fb:porticula NoPaste
globalsetup.bi patch 1
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Datum/Zeit: | 11.12.2007 00:21:03 |
' Programmed by AndT
' Patched by DaCodaMasta
' This are the DIM's for my next game
' ./sourcecode/globalsetup.bi
' Globalsetup
dim as double x
dim as double y
dim as double z
END Type
dim as double x
dim as double y
dim as double z
END Type
'Parameter für Consolenbefehle und Core.bi
#define _devmode 1
dim as integer _maxlgh = 100000
dim as integer _maxobj = 1000000
'Verschiedene Parameter
dim as integer inpval(3)
dim as string inpstr
dim as ubyte ctrlchar
dim as double maxv(4),dbgmd
dim as integer x(2),y(2),gfxcol(2)
dim as double v(4)
dim as double adv(4)
dim as string ctrl.strg = "mouse_and_keyboard" ' Steuerungsmethode
dim as string texturingmethode = "point_and_line" ' Methode zum Texturieren der Bereiche in den Dreiecken
dim as string prgfile = "autoconfig.ini" ' Autoconf (Befehle nach dem laden der default.ini (INILademodul by DaCodaMasta)
dim as integer maxlgh = _maxlgh ' Maximale größe des DatenChache (feur Strings und Variablen)
dim as integer maxobj = _maxobj ' Anzahl der gleichzeitig darstellbaren Objekte
dim as double valchache(1 to _maxlgh) ' Valchache (Bufferoverflow ist nicht auszuschließen.. (maxobj(_maxobj+1)=9999999999999*99) Edit by DaCodaMasta)
dim as string strchache(1 to _maxlgh) ' Stringchache
dim as string c1,c2,c3,c4 ' Stringregister
dim as XYZDouble ObjPos(1 to _maxobj) ' Positionen der einzelnden objekte auf dem Bilschirm
dim as XYZDouble ScrRes (0,0,32) ' Auflösung wird von autoconfig.ini oder default.ini geladen
dim as integer mouse_button,mouse_scroll ' Für GETMOUSE ..
dim as XYDouble Mouse ' Benutzte mouse.x und mouse.y... (Edit by DaCodaMasta)