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Datum/Zeit: | 23.03.2008 15:01:57 |
#include "freetype2/freetype.bi"
' Alpha blending
#define FT_MASK_RB_32 &h00FF00FF
#define FT_MASK_G_32 &h0000FF00
' DataStructure to make it easy
Type FT_Var
ErrorMsg As FT_Error
Library As FT_Library
PixelSize As Integer
End Type
Dim Shared FT_Var As FT_Var
Declare sub DrawGlyph(ByVal FontFT As FT_Face, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal Clr As UInteger)
Declare Function PrintFT(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal Text As String, ByVal Font As Integer, ByVal Size As Integer = 14, ByVal Clr As UInteger = Rgb(255, 255, 255)) as integer
Declare Function GetFont(ByVal FontName As String) As Integer
DIM Shared AS INTEGER Timer1, FPS,FCount 'Definitionen der Variablen
timer1=TIMER+1 'Start-TIMER festlegen
Sub FPS_Calc ()
FCount +=1 'Frames zählen
IF TIMER >= timer1 THEN 'Wenn 1 Sekunde vergangen ist
FPS=Fcount 'werden die Zählvorgänge gespeichert
FCount=0 'der Zähler zurückgesetzt
Timer1=TIMER+1 'und der TIMER neu gesetzt
print "FPS :";FPS
End Sub
Dim As Byte Ptr splashimage1
ScreenRes 480, 272, 32, 2, &H10
' Initialize FreeType
' -------------------
FT_Var.ErrorMsg = FT_Init_FreeType(@FT_Var.Library)
If FT_Var.ErrorMsg Then
Print "Could not load library"
End If
Dim ArialFont As Integer
ArialFont = GetFont("Inc/Vera.ttf")
If ArialFont = 0 Then Print "couldn't find it": Sleep: End
splashimage1=ImageCreate(480, 272)
BLoad("Inc\splash1.bmp", splashimage1)
Do while InKey<>Chr(27)
Put (0,0), splashimage1, PSet
Print "Hallo"
PrintFT (0, 120, "Hello World!", ArialFont, 22, RGB(0,0,0))
Sleep 1
' Load a font
' -----------
Function GetFont(ByVal FontName As String) As Integer
Dim Face As FT_Face
Dim ErrorMsg As FT_Error
ErrorMsg = FT_New_Face(FT_Var.Library, FontName, 0, @Face )
If ErrorMsg Then Return 0
Return CInt(Face)
End Function
' Print Text
' ----------
Function PrintFT(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal Text As String, ByVal Font As Integer, ByVal Size As Integer = 14, ByVal Clr As UInteger = Rgb(255, 255, 255)) as integer
Dim ErrorMsg As FT_Error
Dim FontFT As FT_Face
Dim GlyphIndex As FT_UInt
Dim Slot As FT_GlyphSlot
Dim PenX As Integer
Dim PenY As Integer
Dim i As Integer
' Get rid of any alpha channel in AlphaClr
Clr = Clr Shl 8 Shr 8
' Convert font handle
FontFT = Cast(FT_Face, Font)
' Set font size
ErrorMsg = FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes(FontFT, Size, Size)
FT_Var.PixelSize = Size
If ErrorMsg Then Return 0
' Draw each character
Slot = FontFT->Glyph
PenX = x
PenY = y
For i = 0 To Len(Text) - 1
' Load character index
GlyphIndex = FT_Get_Char_Index(FontFT, Text[i])
' Load character glyph
ErrorMsg = FT_Load_Glyph(FontFT, GlyphIndex, FT_LOAD_DEFAULT)
If ErrorMsg Then Return 0
' Render glyph
ErrorMsg = FT_Render_Glyph(FontFT->Glyph, FT_RENDER_MODE_NORMAL)
If ErrorMsg Then Return 0
' Check clipping
If (PenX + FontFT->Glyph->Bitmap_Left + FontFT->Glyph->Bitmap.Width) > 320 Then Exit For
If (PenY - FontFT->Glyph->Bitmap_Top + FontFT->Glyph->Bitmap.Rows) > 240 Then Exit For
If (PenX + FontFT->Glyph->Bitmap_Left) < 0 Then Exit For
If (PenY - FontFT->Glyph->Bitmap_Top) < 0 Then Exit For
' Set pixels
DrawGlyph FontFT, PenX + FontFT->Glyph->Bitmap_Left, PenY - FontFT->Glyph->Bitmap_Top, Clr
PenX += Slot->Advance.x Shr 6
Next i
End Function
sub DrawGlyph(ByVal FontFT As FT_Face, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal Clr As UInteger)
Dim BitmapFT As FT_Bitmap
Dim BitmapPtr As UByte Ptr
Dim DestPtr As UInteger Ptr
Dim BitmapHgt As Integer
Dim BitmapWid As Integer
Dim BitmapPitch As Integer
Dim Src_RB As UInteger
Dim Src_G As UInteger
Dim Dst_RB As UInteger
Dim Dst_G As UInteger
Dim Dst_Color As UInteger
Dim Alpha As Integer
BitmapFT = FontFT->Glyph->Bitmap
BitmapPtr = BitmapFT.Buffer
BitmapWid = BitmapFT.Width
BitmapHgt = BitmapFT.Rows
BitmapPitch = 320 - BitmapFT.Width
DestPtr = Cast(UInteger Ptr, ScreenPtr) + (y * 320) + x
Do While BitmapHgt
Do While BitmapWid
' Thanks, GfxLib
Src_RB = Clr And FT_MASK_RB_32
Src_G = Clr And FT_MASK_G_32
Dst_Color = *DestPtr
Alpha = *BitmapPtr
Dst_RB = Dst_Color And FT_MASK_RB_32
Dst_G = Dst_Color And FT_MASK_G_32
Src_RB = ((Src_RB - Dst_RB) * Alpha) Shr 8
Src_G = ((Src_G - Dst_G) * Alpha) Shr 8
*DestPtr = ((Dst_RB + Src_RB) And FT_MASK_RB_32) Or ((Dst_G + Src_G) And FT_MASK_G_32)
DestPtr += 1
BitmapPtr += 1
BitmapWid -= 1
BitmapWid = BitmapFT.Width
BitmapHgt -= 1
DestPtr += BitmapPitch
End Sub