Mikrocomputertechnik mit Controllern der Atmel AVR-RISC-Familie
Mikrocomputertechnik mit Controllern der Atmel AVR-RISC-Familie
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Datum/Zeit:02.05.2010 00:26:39
Hinweis: Dieser Quelltext ist Bestandteil des Projekts GFX 2 SDL, zu dem es auf FreeBASIC-Portal.de eine Projektseite gibt.

#include "SDL\SDL.bi"

namespace SDL
    #include "crt.bi"
    Dim Shared SDLMutex as any ptr
    Dim Shared SDLKeyCond as any ptr
    Dim Shared SDLMouseCond as any ptr

    Sub GetSDLMouse(byref mx as integer=0,byref my as integer=0,byref ms as integer=0,byref mb as integer=0)
            dim tmpx1 as integer
            dim tmpy1 as integer
            dim SDLMButton as ubyte
            SDLMButton = SDL_GetMouseState(@mx, @my): mb = 0
            if (SDLMButton and SDL_BUTTON(SDL_BUTTON_LEFT)) then mb = mb + 1
            if (SDLMButton and SDL_BUTTON(SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT)) then mb = mb + 2

            'Folgendes klappt leider bisher nicht :-(((
            'if (SDLMButton AND SDL_BUTTON(SDL_BUTTON_WHEELUP)) then ms = 1
            'if (SDLMButton AND SDL_BUTTON(SDL_BUTTON_WHEELDOWN)) then ms = -1

    end sub

    function SDLInkey(SEvent as any ptr) as string
        DIM SDLEvent as SDL_Event ptr = SEvent
        Dim Tmp as string
        if SDL_PollEvent ( SDLEvent ) then
            if SDLEvent->type = SDL_KEYDOWN then
                with *SDLEvent
                    if .Key.KeySym.sym > 126 then
                        return CHR(255, .key.keysym.scancode)
                        TMP = CHR(.key.keysym.unicode_ )
                    end if
                    'if .key.keysym.mod_ = 4097 then Tmp = ucase(Tmp)
                    if ( .key.keysym.mod_ = 4160 or .key.keysym.mod_ = 4224) and CHR(.key.keysym.sym) = "v" then tmp = CHR(22)
                    if ( .key.keysym.mod_ = 4160 or .key.keysym.mod_ = 4224) and CHR(.key.keysym.sym) = "c" then tmp = CHR(3)
                end with
                return TMP
                return ""
            end if
        end if

    end function

    sub Buffer2Surface(MyBuffer as any ptr, Srfc as SDL_Surface ptr)
        dim MyPixData as any ptr
        Dim ImgSize as uinteger
        DIm as integer iw, ih
        dim as uinteger p
        imageinfo MyBuffer,iw,ih,,p,MyPixdata, ImgSize
        SDL_LockSurface( Srfc )

        if Srfc->pitch > p then
            if Srfc->h > ih then
                for y as integer = 0 to ih -1
                    memcpy Srfc->pixels + (y * Srfc->pitch), MyPixData + (y*p), p
                for y as integer = 0 to Srfc->h -1
                    memcpy Srfc->pixels + (y * Srfc->pitch), MyPixData + (y*p), p
            end if
        end if

        if Srfc->pitch < p then
            if Srfc->h > ih then
                for y as integer = 0 to ih -1
                    memcpy Srfc->pixels + (y * Srfc->pitch),MyPixData + (y*p) , Srfc->pitch
                for y as integer = 0 to Srfc->h -1
                    memcpy Srfc->pixels + (y * Srfc->pitch),MyPixData + (y*p) , Srfc->pitch
            end if
        end if

        if Srfc->pitch = p then
            if Srfc->h > ih then
                for y as integer = 0 to ih -1
                    memcpy Srfc->pixels + (y * Srfc->pitch),MyPixData + (y*p) , Srfc->pitch
                memcpy Srfc->pixels, MyPixData, Srfc->pitch * Srfc->h 'ImgSize - 32
            end if
        end if
        SDL_Flip Srfc
        SDL_UnlockSurface( Srfc )
    end sub

