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Datum/Zeit:25.11.2007 13:23:23

' MD5.BAS, based on MD5C.C
' RSA Data Security, Inc., MD5 message-digest algorithm
' Copyright (C) 1992, RSA Data Security, Inc. Created 1991. All
' rights reserved.
' License to copy and use this software is granted provided that it
' is identified as the "RSA Data Security, Inc. MD5 Message-Digest
' Algorithm" in all material mentioning or referencing this software

' or this function.
' License is also granted to make and use derivative works provided
' that such works are identified as "derived from the RSA Data
' Security, Inc. MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm" in all material

' mentioning or referencing the derived work.
' RSA Data Security, Inc. makes no representations concerning either
' the merchantability of this software or the suitability of this
' software for any particular purpose. It is provided "as is"
' without express or implied warranty of any kind.
' These notices must be retained in any copies of any part of this
' documentation and/or software.


' AES Encryption Implementation by: Chris Brown(2007) aka Zamaster
' -Takes plain text and converts it to encrypted ASCII
' -Keys must be 128 bits in size, or 32 hex places/16 char places
' -Set ed in RIJNDAEL_Encrypt to 2 for decryption, 1 for encryption


 *  sha1.c
 *  Description:
 *      This file implements the Secure Hashing Algorithm 1 as
 *      defined in FIPS PUB 180-1 published April 17, 1995.
 *      The SHA-1, produces a 160-bit message digest for a given
 *      data stream.  It should take about 2**n steps to find a
 *      message with the same digest as a given message and
 *      2**(n/2) to find any two messages with the same digest,
 *      when n is the digest size in bits.  Therefore, this
 *      algorithm can serve as a means of providing a
 *      "fingerprint" for a message.
 *  Portability Issues:
 *      SHA-1 is defined in terms of 32-bit "words".  This code
 *      uses <stdint.h> (included via "sha1.h" to define 32 and 8
 *      bit unsigned integer types.  If your C compiler does not
 *      support 32 bit unsigned integers, this code is not
 *      appropriate.
 *  Caveats:
 *      SHA-1 is designed to work with messages less than 2^64 bits
 *      long.  Although SHA-1 allows a message digest to be generated
 *      for messages of any number of bits less than 2^64, this
 *      implementation only works with messages with a length that is
 *      a multiple of the size of an 8-bit character.

#ifndef __ENGINE_KR_
#   define __ENGINE_KR_

     *  sha1.h
     *  Description:
     *      This is the header file for code which implements the Secure
     *      Hashing Algorithm 1 as defined in FIPS PUB 180-1 published
     *      April 17, 1995.
     *      Many of the variable names in this code, especially the
     *      single character names, were used because those were the names
     *      used in the publication.
     *      Please read the file sha1.c for more information.

    #ifndef _SHA1_H_
    #define _SHA1_H_

    '#include <stdint.h>
     * If you do not have the ISO standard stdint.h header file, then you
     * must typdef the following:
     *    name              meaning
     *  uint32_t         unsigned 32 bit integer
     *  uint8_t          unsigned 8 bit integer (i.e., unsigned char)
     *  int_least16_t    integer of >= 16 bits

    #ifndef _SHA_enum_
    #define _SHA_enum_
        shaSuccess = 0,
        shaNull,            /' Null pointer parameter '/
        shaInputTooLong,    /' input data too long '/
        shaStateError       /' called Input after Result '/
    End enum
    #define SHA1HashSize 20

     *  This structure will hold context information for the SHA-1
     *  hashing operation

    Type SHA1Context
        As Uinteger Intermediate_Hash(SHA1HashSize/4 - 1) /' Message Digest  '/

        As Uinteger Length_Low            /' Message length in bits      '/
        As Uinteger Length_High           /' Message length in bits      '/

                                   /' Index into message block array   '/
        As Short Message_Block_Index
        As Ubyte Message_Block(64 - 1)      /' 512-bit message blocks      '/

        As Short Computed               /' Is the digest computed?         '/
        As Short Corrupted             /' Is the message digest corrupted? '/
    End Type

     *  Function Prototypes

    Declare Function SHA1Reset( As SHA1Context Ptr) As Short
    Declare Function SHA1Input( As SHA1Context Ptr, _
                          Byval As Ubyte Ptr, _
                                As Uinteger) As Short
    Declare Function SHA1Result( As SHA1Context Ptr, _
                Message_Digest() As Ubyte) As Short

    Dim Shared As Ubyte SEPARAT=0  'separators in result string
    Dim Shared As Ubyte LOWERC=0   'lowercase

    Dim Shared As Double TIMEA,TIMEB,PERF

    Dim Shared As Ubyte PADDING(64) => { _
      &h80, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, _
      0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, _
      0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 _


    'Constants for MD5Transform routine.

    #define S11 7
    #define S12 12
    #define S13 17
    #define S14 22
    #define S21 5
    #define S22 9
    #define S23 14
    #define S24 20
    #define S31 4
    #define S32 11
    #define S33 16
    #define S34 23
    #define S41 6
    #define S42 10
    #define S43 15
    #define S44 21

    ' POINTR defines a generic pointer type
    Type POINTR As Ubyte Ptr

    ' UINT2 defines a two byte word
    Type UINT2 As Ushort

    ' UINT4 defines a four byte word
    Type UINT4 As Uinteger

    ' MD5 context
    Type MD5_CTX
      state(4) As UINT4                             ' state (ABCD)
      count(2) As UINT4  ' number of bits, modulo 2^64 (lsb first)
      buffer(64) As Ubyte                           ' input buffer
    End Type

        elements As Integer
        llbound As Integer
        uubound As Integer
    End Type

    Type FBARRAY
        Data As Any Ptr               ' ptr + diff, must be at ofs 0!
        ptrr As Any Ptr
        size As Integer
        element_len As Integer
        dimensions As Integer
        dimTB As FBARRAYDIM Ptr           ' dimtb[dimensions]
    End Type


