Windows-Programmierung. Das Entwicklerhandbuch zur WIN32-API
Windows-Programmierung. Das Entwicklerhandbuch zur WIN32-API
"Der" Petzold, das über 1000 Seiten starke Standardwerk zum Win32-API - besonders nützlich u. a. bei der GUI-Programmierung in FreeBASIC! [Mehr Infos...]
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Datum/Zeit:19.03.2014 04:37:11
Hinweis: Dieser Quelltext ist Bestandteil des Projekts Windows Easy Gui (WEG), zu dem es auf FreeBASIC-Portal.de eine Projektseite gibt.

#Include "Win_Ext.bi"

    #Define LOGSTRING(n)    FileLog(n)
    Private Sub FileLog(byval logtext as String)
        Dim FF as Integer = Freefile

        Open "Win_Ext_Log.txt" for APPEND as #FF
            Print #FF, logtext
        Close #FF
    End Sub
    #Define LOGSTRING(n)

    Dim as Integer DesktopWidth, DesktopHeight
    ScreenInfo DesktopWidth, DesktopHeight

    '#IfNDef DEBUG
        Screenres DesktopWidth,DesktopHeight,32,,-1

    LOGSTRING("| ** " & Time & " ** | ** " & Date & " ** | ** Log Start ** |")

    Globals.ClassName   = "WinExtClass"
    Globals.hInstance   = GetModuleHandle(NULL)
    Globals.WinExtBrush = CreateSolidBrush(&hBBAAAA) 'BGR

    With Globals.LogFont
        .lfHeight    = WinExtFontSize
        .lfFaceName  = WinExtFontName
    End With

    Globals.hFont = CreateFontIndirect(@Globals.LogFont)

    Dim as WNDCLASSEX wcex
    wcex.cbSize         = sizeof(WNDCLASSEX)
    wcex.style          = CS_HREDRAW OR CS_VREDRAW
    wcex.lpfnWndProc    = Cast(WNDPROC,@WinExtProc)
    wcex.cbClsExtra     = 0
    wcex.cbWndExtra     = 0
    wcex.hInstance      = Globals.hInstance
    wcex.hIcon          = LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_WINLOGO)
    wcex.hCursor        = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW)
    wcex.hbrBackground  = Globals.WinExtBrush
    wcex.lpszMenuName   = NULL
    wcex.lpszClassName  = strptr(Globals.ClassName)
    wcex.hIconSm        = LoadIcon(wcex.hInstance, IDI_APPLICATION)

    If (RegisterClassEx(@wcex)=0) Then
        LOGSTRING(Time & " | ERROR | Failed to register WinExt.")
        MessageBox(NULL,"Failed to register WinExt.", "Error", NULL) : End
    End If

    LOGSTRING(Time & " | INFO  | WinExt successfully registered.")

    Using GDIPLUS

    Dim as GdiplusStartupInput gdiplusStartupInput 'The GdiplusStartupInput structure holds a block
                                                   'of arguments that are required by the GdiplusStartup

    '.GdiplusVersion | Type: UINT32 | Specifies the version of GDI+. Must be 1.
    gdiplusStartupInput.GdiplusVersion = 1

    If (GdiplusStartup(@Globals.gdiplusToken, @gdiplusStartupInput, NULL) <> 0) Then
        LOGSTRING(Time & " | ERROR | Failed to initialize GDI+.")
        MessageBox(NULL,"Failed to initialize GDI+.", "Error", NULL) : End
        LOGSTRING(Time & " | INFO  | GDI+ successfully initialized.")
    End If

    Globals.KeyState  = NEW byte[256]
    Globals.KeyLayout = GetKeyboardLayout(0)


    UnregisterClass (strptr(Globals.ClassName),Globals.hInstance)

        If Globals.ItemList.FirstItem Then Globals.ItemList.DelItem(Globals.ItemList.FirstItem) Else Exit Do

    Using GDIPLUS

    LOGSTRING("| ** " & Time & " ** | ** " & Date & " ** | ** Log Break ** |")

    Delete[] Globals.KeyState


Sub Item_List.AddItem(byref ThisItem as Item)
    If (ThisItem = 0) Then Exit Sub

    ThisItem -> PrevItem = LastItem
    ThisItem -> NextItem = 0

    If LastItem Then
        LastItem -> NextItem = ThisItem
        FirstItem = ThisItem
    End If

    LastItem = ThisItem

    'LOGSTRING(Time & " | INFO  | " & ThisItem -> ID & " " & ThisItem -> Title & " added to ItemList.")

