4 ' Convert from 4 shorts to 4 bytes
movd [edi],MM4 ' Save Average Pixel
add edi,4 ' point to the next buffer
dec dx ' Decrease WIDTH counter
jnz _NEXTGROUP_ ' Go get next pixel =D
Sub edx,65536 ' Decrease line counter
jnz _NEXTLINE_ ' Go do the next line
jmp _HORENDA_ ' Finished
_ISFOURPIXELA_: ' This is optimization (half)
mov eax, [esi] ' Read next Pixel
cmp eax, 0xFFFF00FF ' Is Transparent?
jne SKPTTOF ' no? ignore
mov eax,0x00808080 ' yes? gray with alpha 0
SKPTTOF: ' Skip point for trans pixel
movd MM5,eax ' Load Components in MMX register
punpcklbw MM5,MM7 ' Convert from 4 bytes to 4 words
add esi,ebx ' point source to the next pixel
paddw MM4,MM5 ' Add those 4 bytes to the sum register
mov eax, [esi] ' Read next Pixel
cmp eax, 0xFFFF00FF ' Is Transparent?
jne SKPTTOG ' no? ignore
mov eax,0x00808080 ' yes? gray with alpha 0
SKPTTOG: ' Skip point for trans pixel
movd MM5,eax ' Load Components in MMX register
punpcklbw MM5,MM7 ' Convert from 4 bytes to 4 words
add esi,ebx ' point source to the next pixel
paddw MM4,MM5 ' Add those 4 bytes to the sum register
mov eax, [esi] ' Read next Pixel
cmp eax, 0xFFFF00FF ' Is Transparent?
jne SKPTTOD ' no? ignore
mov eax,0x00808080 ' yes? gray with alpha 0
SKPTTOD: ' Skip point for trans pixel
movd MM5,eax ' Load Components in MMX register
punpcklbw MM5,MM7 ' Convert from 4 bytes to 4 words
add esi,ebx ' point source to the next pixel
paddw MM4,MM5 ' Add those 4 bytes to the sum register
mov eax, [esi] ' Read next Pixel
cmp eax, 0xFFFF00FF ' Is Transparent?
jne SKPTTOE ' no? ignore
mov eax,0x00808080 ' yes? gray with alpha 0
SKPTTOE: ' Skip point for trans pixel
movd MM5,eax ' Load Components in MMX register
punpcklbw MM5,MM7 ' Convert from 4 bytes to 4 words
add esi,ebx ' point source to the next pixel
paddw MM4,MM5 ' Add those 4 bytes to the sum register
Sub esp,65536*4 ' subtract one pixel (fix pt) from calc holder
psrlw MM4,2 ' Divide Sum by 2
packuswb MM4,MM4 ' Convert from 4 shorts to 4 bytes
movd [edi],MM4 ' Save Average Pixel
add edi,4 ' point to the next buffer
dec dx ' Decrease WIDTH counter
jnz _NEXTGROUP_ ' Go get next pixel =D
Sub edx,65536 ' Decrease line counter
jnz _NEXTLINE_ ' Go do the next line
_HORENDA_: ' Finish of horizontal resize
movd esp,MM0 ' restoring stack pointer
pop ebp ' restoin base pointer
emms ' Clear MMX state
End asm
Elseif SIZX >= TX Then
' ==================================================================================
' ******************************* increased width **********************************
' ==================================================================================
TDX = DTMP*65536
RESYSKP = cptr(fb.image Ptr, SRC)->pitch
' ************************************************************
' ******************* HORIZONTAL WHEN BIGGER *****************
' ************************************************************
mov esi,[PTA] ' Load ESI with the pointer of source
mov edi,[PTBB] ' Load EDI with the pointer of the destiny
mov edx,[TDX] ' fixed point
mov ecx,[TY] ' HEIGHT of the source
mov ebx,[SIZX] ' WIDTH of the destiny
mov eax,[RESYSKP] ' PITCH of the source
push ebp ' Saves Base Pointer
mov ebp,edx ' fixed point
movd MM0,esp ' Saves Stack Pointer
mov esp,eax ' ESP = source PITCH
Shl ecx,16 ' Use ECX high bits
' ----------------------------------------------------------
_NEXTLINEC_: ' Here start the next line
mov cx,bx ' Restore Line Length
Xor edx,edx ' Clear Fixed Point Counter
' ----------------------------------------------------------
_NEXTPIXELC_: ' Here start next pixel
mov eax,edx ' Get Counter
Shr eax,16 ' Fixed Point to Short
mov eax,[esi+eax*4] ' Read Pixel
cmp eax, 0xFFFF00FF ' Is Transparent?