    ' F, G, H and I are basic MD5 functions.
    #define F(x, y, z) (((x) And (y)) Or ((Not x) And (z)))
    #define G(x, y, z) (((x) And (z)) Or ((y) And (Not z)))
    #define H(x, y, z) ((x) Xor (y) Xor (z))
    #define I(x, y, z) ((y) Xor ((x) Or (Not z)))

    ' ROTATE_LEFT rotates x left n bits.
    #define ROTATE_LEFT(x, n) (((x) Shl (n)) Or ((x) Shr (32-(n))))

    ' FF, GG, HH, and II transformations for rounds 1, 2, 3, and 4.
    'Rotation is separate from addition to prevent recomputation.
    #define FF(a, b, c, d, x, s, ac) _
     (a) += F ((b), (c), (d)) + (x) + Int(ac): _
     (a) = ROTATE_LEFT ((a), (s)): _
     (a) += (b)
    #define GG(a, b, c, d, x, s, ac) _
     (a) += G ((b), (c), (d)) + (x) + Int(ac): _
     (a) = ROTATE_LEFT ((a), (s)): _
     (a) += (b)
    #define HH(a, b, c, d, x, s, ac) _
     (a) += H ((b), (c), (d)) + (x) + Int(ac): _
     (a) = ROTATE_LEFT ((a), (s)): _
     (a) += (b)
    #define II(a, b, c, d, x, s, ac) _
     (a) += I ((b), (c), (d)) + (x) + Int(ac): _
     (a) = ROTATE_LEFT ((a), (s)): _
     (a) += (b)

    Sub RIJNDAEL_ConvertEXPtoKey(index As Integer, ekey() As Ubyte, tkey() As Ubyte)
        Dim As Ubyte x,y,b
        b = (index-1)*4
        For y = 1 To 4
            For x = 1 To 4
                tkey(x,y) = ekey(b+x,y)
            Next x
        Next y
    End Sub

    Function RIJNDAEL_InverseS(v As Ubyte) As Ubyte
        Static As Ubyte RSBOX(0 To 255) = {_
        &H52, &H09, &H6A, &HD5, &H30, &H36, &HA5, &H38, &HBF, &H40, &HA3, &H9E, &H81, &HF3, &HD7, &HFB, _
        &H7C, &HE3, &H39, &H82, &H9B, &H2F, &HFF, &H87, &H34, &H8E, &H43, &H44, &HC4, &HDE, &HE9, &HCB, _
        &H54, &H7B, &H94, &H32, &HA6, &HC2, &H23, &H3D, &HEE, &H4C, &H95, &H0B, &H42, &HFA, &HC3, &H4E, _
        &H08, &H2E, &HA1, &H66, &H28, &HD9, &H24, &HB2, &H76, &H5B, &HA2, &H49, &H6D, &H8B, &HD1, &H25, _
        &H72, &HF8, &HF6, &H64, &H86, &H68, &H98, &H16, &HD4, &HA4, &H5C, &HCC, &H5D, &H65, &HB6, &H92, _
        &H6C, &H70, &H48, &H50, &HFD, &HED, &HB9, &HDA, &H5E, &H15, &H46, &H57, &HA7, &H8D, &H9D, &H84, _
        &H90, &HD8, &HAB, &H00, &H8C, &HBC, &HD3, &H0A, &HF7, &HE4, &H58, &H05, &HB8, &HB3, &H45, &H06, _
        &HD0, &H2C, &H1E, &H8F, &HCA, &H3F, &H0F, &H02, &HC1, &HAF, &HBD, &H03, &H01, &H13, &H8A, &H6B, _
        &H3A, &H91, &H11, &H41, &H4F, &H67, &HDC, &HEA, &H97, &HF2, &HCF, &HCE, &HF0, &HB4, &HE6, &H73, _
        &H96, &HAC, &H74, &H22, &HE7, &HAD, &H35, &H85, &HE2, &HF9, &H37, &HE8, &H1C, &H75, &HDF, &H6E, _
        &H47, &HF1, &H1A, &H71, &H1D, &H29, &HC5, &H89, &H6F, &HB7, &H62, &H0E, &HAA, &H18, &HBE, &H1B, _
        &HFC, &H56, &H3E, &H4B, &HC6, &HD2, &H79, &H20, &H9A, &HDB, &HC0, &HFE, &H78, &HCD, &H5A, &HF4, _
        &H1F, &HDD, &HA8, &H33, &H88, &H07, &HC7, &H31, &HB1, &H12, &H10, &H59, &H27, &H80, &HEC, &H5F, _
        &H60, &H51, &H7F, &HA9, &H19, &HB5, &H4A, &H0D, &H2D, &HE5, &H7A, &H9F, &H93, &HC9, &H9C, &HEF, _
        &HA0, &HE0, &H3B, &H4D, &HAE, &H2A, &HF5, &HB0, &HC8, &HEB, &HBB, &H3C, &H83, &H53, &H99, &H61, _
        &H17, &H2B, &H04, &H7E, &HBA, &H77, &HD6, &H26, &HE1, &H69, &H14, &H63, &H55, &H21, &H0C, &H7D}
        Dim As Integer x
        x = RSBOX((v And &HF0) + (v And &HF))
        Return x
    End Function

