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MuhEdit 0.9.2

Datum/Zeit:22.07.2008 16:37:27

'MuhEdit, version 0.9.2
'programming and Idea by The_Muh
'Thanks to: MisterD, ThePuppetMaster for little pieces of code
'and Michael Tyca for Testing
'Creative Commons:

'subs und funktionen (declare):
declare sub laden(seite as string)
declare sub speichern()
declare function directory() as string
declare function file() as string
declare sub text(ByVal Maeh As Integer)
declare function conv(key as string) as string
declare sub anzeige(anzeigetext() as string, X as integer, Y as integer)
declare function eingabe(ByVal frage As String ,vorgabe As String, X as integer,Y as integer) as string
dim shared as integer hoehe, breite
dim d as string
dim as string Li, Re
dim as integer ascL, ascR
dim shared as string tZeile()
dim shared as string seite
dim shared as integer zeile=3, spalte=1
dim as integer mzeile, mspalte, buttons
dim i as integer
dim L as integer
Dim einf as integer
dim dirs as string
dim rest as string
dim shared a as integer
dim shared b as integer

breite = 55
hoehe = 50
einf = 0
#macro datei (endung)
    K = DIR("*." & endung,0)
        if len(k) then                      ' alle anderen =)
        redim preserve filename(i)
        filename(i) = K
        K = DIR("")
        i += 1
        end if
    LOOP until LEN(K) = 0' solange noch ein nicht gelistetes Verzeichnis existiert

#macro blubb(array,ueberschrifft)
dim key as string
c = 0
    locate 1, 1 : PRINT ueberschrifft;
    locate 2, 1 : Print String(breite, asc("_"));
    if A > 0 then
        for sh as integer = lbound(array) to ubound(array)      'text anzeigen...
            if SH + A <= ubound(array) then
                locate sh+3,1
                print sh &") /"& array(sh+A);
                exit for
            end if
        next sh
        for sh as integer = 0 to ubound(array)
            locate sh+3,1
            print sh &") /"& array(sh);
        next sh
    end if

    locate hoehe,1 : Print "Number: "& c;

    do : sleep 1 : key = inkey : loop until key <> ""
    select case key
    case chr(255,73)
        if A > 0 then
            A -= 1
        end if
    case chr(255,83)
        a += 1
    end select

    if asc(key) >= 48 and asc(key) <= 57 then
        c = c * 10 + (asc(key) - 48)
    elseif asc(key) = 8 then
        c = cint(C / 10)
    elseif asc(key) = 13 then
        exit do
    end if

'subs und funktionen:

sub angleichen()
    if ubound(tzeile) < zeile + A then
        redim preserve tzeile(zeile + A) as string
    end if
end sub

sub anzeige(anzeigetext() as string, X as integer,Y as integer)
    if X >= 0 then
        for sh as integer = 3 to (hoehe - 2)        'text anzeigen...
            if SH + X <= ubound(anzeigetext) then
                locate sh, 1
                print mid(anzeigetext(sh+X),Y +1,breite)
                exit for
            end if
        next sh
        for sh as integer = 3 to (hoehe -2)
            locate sh, 1
            print mid(anzeigetext(sh),Y +1,breite)
        next sh
    end if
end sub

function conv(key as string) as string
    dim con as string
    dim ascl as integer
    ascL = asc(left(key,1))
    select case ascL
    'case 167 : con = chr(245) '§
    case 228 : con = chr(132)
    case 196 : con = chr(142)
    case 246 : con = chr(148)
    case 214 : con = chr(153)
    case 252 : con = chr(129)
    case 220 : con = chr(154)
    case 223 : con = chr(225)
    case else: con = chr(ascl)
    end select
    return con
end function

sub counter()
    dim code as integer
    dim blank as integer
    dim i as integer
    for i = 1 to ubound(tzeile)-1
        if len(ltrim(tzeile(i))) = 0 or len(ltrim(tzeile(i),chr(9))) = 0 then blank += 1
        if len(ltrim(tzeile(i),chr(9))) <> 0 and len(ltrim(tzeile(i))) <> 0 then code += 1
    next i

    locate 8,1
    print "Textlines:       "& code' - blank
    print "Blanklines:      "& blank
    print ""
    print "Gesamt:          "& code + blank
end sub

function directory() as string
    dim dirs as string
    DIM AS STRING dirname()
    dim as integer i = 1
    dim as integer c
    dim K as string
    Locate 4,1
    'print "0) \.."

    redim dirname(1)
    dirname(0) = ".."

