Visual Basic 6 Kochbuch
Visual Basic 6 Kochbuch
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Datum/Zeit:03.09.2015 08:06:20

#include once "KUI.bas"

declare sub DrawBoard
declare sub DirDot(index as integer,direction as integer)

type boardposition
  x as integer
  y as integer
  stonecolor as integer'0=kein Stein,1=weiss,2=schwarz
end type

dim as Kuenstliche_UnIntelligenz kui


screen 19,32

dim shared as boardposition Board(23)
restore pdata
for i as integer=0 to 23
  read Board(i).x
  read Board(i).y
  Board(i).x +=597
  board(i).y +=22
next i


dim as integer mx,my,dx,dy,ff,rp2,mb,lmb,oldlmb
dim as string key
rp2=14*14'Quadrat des Check-Radius um eine Spielposition herum

  sleep 1

  'Steine setzen
  getmouse mx,my,,mb
  lmb=mb and 1
  if (oldlmb>0) and (lmb=0) then'wenn linke Maustaste wieder losgelassen = Klick
    for i as integer=0 to 23
      dx=Board(i).x - mx
      dy=Board(i).y - my
      if (dx*dx + dy*dy) <= rp2 then'wenn Maus über einer Brettposition, also auf oder innerhalb des Checkradius
        Board(i).stonecolor= (Board(i).stonecolor+1) mod 3'Stein setzen / Rotation der Farbe
      end if
    next i
  end if

  'Board laden/speichern
  select case key
    case "s"
      open "Boardsave" for output as ff
        for i as integer=0 to 23
          print #ff,Board(i).stonecolor
        next i
      close ff

    case "l"
      open "Boardsave" for input as ff
        for i as integer=0 to 23
          input #ff,Board(i).stonecolor
        next i
      close ff

    case " "
      'Übertragen des Spielfeldes in die Statistikabteilung
      for i as integer=0 to 23
        kui.Setze_Farbe( i , Board(i).stonecolor)
      next i

    case "1"
      'Übertragen des Spielfeldes in die Statistikabteilung
      for i as integer=0 to 23
        kui.Setze_Farbe( i , Board(i).stonecolor)
      next i
      print kui.Score

    case "2"
      for i as integer=0 to 23
        kui.Setze_Farbe( i , Board(i).stonecolor)
      next i
      print kui.Score
  end select
loop until key=chr(27)


sub DrawBoard
  line ( Board(0).x-20,Board(0).y-20 ) - ( Board(4).x+20,Board(4).y+20 ),&HFF6600,bf

  line( Board(0).x , Board(0).y )-( Board(4).x , Board(4).y ),&HFFFFFF,b
  line( Board(8).x , Board(8).y )-( Board(12).x , Board(12).y ),&HFFFFFF,b
  line( Board(16).x , Board(16).y )-( Board(20).x , Board(20).y ),&HFFFFFF,b
  line( Board(1).x , Board(1).y )-( Board(17).x , Board(17).y ),&HFFFFFF,b
  line( Board(3).x , Board(3).y )-( Board(19).x , Board(19).y ),&HFFFFFF,b
  line( Board(5).x , Board(5).y )-( Board(21).x , Board(21).y ),&HFFFFFF,b
  line( Board(7).x , Board(7).y )-( Board(23).x , Board(23).y ),&HFFFFFF,b
  for i as integer=0 to 23
    if Board(i).stonecolor=1 then circle(Board(i).x,Board(i).y),8,&HFFFFFF,,,,f
    if Board(i).stonecolor=2 then circle(Board(i).x,Board(i).y),8,&H000000,,,,f
  next i
end sub

sub DirDot(index as integer,direction as integer)
  dim as integer ox,oy
  select case direction
    case 0'hoch
    case 1'rechts
    case 2'unten
    case 3'links
  end select
  if Board(index).stonecolor=1 then
  end if
  if Board(index).stonecolor=2 then
  end if
end sub

'   0-----------1-----------2
'   |           |           |
'   |   8-------9------10   |
'   |   |       |       |   |
'   |   |  16--17--18   |   |
'   |   |   |       |   |   |
'   7--15--23      19--11---3
'   |   |   |       |   |   |
'   |   |  22--21--20   |   |
'   |   |       |       |   |
'   |  14------13------12   |
'   |           |           |
'   6-----------5-----------4
'äusseres Viereck 0-7
data 0,0,  90,0,  180,0,  180,90,  180,180,  90,180,  0,180,  0,90
'mittleres Viereck 8-15
data 30,30,  90,30,  150,30,  150,90,  150,150,  90,150,  30,150,  30,90
'inneres Viereck 16-23
data 60,60,  90,60,  120,60,  120,90,  120,120,  90,120,  60,120,  60,90