    Function RIJNDAEL_S(v As Ubyte) As Ubyte
        Static As Ubyte RSBOX(0 To 255) = {_
        &H63, &H7C, &H77, &H7B, &HF2, &H6B, &H6F, &HC5, &H30, &H01, &H67, &H2B, &HFE, &HD7, &HAB, &H76, _
        &HCA, &H82, &HC9, &H7D, &HFA, &H59, &H47, &HF0, &HAD, &HD4, &HA2, &HAF, &H9C, &HA4, &H72, &HC0, _
        &HB7, &HFD, &H93, &H26, &H36, &H3F, &HF7, &HCC, &H34, &HA5, &HE5, &HF1, &H71, &HD8, &H31, &H15, _
        &H04, &HC7, &H23, &HC3, &H18, &H96, &H05, &H9A, &H07, &H12, &H80, &HE2, &HEB, &H27, &HB2, &H75, _
        &H09, &H83, &H2C, &H1A, &H1B, &H6E, &H5A, &HA0, &H52, &H3B, &HD6, &HB3, &H29, &HE3, &H2F, &H84, _
        &H53, &HD1, &H00, &HED, &H20, &HFC, &HB1, &H5B, &H6A, &HCB, &HBE, &H39, &H4A, &H4C, &H58, &HCF, _
        &HD0, &HEF, &HAA, &HFB, &H43, &H4D, &H33, &H85, &H45, &HF9, &H02, &H7F, &H50, &H3C, &H9F, &HA8, _
        &H51, &HA3, &H40, &H8F, &H92, &H9D, &H38, &HF5, &HBC, &HB6, &HDA, &H21, &H10, &HFF, &HF3, &HD2, _
        &HCD, &H0C, &H13, &HEC, &H5F, &H97, &H44, &H17, &HC4, &HA7, &H7E, &H3D, &H64, &H5D, &H19, &H73, _
        &H60, &H81, &H4F, &HDC, &H22, &H2A, &H90, &H88, &H46, &HEE, &HB8, &H14, &HDE, &H5E, &H0B, &HDB, _
        &HE0, &H32, &H3A, &H0A, &H49, &H06, &H24, &H5C, &HC2, &HD3, &HAC, &H62, &H91, &H95, &HE4, &H79, _
        &HE7, &HC8, &H37, &H6D, &H8D, &HD5, &H4E, &HA9, &H6C, &H56, &HF4, &HEA, &H65, &H7A, &HAE, &H08, _
        &HBA, &H78, &H25, &H2E, &H1C, &HA6, &HB4, &HC6, &HE8, &HDD, &H74, &H1F, &H4B, &HBD, &H8B, &H8A, _
        &H70, &H3E, &HB5, &H66, &H48, &H03, &HF6, &H0E, &H61, &H35, &H57, &HB9, &H86, &HC1, &H1D, &H9E, _
        &HE1, &HF8, &H98, &H11, &H69, &HD9, &H8E, &H94, &H9B, &H1E, &H87, &HE9, &HCE, &H55, &H28, &HDF, _
        &H8C, &HA1, &H89, &H0D, &HBF, &HE6, &H42, &H68, &H41, &H99, &H2D, &H0F, &HB0, &H54, &HBB, &H16}
        Dim As Integer x
        x = RSBOX((v And &HF0) + (v And &HF))
        Return x
    End Function

    Sub RIJNDAEL_SubBytes(T() As Ubyte)
        Dim As Ubyte x,y, temp
        For y = 1 To 4
            For x = 1 To 4
                temp = T(x,y)
                T(x,y) = RIJNDAEL_S(temp)
            Next x
        Next y
    End Sub

    Sub RIJNDAEL_InverseSubBytes(T() As Ubyte)
        Dim As Ubyte x,y, temp
        For y = 1 To 4
            For x = 1 To 4
                temp = T(x,y)
                T(x,y) = RIJNDAEL_InverseS(temp)
            Next x
        Next y
    End Sub

    Sub RIJNDAEL_ShiftRows(T() As Ubyte)
        Swap T(1,2), T(4,2)
        Swap T(2,2), T(1,2)
        Swap T(3,2), T(2,2)
        Swap T(1,3), T(3,3)
        Swap T(2,3), T(4,3)
        Swap T(1,4), T(2,4)
        Swap T(3,4), T(4,4)
        Swap T(1,4), T(3,4)
    End Sub

    Sub RIJNDAEL_InverseShiftRows(T() As Ubyte)
        Swap T(1,2), T(2,2)
        Swap T(1,2), T(4,2)
        Swap T(3,2), T(4,2)
        Swap T(1,3), T(3,3)
        Swap T(2,3), T(4,3)
        Swap T(1,4), T(2,4)
        Swap T(2,4), T(3,4)
        Swap T(3,4), T(4,4)
    End Sub

    Function RIJNDAEL_Gmul(Byval a As Ubyte, Byval b As Ubyte) As Ubyte
        Dim As Ubyte p, myi, hi
        for myi = 1 To 8
            If (b And 1) = &H01 Then p = p Xor a
            hi = a And &H80
            a = a Shl 1
            If hi = &H80 Then a = a Xor &H1B
            b = b Shr 1
        Next i
        Return p
    End Function

    Sub RIJNDAEL_MixCollums(T() As Ubyte)
        Dim As Ubyte a(1 To 4), b(1 To 4), myi, q, hb
        For q = 1 To 4
            for myi = 1 To 4
                a(myi) = T(q,myi)
                hb = T(q,myi) And &H80
                b(myi) = a(myi) Shl 1
                If hb = &h80 Then b(myi) = b(myi) Xor &H1B
            Next i
            T(q,1) = b(1) Xor a(4) Xor a(3) Xor b(2) Xor a(2)
            T(q,2) = b(2) Xor a(1) Xor a(4) Xor b(3) Xor a(3)
            T(q,3) = b(3) Xor a(2) Xor a(1) Xor b(4) Xor a(4)
            T(q,4) = b(4) Xor a(3) Xor a(2) Xor b(1) Xor a(1)
        Next q
    End Sub

    Sub RIJNDAEL_InverseMixCollums(T() As Ubyte)
        Dim As Ubyte a(1 To 4), q, myi
        For q = 1 To 4
            for myi = 1 To 4
                a(myi) = T(q,myi)
            T(q,1) = RIJNDAEL_Gmul(a(1),&HE) Xor RIJNDAEL_Gmul(a(2),&HB) Xor RIJNDAEL_Gmul(a(3),&HD) Xor RIJNDAEL_Gmul(a(4),&H9)
            T(q,2) = RIJNDAEL_Gmul(a(1),&H9) Xor RIJNDAEL_Gmul(a(2),&HE) Xor RIJNDAEL_Gmul(a(3),&HB) Xor RIJNDAEL_Gmul(a(4),&HD)
            T(q,3) = RIJNDAEL_Gmul(a(1),&HD) Xor RIJNDAEL_Gmul(a(2),&H9) Xor RIJNDAEL_Gmul(a(3),&HE) Xor RIJNDAEL_Gmul(a(4),&HB)
            T(q,4) = RIJNDAEL_Gmul(a(1),&HB) Xor RIJNDAEL_Gmul(a(2),&HD) Xor RIJNDAEL_Gmul(a(3),&H9) Xor RIJNDAEL_Gmul(a(4),&HE)
        Next q
    End Sub

