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LightFX.bas debug und was schneller

Datum/Zeit:28.02.2014 11:16:56

const as single pi =atn (1) * 4
const as single doublepi=pi*2
const as single halfpi=pi/2
const as single quarterpi=atn (1)

#include "ColorDefinition.bi"

declare sub GetImageSizes(filename as string, byref BMPWidth as integer, byref BMPHeight as integer)
declare sub CreateMask(source as any ptr, dest as any ptr, excludeColor as uinteger)
declare sub SmoothIt(source as any ptr, repeat as integer=1)
declare sub LightOn(source as any ptr, bump as any ptr,dest as any ptr, LightAzimutRad as single, LightHeightRad as single, BackgroundColor as uinteger)
declare function GetDiffHeight(Azimut as single, PixelHeights() as ubyte ) as integer

Screen 20,32
dim as string filename
dim as integer imgw,imgh
dim as any ptr img,bumpmask,destimg
dim as uinteger BackgroundColor
dim as single LightAzimutRad,LightHeightRad

img       =imagecreate(imgw,imgh)
bumpmask  =imagecreate(imgw,imgh)
destimg   =imagecreate(imgw,imgh)

bload filename,img
LightHeightRad=halfpi * .75
  LightOn(img, bumpmask,destimg, LightAzimutRad, LightHeightRad,BackgroundColor)
  LightAzimutRad +=.1
  if LightAzimutRad>doublepi then LightAzimutRad -=doublepi
loop until inkey<>""

bsave "screenshot.bmp",img

imagedestroy img
imagedestroy bumpmask
imagedestroy destimg


sub GetImageSizes(filename as string, byref BMPWidth as integer, byref BMPHeight as integer)
  dim as integer ff = freefile
  open filename for binary as ff
    get #ff,19,BMPWidth
    get #ff,23,BMPHeight
  close ff
end sub

sub CreateMask(source as any ptr, dest as any ptr, excludeColor as uinteger)
  dim as any ptr sourcepxl,destpxl
  dim as integer h,w,bpp,ptch
  dim as uinteger ptr sourcerow,destrow

  for y as integer=0 to h-1
    sourcerow=sourcepxl + y * ptch
    destrow=destpxl + y * ptch
    for x as integer=0 to w-1
      if (sourcerow[x] and &HFFFFFF)=excludeColor then  destrow[x]=&H000000 else destrow[x]=&HFFFFFF
    next x
  next y
end sub

sub SmoothIt(dest as any ptr, repeat as integer=1)
  dim as any ptr destpxl
  dim as integer h,w,bpp,ptch
  dim as uinteger ptr rowa,rowb,rowc
  dim as ColorDefinition Ca,Cb,Cc
  dim as integer Xa,Xb,Ya,Yb

  for r as integer=1 to repeat
    for y as integer=0 to h-1
      rowa=destpxl + y * ptch

        Ca.SetRGB(rowa[Xa] and &HFFFFFF)
        Cb.SetRGB(rowa[Xb] and &HFFFFFF)
        if Ca.GetValue>0 then
          if (Xa>0) then Cc.SetRGB(rowa[Xa-1] and &HFFFFFF) else Cc.SetRGB(&H0)
          if Ca.GetValue>Cc.GetValue then
            Ca.SetValue((Ca.GetValue + Cc.GetValue)/2)
          end if
        end if
        if Cb.GetValue>0 then
          if (Xb<w-1) then Cc.SetRGB(rowa[Xb+1] and &HFFFFFF) else Cc.SetRGB(&H0)
          if Cb.GetValue>Cc.GetValue then
            Cb.SetValue((Cb.GetValue + Cc.GetValue)/2)
          end if
        end if
        Xa +=1
        Xb -=1
      loop until Xa=w
    next y

