Mikrocomputertechnik mit Controllern der Atmel AVR-RISC-Familie
Mikrocomputertechnik mit Controllern der Atmel AVR-RISC-Familie
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MuhEdit + Teilweise-korrektes Cursorverhalten

Uploader:Mitgliedraph ael
Datum/Zeit:10.08.2008 19:46:54


'       MuhEdit, version

'       Programming and idea by The_Muh.

'       Thanks to:

'           MisterD, ThePuppetMaster for little pieces of code

'           and Michael Tyca for Testing.

'       Special thanks to:

'           stevie1401 for the Linux-Clipboard-Code

'           Mao for the Windows-Clipboard-Code


'       This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify

'       it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by

'       the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or

'       (at your option) any later version.


'       This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

'       but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


'       GNU General Public License for more details.


'       You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License

'       along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software

'       Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,

'       MA 02110-1301, USA.



declare sub search()

declare sub speichern()

declare sub laden(seite as string)

declare sub text(ByVal Maeh As Integer)

declare sub anzeige(anzeigetext() as string, X as integer, Y as integer)

declare function conv(key as string) as string

declare function directory(FL as integer) as string


DECLARE SUB SendToClipboard(ClipStr() AS STRING)


declare function eingabe(ByVal frage As String ,vorgabe As String, X as integer,Y as integer) as string

declare function Max(array() as string) as integer


dim shared as integer hoehe = 50, breite = 55

dim d as string

dim as string Li, Re

dim as integer ascL, ascR

dim shared as string tZeile()

dim shared as string seite

dim shared as integer zeile=3, spalte=1

dim as integer mzeile, mspalte, buttons

dim i as integer

dim L as integer

Dim as integer einf = 0

dim dirs as string

dim rest as string

dim shared a as integer

dim shared b as integer



#macro datei (array2,endung,flag)

    K = DIR("*." & endung,flag)


        if len(k) and k <> "." and k <> ".." then

        redim preserve array2(i)

        array2(i) = K

        i += 1

        end if

        K = DIR("")

    LOOP until LEN(K) = 0' solange noch ein nicht gelistetes Verzeichnis existiert


#macro blubb(array)

dim key as string

c = 0



    locate 1, 1 : PRINT "MuhEdit Directory";

    if flag = &h10 then print " | Set Directory = ESC"

    locate 2, 1 : Print String(breite, asc("_"));

    locate 3, 1 : Print right(Curdir,50);

    locate hoehe,1 :Print "Switch between File / Directory = F1";


    for sh as integer = lbound(array) to hoehe-6        'text anzeigen...

        if SH + A <= ubound(array) then

                locate sh+4 ,1

        if sh = c then

                print "X "& sh + A &") /"& array(sh+A);


                print "  "& sh + A &") /"& array(sh+A);

            end if


            exit for

        end if

        if sh = 50 then exit for

    next sh

    do : sleep 1 : key = inkey : loop until key <> ""

    select case key

    case chr(255,59)

        if flag = &h10 then

            flag = &h00


            flag = &h10

        end if

        exit do

    case chr(255,73)

        if A > 0 then

            A -= 1

        end if

    case chr(255,81)

        if c + a < ubound(array) then A += 1

    case chr(255,72)                      'oben

        if c > 0 then c -= 1

        if A > 0 and c = 0 then a -= 1

    case chr(255,80)                      'unten

        if c < hoehe -6 and c < ubound(array) then

            c += 1


            if c + a < ubound(array) then A += 1

        end if

    case chr(27)

        if flag = &h10 then weiter = 0

        exit do

    case chr(13)

        if flag = &h10 then

            if c = 0 then

                dirs = ".."


                dirs = dirname(c)

            end if



            seite = filename(c)

            weiter = 0

        end if

        exit do

    end select



'subs und funktionen:

sub angleichen()

    if ubound(tzeile) < zeile + A then redim preserve tzeile(zeile + A) as string

end sub

sub anzeige(anzeigetext() as string, X as integer,Y as integer)

    if X >= 0 then

        for sh as integer = 3 to (hoehe - 2)        'text anzeigen...