    K = DIR("*", &H10)
        if len(k) then                      ' alle anderen =)
        redim preserve dirname(i)
        dirname(i) = K
        K = DIR("",&H10)
        i += 1
        end if
    LOOP until LEN(K) = 0' ' solange noch ein nicht gelistetes Verzeichnis existiert

    if len(dirname(1)) >= 1 then
            text(5) 'linie
            blubb(dirname, "MuhEdit Directory")
            if c > ubound(dirname) then continue do
            'Locate (hoehe - 1), 1 : input "Number: ",c
        if len(dirname(c)) >=1 then
            text(3) 'accepted
            dirs = dirname(c)
            exit do
        elseif c = 0 then
            CHDIR ".."
            exit do
            text(4) 'false'
        end if
         text(5) 'linie
         locate (hoehe), 1 : Print "No Directorys";
    end if
    return dirs
end function

function eingabe(ByVal frage As String ,vorgabe As String, X as integer,Y as integer) as string
    dim zeichen as string
    dim zeichenkette as string
    dim L as integer
    dim Li as string
    dim Re as string
    dim ascR as integer
    dim ascL as integer
    dim einf as integer
    dim spalte as integer
    dim rest as string
    einf = 1
    zeichenkette = vorgabe
    locate x, 1
    print frage & Zeichenkette;
    spalte = len(zeichenkette)
    y = len(frage) +1
        locate x,1: print frage;
        locate x,len(frage) + 1: print Zeichenkette;
        DRAW STRING ((y + spalte-2)*8 , (x-1)*8), "_"  'Cursor anzeigen
        do : sleep 1 : zeichen = inkey : loop while zeichen = ""

        Li = mid(zeichen, 1,1)
        Re = mid(zeichen, 2.1)
        ascL = asc(Li)
        ascR = asc(Re)

        L = len(zeichenkette)
        select case ascR
        case 82                                'testen ob "einf" gedrückt wurde
            if einf = 1 then                             'der umschalter
                einf = 0
                einf = 1
            end if
        case 75:                         'links
            if spalte > 1 then spalte -= 1
        case 77:                           'rechts
            if spalte < L then spalte += 1
        end select

        if ascL <> 255 then
        select case ascL
        case 8                                            'backspace
            if L >= spalte then
                zeichenkette = left(zeichenkette,spalte-1) + right(zeichenkette,L -(spalte))
            end if

            if spalte <> 1 then spalte -= 1
        case 13                                        'enter
            return zeichenkette
            locate 3,1
            exit function
        case 27
            return vorgabe
            locate 3,1
            exit function
        case 127                                        'entf
            if L >= spalte then
                zeichenkette = left(zeichenkette,spalte-1) + right(zeichenkette,L -(spalte))
            end if
        case else
            if L >= spalte then
                if einf = 0 then
                    MID(zeichenkette, spalte, 1) = zeichen
                    zeichenkette = left(zeichenkette, spalte-1) + zeichen + right(zeichenkette, (L - spalte +1) )
                end if
                zeichenkette = zeichenkette + zeichen
            end if
            spalte += 1
        end select
        end if
    loop until zeichen = chr(13)
end function

function file() as string
    dim files as string
    dim filename() as string
    dim as integer i = 0
    dim as integer c
    dim K as string
    redim filename(1)

    if len(filename(0)) >= 1 then
            text(5) 'linie
            blubb(filename,"MuhEdit Filechooser")
            if c > ubound(filename) then continue do
        if len(filename(c)) >=1 then
            locate (hoehe), 1 : Print String(50, asc(" "));
            text(3) 'accepted
            files = filename(c)
            exit do
            text(4) 'false
        end if
         text(5) 'linie
         locate (hoehe), 1 : Print "No files";
    end if
    return files
end function

sub info()
    dim array as integer
    dim zeilen as integer
    dim zeichen as integer
    dim filesize as integer

    OPEN seite FOR BINARY AS #1
        filesize = LOF(1)
    CLOSE #1

    array = ubound(tzeile)
    for i1 as integer = 1 to array
        if len(tzeile(i1)) > 0 then
            zeilen += 1
        end if
    next i1

    for i2 as integer = 1 to array
        zeichen += len(tzeile(i2))
    filesize = filesize / 1024
    locate 3,1:print "Filename:        "& seite;
    locate 4,1:print "Letters:         "& zeichen;
    locate 5,1:print "Filesize:        "& filesize & " kB";
end sub

sub laden(seite as string)
    dim as integer i = 2
    'seite = file()