    CountItem += 1
End Sub


Sub Item_List.DelItem(byref ThisItem as Item)
    Dim as Item     Temp   = ThisItem
    Dim as String   Loghlp = Time & " | " & ThisItem -> ID & " " & ThisItem -> Title & " deleted from memory."

    If ThisItem -> NextItem Then
        ThisItem -> NextItem -> PrevItem = ThisItem -> PrevItem
        LastItem = ThisItem -> PrevItem
    End If

    If ThisItem -> PrevItem Then
        ThisItem -> PrevItem -> NextItem = ThisItem -> NextItem
        FirstItem = ThisItem -> NextItem
    End If


    Temp -> Destroy()

    Delete Temp

    ThisItem   = 0
    CountItem -= 1

    If LastItem  = 0 andalso FirstItem<>0 Then LastItem  = FirstItem
    If FirstItem = 0 andalso LastItem<>0  Then FirstItem = LastItem
End Sub


Sub Win_Ext_Update(byval break as integer = 0)
    Dim as MSG      u_Msg
    '(Globals.tabstophandle = NULL) orelse

    while PeekMessage(@u_Msg,NULL,0,0,PM_REMOVE) 'Then
        If (IsDialogMessage(Globals.tabstophandle, @u_Msg) = NULL) Then
        End If
    wend'End If

    If break Then sleep break
End Sub


Function Convert_RGB_To_BGR(byval RGBValue as Integer) as Integer
    Dim as Integer red,blue,green
    red   = lobyte(hiword(RGBValue))
    blue  = lobyte(loword(RGBValue))
    green = RGBValue and &h00FF00
    return ((blue shl 16) + green + red)
End Function


Function WinExtProc(byval h_Wnd as HWND, byval u_Msg as UINT, byval wParam as WPARAM, byval lParam as LPARAM) as LRESULT
    Dim ItemData as Item = Cast(any ptr,GetWindowLongPtr(h_Wnd, GWLP_USERDATA))
    Dim as String  event
    Dim as Integer eventparam
    'If ItemData andalso ItemData -> ID<>WindowID Then ?ItemData -> ID

    Select Case u_Msg
        Case WM_GETDLGCODE 'important for IsDialogMessage
            'If lParam andalso Cast(MSG ptr, @lParam) -> message = WM_KEYDOWN Then return DLGC_WANTMESSAGE
            'and Cast(MSG,lParam) -> wParam
            'If lParam Then return DLGC_WANTMESSAGE
            return 0

            'wParam  Handle to the device context for the static control window.
            'lParam  Handle to the static control.
            Dim as Item SubItem = Cast(any ptr,GetWindowLongPtr(cast(HWND,lParam), GWLP_USERDATA))

            If SubItem Then
                Select Case SubItem -> ID
                    Case GroupBoxID
                        SetBkColor(cast(HDC,wParam), Cast(Item_Group ptr, SubItem) -> FontBkColor)
                        SetTextColor(cast(HDC,wParam), Cast(Item_Group ptr, SubItem) -> FontColor)

                        If (Cast(Item_Group ptr, SubItem) -> FontBrush) Then return Cast(LRESULT,Cast(Item_Group ptr, SubItem) -> FontBrush)
                        SetBkMode(cast(HDC,wParam), TRANSPARENT)
                        return Cast(LRESULT,Globals.WinExtBrush)