            if SH + X <= ubound(anzeigetext) then

                locate sh, 1

                print mid(anzeigetext(sh+X),Y +1,breite)


                exit for

            end if

        next sh


        for sh as integer = 3 to (hoehe -2)

            locate sh, 1

            print mid(anzeigetext(sh),Y +1,breite)

        next sh

    end if


end sub

function conv(key as string) as string

    dim con as string

    dim ascl as integer

    ascL = asc(left(key,1))

    select case ascL

    'case 167 : con = chr(245) '§

    case 228 : con = chr(132)

    case 196 : con = chr(142)

    case 246 : con = chr(148)

    case 214 : con = chr(153)

    case 252 : con = chr(129)

    case 220 : con = chr(154)

    case 223 : con = chr(225)

    case else: con = chr(ascl)

    end select

    return con

end function

sub counter()

    dim code as integer

    dim blank as integer

    dim i as integer

    for i = 1 to ubound(tzeile)-1

        if len(ltrim(tzeile(i))) = 0 or len(ltrim(tzeile(i),chr(9))) = 0 then blank += 1

        if len(ltrim(tzeile(i),chr(9))) <> 0 and len(ltrim(tzeile(i))) <> 0 then code += 1

    next i

    locate 8,1

    print "Textlines:       "& code' - blank

    print "Blanklines:      "& blank

    print ""

    print "Gesamt:          "& code + blank

end sub

function directory(FL as integer) as string

    dim dirs as string

    DIM AS STRING dirname()

    dim filename() as string

    dim as integer i = 1

    dim c as integer

    dim K as string

    dim key as string

    dim flag as integer

    dim weiter as integer

    weiter = 1

    Locate 4,1

    flag = fl


    if flag = &h10 then

        i = 1

        redim dirname(1)

        dirname(0) = ".."



        i = 0

        redim filename(1)




    end if

    text(5) 'linie

    if flag = &h10 then


        if c > ubound(dirname) then continue do



        if c > ubound(filename) then continue do

    end if

    loop until weiter = 0

    if flag = &h00 then laden(seite)

    if flag = &h10 then

        text 2

        locate hoehe,1 : print "Accepted";


    end if

    return dirs

end function

function eingabe(ByVal frage As String ,vorgabe As String, X as integer,Y as integer) as string

    dim zeichen as string

    dim zeichenkette as string

    dim L as integer

    dim Li as string

    dim Re as string

    dim ascR as integer

    dim ascL as integer

    dim einf as integer

    dim spalte as integer

    dim rest as string

    einf = 1

    zeichenkette = vorgabe

    locate x, 1

    print frage & Zeichenkette;

    spalte = len(zeichenkette) +1

    y = len(frage) +1




        locate x,1: print frage;

        locate x,len(frage) + 1: print Zeichenkette;

        DRAW STRING ((y + spalte-2)*8 , (x-1)*8), "_"  'Cursor anzeigen

        do : sleep 1 : zeichen = inkey : loop while zeichen = ""

        Li = mid(zeichen, 1,1)

        Re = mid(zeichen, 2.1)

        ascL = asc(Li)

        ascR = asc(Re)

        L = len(zeichenkette)

        select case ascR

        case 82                                'testen ob "einf" gedrückt wurde

            if einf = 1 then                             'der umschalter

                einf = 0


                einf = 1

            end if

        case 75:                         'links

            if spalte > 1 then spalte -= 1

        case 77:                           'rechts

            if spalte < L then spalte += 1

        end select

        if ascL <> 255 then

        select case ascL

        case 8                                            'backspace

            if L > spalte then

                zeichenkette = left(zeichenkette,spalte-2) + right(zeichenkette,L -(spalte-1))



            end if

            if spalte <> 1 then spalte -= 1

        case 13                                        'enter

            return zeichenkette

            locate 3,1

            exit function

        case 27

            return vorgabe

            locate 3,1

            exit function

        case 127                                        'entf

            if L >= spalte then

                zeichenkette = left(zeichenkette,spalte-1) + right(zeichenkette,L -(spalte))

            end if

        case else

            if L >= spalte then

                if einf = 0 then

                    MID(zeichenkette, spalte, 1) = zeichen


                    zeichenkette = left(zeichenkette, spalte-1) + zeichen + right(zeichenkette, (L - spalte +1) )

                end if


                zeichenkette = zeichenkette + zeichen

            end if

            spalte += 1

        end select

        end if

    loop until zeichen = chr(13)

end function


    RETURN DIR(DateiName, Attr)<>""


