Visual Basic 6 Kochbuch
Visual Basic 6 Kochbuch
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fbSysMon v.2.0

Datum/Zeit:10.07.2008 22:06:10

    (c) 2007 28398 Laboratories

#Include "crt.bi"

Dim As Integer logo(0 To 48*4) => { _
    _ 'f
    24,24,35,77, _
    18,42,41,47, _
    18,72,41,77, _
    30,18,47,23, _
    42,24,53,29, _
    48,30,53,35, _
    _ 'b
    66,19,71,23, _
    72,19,83,77, _
    84,36,95,41, _
    90,42,101,47, _
    96,48,107,71, _
    84,72,101,77, _
    _ 'S
    120,18,149,23, _
    144,24,155,35, _
    114,24,125,35, _
    120,36,131,41, _
    126,42,143,47, _
    138,48,149,53, _
    144,54,155,71, _
    114,61,125,71, _
    120,72,149,77, _
    _ 'y
    162,36,173,71, _
    168,72,191,77, _
    192,36,203,83, _
    186,84,197,89, _
    162,90,191,95, _
    _ 's
    216,36,245,41, _
    210,42,221,47, _
    240,42,251,47, _
    216,48,227,53, _
    222,54,239,59, _
    234,60,245,65, _
    240,66,251,71, _
    210,66,221,71, _
    216,72,245,77, _
    _ 'M
    258,18,269,77, _
    288,18,299,77, _
    270,24,275,41, _
    282,24,287,41, _
    276,30,281,47, _
    _ 'o
    312,36,341,41, _
    306,42,317,71, _
    336,42,347,71, _
    312,72,341,77, _
    _ 'n
    354,36,365,41, _
    372,36,389,41, _
    360,42,371,77, _
    384,42,395,77 _

Dim Shared As ZString Ptr _HRPBegin       'Pointer auf den Anfang des Files
Dim Shared As Uinteger _HRPLen        'Länge des Files

  .balign 16
  jmp START_OF_PROG            'springe zum Label START_OF_PROG

  .balign 4
  START_OF_FILE:               'ab hier beginnt die eingebundene Datei
  .incbin "./fbSysMon_raw.html"
  END_OF_FILE:                 'hier endet die eingebundene Datei

  .balign 16
  lea ebx, START_OF_FILE       'Lade die Adresse des Label START_OF_FILE nach ebx
  mov dword Ptr [_HRPBegin], ebx 'Speicher die Adresse im Pointer StartFile
  lea eax, END_OF_FILE         'Lade die Adresse des Label END_OF_FILE nach eax
  sub eax, ebx                 'berechne eax - ebx = Länge des Files
  mov dword Ptr [_HRPLen], eax 'Speicher die Länge des Files in der Variablen LenFile
End Asm

' Farben
#Define White               RGB(255, 255, 255)
#Define Grey200             RGB(200, 200, 200)
#Define Grey150             RGB(150, 150, 150)
#Define Grey100             RGB(100, 100, 100)
#Define Grey50              RGB(50 ,  50,  50)
#Define Black               RGB(0  , 0  , 0  )

#Define cRed                RGB(255, 0  , 0  )
#Define cGreen              RGB(0  , 255, 0  )
#Define cBlue               RGB(0  , 0  , 255)

#Define Yellow              RGB(255, 255, 0  )
#Define Tuerkese            RGB(0  , 255, 255)
#Define Lila                RGB(255, 0  , 255)

' Style
#Define Title_Active        cBlue
#Define Title_Active_Font   White
#Define Font_Color      Yellow

#Define ByteToMB(x) (x/1024)/1024

Const XDiff = 320
Const XField = 35
Const XField2 = XField + XDiff
Const XVal = 152 '160 '179
Const XVal2 = XVal + XDiff

Type Mem
    PhysTotal As UInteger  ' In MB!!!
    PhysAvail As UInteger
    Phys_Used As UInteger
    PhyShared As UInteger
    PhyBuffer As UInteger
    SwapTotal As UInteger
    SwapAvail As UInteger
    Swap_Used As UInteger
End Type

