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Datum/Zeit:25.07.2010 09:53:58

' http://lastchaos.aeriagames.com/community/rankings/active/Azura-EU '
    Type GuildCalcList
        GuildName     as ZString ptr
            regGuild  as Integer
        GuildALevel   as UInteger
            Player    as UInteger
            AvLevel   as UInteger
    End Type

Sub QSortS (byref xyz as GuildCalcList PTR, byval lo as UInteger, Byval hi as UInteger)

    Dim l as UInteger = lo
    Dim r as UInteger = hi
    Dim p as UByte    = xyz[(lo+hi)/2].AvLevel


            While xyz[l].AvLevel < p : l+=1 : Wend

            While xyz[r].AvLevel > p : r-=1 : Wend

            If l<=r Then
                Swap xyz[l],xyz[r]
                l+=1 : r-=1
            End If

        Loop while l<r

    If lo<r Then QSortS(xyz,lo,r)
    If l<hi Then QSortS(xyz,l,hi)

End Sub

#Include "SDL-Main.bas"

    Type ClassList
        Guild as ZString ptr
        Level as UInteger
    End Type

    Function HTMLClass2List (byval HTMLString as String) as ClassList ptr
        Dim as UInteger InfSS, InfSE, Hold
        Dim RList as ClassList ptr=Callocate(Len(ClassList)*50)
        Dim Guild as String
        Dim as UInteger Holder2

        For l as integer=0 to 49

        '1. Rank

        '2. Name

        '3. Level



        '4. Guild






        Next l

        Return RList
    End Function

   Function CreateGuildList as GuildCalcList ptr

   Dim socket As TCPsocket
    ''Verbindung herstellen
    socket = TCP_open ("lastchaos.aeriagames.com")

    ''Anfrage schicken
    TCP_http ("GET",socket,"lastchaos.aeriagames.com", _

    ''Anfrage ergebniss einlesen

    Dim recvbuffer As Zstring * 100001
    Dim LC as String=""
    Dim bytes As Integer
        bytes = SDLNet_TCP_Recv( socket, Strptr( recvbuffer ), 100000 )
        if bytes<1 then exit do


        if len(LC)>99999 Then exit Do


    ''Server/Verbindungsdaten ausschneiden
    Dim SS As Integer
    SS=Instr(Lcase(LC),"connection: close")
    'If SS=0 Then Return ""

    Dim buffer as String

    '<div class="tab-content" id="rankings">  <div class="tab-panel tab-show" id="'
    '<!-- end content -->'

    Dim relBuffer as String
    Dim rBS as UInteger
    Dim rBE as UInteger
    rBS=INSTR(  1,buffer,"<div class="+chr(34)+"tab-content"+chr(34)+" id="+chr(34)+"rankings")

    rBE=INSTR(rBS,buffer,"<!-- end content -->")
    Dim as UInteger ClassF,SP1,SP2
    Dim Titan as String
    Dim Knight as String

    Dim Healer as String

    Dim Mage as String


    Dim Rogue as String

    Dim Sorcerer as String

    Dim Nightshadow as String
    ClassF=INSTR(relBuffer,"<!-- end content -->")


    ' <td | /td>

    Dim GuildList       as GuildCalcList ptr

    Dim TitanList       as ClassList ptr
    Dim KnightList      as ClassList ptr
    Dim MageList        as ClassList ptr
    Dim HealerList      as ClassList ptr
    Dim SorcererList    as ClassList ptr
    Dim NightShadowList as ClassList ptr
    Dim RogueList       as ClassList ptr

    TitanList=HTMLClass2List (Titan)
    KnightList=HTMLClass2List (Knight)
    MageList=HTMLClass2List (Mage)
    HealerList=HTMLClass2List (Healer)
    SorcererList=HTMLClass2List (Sorcerer)
    NightShadowList=HTMLClass2List (Nightshadow)
    RogueList=HTMLClass2List (Rogue)

    Dim GuildFound as Integer

    For l as Integer=0 to 49

        If *TitanList[l].Guild<>"" Then
            for ll as integer=0 to GuildList[0].regGuild

                If GuildList[ll].GuildName andalso *GuildList[ll].GuildName=*TitanList[l].Guild Then GuildFound=(ll+1):Exit for

            next ll

            If GuildFound=0 Then


            End If
        End If

        If *KnightList[l].Guild<>"" Then
            for ll as integer=0 to GuildList[0].regGuild