FUNCTION getfromclipboard() AS INTEGER

    DIM AS STRING helper,file,dummy

    DIM AS INTEGER i,j,ff

    dim paste() as string

    dim l as integer


    helper="xclip -o -sel clip > "+file

    SHELL helper

    IF exist(file) THEN


        OPEN file FOR INPUT AS #ff

        'i= max(tzeile())

        WHILE NOT EOF(ff)


            LINE INPUT #ff,dummy

            redim preserve paste(i)



        CLOSE #ff



    END IF

    if len(paste(i)) > 0 then

    redim preserve tzeile(ubound(tzeile) + ubound(paste))

    for x as integer = max(tzeile()) to zeile + 1 step -1

        tzeile(x + ubound(paste) -1) = tzeile(x)


    L = Len(tzeile(zeile + a))

    tzeile(zeile +A) = left(tzeile(zeile +A), spalte +B-1) + paste(1) + right(tzeile(zeile +A), (L - spalte -B +1))

    for x as integer = lbound(paste) +2 to ubound(paste)

        tzeile(x+zeile-1) =  paste(x)


    end if

    kill file

    RETURN i


sub info()



    dim array as integer

    dim zeilen as integer

    dim zeichen as integer

    dim filesize as integer

    OPEN seite FOR BINARY AS #1

        filesize = LOF(1)

    CLOSE #1

    array = ubound(tzeile)

    for i1 as integer = 1 to array

        if len(tzeile(i1)) > 0 then

            zeilen += 1

        end if

    next i1

    for i2 as integer = 1 to array

        zeichen += len(tzeile(i2))


    filesize = filesize / 1024

    locate 3,1:print "Filename:        "& seite;

    locate 4,1:print "Letters:         "& zeichen;

    locate 5,1:print "Filesize:        "& filesize & " kB";

end sub

SUB sendtoclipboard(ClipStr() AS STRING)


    DIM AS STRING helper, file



    OPEN file FOR OUTPUT AS #ff

    for i as integer = lbound(ClipStr) +3 to max(Clipstr())

        PRINT #ff,ClipStr(i)


    CLOSE #ff

    helper="less "+file+" | xclip -sel clip"

    SHELL helper


sub laden(seite as string)

    dim as integer i = 2

    'seite = file()

    redim tzeile(1) as string

    OPEN seite FOR INPUT AS #1

    while not EOF(1)

        i += 1

        REDIM Preserve tzeile(i) AS STRING

        line INPUT #1, tzeile(i)


    CLOSE #1

end sub

function max(array() as string) as integer

    dim m as integer

    for i as integer = 3 to ubound(array)

        if len(ltrim(tzeile(i))) <> 0 then

            m = i

        end if


    return m

end function

sub replace()


    dim keyword as string

    dim positionX(1 to 46) as integer

    dim positionY(1 to 46) as integer

    dim repl as string

    dim hit as integer

    locate 1,1 : print "Search";

    locate 2, 1 : Print String(breite , asc("_"));

        text 5

    keyword = eingabe("Keyword:","",hoehe,1)

    repl = eingabe("Replace with:","",hoehe,1)

    locate 3,1

    for i as integer = 1 to ubound(tzeile)

        hit = instr(tzeile(i),keyword)

        if hit > 0 then

            tzeile(i) = left(tzeile(i),hit-1) + repl + right(tzeile(i), len(tzeile(i)) - hit -len(keyword) +1 )

        end if


end sub

sub search()


    dim as integer count = 1

    dim keyword as string

    dim positionX(1 to 46) as integer

    dim positionY(1 to 46) as integer

    dim hitnum as integer

    dim suchpos as integer

    dim as integer hit = 1

    locate 1,1 : print "Search";

    locate 2, 1 : Print String(breite , asc("_"));

    text 5

    keyword = eingabe("Keyword:","",hoehe,1)

    locate 3,1

    for i as integer = 1 to ubound(tzeile)

        suchpos = 0


            hit = instr(suchpos+1,tzeile(i),keyword)

            if hit > 0 then

                if count < 46 then

                    print count & ") Hit in Line: "& i - 2 &" Row: "& hit

                    positionX(count) = i

                    positionY(count) = hit

                    count += 1


                    print "Too much hits";

                end if

            end if

            suchpos = hit + len(keyword) -1

        loop until hit = 0


    locate hoehe, 1

    if positionX(1) <> 0 then

        input "Jump to hit number: ", hitnum

        zeile = positionX(hitnum)

        spalte = positionY(hitnum)

    end if

end sub

sub speichern()


    dim x as integer

    dim as integer i = 3

    dim K as string

    dim filename() as string

    redim filename(i)


    anzeige(filename(), 0, 0)

    text 6 'linie

    if len(seite) > 0 then

        seite = eingabe("Filename:",seite,hoehe,1)


        seite = eingabe("Filename:","example.txt",hoehe,1)

    end if

    OPEN seite FOR OUTPUT AS #1

    For x = 3 to max(tzeile())

