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Hinweis: Dieser Quelltext ist Bestandteil des Projekts Windows Easy Gui (WEG), zu dem es auf FreeBASIC-Portal.de eine Projektseite gibt.
#define DEBUG
#include "fbgfx.bi"
#Include "windows.bi"
#include "win\commctrl.bi"
#include "win\gdiplus.bi"
#Define WinExtFontSize 16
#Define WinExtFontName "Terminal"
#Define WindowID "WINDOW"
#Define BitmapID "BITMAPIMAGE"
#Define GroupBoxID "GROUPBOX"
#Define SpinBoxID "SPINBOX"
#Define EditBoxID "EDITBOX"
#Define CheckBoxID "CHECKBOX"
#Define ImageComboID "IMAGECOMBOBOX"
#Define StaticTextID "STATICTEXT"
Declare Function WinExtProc(byval h_Wnd as HWND, byval u_Msg as UINT, byval wParam as WPARAM, byval lParam as LPARAM) as LRESULT
Declare Sub Win_Ext_Update(byval break as integer = 0)
Type Item as Item_Node ptr 'forward reference
Type Item_Node EXTENDS OBJECT 'Item Head
as String ID
as String Title
as HWND whwnd
as Item NextItem
as Item PrevItem
Declare ABSTRACT Sub Destroy()
End Type
Type Item_List
as Item FirstItem
as Item LastItem
as UInteger CountItem
Declare Sub AddItem(byref ThisItem as Item)
Declare Sub DelItem(byref ThisItem as Item)
End Type
Namespace Globals
Dim as Item_List ItemList
Dim as HINSTANCE hInstance
Dim as String ClassName
Dim as HBRUSH WinExtBrush
Dim as HWND tabstophandle
Dim as ULONG_PTR gdiplusToken
Dim as byte ptr KeyState
Dim as HKL KeyLayout
Dim as HFONT hFont
Dim as LOGFONT LogFont
End Namespace
Type Item_Window EXTENDS Item_Node
as String WindowKey
Declare Sub Destroy()
End Type
Type Item_Bitmap EXTENDS Item_Node 'Node for static control as SS_BITMAP
as Item parent
as GPBITMAP ptr Origin 'copy from original Image
as HBITMAP Image 'the Image which put on screen
as Integer cWidth 'Width of control
as Integer cHeight 'Height of control
Declare Sub Destroy()
End Type
Type Item_Group EXTENDS Item_Node
as Integer FontColor
as Integer FontBkColor
as HBRUSH FontBrush
Declare Sub Destroy()
End Type
Type Item_Spin EXTENDS Item_Node
as HWND shwnd 'handle to UpDown control
as Integer minVal
as Integer maxVal
Declare Sub Destroy()
End Type
Type Item_ImageCombo EXTENDS Item_Node
as HBITMAP ptr IList
as Integer ICount
as Integer iState
as Integer wSizeMode
as Integer hSizeMode
as Integer iWidth
as Integer iHeight
Declare Sub Destroy()
End Type
Type Item_FontSelectCombo EXTENDS Item_Node
as Integer wSizeMode
as Integer hSizeMode
as Integer iWidth
as Integer iHeight
as Integer iState
as Integer iCount
Declare Sub Destroy()
End Type
Type Item_StaticText EXTENDS Item_Node
as HFONT Font
as Integer FColor
as Integer BColor
as HBRUSH BckBrush
Declare Sub Destroy()
End Type