Mikrocomputertechnik mit Controllern der Atmel AVR-RISC-Familie
Mikrocomputertechnik mit Controllern der Atmel AVR-RISC-Familie
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MuhEdit 0.6.6

Datum/Zeit:30.06.2008 11:30:52

'version 0.6.6
'subs und funktionen (declare):
declare sub speichern()
declare sub laden()
declare sub standartText(seite as string)
declare function blaettern(seite as string) as string
declare function file() as string
declare sub curs(zeile as integer, spalte as integer, aspalte as integer, azeile as integer)
dim hoehe as integer
dim breite as integer
breite = 50 :hoehe = 50
dim d as string
dim shared as string tZeile(1 to 50)
dim as string seite
dim as integer aspalte, azeile
dim shared as integer zeile=3, spalte=1
dim as integer mzeile, mspalte, buttons
dim i as integer
dim L as integer

'subs und funktionen:
function blaettern(seite as string) as string
    Dim zahl as integer
    Locate (hoehe - 2), 1 : Print "__________________________________________________"
    Locate (hoehe - 1), 1 : Print "Which page do you want to open? (1-5)"
    zahl = val(inkey)
    if zahl < 6 and zahl > 0 then seite = "page"+str(zahl)+".txt"
    loop until zahl > 0 and zahl < 6
    return seite
end function

function file() as string
    dim files as string
    locate 1, 1 : PRINT "MuhEdit Filechoser"
    locate 2, 1 : Print "__________________________________________________"
    DIM filename AS STRING

    filename = DIR("*.txt", 0)
    print filename
        filename = DIR("")
        print filename
    LOOP WHILE LEN(filename)

    Locate (hoehe - 2), 1 : Print "__________________________________________________"
    Locate (hoehe - 1), 1 : input "Filename: ",files
    Locate (hoehe - 1), 1 : Print "acceptet                                          "

    return files
end function

sub speichern()
    dim files as string
    dim seite as string
    dim i as integer = 1
    locate 1, 1           : PRINT "MuhEdit Saver"
    locate 2, 1           : Print "__________________________________________________"
    Locate (hoehe - 2), 1 : Print "__________________________________________________"
    Locate (hoehe - 1), 1 : input "Filename (Without .txt): ",files
    seite = files + ".txt"

    OPEN seite FOR OUTPUT AS #1
        if i = 50 then exit do
        PRINT #1, tzeile(i)
        i+= 1
    CLOSE #1
    Locate (hoehe - 1), 1 : Print "acceptet                                          "
end sub

sub laden()
    dim seite as string
    dim as integer i
    dim as integer X
    seite = file()
    For X = 1 to 50
        tzeile(X) = ""

    OPEN seite FOR INPUT AS #1
    while not EOF(1)
        i += 1
        line INPUT #1, tzeile(i)
    CLOSE #1

    for sh as integer = 3 to 47         'text anzeigen...
        locate sh, 1
        print tzeile(sh)
    next sh

end sub

sub standartText(seite as string)
    locate 1, 1 : PRINT "MuhEdit / Load = F11 / Save = F12 / Quit = ESC  "
    locate 2, 1 : Print "__________________________________________________"
    Locate (hoehe - 2),1 : Print "__________________________________________________"
    Locate (hoehe - 1),1 : Print "Page: "& seite &" | Open another page = F9    "
end sub

sub curs(zeile as integer, spalte as integer, aspalte as integer, azeile as integer)
    if azeile < zeile then
        locate azeile, aspalte
        print " "
    end if
    if azeile > zeile then
        locate azeile, aspalte
        print " "
    end if
        locate zeile, spalte
        print "_"
end sub

screenres 400,400
COLOR 0, 15 : CLS
    L = len(tzeile(zeile))
    if L < spalte then
        for i = L to spalte - L -1
            tzeile(zeile) += chr(32)
        next i
    end if
    for sh as integer = 3 to 47         'text anzeigen...
        locate sh, 1
        print tzeile(sh)
    next sh
    aspalte = spalte
    azeile = zeile

    'auf eingabe warten
    do:sleep 1
    getmouse mspalte, mzeile,,buttons
    if buttons then
       mzeile = mzeile / 8
        if mzeile < (hoehe - 3) and mzeile > 3 then
            zeile = mzeile
        end if
        mspalte = mspalte / 8
        spalte = mspalte
    end if
    d=inkey:loop until d<>"" or (buttons And 1)         'wartet auf Usereingabe

    locate zeile ,spalte

        case CHR(255, 72)                       'oben
        if zeile > 3 then
            zeile -= 1
            zeile = (hoehe - 3)
        end if
    case CHR(255, 80)                           'unten
        if zeile < (hoehe - 3) then
            zeile += 1
            zeile = 3
        end if
    case CHR(255, 75)                           'links
        if spalte>1 then                        'nicht am zeilenanfang
            print chr(32)
        else                                    'am zeilenanfang
            if zeile > 3 then
                zeile -= 1
                spalte = 50
                zeile = (hoehe - 3)
                spalte = 50
            end if
        end if
    case CHR(255, 77)                           'rechts
        if spalte <> 50 then
            print chr(32)
            spalte += 1
        elseif spalte = 50 and zeile < (hoehe - 3) then
            zeile += 1
            spalte = 1
            zeile = 3
            spalte = 1
        end if
    case CHR$(8):                               'backspace
        if spalte>1 then                        'nicht am zeilenanfang
            locate zeile,spalte
            print chr(32)&chr(32)
        else                                    'am zeilenanfang
            if zeile > 3 then
                zeile -= 1
                spalte = 50
                locate zeile, spalte
                print " "
            end if
        end if
    case CHR$(13):                              'enter
        if zeile > 23 then
            zeile = 3
            spalte = 1
            spalte = 1
            zeile += 1
        end if
    case chr$(27):                              'escape
        exit do
    case chr$(255,107):                        'das X oben
        exit do
    case CHR(255,67):                           'F9 (blättern)
    case CHR(126):                          'seite speichern(F12)
        locate 3, 1
    case CHR(255,122):                          'Laden (F11)
        locate 3, 1
    case Chr(255,63):
        zeile = 3 : spalte = 1
    case else:
    Print d;
        if spalte >= 50 then
            spalte = 1
            if zeile>(hoehe - 3) then zeile=3
        end if
    if L > spalte then
        MID(tzeile(zeile), spalte - 1, 1) = d
    tzeile(zeile) = tzeile(zeile) + d
    end if
    end select

locate 1, 1:
PRINT "TextEditor by The_Muh | Press any key to quit   "
locate 2, 1
Print "__________________________________________________"

Locate (hoehe - 2),1
Print "__________________________________________________"
Locate (hoehe - 1),1
Print "Programming and Idea:                   The_Muh"