Visual Basic 6 Kochbuch
Visual Basic 6 Kochbuch
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Datum/Zeit:25.11.2007 10:56:32

'ich hab einfach mal zwei befehle ausgetauscht, plötzlich
'hab ICH es nimmer geschafft in die pyramide zu kommen
'ich hoffe ihr kriegt das auch nimmer hin ^^
'Programmiert von Florian Jung (icq 305-487-969)
'Dieser Code ist zum Testen gedacht...  ausschließlich!
'Wenn ihr ihn selbst verwenden wollt, fragt mich bitte per PN oder ICQ
'Fehler postet bitte im Forum ^^
#define false 0
#define true not false
#include "fbgfx.bi"
#define decs declare sub
#define decf declare function
const xlen=24,ylen=24,gravity=75,jump=110
decs FigurZeichnen()
decf deltaT as double
decs xstop
decs ystop
type TPhysics                                                           'Alles was man f�r die
    x      as double                                                    'Berechnungen braucht:
    y      as double                                                    'x- und y-Koordinaten,
    ax     as double                                                    'Beschleunigung in
    ay     as double                                                    'beide Richtungen
    vx     as double                                                    'Jetzige und vorherige
    vy     as double                                                    'Geschwindigkeiten
    vxalt  as double
    vyalt  as double
    xalt   as double
    yalt   as double
    width  as integer
    height as integer
end type
dim shared Figur as TPhysics
with Figur
end with
dim as double dT
dim shared as fb.image ptr FigurSprite(1 to 1, 0 to 1)
dim shared as fb.image ptr FigurHG
screenres  800,600,8,2
screenset 1,0
FigurSprite(1,0)=imagecreate (20,20)
FigurSprite(1,1)=imagecreate (20,20)
FigurHG=imagecreate (20,20)
bload "gfx\test1.bmp", FigurSprite (1,0)
bload "gfx\test2.bmp", FigurSprite (1,1)

dim shared as byte block(1 to 34, 1 to 25)
dim as byte rstop,lstop,ustop,dstop
dim shared as integer bx,by,obx,oby
for by=20 to 1 step -1
    for bx=21-by to 32-20+by
        block (bx,by)=-1
    'for bx=5 to 10

    '    block (bx,19)=-1
block (15,2)=-1
for bx=1 to 34
    for by=1 to 25
        if block (bx,by) then line(bx*24-24,by*24-24)-step(24,24),1,BF else line(bx*24-24,by*24-24)-step(24,24),4,B

    pcopy 1,0

get (Figur.x,Figur.y)-step(19,19),FigurHG

'put (1,1),Figursprite(1,1),pset
with Figur
end with


    sleep 10


    if multikey(&h48) and Figur.ay=0 then Figur.ay=gravity:Figur.vy=-jump
    if multikey(&h4b) then Figur.vx=-50 else if multikey(&h4d) then Figur.vx=50 else Figur.vx=0

    do until inkey="" : loop
    with Figur

        if bx<>obx and by=oby then
        elseif bx=obx and by<>oby then
        elseif obx <> by and oby <>by then
            if bx>obx then
               if block (bx+1,by)=-1 and block (bx+1,by-1)=-1 then rstop=true else rstop=false
            elseif bx<obx then
                if block (bx,by) =-1 and block (bx,by-1)=-1 then lstop=true else lstop=false
            end if
            if by>oby then
                if block(bx,by)=-1 and block (bx+1,by)=-1 then dstop=true else dstop=false
            elseif by<oby then
                if block(bx,by-1)=-1 and block (bx+1,by-1)=-1 then ustop=true else ustop=false
            end if
            if rstop or lstop then xstop
            if ustop or dstop then ystop

            if (rstop=false and lstop=false and ustop=false and dstop=false) or ((rstop=true or lstop=true) and (ustop=true or dstop=true)) then
                if abs(.vx)<abs(.vy) then
                end if
            end if

        if .ay=0 then
            if block(bx,by+1)=0 and block (bx+1,by+1)=0 then .ay=gravity
        end if

    end with
    locate 1,1:?bx,by,figur.vy;"  ";,figur.ay;"  "
    locate 2,1:?fix(1/dT) ; "FPS"

    pcopy 1,0


function deltaT as double
    static altezeit as double
end function
sub FigurZeichnen
    put (Figur.xalt,Figur.yalt-24),FigurHG,pset
    get (Figur.x,Figur.y-24)-step(23,23),FigurHG

    put (Figur.x,Figur.y-24),FigurSprite(1,1),or
    put (Figur.x,Figur.y-24),FigurSprite(1,0),and
end sub
sub xstop
        with Figur
            if (Block(bx+1,by) =-1 or Block (bx+1,by-1)=-1) then

            end if
            if (Block(bx,by) =-1 or Block (bx,by-1)=-1)  then
            end if
        end with

end sub
sub ystop
        with figur
            if (Block(bx,by-1) =-1 or Block (bx+1,by-1)=-1) and .vy<0 then
            end if
            if (Block(bx,by) =-1 or Block (bx+1,by)=-1) and .vy>0 then
            end if
        end with

end sub