    Sub RIJNDAEL_AddKey(T() As Ubyte, K() As Ubyte)
        Dim As Ubyte x,y
        For y = 1 To 4
            For x = 1 To 4
                T(x,y) = T(x,y) Xor K(x,y)
            Next x
        Next y
    End Sub

    Sub RIJNDAEL_ExpandKey(K1() As Ubyte, K2() As Ubyte)
        Static As Ubyte RCON(1 To 10) = {&H01, &H02, &H04, &H08, &H10, &H20, &H40, &H80, &H1B, &H36}
        Dim As Integer myi, q, a, opt4, opt4m1, opt4m4, o4, om1, om4
        K2(1,1) = K1(1,1) Xor RIJNDAEL_S(K1(4,2)) Xor RCON(1)
        K2(1,2) = K1(1,2) Xor RIJNDAEL_S(K1(4,3))
        K2(1,3) = K1(1,3) Xor RIJNDAEL_S(K1(4,4))
        K2(1,4) = K1(1,4) Xor RIJNDAEL_S(K1(4,1))
        for myi = 2 To 4
            For q = 1 To 4
                K2(myi,q) = K2(myi-1,q) Xor K1(myi,q)
            Next q
        Next i

        for myi = 2 To 10
            opt4 = ((myi-1) Shl 2) + 1
            opt4m1 = opt4 - 1
            opt4m4 = opt4 - 4
            K2(opt4,1) = K2(opt4m4,1) Xor RIJNDAEL_S(K2(opt4m1,2)) Xor RCON(myi)
            K2(opt4,2) = K2(opt4m4,2) Xor RIJNDAEL_S(K2(opt4m1,3))
            K2(opt4,3) = K2(opt4m4,3) Xor RIJNDAEL_S(K2(opt4m1,4))
            K2(opt4,4) = K2(opt4m4,4) Xor RIJNDAEL_S(K2(opt4m1,1))
            For q = 2 To 4
                o4 = opt4m1 + q
                om1 = o4-1
                om4 = o4-4
                For a = 1 To 4
                    K2(o4,a) = K2(om1,a) Xor K2(om4,a)
                Next a
            Next q
        Next i
    End Sub

    Sub RIJNDAEL_TextToState(Byref texts As String, T() As Ubyte, dirc As Integer)
        Dim As String text
        text = texts
        Dim As Ubyte x,y
        If dirc = 1 Then
            For y = 1 To 4
                For x = 1 To 4
                    T(x,y) = Asc(Mid$(text,(((y-1) Shl 2) + x),1))
                Next x
            Next y
            For y = 1 To 4
                For x = 1 To 4
                    T(y,x) = Asc(Mid$(text,(((y-1) Shl 2) + x),1))
                Next x
            Next y
    End Sub

    Sub RIJNDAEL_Rotate(K() As Ubyte)
        Swap K(1,2), K(2,1)
        Swap K(1,3), K(3,1)
        Swap K(1,4), K(4,1)
        Swap K(2,4), K(4,2)
        Swap K(3,4), K(4,3)
        Swap K(2,3), K(3,2)
    End Sub

    Function RIJNDAEL_StateToText(T() As Ubyte) As String
        Dim As String s
        Dim As Integer x,y
        For y = 1 To 4
            For x = 1 To 4
                s += Chr$(T(x,y))
            Next x
        Next y
        Return s
    End Function

    Function RIJNDAEL_StrToHex (Byref s As String) As String
        Dim As String convstr
        convstr = s
        Dim As Uinteger myi
        Dim As String ftext
        for myi = 1 To Len(convstr)
            ftext += Hex$(Asc(Mid$(convstr,myi,1)),2)
        Next i
        Return ftext
    End Function

    Function RIJNDAEL_HexToStr (Byref s As String) As String
        Dim As String convstr
        convstr = s
        If Len(convstr) Mod 2 = 1 Then convstr += "0"
        Dim As Uinteger myi
        Dim As String   myf
        for myi = 1 To Len(convstr) Step 2
            myf += Chr$(Val("&H"+Mid$(convstr,myi,2)))
        Next myi
        Return myf
    End Function

    Sub RIJNDAEL_BlockEncrypt(T() As Ubyte, K1() As Ubyte, K2() As Ubyte)
        Dim As Integer myi
        Dim As Ubyte TempKey(1 To 4, 1 To 4)
        RIJNDAEL_AddKey T(), K1()
        RIJNDAEL_Rotate T()
        for myi = 1 To 9
            RIJNDAEL_SubBytes T()
            RIJNDAEL_ShiftRows T()
            RIJNDAEL_MixCollums T()
            RIJNDAEL_ConvertEXPtoKey myi, K2(), TempKey()
            RIJNDAEL_AddKey T(), TempKey()
        Next i
        RIJNDAEL_SubBytes T()
        RIJNDAEL_ShiftRows T()
        RIJNDAEL_ConvertEXPtoKey 10, K2(), TempKey()
        RIJNDAEL_AddKey T(), TempKey()
    End Sub

    Sub RIJNDAEL_BlockDecrypt(T() As Ubyte, K1() As Ubyte, K2() As Ubyte)
        Dim As Integer myi
        Dim As Ubyte TempKey(1 To 4, 1 To 4)
        RIJNDAEL_ConvertEXPtoKey 10, K2(), TempKey()
        RIJNDAEL_AddKey T(), TempKey()
        for myi = 9 To 1 Step -1
            RIJNDAEL_InverseShiftRows T()
            RIJNDAEL_InverseSubBytes T()
            RIJNDAEL_ConvertEXPtoKey myi, K2(), TempKey()
            RIJNDAEL_AddKey T(), TempKey()
            RIJNDAEL_InverseMixCollums T()
        Next i
        RIJNDAEL_InverseShiftRows T()
        RIJNDAEL_InverseSubBytes T()
        RIJNDAEL_AddKey T(), K1()
    End Sub