Type Res
    ubBPP As UByte
     sBPP As String
    sRes As String
End Type

Type Alg
    CPU As Double
    Sys As String
    Runtime As String
End Type

Type CPU
    sBrand As String
    sVendor As String
    sSpeed As String
    sNumCores As String
    sArch As String
    sFamily As String
    sModel As String
    sStepping As String
    sh3DNow As String = "No"
    sh3DNowEx As String = "No"
    shMMX As String = "No"
    shMMXEx As String = "No"
    shSSE As String = "No"
    shSSE2 As String = "No"
    shSSE3 As String = "No"
    shSSSE3 As String = "No"
    shSSE41 As String = "No"
    shSSE42 As String = "No"
    shSSE4a As String = "No"
    shSSE5 As String = "No"
    shVMX As String = "No"
End Type

Dim Shared MemInf As Mem
Dim Shared ResInf As Res
Dim Shared AlgInf As Alg
Dim Shared CPUInf As CPU

#Ifdef __FB_WIN32__

    #Include "windows.bi"

    Function GetWindowsVersion () As String
        Dim r As String
        viOS.dwOSVersionInfoSize = SizeOf(OSVERSIONINFO)

        Select Case viOS.dwPlatformId
            Case VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT
                If (viOS.dwMajorVersion = 6) And (viOS.dwMinorVersion > 0) Then r = "Windows Vista"
                If (viOS.dwMajorVersion = 5) And (viOS.dwMinorVersion = 2) Then r = "Windows Server 2003"
                If (viOS.dwMajorVersion = 5) And (viOS.dwMinorVersion = 1) Then r = "Windows XP"
                If (viOS.dwMajorVersion = 5) And (viOS.dwMinorVersion = 0) Then r = "Windows 2000"
                If viOS.dwMajorVersion <= 4 Then r = "Windows NT"
                If (viOS.dwMajorVersion = 4) And (viOS.dwMinorVersion = 0) Then r = "Windows 95"
                If (viOS.dwMajorVersion = 4) And (viOS.dwMinorVersion = 10) Then
                    If viOS.szCSDVersion = "A" Then r = " Windows 98 SE" Else r = "Windows 98"
                If (viOS.dwMajorVersion = 4) And (viOS.dwMinorVersion = 90) Then r = "Windows ME"
            Case VER_PLATFORM_WIN32s
                r = "Win32s"
        End Select

        Return r
    End Function
    Type sysinfo
        uptime As Integer
        loads(2) As Integer
        totalram As Integer
        freeram As Integer
        sharedram As Integer
        bufferram As Integer
        totalswap As Integer
        freeswap As Integer
        procs As Short
        reserved1 As Integer  '4 bytes reserved
        reserved2 As Integer  '8 bytes reserved
        reserved3 As Integer  '12 bytes reserved
        reserved4 As Integer  '16 bytes reserved
        reserved5 As Integer  '20 bytes reserved
        reserved6 As Integer  '24 bytes reserved
    End Type

    Declare Function sysinfo Cdecl Alias "sysinfo" (ByRef return As sysinfo) As Integer

Function GetArch () As String
    Select Case (fb_CpuDetect Shr 28)
        Case 3: Return "i386"
        Case 4: Return "i486"
        Case 5: Return "i586"
        Case 6: Return "i686"
    End Select
End Function

Function has_CPUID () As Integer

    'FB arbeitet auch noch auf Prozessoren die keine CPUID unterstützen!
    'prüfen ob der Prozessor eine lesbare CPUID hat

        pushfd ' Save EFLAGS auf den stack
        pop eax ' Store EFLAGS in EAX
        mov ebx, eax ' Save in EBX
        xor eax, &h200000 ' bit 21 wechseln
        push eax ' auf den stack
        popfd ' in die EFLAGS
        pushfd ' Push EFLAGS auf den stack
        pop eax ' EFLAGS in EAX
        cmp eax, ebx ' bleibt bit 21 geändert
        jz no_cpuid ' hat keine CPUID
        mov eax,1
        mov [Function], eax
    End Asm

End Function

Function GetCPUClock () As Integer
    'Prozessortakt wird nicht immer richtig angezeigt?
    Dim As Uinteger t
    Dim As Double t1