    redim tzeile(0) as string
    OPEN seite FOR INPUT AS #1
    while not EOF(1)
        i += 1
        REDIM Preserve tzeile(i) AS STRING
        line INPUT #1, tzeile(i)
    CLOSE #1
end sub

sub speichern()
    dim x as integer
    dim as integer i = 3
    dim max as integer
    dim K as string
    for i as integer = 1 to ubound(tzeile)
        if len(ltrim(tzeile(i))) >= 1 then
            max = i
        end if
    dim filename() as string
    redim filename(i)
    anzeige(filename(), 0, 0)

    text 6 'linie
    if len(seite) > 0 then
        seite = eingabe("Filename:",seite,hoehe,1)
        seite = eingabe("Filename:","example.txt",hoehe,1)
    end if

    OPEN seite FOR OUTPUT AS #1
    For x = 3 to max
        PRINT #1, rtrim(tzeile(x))
    CLOSE #1
    text(3) 'accepted
end sub

sub text(ByVal Maeh As Integer)
    select case maeh
    case 1:
        locate 1, 1 : PRINT "Load = F2 / Save = F3 / Directory = F4 / Quit = ESC":
        locate 2, 1 : Print String(breite , asc("_"));
        Locate (hoehe-1),1 : Print String(breite , asc("_"));
        Locate (hoehe),1 : Print "File: "& seite &" / Line: "& Zeile+A-2 &" / Row:"& spalte+b;
    case 2:
        locate (hoehe    ), 1 : Print String(breite, asc(" "));
    case 3:
        locate (hoehe), 1 : Print String(breite, asc(" "));
        Locate (hoehe), 1 : Print "Accepted";
        locate 3,1
    case 4:
        locate (hoehe), 1 : Print String(breite, asc(" "));
        Locate (hoehe), 1 : Print "False";
        locate 3,1
    case 5:
        Locate (hoehe-1),1 : Print String(breite, asc("_"));
    case 6:
        locate 1, 1           : PRINT "MuhEdit Saver" ;
        locate 2, 1           : Print String(breite, asc("_"));
        Locate (hoehe-1),1 : Print String(breite, asc("_"));
    case 7:
        locate 1, 1           : PRINT "MuhEdit Fileinfo";
        locate 2, 1           : Print String(breite, asc("_"));
        Locate (hoehe-1),1 : Print String(breite, asc("_"));
        Locate (hoehe),1 : Print String(breite, asc(" "));
    case else
        exit sub
    end select
end sub

if command(1) = "-S" then
    hoehe = HIWORD(WIDTH)
    breite = LOWORD(WIDTH)
elseif command(1) <> "-S" then
    seite = command(1)
    screenres breite*8, hoehe * 8
end if

if command(2) <> "" then
    seite = command(2)
end if
COLOR 0, 15
dirs = curdir
locate 3, 0
    L = len(tzeile(zeile + A))
    if L < spalte + B then
        for i = 1 to spalte + b
            tzeile(zeile + A) += " "
        next i
    end if
    anzeige(tzeile(), A, B)
    text 1
    locate zeile ,spalte,1
    DRAW STRING ((spalte-1)*8 , (zeile -1)*8), "_",  'Cursor anzeigen
    'auf eingabe warten:
    do : sleep 1
        d = inkey
        getmouse mspalte, mzeile,,buttons
        mzeile = mzeile / 8
        mspalte =  mspalte / 8
        if buttons = 1 and mzeile <= (hoehe - 2) and mzeile > 3 then
            zeile = mzeile
            spalte = mspalte
            d = ""
            exit do
        end if
    loop until d<>""
    locate zeile ,spalte,1
    if d = "" then continue do
    Re = mid(d, 2.1)
    ascR = asc(Re)
    D = conv(D)
    Li = mid(d, 1,1)
    ascL = asc(Li)

