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für Westbeam: modifizierte GUI.bi

Datum/Zeit:08.06.2012 23:40:32

Const True=1
Const False=0
#Define Quit Inkey=CHR(255,107)
Dim Shared As Byte LoadStandardColor=True
Dim Shared As Integer clr_back,clr_window,clr_box,clr_boxghost,clr_button,clr_buttonpressed,clr_buttonghost,clr_menu,clr_menuentry,clr_menuentryghost,clr_menuentryselected,clr_windowtext,clr_windowtextghost,clr_text,clr_textghost
Dim Shared As Integer tim,mx,my,mz,mb,mxa,mya,mba,move_win
Dim Shared As Integer anz_win,anz_lab,anz_but,anz_chk,anz_tbox,anz_men,anz_mene,anz_slid
Dim Shared As Any Ptr wino,winc,winog
dim shared anz_alloc as uinteger

#Include "TYPES.bi"
Dim Shared As Any Ptr slidptr,slidptr1,slidptr2

Dim Shared As WizWindow win(5000)
Dim Shared As UInteger winZ(5000)
Dim Shared As Label lab(5000)
Dim Shared As Button but(5000)
Dim Shared As CheckBox chk(5000)
Dim Shared As TextBox tbox(5000)
Dim Shared As Menu men(5000)
Dim Shared As MenuEntry mene(5000)
Dim Shared As Slider slid(5000)

#Include "WINDOW.bi"
#Include "SILLYGADGETS.bi"
#Include "BUTTON.bi"
#Include "CHECKBOX.bi"
#Include "TEXTBOX.bi"
#Include "MENU.bi"
#Include "LIST.bi"
#Include "SLIDER.bi"

Declare Sub InitGUI()
Declare Sub LoadColor(file As String)
Declare Sub DrawGadgets()
Declare Sub mouse()
Declare Sub SuperCLS()
Declare Sub Check()
Declare Function set_fbfont (ByVal x As Integer) As Integer

Sub LoadColor(file As String)
    Dim As Integer colorcfg=Freefile
    Open file For Input As colorcfg
        Input #colorcfg,clr_back
        Input #colorcfg,clr_window
        Input #colorcfg,clr_box
        Input #colorcfg,clr_boxghost
        Input #colorcfg,clr_button
        Input #colorcfg,clr_buttonpressed
        Input #colorcfg,clr_buttonghost
        Input #colorcfg,clr_menu
        Input #colorcfg,clr_menuentry
        Input #colorcfg,clr_menuentryghost
        Input #colorcfg,clr_menuentryselected
        Input #colorcfg,clr_windowtext
        Input #colorcfg,clr_windowtextghost
        Input #colorcfg,clr_text
        Input #colorcfg,clr_textghost
    Close #colorcfg
End Sub

Sub InitGUI()
    If LoadStandardColor=True Then
    End If
    Bload "GUI/gfx/win.bmp",wino
    Bload "GUI/gfx/wing.bmp",winog
    Bload "GUI/gfx/cross.bmp",winc
    Bload "GUI/gfx/slider.bmp",slidptr
    Bload "GUI/gfx/slider1.bmp",slidptr1
    Bload "GUI/gfx/slider2.bmp",slidptr2
    'for x as uinteger = 1 to anz_win
    '   with win(winZ(x))

    '   end with
End Sub

Sub DrawGadgets()
    For i As Integer=1 To anz_win


    select case win(winZ(i)).typ
'      case 0'nur mal um zu wissen, wo die Fenster bleiben, case 0 muß wieder entfernt werden
'        Draw String(10,450),win(winZ(i)).title

      case 1

      case 2
            Color &h000000
            Draw String(10,450),win(winZ(i)).title

    end select
    If win(winZ(i)).typ=1 Then
        Elseif win(winZ(i)).typ=2 Then
            Color &h000000
            Draw String(10,450),win(winZ(i)).title
        End If

    For i2 As Integer=1 To anz_lab
    For i3 As Integer=1 To anz_but
    For i4 As Integer=1 To anz_chk
    For i5 As Integer=1 To anz_tbox
    For i6 As Integer=1 To anz_men
        For i7 As Integer=1 To anz_mene
    For i8 As Integer=1 To anz_slid
    For i25 As Integer=1 To anz_win
        If win(winZ(i25)).typ=1 Then DrawWindowForGadgets(i25)
End Sub

