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IDEA-File-Crypto CBC-Mode mit IV / Password-Gen in MD5

Datum/Zeit:08.12.2011 18:29:14

'######## 1D34 file-cryptor v0.1b based on IDEA-Algorithm   ########
'######## for FreeBasic (C) 2011-12 by Neo7530                  ########
'######## - 11-12-06 VECTOR - TEST passed                           ########
'######## To do:                                                            ########
'########           -password-check (check-string) (Header) ########
'########           -OFB-Mode (IDEA as Stream-cipher)           ########

'last modified 2011-12-07 2100

Declare function mulinv(x As uinteger) As UInteger 'find multiplicative inverse
Declare Function addinv(x As UShort) As UShort  'find additive inverse
declare function ideamul(x as uinteger,y as uinteger) as UShort 'multiplication mod 2^16+1
declare function ideaadd(x as uinteger,y as uinteger) as UShort 'addition mod 2^16
Declare Function conv(value As UShort) As UShort        ' converts MSB-first <> LSB-First in get- and put-command
Declare Sub putblock        'write 64-bit-block to file
Declare Sub getblock        'get 64-bit-block from file
Declare sub kiRol           'roll key 25bits to left
declare sub keysched        'key expansion function
declare sub dekeysched  'decrypt-key expansion function
declare sub idearound   'uhhhh it's magic ;)
declare sub keyselect (s as byte)   'select right keyset for en- or de-cryption
Declare Sub passwd      'Generate MD5-Hash for password
Declare sub seed_nxt 'ct to next seed
Declare sub seed_nxt_c 'pt to next seed
Declare sub seed_cur 'nxt to current
Declare sub iv_gen
Declare sub iv_get
declare sub xor_iv_p    'XOR PT with seed
declare sub xor_iv_c        'XOR CT with seed
Declare Sub final_e
Declare Sub final_d

Dim Shared As Ushort rd, wr , ki(0 to 7), ke(0 to 51), pt(0 to 3), ct(0 To 3), kd(0 to 51), kt(0 to 51)
Dim Shared As UShort nxtseed(0 To 3), curseed(0 To 3)
dim shared as UByte s , l , m , pb(0 To 7)
Dim Shared As Integer pc

#Include "md5.bas"


Open Command(1) For Binary Access Read As #1
If Mid(Command(1),Len(Command(1))-3,4) = ".ida" Then
    Open Mid(Command(1),1,Len(Command(1))-4) For Binary Access write As #2 : s = 1
    Open Command(1) + ".ida" For Binary Access write As #2: s = 0

keyselect s     's=1 for decryption ; s=0 for encryption

If s = 0 Then 'in encrypt

If s = 1 Then

do until eof(1) 'do it

    pc = Lof(1) - Loc(1)
    If pc < 8 And s = 0 Then final_e Else getblock
    If s=1 Then seed_nxt_c
    If s=0 Then xor_iv_p
    If s=0 Then seed_nxt
    If s=1 Then xor_iv_c
   If pc = 8 And s = 1 Then final_d
    If LOC(1) = Lof(1) Then pc = 0 : final_e

? "ready..."    'i am ready...
Close #1, #2
End             'bye ;)

Sub final_e
    pt(3) Or= (8-pc)

    Close #1, #2
    ? "ready...."
End Sub

Sub final_d
        For i As Integer = 0 To 3
            pb(i*2) = ct(i) Shr 8
            pb(i*2+1) Or= ct(i) and &hFF

        For i As Integer = 0 To 7-pb(7)
            Put #2, ,pb(i)
    Close #1, #2
        ? "ready...": end

End Sub

Sub iv_gen
    randomize (-1,0)
    For i As integer = 0 to 3
        ct(i) = Int(rnd(1)*&hffff)
End Sub

Sub xor_iv_c
For i As Integer = 0 To 3
    ct(i) Xor= curseed(i)
End Sub

Sub xor_iv_p
For i As Integer = 0 To 3
    pt(i) Xor= curseed(i)
End Sub

Sub seed_nxt
    For i As Integer = 0 To 3
        nxtseed(i) = ct(i)
End Sub

Sub seed_nxt_c
    For i As Integer = 0 To 3
        nxtseed(i) = pt(i)
End Sub

Sub seed_cur
    For i As Integer = 0 To 3
        curseed(i) = nxtseed(i)
End Sub

Sub passwd:
    If Command$(2) ="" Then
    Dim As String test, x
    ? "password: ";
        x = InKey$: IF x = CHR$(13) THEN EXIT DO  'Exit with Enter Key
        If x <> "" THEN test = test + x: PRINT "*";
        Dim As String result = createHash(test)
        Dim As String result = createFileHash(Command$(2))
    End If
    For i As Integer = 0 TO 7
        ki(i) = (ki(i) + lpszMD5(i*2)) Shl 8 + lpszMD5(i*2+1)
End Sub

Function conv(value As UShort) As UShort 'conversion msb <> lsb first
    return ((value Shr 8) And &hff)+((value shl 8) And &hff00)
End Function