    Dim Shared SrfcPtr as SDL_Surface ptr
    Dim Shared ClrDepth as integer
    Dim Shared BufferPtr as any ptr
    Dim Shared ThreadPtr as any ptr
    Dim shared FlagModes as uinteger
    Dim Shared SDLEvent as SDL_Event
    Dim Shared FrameRate as integer
    Dim shared in as string

    Dim Shared MouseX as integer
    Dim Shared MouseY as integer
    Dim Shared MouseScroll as integer
    Dim Shared MouseButton as integer
    Dim Shared Resized as integer
    Dim Shared NewWidth as integer
    Dim Shared NewHeight as integer

    Dim shared BufferPtrPtr as any ptr ptr

    Sub SDLThread()
        '#define SDLDebug
        Dim T1 as double
        #ifdef SDLDebug
            Dim t2 as double
            Dim FrameCounter as double
            Dim LastFPS as double

        DIm as integer iw1, ih1
        DIm as integer iw2, ih2
        imageinfo *BufferPtrPtr,iw1,ih1
        mutexlock SDLMutex
            if SrfcPtr = 0 then
                SrfcPtr = SDL_SetVideoMode(iw1, ih1, ClrDepth, SDL_SWSURFACE + FlagModes)
                SDL_EnableKeyRepeat(200, 10)
                SDL_EnableUNICODE( SDL_ENABLE )
            end if
        Mutexunlock SDLMutex
        dim t as string
        t1 = timer
        #ifdef SDLDebug
            t2 = timer
        While SrfcPtr <> 0
            mutexlock SDLMutex
                if SrfcPtr = 0 then
                    ThreadPtr = 0
                    exit sub
                end if
                #ifdef SDLDebug
                if timer > t2 +1 then
                    LastFPS = FrameCounter
                    FrameCounter = 0
                    t2 = timer
                end if

                imageinfo *BufferPtrPtr,iw2,ih2
                if iw2 <> iw1 or ih2 <> ih1 then
                    SrfcPtr = SDL_SetVideoMode(iw2, ih2, ClrDepth, SDL_SWSURFACE + FlagModes)
                    iw1 = iw2: ih1 = ih2
                end if

                if SDLEvent.type = SDL_VIDEORESIZE then
                    if SDLEvent.resize.w <> iw1 or SDLEvent.resize.h <> ih1 then
                        NewWidth = SDLEvent.resize.w
                        NewHeight = SDLEvent.resize.h
                        Resized = (1 <> 0)
                    end if
                end if

                if timer >= t1 + (1 / FrameRate) then
                    #ifdef SDLDebug
                    FrameCounter = FrameCounter +1
                    draw string *BufferPtrPtr, (-1,0), "Frames p/s=" & int(LastFPS),RGB(0,0,0)
                    draw string *BufferPtrPtr, (+1,0), "Frames p/s=" & int(LastFPS),RGB(0,0,0)
                    draw string *BufferPtrPtr, (0,-1), "Frames p/s=" & int(LastFPS),RGB(0,0,0)
                    draw string *BufferPtrPtr, (0,+1), "Frames p/s=" & int(LastFPS),RGB(0,0,0)
                    draw string *BufferPtrPtr, (0,0), "Frames p/s=" & int(LastFPS),RGB(255,255,255)
                    Buffer2Surface *BufferPtrPtr, SrfcPtr
                    t1 = timer
                end if
                if SDLEvent.type = SDL_QUIT_ then
                    in = CHR(255) & CHR(107)
                    in = SDLInkey(@SDLEvent)
                end if
                CondBroadCast SDLKeyCond

                GetSDLMouse( MouseX,MouseY,MouseScroll,Mousebutton)
                CondBroadCast SDLMouseCond
            Mutexunlock SDLMutex
    End sub

    Sub FitBuffer()
        Dim OldBuffer as any ptr = *BufferPtrPtr
        *BufferPtrPtr = ImageCreate(NewWidth, NewHeight, RGB(0,0,0))
        ImageDestroy OldBuffer
        Resized = (1 <> 1)
    end sub

