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Minesweeper layouter challange

Datum/Zeit:12.06.2006 23:28:03

'Autor: VonGodric

option explicit
option escape
randomize timer

' generate minesweeper layout
' args:
'    cols - how many columns?
'    lines - how many lines?
'    bombs - how many bombs to generate?
' return:
'    tring map.
function GenerateGrid ( byval cols as integer, lines as integer, bombs as integer ) as string

    dim grid (1 to cols, 1 to lines) as byte

    dim as integer x, y
    dim cnt as integer
    dim strReturn as string

    ' place bombs
    for cnt = 1 to bombs
            x = rnd * cols + 1
            y = rnd * lines + 1
            if (grid(x, y) = 0) then
                grid(x, y) = -1
                exit do
            end if

    ' add numbers
    for y = 1 to lines
        for x = 1 to cols
            cnt = 0
            ' has a bomb?
            if (grid(x,y)=-1) then continue for

            ' on left
            if (x > 1) then if (grid(x-1, y)=-1) then cnt += 1
            ' on right
            if (x < cols) then if (grid(x+1, y)=-1) then cnt += 1

            ' top ?
            if (y > 1) then if (grid(x, y-1)=-1) then cnt += 1
            ' bottom ?
            if (y < lines) then if (grid(x, y+1)=-1) then cnt += 1

            ' upper-left?
            if (x > 1 and y > 1) then if (grid(x-1, y-1)=-1) then cnt += 1
            ' upper-right
            if (x < cols and y > 1) then if (grid(x+1, y-1)=-1) then cnt += 1

            ' bottom-left
            if (x > 1 and y < lines) then if (grid(x-1, y+1)) then cnt += 1

            ' bottom-right
            if (x < cols and y < lines) then if (grid(x+1, y+1)) then cnt += 1

            if (cnt > 0) then grid(x,y) = cnt

    'Generate string
    for y = 1 to lines
        for x = 1 to cols
            if (grid(x, y)=-1) then
                strReturn += "x"
            elseif (grid(x, y)>0) then
                strReturn += str(grid(x, y))
                strReturn += " "
            end if
        strReturn += "\n"
    return strReturn
end function

' run it
print GenerateGrid( 9, 9, 10)