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Feuerwerk 2008 mit FBSinCos

Datum/Zeit:02.01.2008 18:48:02

'Feuerwerk.bas(8) - by Volta - 29.12.2007
'Partikelsystem aus alten RapidQ-Zeiten, in FB erstaunlich schneller.
'Declare Function PI As Single
'Was liegt näher, als FBSinCos mit dem Programm auszuprobieren, das mich auf die Idee brachte ^^
'Durch die Einführung von fbCos und fbSin sind andere Variablen rausgeflogen
'ich habe nicht getesten, ob das Programm dadurch schneller wird
'ytwinky, 02.01.2008
Declare Sub FBSinCos(Angle As Double, byRef fbSin As Double, byRef fbCos As Double)
Declare Function calc (Byval t As Single) As Integer
Declare Sub render
Declare Sub rocket
Declare Sub rocket3 (Byval a As Single, Byval e As Single)
Declare Sub rocket2
Declare Function stern2 (Byval m As Integer) As Integer

Const CtrlC=!"\3", Esc=!"\27", AltF4=!"\255\107"
Const PI=4.0*Atn(1.0)
Const maxPartikel = 240          'max. particel
Const lifetime = 2500            'max. time of live
Const ppblast = 100              'number of points in one blast

Type blast                      'type point
  x As Single                   'x position
  y As Single                   'y position
  vx As Single                  'horizontal speed
  vy As Single                  'vertical speed
  live As Integer               'is this point alive?
  farbe As Integer              'color
  top As Integer                'type of point 1-3
End Type
Dim Shared rakete(0 To maxPartikel) As blast 'array
Dim Shared As Integer breite, hoehe, bpp, pitch
Dim Shared As Double fbCos, fbSin
Dim As Single t, r
Dim As String Ik
Randomize Timer

Screen 19, 32,, 1
Screeninfo breite, hoehe, bpp,,pitch
Draw String (1, hoehe-15),"We wish you a very happy new year 2008 Volta & ytwinky", &Hffff00
If ((fb_CpuDetect And &h800000) = 0) Or (bpp < 32) Then
  Print "Error: only MMX-CPU and true Color!"
End If
  t = Timer
  Sleep 1,1
  If calc(Timer - t) > ppblast Then
    r= Rnd *3
    If r < 1.9 Then rocket
    If (r > 1.9) And (r<2.2) Then rocket2
    If (r > 2.2) Then rocket3 (1.2,2)
  End If
  Ik = Inkey                        'Tastaturabfrage
Loop Until Ik=Esc Or Ik=CtrlC Or Ik=AltF4  'ESC oder Ctrl-C oder AltF4 gedrückt, dann raus hier

Sub rocket ()
  Dim As Single v
  Dim As Integer n=0, poc= Int(Rnd * (ppblast \2)), ax, ay
  ax = 50 + Int(Rnd * (breite -100))
  ay = 50 + Int(Rnd * (hoehe \2))
    If rakete(n).live = 0 Then
      v = Rnd * 80
      With rakete(n)
        .x = ax
        .y = ay
        FBSinCos(Rnd *2 *PI, fbSin, fbCos)
        .vx = fbCos * v
        .vy = fbSin * v
        .top = Int(1 + 2 * Rnd)
        .live = 100 + Int(Rnd * lifetime)
        .farbe = Rgb(120 +Int(Rnd *135),Int(Rnd *256),Int(Rnd *135))
      End With
      poc += 1
    End If
    n += 1
  Loop Until (poc = ppblast) Or (n = maxPartikel)
End Sub

Sub render ()
  Dim As Integer i, x, y, farbe
  Dim  As Byte Ptr ScrPtr = Screenptr
  ScrPtr += pitch
  For i = 1 To hoehe-16
    ScrPtr += pitch
    For y = 8 To pitch-8 Step 4
        mov eax, [ScrPtr]
        add eax, [y]
        mov ebx, [pitch]
        pxor mm2, mm2       'mm2 [00000000]
        movd mm0, [eax +ebx]'mm0 [    rgba]<-pixel unten
        punpcklbw mm0, mm2  'mm0 [0r0g0b0a]
        movd mm1, [eax]     'mm1 [    rgba]<-pixel
        punpcklbw mm1, mm2  'mm1 [0r0g0b0a]
        paddw mm0, mm1      'mm0 [ r g b a] =(mm0 + mm1)
        movd mm1, [eax -4]  'mm1 [    rgba]<-pixel-1
        punpcklbw mm1, mm2  'mm1 [0r0g0b0a]
        paddw mm0, mm1      'mm0 [ r g b a] =(mm0 + mm1)
        movd mm1, [eax +4]  'mm1 [    rgba]<-pixel+1
        punpcklbw mm1, mm2  'mm1 [0r0g0b0a]
        paddw mm0, mm1      'mm0 [ r g b a] =(mm0 + mm1)
        psrlw mm0, 2        'mm0 [0r0g0b0a] =(mm0 \ 4)
        packuswb mm0, mm0   'mm0 [rgbargba]
        movd [eax], mm0     'mm0 [    rgba]->pixel
      End Asm
    Next y
  Next i
  Asm emms 'Register für FPU freigeben
  For i = 0 To maxPartikel
    If rakete(i).live > 0 Then
      x = Int(rakete(i).x)
      y = Int(rakete(i).y)
      farbe = rakete(i).farbe
      Pset (x, y), farbe
      If rakete(i).top =2 Then
        Pset (x + 1, y), farbe
        Pset (x, y + 1), farbe
        Pset (x - 1, y), farbe
        Pset (x, y - 1), farbe
      End If
    End If
End Sub