        PRINT #1, rtrim(tzeile(x))


    CLOSE #1

    text(3) 'accepted


end sub

sub text(ByVal Maeh As Integer)

    select case maeh

    case 1

        locate 1, 1 : PRINT "Load = F2 / Save = F3 / Directory = F4 / Quit = ESC";

        locate 2, 1 : Print String(breite , asc("_"));

        Locate (hoehe-1),1 : Print String(breite , asc("_"));

        Locate (hoehe),1 : Print String(breite , asc(" "));

        Locate (hoehe),1 : Print "File: "& seite &" / Line: "& Zeile+A &" / Row:"& spalte+b;

    case 2

        locate (hoehe    ), 1 : Print String(breite, asc(" "));

    case 3

        locate (hoehe), 1 : Print String(breite, asc(" "));

        Locate (hoehe), 1 : Print "Accepted";

        locate 3,1

    case 4

        locate (hoehe), 1 : Print String(breite, asc(" "));

        Locate (hoehe), 1 : Print "False";

        locate 3,1

    case 5

        Locate (hoehe-1),1 : Print String(breite, asc("_"));

    case 6

        locate 1, 1           : PRINT "MuhEdit Saver" ;

        locate 2, 1           : Print String(breite, asc("_"));

        Locate (hoehe-1),1 : Print String(breite, asc("_"));

    case 7

        locate 1, 1           : PRINT "MuhEdit Fileinfo";

        locate 2, 1           : Print String(breite, asc("_"));

        Locate (hoehe-1),1 : Print String(breite, asc("_"));

        Locate (hoehe),1 : Print String(breite, asc(" "));

    case else

        exit sub

    end select

end sub


#ifndef __fb_linux__

#include "windows.bi"

Declare Sub WriteClipboard(Text As String)

Declare Function ReadClipboard() As String

declare sub s_t_a(text as string)

dim text2 as string

sub s_t_a(text2 as string)

    dim paste() as string

    dim suchpos as integer

    dim count as integer

    dim old as integer

    dim as integer hit = 1


    hit = instr(suchpos+1,text2,chr(13,10))

        if hit > 0 then

                count += 1

            redim preserve paste(count)

            if old > 0 then

                paste(count) = mid(text2,old+2,hit - old -1 )


                paste(count) = left(text2,hit -1)

            end if

            old = hit

        end if

        suchpos = hit + 1

    loop until hit = 0

    redim preserve paste(count+1)

    paste(count+1) =  mid(text2,old+2,hit - old -1)

    redim preserve tzeile(ubound(tzeile) + ubound(paste))

    for x as integer = max(tzeile()) to zeile + 1 step -1

        tzeile(x + ubound(paste) -1) = tzeile(x)


    L = Len(tzeile(zeile + a))

    tzeile(zeile +A) = left(tzeile(zeile +A), spalte +B-1) + paste(1) + right(tzeile(zeile +A), (L - spalte -B +1))

    for x as integer = lbound(paste) +2 to ubound(paste)

        tzeile(x+zeile-1) =  paste(x)


end sub

Function readClipboard() As String

    Dim As Any Ptr hGlobal, pGlobal

    Dim As String txt



    If hGlobal then


        txt=Space(lstrlen(pGlobal)) ' txt auf die Länge des Clipboards bringen

        lstrcpy(strptr(txt), pGlobal)


    End If


End Function

Sub writeClipboard(Txt As String)

    Dim As Any Ptr lpMem, hGlobalClip

    hGlobalClip=GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE Or GMEM_SHARE, Len(Txt)+1)




    lstrcpy(lpMem, strptr(Txt))


    SetClipboardData(CF_TEXT, hGlobalClip)


End Sub


'----Ende Windows-teil----'