                If GuildList[ll].GuildName andalso *GuildList[ll].GuildName=*KnightList[l].Guild Then GuildFound=(ll+1):Exit for

            next ll

            If GuildFound=0 Then


            End If
        End If

        If *MageList[l].Guild<>"" Then
            for ll as integer=0 to GuildList[0].regGuild

                If GuildList[ll].GuildName andalso *GuildList[ll].GuildName=*MageList[l].Guild Then GuildFound=(ll+1):Exit for

            next ll

            If GuildFound=0 Then


            End If
        End If

        If *RogueList[l].Guild<>"" Then
            for ll as integer=0 to GuildList[0].regGuild

                If GuildList[ll].GuildName andalso *GuildList[ll].GuildName=*RogueList[l].Guild Then GuildFound=(ll+1):Exit for

            next ll

            If GuildFound=0 Then


            End If
        End If

        If *HealerList[l].Guild<>"" Then
            for ll as integer=0 to GuildList[0].regGuild

                If GuildList[ll].GuildName andalso *GuildList[ll].GuildName=*HealerList[l].Guild Then GuildFound=(ll+1):Exit for

            next ll

            If GuildFound=0 Then


            End If
        End If

        If *SorcererList[l].Guild<>"" Then
            for ll as integer=0 to GuildList[0].regGuild

                If GuildList[ll].GuildName andalso *GuildList[ll].GuildName=*SorcererList[l].Guild Then GuildFound=(ll+1):Exit for

            next ll

            If GuildFound=0 Then


            End If
        End If

        If *NightShadowList[l].Guild<>"" Then
            for ll as integer=0 to GuildList[0].regGuild

                If GuildList[ll].GuildName andalso *GuildList[ll].GuildName=*NightShadowList[l].Guild Then GuildFound=(ll+1):Exit for

            next ll

            If GuildFound=0 Then


            End If
        End If

    Next l

    For l as Integer=0 to GuildList[0].regGuild
    next l

    Return GuildList
End Function

Dim Test as GuildCalcList ptr

If test[0].regGuild=0 Then ?"Error":sleep:end
'QSortS (test,0,test[0].regGuild-1)

Dim WhiteCol as String
Dim GreenCol as String

Dim WhiteClose as String
Dim GreenClose as String

Dim FCol     as String
Dim FClose   as String

<font color="+chr(34)+"#FFFFFF"+chr(34)+">"
GreenCol="<a href="+chr(34)+"http://www.twostepsfromhell.de.vu"+chr(34)+"><font color="+chr(34)+"#00FF00"+chr(34)+">"

Open "
GuildRanksAuzura.html" for Output as #76

Print #76,"

Print #76,"
<html><body bgcolor="+chr(34)+"#000000"+chr(34)+">"
Print #76,"<div align="+chr(34)+"center"+chr(34)+"><font color="+chr(34)+"#FFFF00"+chr(34)+"><Strong>Auzura-EU Guild Ranks</strong></font><BR>"

Print #76,"
<table cellpadding="+chr(34)+"0"+chr(34)+" cellspacing="+chr(34)+"0"+chr(34)+" border="+chr(34)+"0"+chr(34)+" width="+chr(34)+"90%"+chr(34)+">"
Print #76,"<tbody><tr>"
Print #76,"
<td><strong>"+"<font color="+chr(34)+"#FFFF00"+chr(34)+">"+"Rank"+"</font>"+"</strong></td>"
Print #76,"
<td><strong>"+"<font color="+chr(34)+"#FFFF00"+chr(34)+">"+"Guild"+"</font>"+"</strong></td>"
Print #76,"
<td><strong>"+"<font color="+chr(34)+"#FFFF00"+chr(34)+">"+"Average Level"+"</font>"+"</strong></td>"
Print #76,"
<td><strong>"+"<font color="+chr(34)+"#FFFF00"+chr(34)+">"+"Points"+"</font>"+"</strong></td>"
Print #76,"

for l as integer=0 to test[0].regGuild-1
    If *test[l].GuildName="
TwoStepsFromHell" Then FCol=GreenCol:FClose=GreenClose
    Print #76,"
    Print #76,"
    Print #76,"
    Print #76,"
    Print #76,"
next l

Print #76,"
Print #76,"
Print #76,WhiteCol+"
Updated: "+Date+WhiteClose+"<body></html>"
Print #76,"
Close #76