    case 72:                      'oben
        if zeile > 3 then
            zeile -= 1
            if A > 0 then A -= 1
        end if
    case 80:                         'unten
        if zeile < (hoehe - 2) then
            zeile += 1
            A += 1
        end if
    case 75:                         'links
        if spalte > 1 then                        'nicht am zeilenanfang
        else                                'am zeilenanfang
            if zeile > 3 and zeile < (hoehe - 2) then
                if B = 0 then
                    zeile -= 1
                    spalte = 1
                    B -= 1
                end if
            elseif zeile = 3 or zeile = (hoehe-2) then
                if B <> 0 then
                    B -= 1
                elseif B = 0 then
                    if zeile = hoehe-2 then zeile -= 1
                    if A > 0 then A -= 1
                end if
            end if
        end if
    case 77:                           'rechts
        if spalte < breite then
            tzeile(zeile +A) += chr(32)
            spalte += 1
        elseif spalte = breite then
            b += 1
        end if
    case 107:                        'das X oben
        exit do
    case 63:                            'F5, hohe und breite
        if command(1) <> "-S" then
        locate 3,1 : print "The width must be 55 or higher"
        locate 4,1 : print "The Heigth must be 20 or higher"
        locate 5,1 : Input "Heigth: ", Hoehe
        Locate 6,1 : Input "Width: ", Breite
        if breite < 55 then breite = 55
        if hoehe < 20 then hoehe = 20
        screenres breite *8, hoehe * 8
        if zeile > hoehe then
            A += zeile-hoehe+2
            zeile = 3
        end if
        COLOR 0, 15
        end if
    case 64:                        'f5 (dateiinfo)
    case 62:                            'F4 (verzeichnis wechseln)
        dirs = directory()
        chdir (dirs)
    case 61:                          'seite speichern(F3)
    case 60:                          'Laden (F2)
        seite = file()
    case 82:                            'einfügen
        if einf = 1 then
            einf = 0
            einf = 1
        end if
    case 73:
        if A > 0 then
            A -= 1
        end if
    case 81
        a += 1
    end select

    'Zweiter case-block
    if ascL <> 255 then
    select case ascL
        case 8:                               'backspace
        if spalte > 1 then                        'nicht am zeilenanfang
            if B = 0 then
                b -= 1
            end if
            locate zeile,spalte
            L = len(tzeile(zeile +A))
            if L >= spalte+B then
                tzeile(zeile+A) = left(tzeile(zeile+A),B + spalte-1) + right(tzeile(zeile+A),L -(spalte+B))
                tzeile(zeile +A)=left(tzeile(zeile +A),len(tzeile(zeile +A))-1)
            end if
        else                                    'am zeilenanfang
            if zeile > 3 then
                if L >= spalte+B then
                    tzeile(zeile+A) = left(tzeile(zeile+A),B + spalte-1) + right(tzeile(zeile+A),L -(spalte+B))
                    tzeile(zeile +A)=left(tzeile(zeile +A),len(tzeile(zeile +A))-1)
                end if
                zeile -= 1
                spalte = len(rtrim(tzeile(zeile)))+1
                if A > 0 then A -= 1
            end if
        end if
    case 13:                              'enter
        if L > (spalte + b) then
            for i as integer = ubound(tzeile) + 1 to (zeile + a +1) step -1
                if i >= ubound(tzeile) then redim preserve tzeile(i+1)
                if i <> 3 then tzeile(i+1) = tzeile(i)
            next i
            rest = right(tzeile(zeile +A), (L - (spalte + B))+1)
            tzeile(zeile+A) = left(tzeile(zeile+A), (Spalte +B) -1)
            tzeile(Zeile+A+1) = rest
        end if
        if zeile < (hoehe - 2) then
            zeile += 1
            spalte = 1
            B = 0
            spalte = 1
            B = 0
            A += 1
        end if
    case 127:
        if L >= spalte then
            tzeile(zeile+A) = left(tzeile(zeile+A),B + spalte-1) + right(tzeile(zeile+A),L -(spalte+B))
        end if
    case 19:
    case 27:                              'escape
        exit do
    case 32 to 127,9,245, 132,142,148,153,129,154,225
        if D = chr(9) then
            D = "    "
            if spalte <= breite -4 then
                spalte +=4
                B += 4 - (breite - spalte)
            end if
        end if
        L = len(tzeile(zeile +A))
        if L >= spalte + B then
            if einf = 0 then
                MID(tzeile(zeile + A), spalte +B, 1) = d
                tzeile(zeile +A) = mid(tzeile(zeile +A),1,(spalte +B)) + d + mid(tzeile(zeile +A),spalte + b + 1,(L -spalte +1))
            end if
            tzeile(zeile +A) = tzeile(zeile +A) + d
        end if

        if spalte = breite then
            b += 1
            spalte += 1
        end if
    end select
    end if

locate 1, 1
PRINT "TextEditor by The_Muh | Press any key to quit   ";
locate 2, 1 : Print String(breite, asc("_"));

Locate (hoehe),1
Print "Programming and Idea:                   The_Muh";
color 15,0
'bis 1.0:
'- Fertigstellung und bugfreiheit aller, für Textbearbeitung notwendiger features
'eventuell mehrere Builds um auch globales Copy'n'Paste zu unterstützen.