    Function RIJNDAEL_Encrypt(Byref pptext As String, Byref Key As String, ed As Integer) As String
        If ed < 1 Or ed > 2 Then
            Return "ERROR - NO SUCH ENCRYPTION MODE"
        Dim As String ptext, ctext, mtext
        ptext = pptext
        Dim As Integer lt
        lt = Len(Key)
        If (lt Mod 16 <> 0) Or (lt Shr 4 <> 1) Then
            Return "ERROR - INVALID KEY"
        Dim As Integer pmod, myi
        lt = Len(ptext)
        pmod = lt Mod 16
        If pmod <> 0 Or lt < 1 Then
            pmod = 16 - pmod
            for myi = 1 To pmod
                ptext += Chr$(0)
            Next i
        lt = Len(ptext)
        lt = lt Shr 4
        Dim As Ubyte State(1 To 4, 1 To 4), KeyT(1 To 4, 1 To 4), EXPKey(1 To 40, 1 To 4)
        RIJNDAEL_TextToState Key, KeyT(), 2
        RIJNDAEL_ExpandKey KeyT(), EXPKey()
        Select Case ed
        Case 1
            for myi = 1 To lt
                mtext = Mid$(ptext, ((myi-1) Shl 4) + 1, 16)
                RIJNDAEL_TextToState mtext, State(), 1
                RIJNDAEL_BlockEncrypt State(), KeyT(), EXPKey()
                ctext += RIJNDAEL_StateToText(State())
            Next i
        Case 2
            RIJNDAEL_Rotate KeyT()
            for myi = 1 To lt
                mtext = Mid$(ptext, ((myi-1) Shl 4) + 1, 16)
                RIJNDAEL_TextToState mtext, State(), 1
                RIJNDAEL_BlockDecrypt State(), KeyT(), EXPKey()
                RIJNDAEL_Rotate State()
                ctext += RIJNDAEL_StateToText(State())
            Next i
        End Select
        Return ctext
    End Function

    function aes_encrypt(Text as string, Key as string) as String
        if len(Key) <> 16 then
            exit function
        end if
        dim encrypted as string
        encrypted = RIJNDAEL_Encrypt(Text, Key, 1)
        return encrypted
    end function

    function aes_decrypt(Text as string, Key as string) as String
        dim decrypted as string
        decrypted = RIJNDAEL_Encrypt(Text, Key, 2)
        return decrypted
    end function

    ' MD5 initialization. Begins an MD5 operation, writing a new context.
    Sub MD5Init (context As MD5_CTX Ptr)

      context->count(0) = 0:context->count(1) = 0

      ' Load magic initialization constants.
      context->state(0) = &h67452301
      context->state(1) = 4023233417'&hefcdab89
      context->state(2) = 2562383102'&h98badcfe
      context->state(3) = &h10325476

    End Sub

    '  KEncodes inpt (UINT4) into output (unsigned char). Assumes len is
    '  a multiple of 4.

    Sub KEncode (outpt As Ubyte Ptr, inpt As UINT4 Ptr, lenn As Uinteger) Static
      Dim As Uinteger i2, j

      i2 = 0: j = 0
      While j < lenn
        outpt[ j ] = CUByte(inpt[i2] And &hff)
        outpt[j+1] = cubyte((inpt[i2] Shr 8) And &hff)
        outpt[j+2] = cubyte((inpt[i2] Shr 16) And &hff)
        outpt[j+3] = cubyte((inpt[i2] Shr 24) And &hff)
        i2 += 1: j += 4
    End Sub

    '  KDecodes inpt (unsigned char) into outpt (UINT4). Assumes lenn is
    '  a multiple of 4.
    Sub KDecode (outpt As UINT4 Ptr, inpt As Ubyte Ptr, lenn As Uinteger) Static
      Dim As Uinteger i2, j

      i2 = 0: j = 0
      While j < lenn
        outpt[i2] = ( cuint( inpt[j] ) ) Or ( ( cuint(inpt[j+1]) ) Shl 8 ) Or _
        ( ( cuint( inpt[j+2] ) )  Shl  16 ) Or ( ( cuint( inpt[j+3] ) )  Shl  24 )
       i2 += 1: j += 4
    End Sub

    ' MD5 basic transformation. Transforms state based on block.

    Sub MD5Transform (state() As UINT4, block As Ubyte Ptr) Static
      Dim As UINT4 a, b, c, d, x(16)
      a = state( 0 )
      b = state( 1 )
      c = state( 2 )
      d = state( 3 )

      KDecode ( @x( 0 ), block, 64)

      ' Round 1
      FF (a, b, c, d, x( 0), S11, &hd76aa478) ' 1
      FF (d, a, b, c, x( 1), S12, &he8c7b756) ' 2
      FF (c, d, a, b, x( 2), S13, &h242070db) ' 3
      FF (b, c, d, a, x( 3), S14, &hc1bdceee) ' 4
      FF (a, b, c, d, x( 4), S11, &hf57c0faf) ' 5
      FF (d, a, b, c, x( 5), S12, &h4787c62a) ' 6
      FF (c, d, a, b, x( 6), S13, &ha8304613) ' 7
      FF (b, c, d, a, x( 7), S14, &hfd469501) ' 8
      FF (a, b, c, d, x( 8), S11, &h698098d8) ' 9
      FF (d, a, b, c, x( 9), S12, &h8b44f7af) ' 10
      FF (c, d, a, b, x(10), S13, &hffff5bb1) ' 11
      FF (b, c, d, a, x(11), S14, &h895cd7be) ' 12
      FF (a, b, c, d, x(12), S11, &h6b901122) ' 13
      FF (d, a, b, c, x(13), S12, &hfd987193) ' 14
      FF (c, d, a, b, x(14), S13, &ha679438e) ' 15
      FF (b, c, d, a, x(15), S14, &h49b40821) ' 16