Sub mouse()
    Getmouse mx,my,mz,mb
End Sub

Function set_fbfont (ByVal x As Integer) As Integer
Dim As Integer breit, hoch
ScreenInfo breit, hoch
Select Case x
Case 8, 14, 16 'nur 8, 14 oder 16 funktioniert richtig
Width breit\8, hoch\x ' hier wird auto. Cls ausgeführt
Case Else
Return 0 'etwas lief schief
End Select
Return 1 'Font erfolgreich gesetzt
End Function

Sub SuperCLS()
    If mb=1 Then
    End If
End Sub

Sub Check()
    mxa = mx
    mya = my
    mba = mb
    If mb = 0 Then'wenn die maus losgelassen wird ist wird kein fenster verschoben
        move_win = 0
    End If
    For i As Integer=1 To anz_tbox
    For i2 As Integer=1 To anz_but
        If (mx>but((i2)).realx And mx<but((i2)).w+but((i2)).realx) And (my>but((i2)).realy And my<but((i2)).realy+22) And mb=1 And move_win=0 Then
        End If
    For i3 As Integer=1 To anz_chk
        If (mx>chk((i3)).realx And mx<chk((i3)).realx+13) And (my>chk((i3)).realy And my<chk((i3)).realy+11) And chk((i3)).checked=0 And mb=1 And move_win=0 Then
            Sleep 200
        Elseif (mx>chk((i3)).realx And mx<chk((i3)).realx+13) And (my>chk((i3)).realy And my<chk((i3)).realy+11) And chk((i3)).checked=1 And mb=1 And move_win=0 Then
            Sleep 200
        End if
    For i5 As Integer=1 To anz_men
        If (mx>men(i5).realx And mx<men(i5).realw) And (my>men(i5).realy And my<men(i5).realy+20) And men(i5).selected=0 And mb=1 And move_win=0 Then
            For i As Integer=1 To anz_men
            Sleep 200
        Elseif (mx>men(i5).realx And mx<men(i5).realw) And (my>men(i5).realy And my<men(i5).realy+20) And men(i5).selected=1 And mb=1 And move_win=0 Then
            Sleep 200
        'ElseIf (mx<men(i5).realx Or mx>men(i5).realx+120 Or my<men(i5).realy Or my>men(i5).realy+20) And men(i5).selected=1 And mb=1 And move_win=0 Then
        '   men(i5).selected=0
        End If
        If move_win=1 Then
        End If
    For i As Integer=1 To anz_win
        If (mx>win(winZ(i)).x And mx<win(winZ(i)).x+20) And (my>win(winZ(i)).y And my<+win(winZ(i)).y+20) And mb=1 And move_win=0 Then

      win(winZ(i)).typ=0'nicht nur auf 0(unsichtbar?)setzen...
      WindowToBottom (i)'sondern auf nach hinten im Z-Buffer gelegt(zu finden in der WINDOW.bi)
    End If
    If mb = 1 And mba = 0 Then'wenn maus down dann schauen welches fenster angecklickt wurde
        For i As Integer= anz_win To 1 Step -1
        If (mx>win(winZ(i)).x And mx<win(winZ(i)).w+win(winZ(i)).x) And (my>win(winZ(i)).y And my<win(winZ(i)).h+win(winZ(i)).y) Then
            If i < anz_win and win(winZ(i)).typ<>0 Then WindowToTop (i)'wenn nicht eh schon TopWindow darf es auch nicht vom Typ 0 sein
        'einfach noch eine prüfung hinzu fügen (kann man natürlich optimieren)
        'welche prüft, ob man auf das ""bar klickt.
        If my<24+win(winZ(anz_win)).y Then
          'wenn dem so ist, dann:
          move_win = winZ(anz_win)
        End If
          Exit For 'exit danach
        End If
   End If
   'wenn move gesetzt, dann move es
   If move_win <> 0 Then
        'move variante ist SEHR unschön!!!
        win(move_win).x += mx - mxa
        win(move_win).y += my - mya
        For i As Integer=1 To anz_but
        For i As Integer=1 To anz_chk
        For i As Integer=1 To anz_men
        For i As Integer=1 To anz_mene
        For i As Integer=1 To anz_slid
   End If
   For i As Integer=1 To anz_mene
   Sleep 10,1
End Sub