Function calc (Byval t As Single) As Integer
  Dim As Integer i, n=0
  For I = 0 To maxPartikel
    If rakete(I).live > 0 Then
      With rakete(I)
        .vy = .vy + ((.y/8) * t)
        .x = .x + (.vx * t)
        .y = .y + (.vy * t)
        .live = .live - Int(t * 1000)
        If (.live < 0) Or _
        (.x <= 3) Or _
        (.y <= 3) Or _
        (.x > breite-3) Or _
        (.y > hoehe-15) Then .live = 0
      End With
      If rakete(I).top =3 Then
        If rakete(I).live < 800 Then
          If rakete(I).live > 0 Then n -= stern2(I)
        End If
      End If
      n += 1
    End If
  calc = maxPartikel - n
End Function

Sub rocket3 (Byval a As Single, Byval e As Single)
  Dim As Single v
  Dim As Integer n=0, poc=(ppblast\2) + Int(Rnd *(ppblast\4)), ax, ay
  ax = 50 + Int(Rnd * (breite -100))
  ay = 100 + Int(Rnd * (hoehe\2))
    If rakete(n).live = 0 Then
      v = Rnd * 100
      With rakete(n)
        .x = ax
        .y = ay
        FBSinCos((Pi*a) +Rnd *PI/e, fbSin, fbCos)
        .vx = fbCos * v
        .vy = fbSin * v
        .top = Int(1 + 2 * Rnd)
        .live = 1500 + Int(Rnd * poc*10)
        .farbe = Rgb(120 +Int(Rnd *135), Int(Rnd *256), Int(Rnd *135))
      End With
      poc += 1
    End If
    n += 1
  Loop Until (poc = ppblast) Or (n = maxPartikel)
End Sub

Sub rocket2 ()
  Dim As Integer n=0, poc=1, farbe, ax, ay
  Dim As Single v
  ax = 50 + Int(Rnd * (breite -100))
  ay = 50 + Int(Rnd * (hoehe\4))
  farbe = Rgb(120+Int(Rnd *136), Int(Rnd *256), 0)
    If rakete(n).live = 0 Then
      v = 60+Int(Rnd * 15)
      With rakete(n)
        .x = ax
        .y = ay
        FBSinCos(PI/10*poc, fbSin, fbCos)
        .vx = fbCos * v
        .vy = fbSin * v
        .top = 3
        .live = 100 + Int(Rnd * lifetime)
        .farbe = farbe
      End With
      poc += 1
    End If
    n += 1
  Loop Until (poc = 20) Or (n = maxPartikel)
End Sub

Function stern2 (Byval m As Integer) As Integer
  Dim As Integer n=0, poc=1, farbe, ax, ay
  Dim As Single v
  farbe = Rgb(255, Int(Rnd *256), 0) Or rakete(m).farbe
    If rakete(n).live = 0 Then
      v = 15+Int(Rnd * 25)
      With rakete(n)
        .x = rakete(m).x
        .y = rakete(m).y
        FBSinCos(PI/9*poc, fbSin, fbCos)
        .vx = fbCos * v
        .vy = fbSin * v
        .top = Int(1 + 2 * Rnd)
        .live = 100 + Int(Rnd * 1200)
        .farbe = farbe
      End With
      poc += 1
    End If
    n += 1
  Loop Until (poc = 18) Or (n = maxPartikel)
  rakete(m).live = 0
  stern2 = poc
End Function

Sub FBSinCos(Angle As Double, byRef fbSin As Double, byRef fbCos As Double)
    Dim As Double hcos, hsin
    fld qword Ptr [Angle] 'Angle -> st(0)
    fsincos               'compute sin AND cos
    fstp qword Ptr [hcos] 'St(0) -> cos
    fstp qword Ptr [hsin] 'St(0) -> sin
  End Asm
End Sub