     ' Round 2
      GG (a, b, c, d, x( 1), S21, &hf61e2562) ' 17
      GG (d, a, b, c, x( 6), S22, &hc040b340) ' 18
      GG (c, d, a, b, x(11), S23, &h265e5a51) ' 19
      GG (b, c, d, a, x( 0), S24, &he9b6c7aa) ' 20
      GG (a, b, c, d, x( 5), S21, &hd62f105d) ' 21
      GG (d, a, b, c, x(10), S22,  &h2441453) ' 22
      GG (c, d, a, b, x(15), S23, &hd8a1e681) ' 23
      GG (b, c, d, a, x( 4), S24, &he7d3fbc8) ' 24
      GG (a, b, c, d, x( 9), S21, &h21e1cde6) ' 25
      GG (d, a, b, c, x(14), S22, &hc33707d6) ' 26
      GG (c, d, a, b, x( 3), S23, &hf4d50d87) ' 27
      GG (b, c, d, a, x( 8), S24, &h455a14ed) ' 28
      GG (a, b, c, d, x(13), S21, &ha9e3e905) ' 29
      GG (d, a, b, c, x( 2), S22, &hfcefa3f8) ' 30
      GG (c, d, a, b, x( 7), S23, &h676f02d9) ' 31
      GG (b, c, d, a, x(12), S24, &h8d2a4c8a) ' 32

      ' Round 3
      HH (a, b, c, d, x( 5), S31, &hfffa3942) ' 33
      HH (d, a, b, c, x( 8), S32, &h8771f681) ' 34
      HH (c, d, a, b, x(11), S33, &h6d9d6122) ' 35
      HH (b, c, d, a, x(14), S34, &hfde5380c) ' 36
      HH (a, b, c, d, x( 1), S31, &ha4beea44) ' 37
      HH (d, a, b, c, x( 4), S32, &h4bdecfa9) ' 38
      HH (c, d, a, b, x( 7), S33, &hf6bb4b60) ' 39
      HH (b, c, d, a, x(10), S34, &hbebfbc70) ' 40
      HH (a, b, c, d, x(13), S31, &h289b7ec6) ' 41
      HH (d, a, b, c, x( 0), S32, &heaa127fa) ' 42
      HH (c, d, a, b, x( 3), S33, &hd4ef3085) ' 43
      HH (b, c, d, a, x( 6), S34,  &h4881d05) ' 44
      HH (a, b, c, d, x( 9), S31, &hd9d4d039) ' 45
      HH (d, a, b, c, x(12), S32, &he6db99e5) ' 46
      HH (c, d, a, b, x(15), S33, &h1fa27cf8) ' 47
      HH (b, c, d, a, x( 2), S34, &hc4ac5665) ' 48

      ' Round 4
      II (a, b, c, d, x( 0), S41, &hf4292244) ' 49
      II (d, a, b, c, x( 7), S42, &h432aff97) ' 50
      II (c, d, a, b, x(14), S43, &hab9423a7) ' 51
      II (b, c, d, a, x( 5), S44, &hfc93a039) ' 52
      II (a, b, c, d, x(12), S41, &h655b59c3) ' 53
      II (d, a, b, c, x( 3), S42, &h8f0ccc92) ' 54
      II (c, d, a, b, x(10), S43, &hffeff47d) ' 55
      II (b, c, d, a, x( 1), S44, &h85845dd1) ' 56
      II (a, b, c, d, x( 8), S41, &h6fa87e4f) ' 57
      II (d, a, b, c, x(15), S42, &hfe2ce6e0) ' 58
      II (c, d, a, b, x( 6), S43, &ha3014314) ' 59
      II (b, c, d, a, x(13), S44, &h4e0811a1) ' 60
      II (a, b, c, d, x( 4), S41, &hf7537e82) ' 61
      II (d, a, b, c, x(11), S42, &hbd3af235) ' 62
      II (c, d, a, b, x( 2), S43, &h2ad7d2bb) ' 63
      II (b, c, d, a, x( 9), S44, &heb86d391) ' 64

      state(0) += a
      state(1) += b
      state(2) += c
      state(3) += d

      ' Zeroize sensitive information.

      memset ( cptr( POINTR, @x( 0 ) ), 0, sizeof (x) )

    End Sub


    '  MD5 block update operation. Continues an MD5 message-digest
    '  operation, processing another message block, and updating the
    '  context.
    Sub MD5Update (context As MD5_CTX Ptr, inpt As Ubyte Ptr, inptLen As Uinteger)
      Dim As Uinteger i2, index, partLen

      ' Compute number of bytes mod 64
      index = cuint((context->count(0) Shr 3) And &h3F)

      ' Update number of bits
      context->count(0) += (cuint(inptLen) Shl 3)
      If context->count(0) < (cuint(inptLen) Shl 3) Then _
      context->count(1) += (cuint(inptLen) Shr 29)

      partLen = 64 - index

      ' Transform as many times as possible.

      If (inptLen >= partLen) Then
        memcpy (cptr(POINTR,@context->buffer(index)), cptr(POINTR,inpt), partLen)
        MD5Transform (context->state(), @context->buffer(0))

        Dim As Ubyte tmparray( 0 )
        'for (i = partLen; i + 63 < inptLen; i += 64)
        i2 = partLen
        While i2 + 63 < inptLen
            MD5Transform (context->state(), @inpt[i2])
            i2 += 64

        index = 0
        i2 = 0
      End If

      ' Buffer remaining inpt
      memcpy( cptr( POINTR, @context->buffer( index ) ), cptr( POINTR, @inpt[ i2 ] ), inptLen - i2 )
    End Sub

    ' MD5 finalization. Ends an MD5 message-digest operation, writing the
    ' the message digest and zeroizing the context.