'------------------Aufruf-flags auswerten------------------'

if command(1) = "-S" then

    hoehe = HIWORD(WIDTH)

    breite = LOWORD(WIDTH)

    if command(2) <> "" then

        seite = command(2)


    end if


elseif command(1) <> "-S" then

    seite = command(1)


    screenres breite*8, hoehe * 8

    COLOR 0, 15


end if


dirs = curdir

locate 3, 0


    '------ verwaltung + anzeige ------'


    L = len(tzeile(zeile + A))

    if L < spalte + B  then

        for i = 1 to spalte + b

            tzeile(zeile + A) += " "

        next i

    end if

    anzeige(tzeile(), A, B)

    text 1

    locate zeile ,spalte,1

    DRAW STRING ((spalte-1)*8, (zeile-1)*8), "_",  'Cursor anzeigen

    '------ Eingabe ------':

    do : sleep 1 'auf eingabe warten

        d = inkey

        getmouse mspalte, mzeile,,buttons

        mzeile = mzeile / 8

        mspalte =  mspalte / 8

        if buttons = 1 and mzeile <= (hoehe - 2) and mzeile > 3 then

            zeile = mzeile

            spalte = mspalte

            d = ""

            exit do

        end if

    loop until d<>""

    locate zeile ,spalte,1

    if d = "" then continue do

    Re = mid(d, 2.1)

    ascR = asc(Re)

    if command(1) <> "-S" then D = conv(D)

    Li = mid(d, 1,1)

    ascL = asc(Li)

    '------ Verarbeitung teil 1 ------':


    case 72                      'oben

        if zeile > 3 then

            zeile -= 1


            if A > 0 then A -= 1

        end if
        tZeile(zeile + A) = rtrim(tZeile(zeile + A))
        if len(tZeile(zeile + A)) < spalte then spalte = len(tZeile(zeile + A))+1 'X-Überprüfung

    case 80                         'unten

        if zeile < (hoehe - 2) then

            zeile += 1


            A += 1

        end if
        if ubound(tZeile) < zeile + A then redim preserve tZeile(zeile + A) as string
        tZeile(zeile + A) = rtrim(tZeile(zeile + A))
        if len(tZeile(zeile + A)) < spalte then spalte = len(tZeile(zeile + A))+1 'X-Überprüfung

    case 75                         'links

        if spalte > 1 then                        'nicht am zeilenanfang


        else                                'am zeilenanfang

            if zeile > 3 and zeile < (hoehe - 2) then

                if B = 0 then

                    zeile -= 1

                    spalte = 1


                    B -= 1

                end if

            elseif zeile = 3 or zeile = (hoehe-2) then

                if B <> 0 then

                    B -= 1

                elseif B = 0 then

                    if zeile = hoehe-2 then zeile -= 1

                    if A > 0 then A -= 1

                end if

            end if

        end if

    case 77                          'rechts

        if spalte < breite then

            tzeile(zeile +A) += chr(32)

            spalte += 1

        elseif spalte = breite then

            b += 1

        end if

    case 107                        'das X oben

        exit do

    case 63                         'F5, hohe und breite

        if command(1) <> "-S" then



        locate 3,1 : print "The width must be 55 or higher"

        locate 4,1 : print "The Heigth must be 20 or higher"

        locate 5,1 : Input "Heigth: ", Hoehe

        Locate 6,1 : Input "Width: ", Breite

        if breite < 55 then breite = 55

        if hoehe < 20 then hoehe = 20

        screenres breite *8, hoehe * 8

        if zeile > hoehe then

            A += zeile-hoehe+2

            zeile = 3

        end if

        if command(1) <> "-S" then COLOR 0, 15

        end if

    case 64                     'f5 (dateiinfo)




    case 62                         'F4 (verzeichnis wechseln)

        dirs = directory(&h10)


    case 61                          'seite speichern(F3)



    case 60                          'Laden (F2)

        dirs = directory(&h00)


    case 82                         'einfügen

        if einf = 1 then

            einf = 0


            einf = 1

        end if

    case 73         'bild hoch

        if A > 0 then

            A -= 1

        end if

    case 81             'bild runter

        a += 1

    case 71

        spalte = 1

        b = 0

    case 79

        spalte = len(tzeile(zeile +A)) +1

        if spalte > 50 then

            B = spalte - 50

            spalte -= B

        end if

    end select

    '------ Verarbeitung teil 2 ------':