Sub getblock    'get it
    for i as Integer = 0 to 3
        Get #1, ,pt(i)
        pt(i) = conv(pt(i))         'MSB-first <> LSB-First
End Sub

Sub iv_get
    For i As Integer = 0 To 3
        Get #1, ,ct(i)
        ct(i) = conv(ct(i)) 'MSB-first <> LSB-First
End Sub

Sub putblock        'put it
    for i as integer = 0 to 3
        ct(i) = conv(ct(i))         'MSB-first <> LSB-First
        put #2, ,ct(i)
End Sub

sub keyselect (s as byte) 'witch keyset to use ?
  if s = 0 then
    for i as integer = 0 to 51
      kt(i) = ke(i)
  end if

  if s = 1 then
    for i as integer = 0 to 51
      kt(i) = kd(i)
  end if
end sub

Sub idearound 'do the magic

Dim as uinteger x0, x1, x2, x3, kk, t1 , t2

For runde as integer = 0 To 7
      x0 =ideaMul(pt(0),kt(runde*6))
      x1 =ideaAdd(pt(1),kt(runde*6+1))
      x2 =ideaadd(pt(2),kt(runde*6+2))
      x3 =ideaMul(pt(3),kt(runde*6+3))

      kk =ideaMul(kt(runde*6+4),(x0 XOR x2))
      t1 =ideaMul(kt(runde*6+5),ideaAdd(kk,(x1 XOR x3)))
      t2 =ideaAdd(kk,t1)

      pt(0) =x0 XOR t1
      pt(3) =x3 XOR t2
      pt(1) =x2 XOR t1
      pt(2) =x1 XOR t2
      ct(0) = ideamul(pt(0),kt(48))
      ct(1) = ideaadd(pt(2),kt(49))
      ct(2) = ideaadd(pt(1),kt(50))
      ct(3) = ideamul(pt(3),kt(51))

end Sub

sub dekeysched 'calculate the decryption-keys in right order...

For i As integer = 0 To 8
    kd(0+(i*6)) = mulinv(ke(51-(i*6)-3))
    kd(3+(i*6)) = mulinv(ke(51-(i*6)))
    If (i <> 0) And (i <> 8) Then
        kd(1+(i*6)) = addinv(ke(51-(i*6)-1))
        kd(2+(i*6)) = addinv(ke(51-(i*6)-2))
        kd(4+(i*6)) = ke(45-(i*6)+1)
        kd(5+(i*6)) = ke(45-(i*6)+2)
    end if
    if  i = 0 Then
        kd(2+(i*6)) = addinv(ke(51-(i*6)-1))
        kd(1+(i*6)) = addinv(ke(51-(i*6)-2))
        kd(4+(i*6)) = ke(45-(i*6)+1)
        kd(5+(i*6)) = ke(45-(i*6)+2)
    end if
    If i = 8 Then
        kd(2+(i*6)) = addinv(ke(51-(i*6)-1))
        kd(1+(i*6)) = addinv(ke(51-(i*6)-2))
    End If

End sub

Function mulinv (value As UInteger) As Uinteger 'x = 1/x ; multiplicative inverse in try and count-method
    Dim As UInteger modul
    Dim As UShort y , x
     modul = 65537
    if value < 2 then return value
      While y <> 1
    x +=1
    y = value * x Mod modul
 Return x
End Function

Function addinv (value As Ushort) As UShort 'x = -x ; additive inverse
    Return -(value)
End Function

FUNCTION ideaMul(a As UInteger ,b As uinteger) As UShort 'mul mod 2^16+1
Dim As UInteger p,x,y
    p = a * b
  IF p = 0 Then Return 65537 - a - b

     x = p SHR 16
     y = p MOD 65536
     x = y - x
     IF (y < x) THEN x+= 65537
  Return x MOD 65536
End Function

function ideaadd(x as uinteger,y as uinteger) as UShort ' addition mod 2^16
    return x + y Mod 65536
end Function

Sub kiRol:                                                  'rotate 25 bits to the left
dim as ushort k, s , temp
For i As Integer = 0 To 24
   temp = Ki(0)

   For K = 0 To 6
      Ki(k) = Ki(k) And &H7FFF
      Ki(k) = Ki(k) * 2
      S = Ki(k + 1) And &H8000
      S = S / &H8000
      Ki(k) = Ki(k) Or S
   Next K

   Ki(7) = Ki(7) And &H7FFF
   Ki(7) = Ki(7) * 2
   S = temp And &H8000
   S = S / &H8000
   Ki(7) = Ki(7) Or S
end sub

sub keysched 'calculate encryption keys
dim as ushort y, z, q, x
for y = 0 to 6
  for z = 0 to 7
   ki(z) xor= &h0dae            'improved IDEA against weak keys.
    ke(q) = ki(z)

    x += 1 : q += 1

    if z = 7 then kiRol
    if q = 52 then exit for
end sub