    Sub MD5Final (digest() As Ubyte, context As MD5_CTX Ptr)
      Dim As Ubyte bits(8)
      Dim As Uinteger index, padLen

      ' Save number of bits
      KEncode ( @bits( 0 ), @context->count( 0 ), 8 )

      ' Pad out to 56 mod 64.

      index = cuint((context->count(0) Shr 3) And &h3f)
      padLen = iif(index < 56, 56 - index, 120 - index)
      MD5Update (context, @PADDING( 0 ), padLen)

      ' Append length (before padding)
      MD5Update (context, @bits( 0 ), 8)

      ' Store state in digest
      KEncode ( @digest( 0 ), @context->state( 0 ), 16)

      ' Zeroize sensitive information.

      memset ( cptr( POINTR, context ), 0, sizeof (*context) )
    End Sub


    ' Converts message digest to hexadecimal string

    Function MD5print (digest As Ubyte Ptr) As String

      Dim As Uinteger QQ
      Dim As Ubyte WW1,WW2,WW3
      Dim As String OUTSTRING


         WW1 = digest[QQ]
         WW2=(WW1 Shr 4) + 48  ' 4 high bits
         WW3=(WW1 And 15) + 48 ' 4 low bits
         If WW2>57 Then
           WW2=WW2+7 : If LOWERC=1 Then WW2=WW2+32
         End If
         If WW3>57 Then
           WW3=WW3+7 : If LOWERC=1 Then WW3=WW3+32
         If (separat=1) And ((qq And 1) = 1) And (QQ<15) Then outstring=outstring'+"'"
         If QQ=16 Then Exit Do
      Return OUTSTRING

    End Function

    function md5_hash(text as string) as String
      Dim As MD5_CTX context
      Dim As Uinteger lenn,totallenn,deccounter
      Dim As Ubyte digest (0 To 15)
      Dim As Ubyte buffer (0 To 16383)
      Dim As Ubyte FFF1,FFF2,FAILURE


    If failure=0 Then

          MD5Init (@context)
            If DECCOUNTER=0 Then Exit Do
            If DECCOUNTER>=16384 Then
            'Get #FFF1,,buffer(0),lenn
            For n As Integer = LBound(buffer) To UBound(buffer)
                buffer(n) = Asc(Mid(text,n,1))
            MD5Update (@context, @buffer(0), lenn)

          MD5Final (digest(), @context)

          'Close FFF1


          'TEXBUF=COMINP+" "+Str$(TOTALLENN)+" "

          ''? TEXBUF
            return TEXBUF
    End If

    end function

    Function md5_file (file As String) As String
          Dim As MD5_CTX context
          Dim As Uinteger lenn,totallenn,deccounter
          Dim As Ubyte digest (0 To 15)
          Dim As Ubyte buffer (0 To 16383)
          Dim As Ubyte FFF1,FFF2,FAILURE


        If Failure=0 Then
          Open COMINP For Binary Access Read As #FFF1

          If ERR<>0 Then
            ''print  "FAILURE: Failed to open file ";COMINP;" !!!"
          End If
        End If

        If failure=0 Then
          If TOTALLENN=0 Then
            Close FFF1
            ''print "FAILURE: Empty file !!!"
          End If
        End If

        If failure=0 Then


              MD5Init (@context)
                If DECCOUNTER=0 Then Exit Do
                If DECCOUNTER>=16384 Then
                Get #FFF1,,buffer(0),lenn
                MD5Update (@context, @buffer(0), lenn)

              MD5Final (digest(), @context)

              Close FFF1


              'TEXBUF=COMINP+" "+Str$(TOTALLENN)+" "
        End If
        Return TEXBUF
    End Function

     *  Define the SHA1 circular left shift macro

    #define SHA1CircularShift(bits,word) _
                    (((word) Shl (bits)) Or ((word) Shr (32-(bits))))

    /' Local Function Prototyptes '/
    Declare Sub SHA1PadMessage(As SHA1Context Ptr)
    Declare Sub SHA1ProcessMessageBlock(As SHA1Context Ptr)

     *  SHA1Reset
     *  Description:
     *      This function will initialize the SHA1Context in preparation
     *      for computing a new SHA1 message digest.
     *  Parameters:
     *      context: [in/out]
     *          The context to reset.
     *  Returns:
     *      sha Error Code.

    Function SHA1Reset(context As SHA1Context Ptr) As Short
        If (context = 0) Then
            Return shaNull
        End If

        context->Length_Low             = 0
        context->Length_High            = 0
        context->Message_Block_Index    = 0

        context->Intermediate_Hash(0)   = &h67452301
        context->Intermediate_Hash(1)   = &hEFCDAB89
        context->Intermediate_Hash(2)   = &h98BADCFE
        context->Intermediate_Hash(3)   = &h10325476
        context->Intermediate_Hash(4)   = &hC3D2E1F0

        context->Computed   = 0
        context->Corrupted  = 0

        Return shaSuccess
    End Function

     *  SHA1Result
     *  Description:
     *      This function will return the 160-bit message digest into the
     *      Message_Digest array  provided by the caller.
     *      NOTE: The first octet of hash is stored in the 0th element,
     *            the last octet of hash in the 19th element.
     *  Parameters:
     *      context: [in/out]
     *          The context to use to calculate the SHA-1 hash.
     *      Message_Digest: [out]
     *          Where the digest is returned.
     *  Returns:
     *      sha Error Code.

    Function SHA1Result( context          As SHA1Context Ptr, _
                         Message_Digest() As Ubyte) As Short
        Dim As Short myi

        If (context = 0 /'or Message_Digest = 0'/) Then
            Return shaNull
        End If

        If (context->Corrupted) Then
            Return context->Corrupted
        End If

        If (context->Computed = 0) Then
            For myi = 0 To 64 - 1
                /' message may be sensitive, clear it out '/
                context->Message_Block(myi) = 0
            context->Length_Low = 0    /' and clear length '/
            context->Length_High = 0
            context->Computed = 1
        End If

        For myi = 0 To SHA1HashSize - 1
            Message_Digest(myi) = context->Intermediate_Hash(myi Shr 2) _
                                Shr 8 * ( 3 - ( myi And &h03 ) )

        Return shaSuccess
    End Function

     *  SHA1Input
     *  Description:
     *      This function accepts an array of octets as the next portion
     *      of the message.
     *  Parameters:
     *      context: [in/out]
     *          The SHA context to update
     *      message_array: [in]
     *          An array of characters representing the next portion of
     *          the message.
     *      length: [in]
     *          The length of the message in message_array
     *  Returns:
     *      sha Error Code.