    #Ifdef __FB_WIN32__
        SetPriorityClass (GetCurrentProcess(), REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS)

        xor eax, eax
        rdtsc 'internen Clockcounter lesen
        mov [t], eax
    End Asm

    t1 = Timer + 0.2 '20ms warten
    Do: Loop Until t1 < Timer

        xor eax, eax
        rdtsc                   'internen Clockcounter lesen
        Sub eax, [t]   'ersten Wert abziehen
        mov ecx, 2000000
        idiv ecx             'in Mhz wandeln
        inc eax
        imul eax, 10     'Anzeigewert glaetten
        mov [Function], eax
    End Asm

    #Ifdef __FB_WIN32__
        SetPriorityClass (GetCurrentProcess(), NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS)

End Function

Function has_MMX () As Byte
    Dim As Byte hat_mmx = 0

        mov eax, 1
        test edx, &h00800000 'hat_mmx, Bit 23
        jz doesnot
        mov Byte Ptr [hat_mmx], 1

    End Asm

    Return hat_mmx
End Function

Function has_SSE () As Byte
    Dim As Byte hat_sse = 0

        mov eax, 1
        test edx, &h02000000 'hat_sse, Bit 25
        jz doesnot2
        mov Byte Ptr [hat_sse], 1

    End Asm

    Return hat_sse
End Function

Function has_SSE2 () As Byte
    Dim As Byte hat_sse2 = 0

        mov eax, 1
        test edx, &h04000000 'hat_sse2, Bit 26
        jz doesnot3
        mov Byte Ptr [hat_sse2], 1

    End Asm

    Return hat_sse2
End Function

Function is_AMD () As Byte

    Dim As Byte _is_amd, is_intel

      mov eax, 0
      cmp ecx, &h444d4163 'cAMD
      jnz no_amd
      mov Byte Ptr [_is_amd], 1
      cmp ecx, &h6c65746e 'ntel
      jnz no_intel
      mov Byte Ptr [is_intel], 1
    End Asm

    If _is_AMD = 0 Then Return 0 Else Return 1
End Function

Function is_x64 () As Byte

    Dim As UInteger erg
    Dim As Byte AMD64

    If is_AMD = 1 Then
        'Test auf extended functions
            mov eax,&h80000000
            and eax, &h0F
            mov [erg], eax
        End Asm
        If erg > 0 Then
                mov eax,&h80000001
                test edx, &h20000000 'hat AMD64
                jz weiter5
                mov Byte Ptr [AMD64], 1
            End Asm
        End If
    Else ' Intel
            mov eax,&h80000000

            and eax, &h0F
            mov [erg], eax
        End Asm

        If erg > 0 Then
              mov eax,&h80000001
              test edx, &h20000000 'Intel 64bit
              jz no_EM64T
              mov Byte Ptr [AMD64], 1 ' nicht ganz richtig, ist aber im grunde dasselbe
            End Asm
        End If
    End If

    Return AMD64
End Function

Function _GetCoreCountAMD () As Byte
  Dim As UInteger erg, tmp
  Dim As Byte mnc, cores

    mov eax, &h80000000
    And eax, &h0fffffff
    mov [erg], eax
  End Asm

      mov eax,&h80000008
      mov [mnc], cl
      Shr ecx,12
      And ecx,15
      mov [tmp],ecx
    End Asm
    If tmp=0 Then
      cores=(1 shl tmp)

    Return cores
End Function

Function _GetCoreCountIntel () As Byte
    Dim As Integer erg
    Dim As UInteger tmp, tmp1, tmp2
    Dim As Byte HTT

        mov eax, 1
        mov [tmp], edx
    End Asm

    If tmp And &h10000000 Then HTT = 1 'Bit 28???
    tmp = 0 ' don't forgot...

        mov eax, 0
        mov [erg], eax
    End Asm

        mov eax, 1
        mov [tmp], ecx
        Shr ebx, 16
        And ebx, &h0ff
        mov [tmp2], ebx '=CPUID(1).EBX[23:16] LogicalProcessorCount
    End Asm

    If tmp2 > 1 Then 'IF (CPUID(1).EBX[23:16] > 1)
        If HTT = 1 Then
            If erg >= 4 Then 'CPUID(0).EAX >= 4
                    mov eax, 4
                    mov ecx, 0
                    Shr eax, 26
                    And eax, &h3F
                    Inc eax
                    mov [tmp], eax '(EAX[31:26] + 1) corcount
                End Asm
                If tmp2\tmp < 2 Then HTT = 0
            Return Cast(Byte, tmp2)
    Return 1
End Function