jne HBSKPTTOC ' no? ignore
mov eax,0x00808080 ' yes? gray with alpha 0
HBSKPTTOC: ' Skip point for trans pixel
add edx,ebp ' increase fixed point counter
stosd ' Save Pixel and point to next
dec cx ' Decrease pixel counter
jnz _NEXTPIXELC_ ' Go get next pixel (if any)
' ----------------------------------------------------------
add esi,esp ' Adjust pointer for next line
Sub ecx,65536 ' Decrease line counter (high bits)
jnz _NEXTLINEC_ ' Go get next line (if any)
' ----------------------------------------------------------
movd esp,MM0 ' Restore Stack Pointer
pop ebp ' Base Pointer from stack
emms ' Clear MMX state
End asm
End If
' ==================================================================================
' ******************************* reduced height **********************************
' ==================================================================================
If SIZY < TY Then
While DTMP > 16
DTMP /= 2
TDX = DTMP*65536
RESSKPCNT *= cptr(fb.image Ptr, IMGB)->pitch
RESYSKP = cptr(fb.image Ptr, IMGB)->pitch
' ESI = Pointer of the source image
' EDI = Pointer of the destiny image
' EBP = Fixed Point Number of Pixels each group
' EAX = sum of byte intensity
' ECX = pixel counter (divisor)
' EBX = width/height of the destiny image
' ESP = controller of pixel/average
' EDX = temporary byte/dword converter & reminder
' ************************************************************
' ************************* VERTICAL *************************
' ************************************************************
mov esi,[PTB] ' Load ESI with the pointer of source
mov edi,[PTB] ' Load EDI with the pointer of the destiny
mov ecx,[TDX] ' EDX will temporary hold the "fixed point" number
movd MM1,[SIZY] ' MM1 is receiving the HEIGHT of the destiny image
movd MM2,[SSA]
movd MM3,[SSB]
mov edx,[SIZX] ' EDX is receiving the WIDTH of the destiny image
mov eax,[RESYSKP] ' destiny pitch
mov ebx,[RESSKPCNT] ' skip pixels(lines) pitch
Shl edx,16 ' Using high bits
push ebp ' saving base pointer
movd MM0,esp ' saving stack pointer in one MMX register
mov ebp,ecx ' EBP is receiving a fixed point number from EDX
mov esp,-1 ' ESP starts with -1
pxor MM7,MM7 ' Clear MMX register
' ----------------------------------------------------
_NEXTLINEB_: ' Here start the next line of the image
mov ecx,edx
movd edx,MM1 ' Getting HEIGHT from mmx register
Or edx,ecx
movd MM2,esi ' Saving Source Pointer
movd MM3,edi ' Saving Destiny Pointer
' ----------------------------------------------------
.align 16
_NEXTGROUPB_: ' Here Start the next group from one average
add esp,ebp ' Adding a new pixel group counter
cmp esp,65536 ' Verify For optimization (no division)
jb _VISONEPIXELA_ ' Go optimize
pxor MM4,MM4 ' Clear MM4 that will be used as SUM holder
cmp esp,65536*2 ' Verify For optimization (no division)
jb _VISTWOPIXELA_ ' Go optimize
cmp esp,65536*4 ' Verify For optimization (no division)
jb _VISFOURPIXELA_ ' Go optimize
Xor ecx,ecx ' Clearing ECX for be used as SUM holder
' ----------------------------------------------------
.align 16
_NEXTPIXELB_: ' Here it will get a new pixel
inc ecx ' Increment Pixel Counter
movd MM5,[esi] ' Load Components in MMX register
punpcklbw MM5,MM7 ' Convert from 4 bytes to 4 words
add esi,ebx ' point source to the next pixel
paddw MM4,MM5 ' Add those 4 bytes to the sum register
Sub esp,65536 ' subtract one pixel (fix pt) from calc holder
jns _NEXTPIXELB_ ' go get next pixel until ESP becomes less than 0
movq MM5,[PRemULDIV+ECX*8-8] ' Get Fixed Point Pixel Divider
psrlw MM4,3 ' 5 bits only (0-31)
pmullw MM4,MM5 ' Divide Sum by pixel count (aka ECX)
psrlw MM4,4 ' From 4 Fixed to 4 short
packuswb MM4,MM4 ' Convert from 4 shorts to 4 bytes
movd [edi],MM4 ' Save Average Pixel
add edi,eax ' point to the next buffer
dec dx ' Decrease WIDTH counter
jnz _NEXTGROUPB_ ' Go get next pixel =D
movd esi,MM2 ' Restoring Source Pointer
movd edi,MM3 ' Restoring Destiny Pointer
add esi,4
add edi,4
Sub edx,65536
jnz _NEXTLINEB_ ' Go do the next line
mov ecx,[esi]
mov [edi],ecx
add esi,ebx ' point source to the next pixel
add edi,eax ' point to the next buffer
Sub esp,65536 ' subtract one pixel (fix pt) from calc holder
dec dx ' Decrease WIDTH counter
jnz _NEXTGROUPB_ ' Go get next pixel =D
movd esi,MM2 ' Restoring Source Pointer