    for x as integer=0 to w-1
        rowa=destpxl + Ya * ptch
        rowb=destpxl + Yb * ptch
        Ca.SetRGB(rowa[x] and &HFFFFFF)
        Cb.SetRGB(rowb[x] and &HFFFFFF)
        if Ca.GetValue>0 then
          if (Ya>0) then
            rowc=destpxl + (Ya-1) * ptch
            Cc.SetRGB(rowc[x] and &HFFFFFF)
          end if
          if Ca.GetValue>Cc.GetValue then
            Ca.SetValue((Ca.GetValue + Cc.GetValue)/2)
          end if
        end if
        if Cb.GetValue>0 then
          if (Yb<h-1) then
            rowc=destpxl + (Yb+1) * ptch
            Cc.SetRGB(rowc[x] and &HFFFFFF)
          end if
          if Cb.GetValue>Cc.GetValue then
            Cb.SetValue((Cb.GetValue + Cc.GetValue)/2)
          end if
        end if
        Ya +=1
        Yb -=1
      loop until Ya=h
    next x
  next r
end sub

sub LightOn(source as any ptr, bump as any ptr,dest as any ptr, LightAzimutRad as single, LightHeightRad as single,BackgroundColor as uinteger)
  dim as any ptr sourcepxl,bumppxl,destpxl
  dim as integer h,w,bpp,ptch
  dim as uinteger ptr sourcerow,bumprow,destrow

  line dest,(0,0)-(w-1,h-1),BackgroundColor,bf
  'das zu untersuchende Pixel
  dim as integer PixelPosZ'Position desPixels
  'Höhe der Nachbarpixel, Index[1,1], also das Zentrum, ist das Pixel worum sich hier eigentlich alles dreht
  dim as ubyte PixelHeights(2,2)
  dim as integer EnvDiffHeight' Höhendifferenz der Umgebung zur Höhe des zu untersuchenden Pixels
  dim as single EnvRad'Neigungswinkel der Umgebung in Richtung Lichtquelle
  dim as single LightEnvRad'Höhe Licht bezogen auf Neigung der Umgebung
  dim as single LightenRange,Darkenrange,satfact
  dim as integer EnvDist=25'künstlicher Wert, Entfernung unter der die benachbarten Pixel, interpolierten Höhen betrachtet werden
  dim as integer xx,yy
  dim as ColorDefinition cs,bm


  For y As integer= 0 to h-1
    For x As integer=0 to w-1

      '0.alle Höhen der Pixel aus bump holen
        for k as integer=-1 to 1
          for i as integer=-1 to 1
            if (xx<0) or (xx=w) then xx=x
            if (yy<0) or (yy=h) then yy=y
            bumprow=bumppxl + yy * ptch
            PixelHeights(1+i,1+k)=255 * bm.GetValue/100
          next i
        next k

      if Pixelheights(1,1)>0 then

        '1. Höhendifferenz Gelände in Richtung Licht berechnen

        '2.Neigungswinkel der Umgebung in Richtung Licht(Azimut Licht) berechnen
        'Höhendifferenz aus einer bestimmten "Entfernung" betrachtet

        '3.relativer Lichteinfallswinkel im Bezug zur Neigung der Umgebung berechnen
        'Limiter, relativer Winkel somit im Bereich 0 bis pi/2
        if LightEnvRad>halfpi then LightEnvRad=halfpi
        if LightEnvRad<0 then LightEnvRad=0

        '4. Farbe berechnen
        sourcerow=sourcepxl + y * ptch
        if LightEnvRad>LightHeightRad then'Falls Licht reativ zur Umgebung "höher einfällt" als der "globale" Lichteinfallswinkel dann aufhellen
          cs.SetValue(cs.GetValue + 40*((LightEnvRad-LightHeightRad)/LightenRange))
          cs.SetSaturation(cs.GetSaturation - 75*((LightEnvRad-LightHeightRad)/LightenRange))'
        else'anderenfalls abdunkeln
          cs.SetValue(cs.GetValue -40*((LightHeightRad-LightEnvRad)/DarkenRange))'
        end if

       '5. Pixel setzen
        destrow=destpxl + y * ptch
      end if

    next x
  next y
end sub

function GetDiffHeight(Azimut as single, PixelHeights() as ubyte ) as integer
  dim as integer Oktant,OStartHeight,OEndHeight
  dim as single ORad
  select case Oktant
  case 1
  case 2
  case 3
  case 4
  case 5
  case 6
  case 7
  case 8
  end select

  'function=QStartHeight + (sin(QRad*4-halfpi)+1)/2*(QEndHeight-QStartHeight) - PixelHeights(1,1)
  function=OStartHeight + (OEndHeight-OStartHeight)  *   ORad/quarterpi  - PixelHeights(1,1)
end function