                    Case StaticTextID
                        SetBkColor(Cast(HDC,wParam), Cast(Item_StaticText ptr, SubItem) -> BColor)
                        SetTextColor(Cast(HDC,wParam), Cast(Item_StaticText ptr, SubItem) -> FColor)
                        If (Cast(Item_StaticText ptr, SubItem) -> BckBrush) Then return Cast(LRESULT, Cast(Item_StaticText ptr, SubItem) -> BckBrush)
                        SetBkMode(Cast(HDC,wParam), TRANSPARENT)
                        return Cast(LRESULT,Globals.WinExtBrush)

                    Case Else
                        SetBkMode(cast(HDC,wParam), TRANSPARENT)
                        return Cast(LRESULT,Globals.WinExtBrush)
                End Select
            End If
            Exit Select

        Case WM_COMMAND
            Dim as Item    SubItem

            SubItem = Cast(any ptr,GetWindowLongPtr(Cast(HWND,lParam), GWLP_USERDATA))
            If SubItem = 0 Then SubItem = Cast(any ptr,GetWindowLongPtr(GetFocus(), GWLP_USERDATA))
            If SubItem = 0 Then Exit Select

            Dim as Integer SpinVal
            Dim as String  SpinTxt

            Dim as RECT    cRECT
            Dim as HDC     hDC
            Dim as Integer cw,ch

            If (hiword(wParam) = EN_SETFOCUS) or (hiword(wParam) = EN_KILLFOCUS) Then
                If SubItem <> 0 andalso ItemData <> 0 andalso (SubItem <> ItemData) andalso (ItemData -> ID = WindowID) andalso (SubItem -> ID <> WindowID) Then

                    GetClientRect(SubItem -> whwnd, @cRECT)
                    cw = cRECT.right  - cRECT.left
                    ch = cRECT.bottom - cRECT.top

                    If SubItem -> ID = SpinBoxID Then
                        GetClientRect(Cast(Item_Spin ptr, SubItem) -> shwnd, @cRECT)
                        cw += cRECT.right - cRECT.left
                    End If

                    MapWindowPoints(SubItem -> whwnd, ItemData -> whwnd, Cast(LPPOINT,@cRECT),2)

                    hDC   = GetDC(ItemData -> whwnd)
                    cRECT.right   = cRECT.left + cw + 3
                    cRECT.bottom  = cRECT.top  + ch + 3
                    cRECT.left   -= 4
                    cRECT.top    -= 4

                    DrawFocusRect(hDC, @cRECT)
                End If
            End If

            If SubItem andalso SubItem -> ID = SpinBoxID Then
                SpinTxt = space(255)
                SpinTxt = left(SpinTxt,GetWindowText(SubItem -> whwnd, SpinTxt, len(SpinTxt)))
                SpinVal = Val(SpinTxt)

                If (SpinVal < (Cast(Item_Spin ptr, SubItem) -> minVal)) Then
                    SpinVal = Cast(Item_Spin ptr, SubItem) -> minVal
                    SetWindowText(SubItem -> whwnd,str(Cast(Item_Spin ptr, SubItem) -> minVal))
                    SendMessage(Cast(Item_Spin ptr, SubItem) -> shwnd, UDM_SETPOS32  , NULL  , SpinVal)
                ElseIf (SpinVal > (Cast(Item_Spin ptr, SubItem) -> maxVal)) Then
                    SpinVal = Cast(Item_Spin ptr, SubItem) -> maxVal
                    SetWindowText(SubItem -> whwnd,str(Cast(Item_Spin ptr, SubItem) -> maxVal))
                    SendMessage(Cast(Item_Spin ptr, SubItem) -> shwnd, UDM_SETPOS32  , NULL  , SpinVal)
                    If (hiword(wParam) = EN_KILLFOCUS) and (SpinTxt<>str(SpinVal)) Then
                        SetWindowText(SubItem -> whwnd,str(SpinVal))
                        SendMessage(Cast(Item_Spin ptr, SubItem) -> shwnd, UDM_SETPOS32  , NULL  , SpinVal)
                    End If
                End If
            End If