    if ascL <> 255 then

    select case ascL

    case 6


            if zeile > 46 then

                A = zeile - 46

                zeile -= A

            end if

    case 8                                          'backspace

        if spalte > 1 then                           'nicht am zeilenanfang

            if B = 0 then



                b -= 1

            end if

            locate zeile,spalte

            L = len(tzeile(zeile +A))

            if L >= spalte+B then

                tzeile(zeile+A) = left(tzeile(zeile+A),B + spalte-1) + right(tzeile(zeile+A),L -(spalte+B))


                tzeile(zeile +A)=left(tzeile(zeile +A),len(tzeile(zeile +A))-1)

            end if

        else                                    'am zeilenanfang

            if zeile + A <= max(tzeile()) and zeile > 3 then

                redim preserve tzeile(ubound(tzeile) + 1)

                rest = tzeile(zeile)

                tzeile(zeile-1) = tzeile(zeile-1) + ltrim(rest)

                for x as integer = zeile TO max(tzeile())

                    tzeile(x) = tzeile(x+1)


                redim preserve tzeile(ubound(tzeile) -1)

                zeile -= 1

            end if

            if zeile > max(tzeile()) and zeile > 3 then

                zeile -= 1

                spalte = len(rtrim(tzeile(zeile)))+1

            end if

            if zeile = 3 and a > 0 then

                if A > 0 then A -= 1

                spalte = len(rtrim(tzeile(zeile+a)))+1

            end if

        end if

    case 13                              'enter

        if L > (spalte + b) and zeile > 3 then

            redim preserve tzeile(ubound(tzeile) + 1)

            for x as integer = ubound(tzeile) to (zeile +1) step -1

                tzeile(x) = tzeile(x-1)


            rest = right(tzeile(zeile +A), (L - (spalte + B))+1)

            tzeile(zeile+A) = left(tzeile(zeile+A), (Spalte +B) -1)

            tzeile(Zeile+A+1) = rest

        elseif zeile + a < max(tzeile()) and Len(ltrim(tzeile(zeile))) = 0 then

            redim preserve tzeile(ubound(tzeile) + 1)

            for x as integer = ubound(tzeile) to (zeile +1) step -1

                tzeile(x) = tzeile(x-1)


        end if

        if zeile < (hoehe - 2) then

            zeile += 1

            spalte = 1

            B = 0


            spalte = 1

            B = 0

            A += 1

        end if

    case 127

        if L >= spalte then

            tzeile(zeile+A) = left(tzeile(zeile+A),B + spalte-1) + right(tzeile(zeile+A),L -(spalte+B))

        end if

    '------ Copy und Paste ------':

    case 3

        #ifdef __fb_linux__

            if shell("xclip -version") = 0 then sendtoclipboard(tzeile())


            for i as integer = 1 to max(tzeile())

                text2 = text2 + tzeile(i) + chr(13,10)





    case 22

        #ifdef __fb_linux__

        if shell("xclip -version")  = 0 then getfromclipboard()


            text2 = ReadClipboard




    case 18


    case 19



    case 27                            'escape

        exit do

    case 32 to 127,9,245, 132,142,148,153,129,154,225

        if D = chr(9) then

            D = "    "

            if spalte <= breite -4 then

                spalte +=4


                B += 4 - (breite - spalte)

            end if

        end if

        L = len(tzeile(zeile +A))

        if L >= spalte + B then

            if einf = 0 then

                MID(tzeile(zeile + A), spalte +B, 1) = d


                tzeile(zeile +A) = left(tzeile(zeile +A), spalte +B-1) + d + right(tzeile(zeile +A), (L - spalte -B +1))

            end if


            tzeile(zeile +A) = tzeile(zeile +A) + d

        end if

        if spalte = breite then

            b += 1


            spalte += 1

        end if

    end select

    end if




locate 1, 1

PRINT "TextEditor by The_Muh | Press any key to quit   ";

locate 2, 1 : Print String(breite, asc("_"));


Locate (hoehe),1

Print "Programming and Idea:                   The_Muh";




'Bis 1.0:

'- Copy&Paste für Windows

'- Cursor-verhalten wie normale texteditoren (auch bei Maus!)

'- Fertigstellung und bugfreiheit aller, für Textbearbeitung notwendiger features
