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Datum/Zeit:21.07.2006 16:00:22

'Fireworks, programmed and developed by psygate
'21. July 2006
'Use as you like. Use at your own risk.

option explicit
randomize timer

'Type Declaretion:

type rocket
    x as integer        'X-Coordinates (Launch rocket from the middle: no use anymore)
    y as integer        'Y-Coordinates
    maxy as integer     'Highest Point, where the rocket should explode
    c as integer        'Color of the rocket
end type

type particle
    x as double         'X-Yadda Yadda, you know...
    y as double         '^Look up^
    xo as uinteger      'Old Coordinates can never be negative
    yo as uinteger      '^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    vx as double        'Speed of the Particle on the x-Axes
    vy as double        '^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^y-Axes
    ax as double        'acceleration of the particle in x-direction.
    ay as double        '^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^y-direction.
    r as ubyte          'Red part of the particle color.
    g as ubyte          'green^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    b as ubyte          'blue^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
end type
const gravity=0.1
const maxvx=2
const maxvy=10
dim as uinteger xmax,ymax,c,dots,blend,r,meanb
dim as double t
dim as ubyte pointer image
dim as string key
'Get number oof performed Operations per second:
while t>timer
dots=dots\200           'Divide by hundret because in mainloop you dont just add
                        '1 to every pixel. (PSET usw...)
dim as rocket flight
dim as particle dot(dots)
'Get info about the screen end set it.
screeninfo xmax,ymax
screenres xmax,ymax,32,,1
'Start the flight:
    with flight
        while .y<>.maxy
            sleep 1         'If you don't wait a while the rocket would be too fast.
            if inkey$<>"" then exit while
    end with
    for c= 1 to dots
        with dot(c)
        end with
'        if t<timer then blend+=1
        put (0,0),image,alpha,blend
        for c=1 to dots
            with dot(c)
                if t-timer<0 and (.x>xmax-1 or .y>ymax-1 or .x<0) then r+=1
                if (.x>xmax-1 or .y>ymax-1) and t-timer>0 then
'                        flight.x-=0.1
                        if t-timer<3 then meanb+=1:meanb=meanb mod 255
                        if t-timer<1 then .r=255:.g=255:.b=255
                end if
            end with
    loop until key<>"" or r=dots-1
loop until key<>""