Function readVendorName () As String
    Dim _e As UInteger
    Dim vendor As String * 12

        mov eax, 0
        mov [_e], eax
        mov [vendor], ebx 'vendor String 12 Byte
        mov [vendor+4], edx
        mov [vendor+8], ecx
    End Asm

    Return vendor
End Function

Function readBrandString () As String
   Dim Brand As String * 48

      mov eax, &H80000002 'Brand String 48Byte
      cmp eax, 0
      jz no_brand
      mov [Brand], eax
      mov [Brand+4], ebx
      mov [Brand+8], ecx
      mov [Brand+12], edx

      mov eax, &H80000003
      mov [Brand+16], eax
      mov [Brand+20], ebx
      mov [Brand+24], ecx
      mov [Brand+28], edx

      mov eax, &H80000004
      mov [Brand+32], eax
      mov [Brand+36], ebx
      mov [Brand+40], ecx
      mov [Brand+44], edx

   End Asm
      Return Brand
End Function

Function getStepping () As Byte
    Dim As Byte Stepping

        mov eax, 1
        mov ebx, eax
        and eax, &h0F
        mov [Stepping], al '0-3 Stepping
    End Asm

    Return Stepping
End Function

Function getModel () As Byte
    Dim As Byte Model

        mov eax, 1
        mov eax,ebx
        shr eax, 4
        and eax, &h0F
        mov [Model], al '4-7 Model
    End Asm

    Return Model
End Function

Function getFamily () As Byte
    Dim As Byte Family

        mov eax, 1
        mov eax,ebx
        shr eax, 8
        and eax, &h0F
        mov [Family], al '8-11 Family
    End Asm

    Return Family
End Function

    Function Replace (Byval StrEx as String, _
                         Byval StrMask as String, _
                         Byval StrRplce as String) as String

        If Len(StrEx)=0 or Len(StrMask)>Len(StrEx) Then Return StrEx

        Dim Buffer as String=StrEx
        Dim MaskSearch as UInteger
        Dim MFound as byte
        Dim lp as UInteger=1


            If MaskSearch Then

                Buffer=Left(Buffer,MaskSearch-1)+ _
                StrRplce+ _

            End If

        Loop while MFound=1

        Return Buffer
    End Function

#Define YesToSPR(t) *IIf(t = "Yes", @"supported", @"not supported")

Sub CollectInfoExtra()
    With CPUInf
        If has_CPUID () = 1 Then
            Select Case readVendorName()
                Case "GenuineIntel": .sVendor = "Intel"
                Case "UMC UMC UMC ": .sVendor = "UMC"
                Case "AuthenticAMD": .sVendor = "AMD"
                Case "CyrixInstead": .sVendor = "Cyrix"
                Case "NexGenDriven": .sVendor = "NexGen"
                Case "CentaurHauls": .sVendor = "Centaur"
                Case "RiseRiseRise": .sVendor = "Rise Technology"
                Case "SiS SiS SiS ": .sVendor = "SiS"
                Case "GenuineTMx86": .sVendor = "Transmeta"
                Case "Geode by NSC": .sVendor = "National Semiconductor"
            End Select

            If is_x64 () Then
                .sArch = "AMD64"
                .sArch = GetArch()
            If is_AMD () Then
                Dim As Byte _3dnow, _3dnowex, _mmxex, _sse4a, _sse5
                    mov eax,&h80000001

                    test edx, &h400000
                    jz no_mmxex
                    mov Byte Ptr [_mmxex], 1

                    test edx, &h80000000
                    jz no_3dnow
                    mov Byte Ptr [_3dnow], 1

                    test edx, &h40000000
                    jz no_3dnowex
                    mov Byte Ptr [_3dnowex], 1

                    Test ecx, &h40
                    jz no_sse4a
                    mov Byte Ptr [_sse4a], 1

                    Test ecx, &h800
                    jz no_sse5
                    mov Byte Ptr [_sse5], 1