movd edi,MM3 ' Restoring Destiny Pointer
add esi,4
add edi,4
Sub edx,65536
jnz _NEXTLINEB_ ' Go do the next line
movd MM5,[esi] ' Load Components in MMX register
punpcklbw MM5,MM7 ' Convert from 4 bytes to 4 words
add esi,ebx ' point source to the next pixel
paddw MM4,MM5 ' Add those 4 bytes to the sum register
movd MM5,[esi] ' Load Components in MMX register
punpcklbw MM5,MM7 ' Convert from 4 bytes to 4 words
add esi,ebx ' point source to the next pixel
paddw MM4,MM5 ' Add those 4 bytes to the sum register
psrlw MM4,1 ' Divide Sum by 2
packuswb MM4,MM4 ' Convert from 4 shorts to 4 bytes
movd [edi],MM4
add edi,eax ' point to the next buffer
Sub esp,65536*2 ' subtract one pixel (fix pt) from calc holder
dec dx ' Decrease WIDTH counter
jnz _NEXTGROUPB_ ' Go get next pixel =D
movd esi,MM2 ' Restoring Source Pointer
movd edi,MM3 ' Restoring Destiny Pointer
add esi,4
add edi,4
Sub edx,65536
jnz _NEXTLINEB_ ' Go do the next line
movd MM5,[esi] ' Load Components in MMX register
punpcklbw MM5,MM7 ' Convert from 4 bytes to 4 words
add esi,ebx ' point source to the next pixel
paddw MM4,MM5 ' Add those 4 bytes to the sum register
movd MM5,[esi] ' Load Components in MMX register
punpcklbw MM5,MM7 ' Convert from 4 bytes to 4 words
add esi,ebx ' point source to the next pixel
paddw MM4,MM5 ' Add those 4 bytes to the sum register
movd MM5,[esi] ' Load Components in MMX register
punpcklbw MM5,MM7 ' Convert from 4 bytes to 4 words
add esi,ebx ' point source to the next pixel
paddw MM4,MM5 ' Add those 4 bytes to the sum register
movd MM5,[esi] ' Load Components in MMX register
punpcklbw MM5,MM7 ' Convert from 4 bytes to 4 words
add esi,ebx ' point source to the next pixel
paddw MM4,MM5 ' Add those 4 bytes to the sum register
psrlw MM4,2 ' Divide Sum by 2
packuswb MM4,MM4 ' Convert from 4 shorts to 4 bytes
movd [edi],MM4
add edi,eax ' point to the next buffer
Sub esp,65536*4 ' subtract one pixel (fix pt) from calc holder
dec dx ' Decrease WIDTH counter
jnz _NEXTGROUPB_ ' Go get next pixel =D
movd esi,MM2 ' Restoring Source Pointer
movd edi,MM3 ' Restoring Destiny Pointer
add esi,4
add edi,4
Sub edx,65536
jnz _NEXTLINEB_ ' Go do the next line
movd esp,MM0 ' restoring stack pointer
pop ebp ' restoin base pointer
End asm
Elseif SIZY >= TY Then
' ==================================================================================
' ******************************* increased height **********************************
' ==================================================================================
TDX = DTMP*65536
RESYSKP = cptr(fb.image Ptr, IMGB)->pitch
' ************************************************************
' ******************** VERTICAL WHEN BIGGER ******************
' ************************************************************
mov esi,[PTBB] ' Load ESI with the pointer of source
mov edi,[PTB] ' Load EDI with the pointer of the destiny
mov edx,[TDX] ' fixed point
mov ebx,[TY] ' WIDTH of the destiny
mov eax,[RESYSKP] ' PITCH of the source
push ebp ' saving base pointer
mov ebp,edx ' fixed point
movd MM0,esp ' saving stack pointer
mov esp,eax ' ESP = source/destiny pitch
mov edx,-1 ' fixed point counter start with -1
' ----------------------------------------------------------
_VNEXTGROUPC_: ' here start the next line from source
add edx,65536 ' one line in fixed point
' ---------------------------------------------------------
_VNEXTLINEC_: ' here start the next line into destiny
mov ecx,esp ' get pitch
Shr ecx,2 ' transform into pixels
rep movsd ' copy a line
Sub esi,esp ' point to the start of the line again
Sub edx,ebp ' decrease decimal fixed point
jns _VNEXTLINEC_ ' go draw next line
' ---------------------------------------------------------
add esi,esp ' point to the next source line
dec bx ' decrease source lines count
jnz _VNEXTGROUPC_ ' got draw next group of lines
' ----------------------------------------------------------
movd esp,MM0 ' restoring stack pointer
pop ebp ' restore base pointer from stack
emms ' clear MMX status
End asm
End If
If MYALPHA <> -256 Then
' *** plotting result in target (alpha) ***
mov esi,[PTB]
mov ecx,[TDX]
cmp Byte Ptr [esi+3], 8
mov dword Ptr [esi],0xFFFF00FF
add esi,4
dec ecx
End asm
' *** plotting result in target ***
Put TGT,(CENX-(SIZX Shr 1),CENY-(SIZY Shr 1)),IMGB,alpha
End If
End Sub