Visual Basic 6 Kochbuch
Visual Basic 6 Kochbuch
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Datum/Zeit:22.07.2008 17:45:55

'unsauber, geht aber
#include once "Lua/lua.bi"
#include once "Lua/lauxlib.bi"
#include once "Lua/lualib.bi"

dim shared as integer array(1 to 10)
function setvar cdecl (byval L as lua_State ptr) as integer

    dim numpar as long
    dim i as long
    dim num as double
    dim maxnum as double
    dim minnum as double

    ' get the number of parameters passed on the virtual stack
    ' by the calling lua code

    numpar = lua_gettop( L )
    if numpar=2 then
        lua_pushnumber( L, 1)
        lua_pushnumber (L,0)
    end if

    ' push the results on the vs

    ' set number of returned parameters
    setvar = 1

end function

'' main
    dim L as lua_State ptr
    dim as integer i
    ' create a lua state
    L = lua_open( )

    ' load the base lua library (needed for 'print')
    luaopen_base( L )

    ' register the function to be called from lua as MinMax
    lua_register( L, "setvar", @setvar )

    for i=1 to 10

    ' execute the lua script from a file
    luaL_dofile( L, "/home/flo/programme/luatest/test0.lua" )

    ' release the lua state
    lua_close( L )

    for i=1 to 10

    print "finished! press any key"

'jetzt die test0.lua (sorry für den absoluten pfad, er hat n bissl gesponnen

-- lua-datei:
print ("hallo!")
blubb = setvar (2,22)
blubb = setvar (1,1)
blubb = setvar (5,12345)
print ("----")
print (blubb)
-- das wars