                End Asm

                .sh3DNow = *IIf(_3dnow, @"Yes", @"No")
                .sh3DNowEx = *IIf(_3dnowex, @"Yes", @"No")
                .shMMXEx = *IIf(_mmxex, @"Yes", @"No")

                .shSSE4a = *IIf(_sse4a, @"Yes", @"No")
                .shSSE5 = *IIf(_sse5, @"Yes", @"No")

                .sNumCores = Str(_GetCoreCountAMD())
            Else ' Intel
                Dim As Byte _sse3, _ssse3, _sse41, _sse42, _vmx
                    mov eax, 1

                    Test ecx, 1
                    jz no_sse3
                    mov Byte Ptr [_sse3], 1

                    Test ecx, &h200
                    jz no_ssse3
                    mov Byte Ptr [_ssse3], 1

                    Test ecx, &h20
                    jz no_vmx
                    mov Byte Ptr [_vmx], 1

                    Test ecx, &h80000
                    jz no_sse41
                    mov Byte Ptr [_sse41], 1

                    Test ecx, &h100000
                    jz no_sse42
                    mov Byte Ptr [_sse42], 1

                End Asm

                .shSSE3 = *IIf(_sse3, @"Yes", @"No")
                .shSSSE3 = *IIf(_ssse3, @"Yes", @"No")
                .shVMX = *IIf(_vmx, @"Yes", @"No")
                .shSSE41 = *IIf(_sse41, @"Yes", @"No")
                .shSSE42 = *IIf(_sse42, @"Yes", @"No")

                .sNumCores = Str(_GetCoreCountIntel())

            .sBrand = readBrandString()

            .sSpeed = "~" & Str(GetCPUClock()) & " Mhz"

            .sFamily = Str(getFamily())
            .sModel = Str(getModel())
            .sStepping = Str(getStepping())

            .shMMX = *IIf(has_MMX(), @"Yes", @"No")
            .shSSE = *IIf(has_SSE(), @"Yes", @"No")
            .shSSE2 = *IIf(has_SSE2(), @"Yes", @"No")
    End With

    #Ifdef __FB_WIN32__
        Dim hDC As HDC=GetDC(0)
        Const BITSPIXEL = 12
        Const PLANES = 14

        With ResInf
            .ubBPP=GetDeviceCaps(hDC, BITSPIXEL) * GetDeviceCaps(hDC, PLANES)
            Select Case .ubBPP
                Case 1: .sBPP="monochrome"
                Case 4: .sBPP="4 colors"
                Case 8: .sBPP="256 colors"
                Case Else: .sBPP=Str(.ubBPP) & " BPP"
            End Select
            .sRes=GetDeviceCaps(hDC, HORZRES) & "x" & GetDeviceCaps(hDC, VERTRES)
        End With

        ReleaseDC(0, hDC)
End Sub

Sub CollectInfo()

    #Ifdef __FB_WIN32__

        Dim p_MemInf As MEMORYSTATUSEX

        With MemInf
            .Phys_Used=.PhysTotal - .PhysAvail
            .Swap_Used=.SwapTotal - .SwapAvail
        End With

        With AlgInf
            '.Runtime = Format(((GetTickCount/1000)/60)/60, "h") & " hours"
            .Runtime = Fix(((GetTickCount/1000)/60)/60) & " hours"
            '.Runtime = Fix(((Timer)/60)/60) & " hours"
        End With
        Dim SI As sysinfo

        With MemInf
            .Phys_Used=.PhysTotal - .PhysAvail
            .Swap_Used=.SwapTotal - .SwapAvail
        End With

        With AlgInf
            If Timer < 120 Then
                .Runtime = Format(SI.uptime, "s") & " sec."
                .Runtime = Format((SI.uptime/60)/60, "h") & " hours"
        End With
End Sub

Sub CreateHTMLReport ()
    Dim As String _HRP
    _HRP = *_HRPBegin
    Dim As String HRP
    HRP = _HRP