            If wParam = IDOK andalso SubItem Then
                If SubItem -> ID = SpinBoxID orelse SubItem -> ID = EditBoxID Then PostMessage(SubItem -> whwnd,WM_KEYDOWN,VK_TAB, NULL)
            End If

            If wParam = IDCANCEL Then SetFocus(h_Wnd)

            Exit Select

        Case WM_KILLFOCUS

        Case WM_SETFOCUS

            'wParam Contains the value of the CtlID member of the MEASUREITEMSTRUCT structure pointed to by the lParam parameter.
            '       This value identifies the control that sent the WM_MEASUREITEM message. If the value is zero, the message was sent by a menu.
            '       If the value is nonzero, the message was sent by a combo box or by a list box. If the value is nonzero,
            '       and the value of the itemID member of the MEASUREITEMSTRUCT pointed to by lParam is (UINT) –1,
            '       the message was sent by a combo edit field.
            'lParam Pointer to a MEASUREITEMSTRUCT structure that contains the dimensions of the owner-drawn control or menu item.
            'typedef struct MEASUREITEMSTRUCT {
            'UINT      CtlType;
            'UINT      CtlID;
            'UINT      itemID;
            'UINT      itemWidth;
            'UINT      itemHeight;
            'ULONG_PTR itemData;

            '?h_Wnd,ItemData -> whwnd, ItemData -> ID

            Dim as LPMEASUREITEMSTRUCT lpmis   = cast(LPMEASUREITEMSTRUCT, lParam)

            If (lpmis -> CtlType = ODT_COMBOBOX) andalso (lpmis -> ItemData) Then
                Dim as String              SubItemS = *cast(wstring ptr,lpmis->itemdata)
                Dim as UInteger            SubAdr   = Val(SubItemS)
                Dim as Item                SubItem

                If len(SubItemS) Then SubItem = Cast(any ptr, SubAdr)

                    If SubItem andalso SubItem -> ID = ImageComboID      Then
                        lpmis->ItemHeight = Cast(Item_ImageCombo ptr, SubItem) -> iHeight
                        exit select
                    End If

                'If SubItem andalso SubItem -> ID = FontSelectComboID Then lpmis->ItemHeight = Cast(Item_FontSelectCombo ptr, SubItem) -> iHeight
            End If

        Case WM_DRAWITEM
            'wParam Specifies the identifier of the control that sent the WM_DRAWITEM message.
            '       If the message was sent by a menu, this parameter is zero.
            'lParam Pointer to a DRAWITEMSTRUCT structure containing information about the item to be drawn and the type of drawing required.
            'typedef struct tagDRAWITEMSTRUCT {
            'UINT      CtlType;
            'UINT      CtlID;
            'UINT      itemID;
            'UINT      itemAction;
            'UINT      itemState;
            'HWND      hwndItem;
            'HDC       hDC;
            'RECT      rcItem;
            'ULONG_PTR itemData;
            '} DRAWITEMSTRUCT;
            Dim as LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpdis   = Cast(any ptr, lParam)
            Dim as Item             SubItem = Cast(any ptr, GetWindowLongPtr(lpdis -> hwndItem, GWLP_USERDATA))
            Dim as HDC              hdc     = CreateCompatibleDC(lpdis -> hDC)
            Dim as Integer          iw, ih
            Dim as HBRUSH           hl
            If SubItem Then
                Select Case SubItem -> ID
                    Case ImageComboID

                        If Cast(Integer, lpdis -> ItemID) = -1 Then Exit Select

                        FillRect(lpdis -> hDC, @lpdis->rcItem, NULL)

                        iw = lpdis -> rcItem.right  - lpdis -> rcItem.left
                        ih = lpdis -> rcItem.bottom - lpdis -> rcItem.top

                        SelectObject(hdc, Cast(Item_ImageCombo ptr, SubItem) -> IList[lpdis -> ItemID]) 'select image
                            BitBlt(lpdis -> hDC, lpdis -> rcItem.left + 1, lpdis -> rcItem.top + 1, iw-2, ih-1, hdc, 0, 0, SRCCOPY)