    Function SHA1Input(      context       As SHA1Context Ptr, _
                       Byval message_array As Ubyte Ptr, _
                             length        As Uinteger) As Short
        If (length = 0) Then
            Return shaSuccess
        End If

        If (context = 0 Or message_array = 0) Then
            Return shaNull
        End If

        If (context->Computed) Then
            context->Corrupted = shaStateError
            Return shaStateError
        End If

        If (context->Corrupted) Then
             Return context->Corrupted
        End If
        Do While(length And context->Corrupted = 0)
        length -= 1
        context->Message_Block(context->Message_Block_Index) = _
                        (*message_array And &hFF) : context->Message_Block_Index += 1

        context->Length_Low += 8
        If (context->Length_Low = 0) Then
            context->Length_High += 1
            If (context->Length_High = 0) Then
                /' Message is too long '/
                context->Corrupted = 1
            End If
        End If

        If (context->Message_Block_Index = 64) Then
        End If

        message_array += 1

        Return shaSuccess
    End Function

     *  SHA1ProcessMessageBlock
     *  Description:
     *      This function will process the next 512 bits of the message
     *      stored in the Message_Block array.
     *  Parameters:
     *      None.
     *  Returns:
     *      Nothing.
     *  Comments:
     *      Many of the variable names in this code, especially the
     *      single character names, were used because those were the
     *      names used in the publication.

    Sub SHA1ProcessMessageBlock(context As SHA1Context Ptr)
        Dim As Uinteger K(3) =  { _     /' Constants defined in SHA-1   '/
                                &h5A827999, _
                                &h6ED9EBA1, _
                                &h8F1BBCDC, _
                                &hCA62C1D6 _
        Dim As Short     t                 /' Loop counter                '/
        Dim As Uinteger  temp              /' Temporary word value        '/
        Dim As Uinteger  W(80 - 1)         /' Word sequence               '/
        Dim As Uinteger  A, B, C, D, E     /' Word buffers                '/

         *  Initialize the first 16 words in the array W

        For t = 0 To 16 - 1
            W(t) = context->Message_Block(t * 4) Shl 24
            W(t) Or= context->Message_Block(t * 4 + 1) Shl 16
            W(t) Or= context->Message_Block(t * 4 + 2) Shl 8
            W(t) Or= context->Message_Block(t * 4 + 3)

        For t = 16 To 80 - 1
           W(t) = SHA1CircularShift(1,W(t-3) Xor W(t-8) Xor W(t-14) Xor W(t-16))

        A = context->Intermediate_Hash(0)
        B = context->Intermediate_Hash(1)
        C = context->Intermediate_Hash(2)
        D = context->Intermediate_Hash(3)
        E = context->Intermediate_Hash(4)

        For t = 0 To 20 - 1
            temp =  SHA1CircularShift(5,A) + _
                    ((B And C) Or ((Not B) And D)) + E + W(t) + K(0)
            E = D
            D = C
            C = SHA1CircularShift(30,B)
            B = A
            A = temp

        For t = 20 To 40 - 1
            temp = SHA1CircularShift(5,A) + (B Xor C Xor D) + E + W(t) + K(1)
            E = D
            D = C
            C = SHA1CircularShift(30,B)
            B = A
            A = temp

        For t = 40 To 60 - 1
            temp = SHA1CircularShift(5,A) + _
                   ((B And C) Or (B And D) Or (C And D)) + E + W(t) + K(2)
            E = D
            D = C
            C = SHA1CircularShift(30,B)
            B = A
            A = temp

        For t = 60 To 80 - 1
            temp = SHA1CircularShift(5,A) + (B Xor C Xor D) + E + W(t) + K(3)
            E = D
            D = C
            C = SHA1CircularShift(30,B)
            B = A
            A = temp

        context->Intermediate_Hash(0) += A
        context->Intermediate_Hash(1) += B
        context->Intermediate_Hash(2) += C
        context->Intermediate_Hash(3) += D
        context->Intermediate_Hash(4) += E

        context->Message_Block_Index = 0
    End Sub

     *  SHA1PadMessage
     *  Description:
     *      According to the standard, the message must be padded to an even
     *      512 bits.  The first padding bit must be a '1'.  The last 64
     *      bits represent the length of the original message.  All bits in
     *      between should be 0.  This function will pad the message
     *      according to those rules by filling the Message_Block array
     *      accordingly.  It will also call the ProcessMessageBlock function
     *      provided appropriately.  When it returns, myit can be assumed that
     *      the message digest has been computed.
     *  Parameters:
     *      context: [in/out]
     *          The context to pad
     *      ProcessMessageBlock: [in]
     *          The appropriate SHA*ProcessMessageBlock function
     *  Returns:
     *      Nothing.

    Sub SHA1PadMessage(context As SHA1Context Ptr)
         *  Check to see if the current message block is too small to hold
         *  the initial padding bits and length.  If so, we will pad the
         *  block, process it, and then continue padding into a second
         *  block.

        If (context->Message_Block_Index > 55) Then
            context->Message_Block(context->Message_Block_Index) = &h80 : context->Message_Block_Index += 1
            Do While(context->Message_Block_Index < 64)
                context->Message_Block(context->Message_Block_Index) = 0 : context->Message_Block_Index += 1


            Do While(context->Message_Block_Index < 56)
                context->Message_Block(context->Message_Block_Index) = 0 : context->Message_Block_Index += 1
            context->Message_Block(context->Message_Block_Index) = &h80 : context->Message_Block_Index += 1
            Do While(context->Message_Block_Index < 56)
                context->Message_Block(context->Message_Block_Index) = 0 : context->Message_Block_Index += 1
        End If

         *  Store the message length as the last 8 octets

        context->Message_Block(56) = context->Length_High Shr 24
        context->Message_Block(57) = context->Length_High Shr 16
        context->Message_Block(58) = context->Length_High Shr 8
        context->Message_Block(59) = context->Length_High
        context->Message_Block(60) = context->Length_Low Shr 24
        context->Message_Block(61) = context->Length_Low Shr 16
        context->Message_Block(62) = context->Length_Low Shr 8
        context->Message_Block(63) = context->Length_Low

    End Sub