    With MemInf
        HRP = Replace(HRP, "[TOTALRAM]", Str(.PhysTotal) & " MB")
        HRP = Replace(HRP, "[FREERAM]", Str(.PhysAvail) & " MB")
        HRP = Replace(HRP, "[USEDRAM]", Str(.Phys_Used) & " MB")
        HRP = Replace(HRP, "[SHAREDRAM]", Str(.PhyShared) & " MB")
        HRP = Replace(HRP, "[BUFFEREDRAM]", Str(.PhyBuffer) & " MB")
        HRP = Replace(HRP, "[TOTALSWAP]", Str(.SwapTotal) & " MB")
        HRP = Replace(HRP, "[FREESWAP]", Str(.SwapAvail) & " MB")
        HRP = Replace(HRP, "[USEDSWAP]", Str(.Swap_Used) & " MB")
    End With

    With CPUInf
        HRP = Replace(HRP, "[CPU_BRAND]", .sBrand)
        HRP = Replace(HRP, "[CPU_VENDOR]", .sVendor)
        HRP = Replace(HRP, "[CPU_ARCH]", .sArch)
        HRP = Replace(HRP, "[CPU_SPEED]", .sSpeed)
        HRP = Replace(HRP, "[CPU_CORES]", .sNumCores)
        HRP = Replace(HRP, "[CPU_FAMILY]", .sFamily)
        HRP = Replace(HRP, "[CPU_MODEL]", .sModel)
        HRP = Replace(HRP, "[CPU_STEPPING]", .sStepping)
        HRP = Replace(HRP, "[HAS_3DNOW]", YesToSPR(.sh3DNow))
        HRP = Replace(HRP, "[HAS_3DNOWEX]", YesToSPR(.sh3DNowEx))
        HRP = Replace(HRP, "[HAS_MMX]", YesToSPR(.shMMX))
        HRP = Replace(HRP, "[HAS_MMXEX]", YesToSPR(.shMMXEx))
        HRP = Replace(HRP, "[HAS_SSE]", YesToSPR(.shSSE))
        HRP = Replace(HRP, "[HAS_SSE2]", YesToSPR(.shSSE2))
        HRP = Replace(HRP, "[HAS_SSE3]", YesToSPR(.shSSE3))
        HRP = Replace(HRP, "[HAS_SSSE3]", YesToSPR(.shSSSE3))
        HRP = Replace(HRP, "[HAS_SSE41]", YesToSPR(.shSSE41))
        HRP = Replace(HRP, "[HAS_SSE42]", YesToSPR(.shSSE42))
        HRP = Replace(HRP, "[HAS_SSE4a]", YesToSPR(.shSSE4a))
        HRP = Replace(HRP, "[HAS_SSE5]", YesToSPR(.shSSE5))
        HRP = Replace(HRP, "[HAS_VMX]", YesToSPR(.shVMX))
    End With

    HRP = Replace(HRP, "[OS_NAME]", AlgInf.Sys)
    HRP = Replace(HRP, "[DISP_RES]", ResInf.sRes)
    HRP = Replace(HRP, "[DISP_BPP]", ResInf.sBPP)

    Dim As FILE Ptr rep
    rep = fopen(StrPtr("fbSysMon.html"), StrPtr("w"))
    'fwrite(@HRP, Len(HRP), 1, rep)
    HRP = Left(HRP, Len(HRP)-5)
    fputs(StrPtr(HRP), rep)
End Sub

Sub Rahmen(x As Integer, y As Integer, x2 As Integer, y2 As Integer)
    Line(x,y)-(x2-2,y2-2), Grey150, B
    Line(x+1,y+1)-(x2-1,y2-1), White, B
    Line(x+2,y+2)-(x2,y2), Grey100, B
End Sub

Sub Header(x As Integer, y As Integer, t As String)
    Line(x-1,y-1)-(x+(Len(t)*8),y+16), Black, BF
    Draw String(x+1,y+1),t,Grey150
    Draw String(x,y),t,White
End Sub

Sub Feld(x As Integer, y As Integer, r As Integer, t As String)
    Draw String(x,y+16*r),t,Font_Color
End Sub

Sub Button(x As Integer, y As Integer, t As String)
    Draw String(x+1,y+1),t,Grey150
    Draw String(x,y),t,White
End Sub

