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Fraktale Kalkulation 1.1

Datum/Zeit:10.03.2006 20:28:45

option explicit
randomize timer
on error goto erroc
'Juliamengenu. Mandelbrot Berechnung by psygate
'Copright 2006

dim as double m,n,p,q,i,x,y,u,v,z,a,tist,fade
dim shared as string key,path
dim shared as integer steps=1,num,xmax,ymax,cycle,t,pal(256),col1,col2,l,per
dim as integer xm,ym,julmod,button
const its=1000
const mandfact=1
const magnify=120
const switch=0.1
declare sub julia(x0 as double,y0 as double, julmod as integer)
declare sub mandelbrot()
screenres 1024,768,,,1
screeninfo xmax,ymax
'for t=0 to 256
'    pal(t)=rgb(255,255,255)\256*t
'next t
while key<>"a"
    if fade=1 then
        if timer>tist then
            for l=0 to 255
                palette get 1,col1
                palette get l+1,col2
                palette l,col2
                palette 255,col1
            next l
'            per+=1
'            path="Mandelbrotcalc"+str$(per)+".bmp"
'            if per<257 then bsave path,0
        end if
    end if
    getmouse xm,ym,,button
    if button=1 then julia((xm-xmax/2)/magnify,(ym-ymax/2)/magnify,julmod)
    if key="m" then julmod=1:mandelbrot
    if key="n" then julmod=0:mandelbrot
    if key="h" then steps+=1:cls:mandelbrot:julia((xm-xmax/2)/magnify,(ym-ymax/2)/magnify,julmod)
    if key="f" and steps-1>0 then steps-=1:cls:mandelbrot:julia((xm-xmax/2)/magnify,(ym-ymax/2)/magnify,julmod)
    if key="b" then num+=1:path="fraktal"+str$(num)+".bmp":bsave path,0
    if key="a" then screenunlock:system
    if key="c" then fade=not fade:tist=timer
    if key="r" and tist >0 then tist=tist-0.1
    if key="s" then tist=tist+0.1


'Subs; Functions:

sub julia(x0 as double,y0 as double,julmod as integer)
    dim as double nx,ny,x,y,xn,yn,dx,dy,n,d,xb,yb,mb,l=2
    dim as integer q,p,col1,col2
    if julmod=0 then
        for nx=0 to xmax-1 step 4
            for ny=0 to ymax-1 step 4
                for n=1 to its
'                    asm
'                        fld qword ptr [x]
'                        fmul qword ptr [x]
'                        fstp qword ptr [xb]
'                        fld qword ptr [y]
'                        fmul qword ptr [y]
'                        fstp qword ptr [yb]
'                        fld qword ptr [x0]
'                        fmul qword ptr [mandfact]
'                        fstp qword ptr [mb]
'                        fld qword ptr [xb]
'                        fsub qword ptr [yb]
'                        fadd qword ptr [mb]
'                        fstp qword ptr [yn]
'                        fld qword ptr [l]
'                        fmul qword ptr [x]
'                        fmul qword ptr [y]
'                        fstp qword ptr [mb]
'                        fld qword ptr [y0]
'                        fmul qword ptr [mandfact]
'                        fadd qword ptr [mb]
'                        fstp qword ptr [yn]
'                    end asm
                    if d>2 then goto blank
                next n
    '            pset(3*xmax/4+nx/4,ymax/4*3+(ny/ymax)*ymax/4),n
            next ny
        next nx
    elseif julmod=1 then
        for nx=0 to xmax step steps
            for ny=0 to ymax\2 step steps
                for n=1 to its
'                    asm
'                        fld qword ptr [x]
'                        fmul qword ptr [x]
'                        fstp qword ptr [xb]
'                        fld qword ptr [y]
'                        fmul qword ptr [y]
'                        fstp qword ptr [yb]
'                        fld qword ptr [x0]
'                        fmul qword ptr [mandfact]
'                        fstp qword ptr [mb]
'                        fld qword ptr [xb]
'                        fsub qword ptr [yb]
'                        fadd qword ptr [mb]
'                        fstp qword ptr [yn]
'                        fld qword ptr [l]
'                        fmul qword ptr [x]
'                        fmul qword ptr [y]
'                        fstp qword ptr [mb]
'                        fld qword ptr [y0]
'                        fmul qword ptr [mandfact]
'                        fadd qword ptr [mb]
'                        fstp qword ptr [yn]
'                    end asm
                    if d>2 then goto blanker
                next n
    '            pset(3*xmax/4+nx/4,ymax/4*3+(ny/ymax)*ymax/4),n
            next ny
        next nx
'        for q=1 to xmax step 2
'            for p=1 to ymax step 2
'                col1=point(x-1,y)
'                col2=point(x+1,y)
'                pset(q,p),col1\2+col2\2
'                col1=point(x-2,y+1)
'                col2=point(x-2,y+1)
'                pset(q+1,p+1),col1\2+col2\2
'            next p
'        next q
    end if
end sub

sub mandelbrot
    dim as double m,n,p,q,i,x,y,u,v,z,a,l,xb,yb,mb
    for m=1 to xmax step steps
        for n=1 to ymax\2 step steps
            for i=1 to its
'                asm
'                    fld qword ptr [x]
'                    fmul qword ptr [x]
'                    fstp qword ptr [xb]
'                    fld qword ptr [y]
'                    fmul qword ptr [y]
'                    fstp qword ptr [yb]
'                    fld qword ptr [p]
'                    fmul qword ptr [mandfact]
'                    fstp qword ptr [mb]
'                    fld qword ptr [xb]
'                    fsub qword ptr [yb]
'                    fadd qword ptr [mb]
'                    fstp qword ptr [u]
'                    fld qword ptr [l]
'                    fmul qword ptr [x]
'                    fmul qword ptr [y]
'                    fstp qword ptr [xb]
'                    fld qword ptr [q]
'                    fmul qword ptr [mandfact]
'                    fadd qword ptr [xb]
'                    fstp qword ptr [v]
'                end asm

                if u*u+v*v>4 then goto ender
            next i
        next n
    next m
end sub
'on error:
 screen 12
 print "Sorry, an error killed the program."
 sleep 5,1