    Sub ScreenRes_tmp(Screen_Width as integer, Screen_Height as integer, ClrDepth1 as integer = 32, Pages as integer = 1, Flags as uinteger = 0, FrameRate1 as integer= 30)
        DIM driver AS STRING
        Dim OldBuffer as any ptr
        if BufferPtrPtr = 0 then BufferPtrPtr = @BufferPtr
        if SDLMutex = 0 then SDLMutex = MutexCreate
        If SDLKeyCond = 0 then SDLKeyCond = CondCreate
        if SDLMouseCond = 0 then SDLMouseCond = CondCreate

        'Mutexlock SDLMutex
        FlagModes = 0
        FrameRate = FrameRate1
        ClrDepth = ClrDepth1
        SCREENINFO , , , , , , driver

        if driver = "" then ScreenRes Screen_Width, Screen_Height, ClrDepth, , -1
        if Flags AND &H01 then FlagModes = FlagModes + SDL_FULLSCREEN
        if Flags AND &H02 then FlagModes = FlagModes
        if Flags AND &H04 then FlagModes = FlagModes
        if Flags AND &H08 then FlagModes = FlagModes + SDL_NOFRAME
        if Flags AND &H10 then FlagModes = FlagModes
        if Flags AND &H20 then FlagModes = FlagModes
        if Flags AND &H40 then FlagModes = FlagModes
        if Flags AND &H80 then FlagModes = FlagModes
        if Flags AND &H100 then FlagModes = FlagModes + SDL_RESIZABLE
        OldBuffer = *BufferPtrPtr
        *BufferPtrPtr = ImageCreate(Screen_Width, Screen_Height, RGB(0,0,0))
        if OldBuffer <> 0 then ImageDestroy OldBuffer
        If ThreadPtr = 0 then ThreadPtr = ThreadCreate(cast(any ptr, @SDLThread))
    end sub

    Sub Screen(Modus as integer, ClrDepth1 as integer = 32, Pages as integer = 1, Flags as uinteger = 0, FrameRate1 as integer= 30)
        Dim w as integer, h as integer
        Select Case Modus
        case -1
            ScreenControl 3, w, h
            FlagModes = FlagModes + SDL_FULLSCREEN
        case 0
            SrfcPtr = 0
            if *BufferPtrPtr <> 0 then ImageDestroy *BufferPtrPtr
            *BufferPtrPtr = 0
            exit sub
        Case 14
            w = 320: h = 240
        Case 15
            w = 400: h = 300
        Case 16
            w = 512: h = 384
        Case 17
            w = 640: h = 400
        Case 18
            w = 640: h = 480
        Case 19
            w = 800: h = 600
        case 20
            w = 1024: h = 768
        case 21
            w = 1280: h = 1024
        case 22
            w = 1600: h = 1200
        End select

        ScreenRes_tmp(w, h , ClrDepth1 , Pages , Flags , FrameRate1)
    End Sub

    Sub ScreenRes(Screen_Width as integer, Screen_Height as integer, ClrDepth1 as integer = 32, Pages as integer = 1, Flags as uinteger = 0, FrameRate1 as integer= 30)
        ScreenRes_tmp(Screen_Width, Screen_Height , ClrDepth1 , Pages , Flags , FrameRate1)
    end sub

    Function Inkey() as string
        if ThreadPtr <> 0 then
            CondWait SDLKeyCond, SDLMutex
            return in
        end if
    end function

    sub GetMouse(byref mx as integer=0,byref my as integer=0,byref ms as integer=0,byref mb as integer=0)
        if ThreadPtr <> 0 then
            CondWait SDLKeyCond, SDLMutex
            mx = MouseX
            my = MouseY
            ms = MouseScroll
            mb = MouseButton
        end if
    end Sub

    sub SetBufferPtr(byref BufferVar as any ptr)
        if BufferPtrPtr <> 0 then BufferVar = *BufferPtrPtr
        BufferPtrPtr = @BufferVar
    end sub

End NameSpace