                        If (lpdis -> itemState AND ODS_FOCUS) Then
                            InvertRect(lpdis -> hDC, @lpdis->rcItem)
                            DrawFocusRect(lpdis -> hDC, @lpdis->rcItem)
                        End If
                        return true

                    Case FontSelectComboID
                        'If Cast(Integer, lpdis -> ItemID) = -1 Then Exit Select
                        Dim as Integer      clrForeground, clrBackground, wy = lpdis->rcItem.top
                        Dim as String       FontNameString = space(999)
                        Dim as LOGFONT      FntStyle
                        Dim as HFONT        newFont
                        Dim as SIZE         fSize

                        FontNameString      = Left(FontNameString,SendMessage(lpdis->hwndItem, CB_GETLBTEXT, lpdis->itemID, cast(LPARAM, strptr(FontNameString))))
                        FntStyle.lfFaceName = FontNameString
                        newFont             = CreateFontIndirect(@FntStyle)

                        Dim as HDC fDC = CreateCompatibleDC(lpdis->hDC)
                        SelectObject(fDC, newFont)

                        Dim as Integer xp = int(( (lpdis->rcItem.right  - lpdis->rcItem.left) / 2 ) - (fSize.CX/2)) + lpdis->rcItem.left
                        Dim as Integer yp = int(( (lpdis->rcItem.bottom - lpdis->rcItem.top ) / 2 ) - (fSize.CY/2)) + lpdis->rcItem.top

                        clrForeground = SetTextColor(lpdis->hDC, GetSysColor(IIF(lpdis->itemState and ODS_SELECTED,COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT, COLOR_WINDOWTEXT)))
                        clrBackground = SetBkColor(lpdis->hDC, GetSysColor(IIF(lpdis->itemState and ODS_SELECTED, COLOR_HIGHLIGHT, COLOR_WINDOW)))
                        SetBkMode(lpdis->hDC, TRANSPARENT)

                        SelectObject(lpdis->hDC, newFont)
                            if (lpdis->itemState and ODS_COMBOBOXEDIT) Then wy = yp
                            ExtTextOut(lpdis->hDC, xp, wy, ETO_CLIPPED OR ETO_OPAQUE, @lpdis->rcItem, strptr(FontNameString), len(FontNameString), NULL)

                        SetTextColor(lpdis->hDC, clrForeground)
                        SetBkColor(lpdis->hDC, clrBackground)

                        return true

                End Select
            End If

        Case WM_PAINT
            Dim as PAINTSTRUCT ps
            Dim as HDC hDC        = BeginPaint(h_Wnd, @ps)

                                    EndPaint(h_Wnd, @ps)
            return FALSE

        Case WM_ACTIVATE
            If wParam Then
                Globals.tabstophandle = h_Wnd'ItemData -> whwnd
                Globals.tabstophandle = NULL
            End If
            return FALSE

        Case WM_KEYUP
            Globals.KeyState[wParam] = 0
            exit select

        Case WM_KEYDOWN
            Globals.KeyState[wParam] = 1

            If GetKeyboardState(Globals.KeyState) Then
                Dim as ubyte  scancode = lobyte(hiword(lParam))
                Dim as UINT   vk       = MapVirtualKeyEx(scancode,1,Globals.KeyLayout)
                Dim as ushort result

                If ToAsciiEx(vk,scancode,Globals.KeyState,@result,0,Globals.KeyLayout) Then
                    If ItemData andalso ItemData -> ID = WindowID Then Cast(Item_Window ptr,ItemData) -> WindowKey = chr(lobyte(result))
                End If
            End If
            exit select


        Case WM_CLOSE
            If ItemData andalso ItemData -> ID = WindowID Then Cast(Item_Window ptr,ItemData) -> WindowKey = chr(&hFF,&h6B)
            Return FALSE

    End Select

    return DefWindowProc(h_Wnd, u_Msg, wParam, lParam)
End Function