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multikey and inkey

Datum/Zeit:20.09.2007 13:00:20

Sub EInput (Byval NULL as any ptr)
'    Dim  IMessage as Message_Dat_Interface
'    IMessage.NickName = InterfaceName
'    IMessage.MsgCol   = 15 'weiss

    Static inputmaxlen As Integer=450
    Static      StartX As Integer= 1
    Static      StartY As Integer=25
    Static     FeedLen As Integer=79
    Static   FontColor As Integer= 0
    Static   BackColor As Integer=15

    Dim key As String*2
    Dim cursor As Integer=1
    Dim inputstring As String

    Dim FRefresh    As Byte=1

    Dim ViewString As String
    Dim VCursor As Integer
    Dim SS As Integer
    Dim SE As Integer

    Color FontColor,BackColor
    Locate StartY,StartX,0:?Space(FeedLen);
    Color 0,7
    Locate StartY,StartX,0:?Chr(32);
    Color 0,14


      If Multikey(&h0E) Then        'BackSpace
            If Len(inputstring) And (Cursor > 1) Then
                inputstring = Left(inputstring, Cursor - 2) + Right(inputstring, Len(inputstring) - Cursor + 1)
                If Cursor>1 Then Cursor -= 1
                sleep (66),1
                FRefresh = 1
            End If

      ElseIf Multikey(&h53) Then    'Del
            If (Cursor <= Len(inputstring)) Then
                inputstring = Left(inputstring, Cursor - 1) + Right(inputstring, Len(inputstring) - Cursor)
                sleep (55),1
                FRefresh = 1
            End If

      ElseIf Multikey(&h1C) Then    'Enter
            If len(inputstring) Then

'                Interface_Messages_Refresh_Flag = 1
'                IMessage.Message = inputstring
                inputstring = ""

'                Interface_Send (IMessage)

                sleep (5),1
                FRefresh = 1
            End If

      ElseIf MultiKey(&h01) Then    'ESC
            Cursor   = 1
            sleep (55),1
            FRefresh = 1

      ElseIf MultiKey(&h4B) Then    'Left
            If Cursor > 1 Then
                Cursor -= 1
                sleep (55),1
                FRefresh = 1
            End If

      ElseIf MultiKey(&h4D) Then    'Right
            If Cursor And (Cursor <= Len(inputstring)) Then
                Cursor += 1
                sleep (55),1
                FRefresh = 1
            End If

      ElseIf MultiKey(&h47) Then    'Home/Pos1
            Cursor = 1
            sleep (55),1
            FRefresh = 1

      ElseIf MultiKey(&h4F) Then    'End
            If Cursor Then
                Cursor = Len(inputstring)+1
                sleep (55),1
                FRefresh = 1
            End If
      End If

      If key[0]>31 and key[0]<256 Then

        If key[0]=255 Then
            If key[1]=107 then
'                Interface_Close (0)
            End If

        If ( Len(inputstring) < inputmaxlen ) Then
            inputstring = Left(inputstring, Cursor - 1) + Key + Right(inputstring, Len(inputstring) - (Cursor-1)    )
            Cursor += 1
            FRefresh = 1
        End If
        End If
      End If

      If FRefresh Then


'        MutexLock (ThreadHandle)

            Color FontColor,BackColor
            Locate StartY,StartX,0

            color 7

            If SS>1 And VCursor>4 Then
                Locate StartY,StartX,0
            End If

            If SE<Len(inputstring) And VCursor<(FeedLen-4) Then
                Locate StartY,(StartX+FeedLen)-5,0
            End If

            Color 15,7
            Locate StartY,(StartX-1)+VCursor,0
            ?Chr(Screen (StartY, (StartX-1)+VCursor, 0));

'        MutexUnlock (ThreadHandle)

        FRefresh = 0
      End If
      Sleep (1)
End Sub