Sub DrawInfo()
    Line(XVal,190)-(285,320), &h000000, BF
    With MemInf
        Feld(XVal,190, 0, Str(.PhysTotal) & " MB")
        Feld(XVal,190, 1, Str(.PhysAvail) & " MB")
        Feld(XVal,190, 2, Str(.Phys_Used) & " MB")
        Feld(XVal,190, 3, Str(.PhyShared) & " MB")
        Feld(XVal,190, 4, Str(.PhyBuffer) & " MB")
        Feld(XVal,190, 5, Str(.SwapTotal) & " MB")
        Feld(XVal,190, 6, Str(.SwapAvail) & " MB")
        Feld(XVal,190, 7, Str(.Swap_Used) & " MB")
    End With

    Line(XVal,355)-(285,415), &h000000, BF
    With AlgInf
        Feld(XVal,355, 0, Cast(Integer, .CPU) & " %")
        Feld(XVal,355, 1, .Sys)
        Feld(XVal,355, 2, .Runtime)
    End With

    Line(XVal2,190)-(275+XDiff,260), &h000000, BF
    With ResInf
        Feld(XVal2,190, 0, .sBPP)
        Feld(XVal2,190, 1, .sRes)
    End With

    Line(XVal2,295)-(590,415), &h000000, BF
    With CPUInf
        Feld(XVal2,300, 0, .sVendor)
        Feld(XVal2,300, 1, .sArch)
        Feld(XVal2,300, 2, .sSpeed)
        Feld(XVal2,300, 3, .sNumCores)
        Feld(XVal2,300, 4, .shMMX)
        Feld(XVal2,300, 5, .shSSE)
        Feld(XVal2,300, 6, .shSSE2)
    End With
End Sub

Screen 18, 32, , &h08

For n As Integer = 0 To (48*4)-1 Step 4
    Line(logo(n)+116, logo(n+1)+30)-(logo(n+2)+116, logo(n+3)+30), &hFFFFFF, BF

Draw String(376, 122), "(c) 28398 Laboratories"
Draw String(376, 138), "http://28398.ath.cx/"

Line(0,0)-(637,477), Grey150, B
Line(1,1)-(638,478), White, B
Line(2,2)-(639,479), Grey100, B

Line(3,3)-(636,20), Title_Active, BF

Draw String(6,4), "fbSysMon", Title_Active_Font

Dim As Any Ptr CloseButton=ImageCreate(16,16, &h000000)
Line CloseButton, (0,0)-(15,15), White, B
Line CloseButton, (4,4)-(12,12), White
Line CloseButton, (4,12)-(12,4), White
Put(619, 4), CloseButton, PSet

    Feld(XField ,190, 0, "total RAM    :")
    Feld(XField ,190, 1, "free RAM     :")
    Feld(XField ,190, 2, "used RAM     :")
    Feld(XField ,190, 3, "shared RAM   :")
    Feld(XField ,190, 4, "buffered RAM :")
    Feld(XField ,190, 5, "total swap   :")
    Feld(XField ,190, 6, "free swap    :")
    Feld(XField ,190, 7, "used swap    :")

    Feld(XField ,355, 0, "CPU load     :")
    Feld(XField ,355, 1, "OS           :")
    Feld(XField ,355, 2, "uptime       :")

    Feld(XField2,190, 0, "Color depth  :")
    Feld(XField2,190, 1, "Resolution   :")

    Feld(XField2,300, 0, "Vendor       :")
    Feld(XField2,300, 1, "Architecture :")
    Feld(XField2,300, 2, "Speed        :")
    Feld(XField2,300, 3, "Cores        :")
    Feld(XField2,300, 4, "Has MMX      :")
    Feld(XField2,300, 5, "Has SSE      :")
    Feld(XField2,300, 6, "Has SSE2     :")

Button(41,436,"Create HTML report")

Dim As Integer x, y, b
Dim As Double ftimer=Timer

CollectInfoExtra() ' things, which we must get only one time...

    Sleep 50
    GetMouse(x, y, 0, b)

    If (x>=619 And x<=635 And y>=4 And y<=20 And Bit(b, 0)) _
        Or MultiKey(&h01) Then End

    If (x>=37 And x<=189 And y>=432 And y<=454 And Bit(b, 0)) Then CreateHTMLReport()

    If MultiKey(63) Then
        Line(132,132)-(132+8*Len("updating..."), 132+16), Black, BF

    If ftimer + 2 < Timer Then